
Creative Corner

Share your own art and stories, or ask for critique.
TOPIC | Your dragons. Give them to me. [Open]
May Update: I'm slowly making my way through the recent requests that I got. I got super distracted with working on my webcomic project and my brain wouldn't shut up about an idea.

Should be getting the next ones done either this week or next.
May Update: I'm slowly making my way through the recent requests that I got. I got super distracted with working on my webcomic project and my brain wouldn't shut up about an idea.

Should be getting the next ones done either this week or next.
Ooooh, you’re amazing! I have a few here that don’t have art yet, but if any lore permas (aka not hibden, not Outgoing tab dragons) catch your eye dont be afraid to draw one of them instead! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url]
Ooooh, you’re amazing! I have a few here that don’t have art yet, but if any lore permas (aka not hibden, not Outgoing tab dragons) catch your eye dont be afraid to draw one of them instead!

You can call me Ene or Een!
I’m subbed to all threads I make, but please ping me in external threads!

[quote name="PRShelb" date="2024-05-20 07:31:40" ] @Nightmeme9000 [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url] [/quote] I love it tysm
PRShelb wrote on 2024-05-20 07:31:40:
I love it tysm
I have the biggest collection of Maize Jester dragons on site, I'm always looking for dragons with these two genes! Dm if you have them! I also have a friend called Apepsis who's looking for Obsidian Starmap/Obsidian Constellation/ALL Opal, please contact them mostly, DM me if they can't take them in or are busy
Fast May Update: Been real quiet lately and that's mostly cause 1)My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up right now and so I've been sleeping a lot lately since it's summer break and 2)We had a freak storm come through yesterday morning that was said to be the equivalent of a category one hurricane.

I'm getting the last of the requests done today! You all may notice some slight differences in these last ones and that's mostly cause I'm drawing on my Wacom One tablet and not my Samsung tablet. They're gonna be colored sketches since it is the end of the month, but I'm gonna make them look good anyway!

Edit: So, my wacom has decided to delay me from drawing by doing a driver update and uncalibrating itself-

Gonna put the thread on pause so I can get these done and I'll reopen it once I get them posted.
Fast May Update: Been real quiet lately and that's mostly cause 1)My sleep schedule is all kinds of messed up right now and so I've been sleeping a lot lately since it's summer break and 2)We had a freak storm come through yesterday morning that was said to be the equivalent of a category one hurricane.

I'm getting the last of the requests done today! You all may notice some slight differences in these last ones and that's mostly cause I'm drawing on my Wacom One tablet and not my Samsung tablet. They're gonna be colored sketches since it is the end of the month, but I'm gonna make them look good anyway!

Edit: So, my wacom has decided to delay me from drawing by doing a driver update and uncalibrating itself-

Gonna put the thread on pause so I can get these done and I'll reopen it once I get them posted.
@PhantomClawMews [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url]


Link to full pic
@Buio [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url]


Link to full pic
[quote name="PRShelb" date="2024-05-29 18:58:51" ] @Buio [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url] [/quote] Ahhh I love it so much thank you!
PRShelb wrote on 2024-05-29 18:58:51:

Ahhh I love it so much thank you!
dlJsEIj.png 2MFinXj.png
@Eenyay [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url]


Link to full pic
@serizawakatsuya [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url]


Link to full pic
[quote name="PRShelb" date="2024-05-29 17:43:01" ] @PhantomClawMews [img][/img] [url=]Link to full pic[/url] [/quote] Ooh I love this!!
PRShelb wrote on 2024-05-29 17:43:01:

Ooh I love this!!