
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Amfira's Bio Templates [NEW]
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[center][b][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Amfira's Bio Templates! :)[/size][/font][/b][/center][/color] [quote=Amfira]Hey there! I made a new thread for this so i can put a bit more of a system in here.[/quote] [quote=Disclaimer!][size=4]I DO [color=darkred][b]NOT[/b][/color] OWN ANY OF THE USED GRAPHICS UNLESS ITS NOTED!!![/quote] [center][b][u][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Spotlight![/size][/font][/u][/b][/center][/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b][u]Rules[/u][/b] Welcome, welcome! ^^ I dont have many rules, but please let the credits under my templates! But all in one you can edit them how you like. ^^ [b][u]Do's and dont's on this thread[/u][/b][size=2]Do's aren't rules and you can decide if you wanna do these.[/size] [color=darkgreen][b]Do's:[/b][/color] -Post your dragon with link here, to show others what you created. -Post productive critics. -Use these bios on FR. -Help other's when theye need help or have questions. -Ask for being on the Pinglist. [color=darkred][b]Dont's:[/b][/color] -Remove the Credits under my Templates! [b][u]My Resource/s:[/u][/b] [url=]Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive[/url] [url=]Welcome Abord The Windbloom![/url] [center][img][/img][/center]
Amfira's Bio Templates! :)

Amfira wrote:
Hey there!
I made a new thread for this so i can put a bit more of a system in here.
Disclaimer! wrote:



Welcome, welcome! ^^
I dont have many rules, but please let the credits under my templates! But all in one you can edit them how you like. ^^

Do's and dont's on this threadDo's aren't rules and you can decide if you wanna do these.

-Post your dragon with link here, to show others what you created.
-Post productive critics.
-Use these bios on FR.
-Help other's when theye need help or have questions.
-Ask for being on the Pinglist.

-Remove the Credits under my Templates!

My Resource/s:
Dragon Bio Resources: Comprehensive
Welcome Abord The Windbloom!


> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
[center][b][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Pinglist[/size][/font][/b][/center][/color] @naranciag @Klappesel @Ahsedovah [center][img][/img][/center]

@naranciag @Klappesel @Ahsedovah


> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
[center][b][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Previews + Codes[/size][/font][/b][/center][/color] [center][b]-Elemental-[/b][/center] [b]-Small Light-[/b] You can see it in use [url=]here[/url]! [b]-Small Lightning-[/b] You can see it in use [url=]here[/url]! [b]-Small Light-[/b] [code][columns][center] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b][font=Papyrus][size=7][color=#b7881f]NAME[/color][/size][/font][/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][left] -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]ROLE:[/font][/color] role -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]NICKNAME:[/font][/color] nickname -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]LIKES:[/font][/color] likes, likes, likes -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]DISLIKES:[/font][/color] dislikes, dislikes, dislikes ----- [/left] [center][img][/img][/center] Text goes here i guess lol text text text text text text text text blablablaahhhhh blahh blah blablabla when is this damn thing finally filled so this is fitting astheatically? Holy damn. I guess you have to read more of my silly stuff even though you shouldn't because its only stealing your time. Oh, look i had the idea to hit enter twice im so proud of me. By the way this is my first ever template so it isn't as good as others templates. You can also edit it to make it look good for your own desires. Goddamn my fingers hurt from the typing right now... Really now?! Still not filled?! And you still read my brabling? Oh well... Hey! Its nearly filled! hahahaaa! I have beaten the text box! Iam nearly there, just a little more! Hah! I've won! Who said [i]this[/i] would be cheating? Anyways, i won! [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol][right][img][/img][/right] [right][size=2]Original Template made by [url=]Amfira[/url].[/right][/size][/code] [b]-Small Lightning-[/b] [code][center][img][/img] [size=7][size=3][color=#49CADE]N[/color][color=silver]AME[/size][/size][/color] [img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [size=5][color=#49CADE]T[/color][color=silver]RAITS[/color][/size] --------- •Trait •Trait •Trait •Trait •Trait --------- [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][color=#49CADE]T[/color][color=silver]EXT[/color][/size] Please keep the Traits short. If the words get to long your info box will get squished to the right. And that brakes the clean look. I still have much to learn so i try to make the elemental templates look special and different. But as soon as i know how everything works i will try to get my grabby hands on different styles! Also i will add a thread with the font codes to my thread so you can look for your own if you dont like my pre-coded examples. :) [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] If you need more text boxes you can also just add as many as you need. Just remember that i want to set some references for myself too. Feel free to create your own stuffs and edit my templates. Now i will just start to brabble some stuff again because of the filling thing. God how much i love the "fill the text box game"... So... yeah... this picture border here was an idea, if you dont like it, just copy the two text holders and put them here. Ugh, i bet you can "hear" my motivation in filling in this Box. Pretty nice huh?---------- [center][size=5][color=#49CADE]H[/color][color=silver]OARD[/color][/size][/center] [center][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel] [Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][/center] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right][/code] [b]- Big Plague -[/b] You can see it in use [url=]Here[/url]! [b]- Big Plague -[/b] [code][center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][color=#632525]NAME[/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [center] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][font=century gothic][color=#632525]PERSONALITY[/size][/font][/color][font=century gothic][color=#486d41] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque in neque justo. Phasellus ut lorem eget tellus fermentum venenatis quis vitae quam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tincidunt at purus nec pharetra. Sed nulla lorem, convallis nec tincidunt non, blandit facilisis ligula. Aenean cursus nisi sed consequat feugiat. Ut et orci volutpat elit maximus vehicula quis tincidunt leo.[/font][/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [size=4][font=century gothic][color=#632525]TITLE[/size][/font][/color][font=century gothic][color=#486d41] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies bibendum tellus at placerat. Suspendisse placerat consectetur ornare. Sed suscipit sem nec urna interdum, vestibulum vehicula lacus pulvinar. Duis eget commodo ipsum. Vivamus facilisis finibus dolor, a accumsan nibh condimentum quis. Vestibulum maximus, elit sed interdum tincidunt, nisi libero sceleris[/code] [center][b]- Others -[/b][/center] [b]-The Merchant's words-[/b] You can see it in use [url=]here[/url]! [center][img][/img][/center] [b]-The Merchant's words-[/b] [code][center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=5]NAME| GENDER[/size][/color][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=4]A little neat quote, lyric or poem here. :)[/size][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=darkgreen][size=4][b][u]Title[/u][/b][/size][/color] [size=3]If you want you can add the age of the dragon next to the name and Gender (optional)! As soon as i found a way to get the placeholder text i will use it. Im just way to lazy to fill these text Boxes up all the time. But i enjoy making other people happy with my templates so i dont care that much and even enjoy making my fingers hurt by typing seemingly thousands and thousands of words. I based this one on the clients element this time since i didn't really have an idea how to bring up a good merchant like theme. Since a merchant is someone who (i believe) does trades and some kind of contracts i thought it would be good for one to have books where theye can put in diferent informations like what theye recently tradet, maybe what kind of contract theye took with one of the clients... Maybe there even is a small list in it about items theye might need... I just realized that i forgot about the traits soooo... You can add them over the Quote/Lyrics/Poem or you can replace it with these.If you wish. [/size] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [columns] [img][/img][nextcol][color=darkgreen][u][b][size=4]Title[/size][/b][/u][/color] Add a bit of spice with a text heavy part about the lore or story of the dragon! No Picture or detail here! Or at least nothing big! If you don't like the little berb, because it is maybe kinda distracting for you, you can also take it away. Put as much text in here as you need because this part is actually originally planned to hold a big part of the storys, maybe even personality! :) Dont hold back! Make this text Giant! But remember the little pauses.[/columns] Boop, a pause lol. I don't know how to call this things so pause has to do im sorry. Anyways im kinda to lazy to fill in more on my own so i will just search a placeholder text now and insert it, to make the text bigger lol. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][b][u][size=5]For sale![/size][/b][/u][/color] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right][/code] [b]- Afterglow -[/b] [url=]Jump to the Code![/url] [b]- The Temples List -[/b] [url=]Jump to the Code![/url] [b]- Solaro -[/b] [url=]Jump to the Code![/url] [b]- The Clans Infos -[/b] [url=]Jump to the Code![/url] [center][img][/img]
Previews + Codes

-Small Light-

You can see it in use here!

-Small Lightning-

You can see it in use here!

-Small Light-
[columns][center] [img][/img] [nextcol] [b][font=Papyrus][size=7][color=#b7881f]NAME[/color][/size][/font][/b] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [img][/img][/columns][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [nextcol][left] -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]ROLE:[/font][/color] role -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]NICKNAME:[/font][/color] nickname -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]LIKES:[/font][/color] likes, likes, likes -----[font=papyrus][color=#b7881f]DISLIKES:[/font][/color] dislikes, dislikes, dislikes ----- [/left] [center][img][/img][/center] Text goes here i guess lol text text text text text text text text blablablaahhhhh blahh blah blablabla when is this damn thing finally filled so this is fitting astheatically? Holy damn. I guess you have to read more of my silly stuff even though you shouldn't because its only stealing your time. Oh, look i had the idea to hit enter twice im so proud of me. By the way this is my first ever template so it isn't as good as others templates. You can also edit it to make it look good for your own desires. Goddamn my fingers hurt from the typing right now... Really now?! Still not filled?! And you still read my brabling? Oh well... Hey! Its nearly filled! hahahaaa! I have beaten the text box! Iam nearly there, just a little more! Hah! I've won! Who said [i]this[/i] would be cheating? Anyways, i won! [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol][right][img][/img][/right] [right][size=2]Original Template made by [url=]Amfira[/url].[/right][/size]

-Small Lightning-
[center][img][/img] [size=7][size=3][color=#49CADE]N[/color][color=silver]AME[/size][/size][/color] [img][/img][/center] [columns] [img][/img] [size=5][color=#49CADE]T[/color][color=silver]RAITS[/color][/size] --------- •Trait •Trait •Trait •Trait •Trait --------- [nextcol] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=5][color=#49CADE]T[/color][color=silver]EXT[/color][/size] Please keep the Traits short. If the words get to long your info box will get squished to the right. And that brakes the clean look. I still have much to learn so i try to make the elemental templates look special and different. But as soon as i know how everything works i will try to get my grabby hands on different styles! Also i will add a thread with the font codes to my thread so you can look for your own if you dont like my pre-coded examples. :) [nextcol] [img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [nextcol] If you need more text boxes you can also just add as many as you need. Just remember that i want to set some references for myself too. Feel free to create your own stuffs and edit my templates. Now i will just start to brabble some stuff again because of the filling thing. God how much i love the "fill the text box game"... So... yeah... this picture border here was an idea, if you dont like it, just copy the two text holders and put them here. Ugh, i bet you can "hear" my motivation in filling in this Box. Pretty nice huh?---------- [center][size=5][color=#49CADE]H[/color][color=silver]OARD[/color][/size][/center] [center][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel] [Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][Item=Gravel][/center] [nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right]

- Big Plague -

You can see it in use Here!

- Big Plague -
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=6][font=century gothic][color=#632525]NAME[/size][/font][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [center] [img][/img] [nextcol] [size=4][font=century gothic][color=#632525]PERSONALITY[/size][/font][/color][font=century gothic][color=#486d41] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque in neque justo. Phasellus ut lorem eget tellus fermentum venenatis quis vitae quam. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean tincidunt at purus nec pharetra. Sed nulla lorem, convallis nec tincidunt non, blandit facilisis ligula. Aenean cursus nisi sed consequat feugiat. Ut et orci volutpat elit maximus vehicula quis tincidunt leo.[/font][/color] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [size=4][font=century gothic][color=#632525]TITLE[/size][/font][/color][font=century gothic][color=#486d41] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ultricies bibendum tellus at placerat. Suspendisse placerat consectetur ornare. Sed suscipit sem nec urna interdum, vestibulum vehicula lacus pulvinar. Duis eget commodo ipsum. Vivamus facilisis finibus dolor, a accumsan nibh condimentum quis. Vestibulum maximus, elit sed interdum tincidunt, nisi libero sceleris
- Others -

-The Merchant's words-

You can see it in use here!

-The Merchant's words-
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=5]NAME| GENDER[/size][/color][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=4]A little neat quote, lyric or poem here. :)[/size][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=darkgreen][size=4][b][u]Title[/u][/b][/size][/color] [size=3]If you want you can add the age of the dragon next to the name and Gender (optional)! As soon as i found a way to get the placeholder text i will use it. Im just way to lazy to fill these text Boxes up all the time. But i enjoy making other people happy with my templates so i dont care that much and even enjoy making my fingers hurt by typing seemingly thousands and thousands of words. I based this one on the clients element this time since i didn't really have an idea how to bring up a good merchant like theme. Since a merchant is someone who (i believe) does trades and some kind of contracts i thought it would be good for one to have books where theye can put in diferent informations like what theye recently tradet, maybe what kind of contract theye took with one of the clients... Maybe there even is a small list in it about items theye might need... I just realized that i forgot about the traits soooo... You can add them over the Quote/Lyrics/Poem or you can replace it with these.If you wish. [/size] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [columns] [img][/img][nextcol][color=darkgreen][u][b][size=4]Title[/size][/b][/u][/color] Add a bit of spice with a text heavy part about the lore or story of the dragon! No Picture or detail here! Or at least nothing big! If you don't like the little berb, because it is maybe kinda distracting for you, you can also take it away. Put as much text in here as you need because this part is actually originally planned to hold a big part of the storys, maybe even personality! :) Dont hold back! Make this text Giant! But remember the little pauses.[/columns] Boop, a pause lol. I don't know how to call this things so pause has to do im sorry. Anyways im kinda to lazy to fill in more on my own so i will just search a placeholder text now and insert it, to make the text bigger lol. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][b][u][size=5]For sale![/size][/b][/u][/color] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right]

- Afterglow -
Jump to the Code!

- The Temples List -
Jump to the Code!

- Solaro -
Jump to the Code!

- The Clans Infos -
Jump to the Code!


> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
[center][b][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Extras[/size][/font][/b][/center][/color] [quote=Info!]I do accept ideas! So if you have an idea what i could do next, just tell me! For customs i would appreciate something from my wishlist or at least a small tip. [/quote] [quote=Payement]No Payment![/quote] [quote=Comission/Wish-form]Name:..............(User+Dragonname- and link) Based of:..............(coli/Familiar/Dragon/etc...) I Pay:..............(item from wishlist/T/G/PWYW) Type:..............(simple/Small/Medium/Big)[/quote] [center][b][font=Papyrus][color=#b7881f][size=7]Assets made by me[/size][/font][/b][/center][/color] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [center][img][/img][/center]

Info! wrote:
I do accept ideas! So if you have an idea what i could do next, just tell me!
For customs i would appreciate something from my wishlist or at least a small tip.
Payement wrote:
No Payment!
Comission/Wish-form wrote:
Name:..............(User+Dragonname- and link)
Based of:..............(coli/Familiar/Dragon/etc...)
I Pay:..............(item from wishlist/T/G/PWYW)
Assets made by me



> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
[size=2]@naranciag @TigerFestival[/size] -------- [b]So are you guys ready for a fresh one? Its for sale, just for you! :)[/b] [center][b]-The Merchant's words-[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [code][center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=5]NAME| GENDER[/size][/color][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=4]A little neat quote, lyric or poem here. :)[/size][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=darkgreen][size=4][b][u]Title[/u][/b][/size][/color] [size=3]If you want you can add the age of the dragon next to the name and Gender (optional)! As soon as i found a way to get the placeholder text i will use it. Im just way to lazy to fill these text Boxes up all the time. But i enjoy making other people happy with my templates so i dont care that much and even enjoy making my fingers hurt by typing seemingly thousands and thousands of words. I based this one on the clients element this time since i didn't really have an idea how to bring up a good merchant like theme. Since a merchant is someone who (i believe) does trades and some kind of contracts i thought it would be good for one to have books where theye can put in diferent informations like what theye recently tradet, maybe what kind of contract theye took with one of the clients... Maybe there even is a small list in it about items theye might need... I just realized that i forgot about the traits soooo... You can add them over the Quote/Lyrics/Poem or you can replace it with these.If you wish. [/size] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [columns] [img][/img][nextcol][color=darkgreen][u][b][size=4]Title[/size][/b][/u][/color] Add a bit of spice with a text heavy part about the lore or story of the dragon! No Picture or detail here! Or at least nothing big! If you don't like the little berb, because it is maybe kinda distracting for you, you can also take it away. Put as much text in here as you need because this part is actually originally planned to hold a big part of the storys, maybe even personality! :) Dont hold back! Make this text Giant! But remember the little pauses.[/columns] Boop, a pause lol. I don't know how to call this things so pause has to do im sorry. Anyways im kinda to lazy to fill in more on my own so i will just search a placeholder text now and insert it, to make the text bigger lol. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][b][u][size=5]For sale![/size][/b][/u][/color] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right][/code] [center][img][/img][/center]

So are you guys ready for a fresh one? Its for sale, just for you! :)
-The Merchant's words-
[center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=5]NAME| GENDER[/size][/color][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][size=4]A little neat quote, lyric or poem here. :)[/size][/color][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [color=darkgreen][size=4][b][u]Title[/u][/b][/size][/color] [size=3]If you want you can add the age of the dragon next to the name and Gender (optional)! As soon as i found a way to get the placeholder text i will use it. Im just way to lazy to fill these text Boxes up all the time. But i enjoy making other people happy with my templates so i dont care that much and even enjoy making my fingers hurt by typing seemingly thousands and thousands of words. I based this one on the clients element this time since i didn't really have an idea how to bring up a good merchant like theme. Since a merchant is someone who (i believe) does trades and some kind of contracts i thought it would be good for one to have books where theye can put in diferent informations like what theye recently tradet, maybe what kind of contract theye took with one of the clients... Maybe there even is a small list in it about items theye might need... I just realized that i forgot about the traits soooo... You can add them over the Quote/Lyrics/Poem or you can replace it with these.If you wish. [/size] [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [columns] [img][/img][nextcol][color=darkgreen][u][b][size=4]Title[/size][/b][/u][/color] Add a bit of spice with a text heavy part about the lore or story of the dragon! No Picture or detail here! Or at least nothing big! If you don't like the little berb, because it is maybe kinda distracting for you, you can also take it away. Put as much text in here as you need because this part is actually originally planned to hold a big part of the storys, maybe even personality! :) Dont hold back! Make this text Giant! But remember the little pauses.[/columns] Boop, a pause lol. I don't know how to call this things so pause has to do im sorry. Anyways im kinda to lazy to fill in more on my own so i will just search a placeholder text now and insert it, to make the text bigger lol. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi sed diam nulla. Ut et libero quis odio vestibulum pellentesque. Etiam aliquam felis quis ligula interdum volutpat. Cras venenatis sapien ac dui sodales volutpat. Curabitur a aliquam est, non fringilla elit. Duis sed urna orci. Suspendisse posuere nisl sit amet turpis pretium, ut dignissim diam semper. Vivamus nec nibh vel augue tincidunt viverra. Quisque vitae faucibus neque. Sed eu euismod lacus, ac varius augue. Morbi dapibus varius sapien, vel faucibus libero hendrerit sed. Nam condimentum ultricies dolor, eget tristique nulla suscipit non. Nam sed euismod eros. Phasellus feugiat, augue et blandit porttitor, purus leo fermentum sem, eu cursus quam augue a diam. Ut laoreet elementum odio a tempus. Sed in diam nisl. Sed posuere quam ac dignissim viverra. Suspendisse sed lacinia elit. Pellentesque erat sem, porttitor at purus eget, consequat varius felis. In lacus tortor, consequat nec vestibulum et, lacinia nec ligula. Nulla id dignissim nisi. Morbi et lacus eu mauris pretium lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; [center][img][/img][/center] [center][color=darkgreen][b][u][size=5]For sale![/size][/b][/u][/color] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt] [item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][item=salt][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [right][size=2]Original made by [url=]Amfira[/url][/size][/right]


> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.

Awww, thank you very much; it's so cute!! I really like the touch of adding a "for sale" section at the bottom, and the little berb is so pretty!

Do you know what payment you prefer? I can do treasure, or a mix of wishlist items, if you'd like!

Awww, thank you very much; it's so cute!! I really like the touch of adding a "for sale" section at the bottom, and the little berb is so pretty!

Do you know what payment you prefer? I can do treasure, or a mix of wishlist items, if you'd like!
d4A4NoC.png FKelvKN.png

Fan of both medieval and circus aesthetics.
@TigerFestival I am very glad you like it! ^^ And to be honest i would appreciate the Magician's Cloak the most right now. ^^' [item=Magician's Cloak]

I am very glad you like it! ^^ And to be honest i would appreciate the Magician's Cloak the most right now. ^^'
Magician's Cloak

> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.

Of course! I'll send it over in a moment!

Of course! I'll send it over in a moment!
d4A4NoC.png FKelvKN.png

Fan of both medieval and circus aesthetics.
@naranciag ----- [columns] [center][item=proto wings][item=scene: plaguebringer's domain] ----- [img][/img] [nextcol] [color=transparent]_______________________[/color][font=tahoma][size=7][color=#8B3A3A]INFO[/color][/size][/font][color=transparent]_______________[/color] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Hello Everyone! Are you enjoying Riot of Rot so far? Did you get some Skins, Accents or maybe even the scene, farmilia and apparels? Well guess what. Fitting to the festival for all the powerful plague-dragons, a very text heavy, simple but big template will appear this weekend! Let's all enjoy the RoR a bit more, untill we all get our claws on the Plague-y template! Stay healthy everyone! You never know in what mood the Plaguabringer is! Happy Riot of Rot everyone!!![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][item=Cinnabar Plaguebringer][item=plague's charm][/center] ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center]
Proto Wings Scene: Plaguebringer's Domain
Hello Everyone! Are you enjoying Riot of Rot so far? Did you get some Skins, Accents or maybe even the scene, farmilia and apparels? Well guess what. Fitting to the festival for all the powerful plague-dragons, a very text heavy, simple but big template will appear this weekend!
Let's all enjoy the RoR a bit more, untill we all get our claws on the Plague-y template! Stay healthy everyone! You never know in what mood the Plaguabringer is!
Happy Riot of Rot everyone!!!
Cinnabar Plaguebringer Plague's Charm


> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
@naranciag ----- Let us all spread the plague in hornor of the Plaguebringer! Here is my RoR gift to all of our lore-creators! You can find the code in my previews! ----- [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
Let us all spread the plague in hornor of the Plaguebringer! Here is my RoR gift to all of our lore-creators! You can find the code in my previews!

> This is Bob.
> Will you hug Bob?
> DM me to hug Bob.
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