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TOPIC | [LORE] Guardians of Madness
Hello hello! It's been a little bit since I've done some lore, but I figured I'd just write this out because I got the idea. Constructive criticism and feedback is welcome and appreciated, I'm always looking to improve! Without further ado, enjoy! [center]---===+++===--- Poor, poor Percival was sick and tired of this bad luck. [i]Of course I'M the one who falls through the ground during a tremor,[/i] the young Spiral thought bitterly as he plummeted. Hard as he tried, the air rushing past him took the wind straight from his wings, and he tried even harder to contort himself into a position where he could catch himself- But the unlucky drake was making no progress. The only thing he succeeded at was tying himself in knots and making himself fall faster. [i]This is all just fantastic! Best way to spend my-[/i] “OOF!” In a cloud of dust and dirt, Percival came crashing back into reality- Both literally and metaphorically. He'd never felt worse pain in his life, but miraculously, he was still alive. Cursing and trying to untie himself, he tried to move his left arm and it gave him a shooting pain. Relief turned to nervousness as he looked down in alarm at his oddly angled wrist. [i]That's not good…[/i] The wyrm thought, trying to move that side’s wing- He'd landed hard on his left side, and was trying every limb he had to see if they were also broken- Or if he couldn't move them at all. His entire right side was okay, but the wing and the arm on his left side…. [i]Great. First, I find out my arm broke, now I can't fly… Nyx is gonna have a conniption fit.[/i] But now the biggest problem of them all came to him. Not the medic’s disappointment, not the fact that he couldn't fly, but Percival had no idea where he was. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Groaning, the fledgeling tried his best to stand- His hind legs managed well enough, but his broken wing was dragging on the ground, and his left talons were completely useless. “Hello?” He spoke as he ambled deeper into the caverns, shadow consuming his vision. This area was obviously unexplored, only recently opened in that blasted tremor. “Anyone here…? Hellooooo?” Percy heard nothing back- Only his own voice echoing. [i]This place is huge,[/i] he mused. [i]Something's got to live in here.[/i] “Um…. If you're scared of me, I won't hurt you,” The drake tried, holding up his left talons to emphasize. “I fell really really far, and I'm really really hurt. I can't do much.” He felt pain jolting through the limb once again, and cursed under his breath, letting it fall limp once more. “I live in the clan above you. My name's Percival, but you can call me Percy.” [i][b] Percy….[/i][/b] The youngster jumped and yelped at the sudden voice, trying not to let his left arm land on the ground in his nervous leap. This voice was nothing he'd heard before. It was rumbling, ancient and dusty, echoing in the chamber and making his ears pin back and his tail lash. It felt like the shadows were closing in. “Wh- What- Who's there?!” [i][b]No need to fear. I cannot hurt you. I am crippled, just as you are.[/i][/b] The youngster felt his hackles rise and his skin crawl. Something else was here, something that, if living in the Starwood taught him anything, he shouldn't be around. [i]Oh, Arcanist, I really REALLY shouldn't be here.[/i] “Where are you? I can't see!” Indeed, the shadows were closing in around him- The grey-blue of the stone was fading to black, and his surroundings were becoming more and more unclear. “I can't see!” [i][b]Relax, child. I can only appear in darkness- After all, I am crippled.[/i][/b] Percival fought the urge to curl in on himself, calming the nervous lashing of his tail and puffing out his chest, trying to appear larger- Just as Serenity had taught him. “What do you mean!? Where are you?! Tell me now!” A dark, deep chuckle made his face heat up. [i]Am I really so pathetic?[/i] The wyrm tried to shake away the thought, but the echoes of the laughter sent shivers down his sore body. [i][b]In due time, child, in due time. No need for your impatience.[/i][/b] Poor Percy was having trouble staying brave. “Who are you?” He said in a much more hushed tone, swallowing his fear and desperation. [i][b]Once more, in due time. I will tell you everything you need to know.[/i][/b] Once more, that terrifying laugh. Flustered and disgruntled, he searched the dark around him for anything that would give away this mysterious cave-dweller. Icy blue scanned the supernatural darkness- -And met with blood red. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] He stifled a yelp beneath his mask as eyes- [i]So many[/i] red eyes- opened one by one in the dark around him. All of them were locked onto him, and the staring suddenly made him feel extremely self-conscious. Like his wings were much too small, despite being almost the size of his entire body, and his eyes were weird, and his ears were too big. He now wished he hadn't left his lanterns in his room today. Nevermind the lanterns, he wished he'd never fallen. [i][b]Though your impatience is frustrating, I am in a gracious mood. Percival, why have you come here?[/i][/b] “I… I didn't get a choice. I fell.” [i][b]An accidental meeting… Your luck must be terrible.[/i][/b] Another cackle from the dark had Percival growing increasingly flustered- And frustrated. “Look, I didn't come here to be [i]mocked[/i]! I don't even wanna be here! I [i]know[/i] about my awful luck! Just tell me who you are and what's going on!” [i][b]How rude. Young drake,[/i][/b] It began, and the tone made the trainee’s scales stand on end. [i][b]have you never heard of respecting your elders?[/i][/b] The voice dripped with malice and contempt. [i][b]I am much, much older than you could ever fathom. You owe me at least a mite of respect.[/i][/b] He felt his ears flatten, and fear take hold of his gut- Percy was feeling very, very dizzy. [i][b]But since you demand it so, I will tell you what you seek. My name is-[/i][/b] "[i]MORDRED![/i]" Percival startled at the sudden screech, the skittering of claws on the floor telltale of another dragon here. The dark around him immediately disappeared. "Get back, you foul thing! Why, I ought to kill you for torturing a youngster like this!" The Spiral backed away as a humongous dragon barreled in, snowflakes falling from its mane- It was nothing like any wyrm he'd ever seen. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Its mane was a creamy brown color, long and falling onto a flat, boxy muzzle- Sky blue fur covered the rest of its body, and a long tail lashed with rage behind it. Antlers like those of an Imperial branched off its head, and two limbs stuck off its back, in what he assumed to be some sort of pseudo-wing. Cream colored webbing stuck between paws, unnaturally large for a supposed wing. It was like it had extra limbs. "Wh…" Percy breathed in awe as the creature stood in front of him, guarding him from the unseen menace. "Get back to your prison!" [i][b]Oh, silly silly Glow...[/i][/b] The voice came out again, and instinctively, Percy tucked himself up against the large being. He hated to admit it to himself, but he was terrified. [i][b]You can't keep me down here forever, my lady.[/i][/b] "But I can try. Now off with you!" In a magic snap, the presence faded from the area, and Percy was left feeling dizzy, confused, and above all scared. Now, the creature's head turned to him, and he felt quite faint- not like he was going to, but still faint. "What're you doing down here?" "I…. I fell." He pointed with his nose to his shattered limbs, and saw the beady, deep blue eyes widen. "Tremor." "...Come." Glow's tail flicked, pushing his haunches up as she began to walk. "I can help you, but you must promise me one thing." "What?" "You keep Mordred's existence a secret." At that, the Spiral blinked. Today was just getting more and more confusing. "....What [i]was[/i] that thing?" "It's name is Mordred. I am a Gaoler, and I have been tasked with keeping it sealed here. My life- And the lives of thousands- depends on it." [i]Gaoler. I'm with a Gaoler.[/i] The Spiral couldn't believe his ears. The large dragon helping him along was one of the Icewarden's first children, and she was here. Right under the lair he called home. "Wh… What?" "I'll explain more when we patch you up, but for now, promise me Mordred's existence stays with you." "....Okay. I promise." The rest of their walking was relatively silent, the only sounds the scraping and clicking of Glow's claws. Now that she didn't stand protectively over him, Percival had time to notice other things about her. Fangs that looked like they could snap him up in a second poked from within her lips, and shards of what looked like white crystal- likely an Arcane mutation- protruded from her rippling blue hide. "So uh…. You have any friends?" "One." Glow responded laconically, and in that instant, the Spiral felt very stupid. [i]She lives underground, you dolt, of course she only has one friend. Probably a Gaoler too.[/i] Uncomfortable silence consumed them again. The tunnels were deep and seemed to stretch for miles, and the young drake wondered how long until he could finally have working limbs again. This walking was starting to hurt. "Any hobbies?" "Look, kid. I'm trying to do a job. You're not supposed to be here, and in any other circumstances I would have had to kill you." Percy cringed and squeaked. "But since you fell and it was accidental, I'll let it go, but as long as you keep this place away from your groupmates, or whoever you live with." ".... I don't have much of a say there…" "Just say it to me? For posterity?" She turned her head to him, and under that intimidating glare, Percy shuffled and spoke quieter. "Okay. I'll try." "Thank you. Come now, it isn't much longer." The rest of their walk was awkward and quiet, but soon, the tunnel opened up into a large chamber- And Percy couldn't hold back a gasp of awe. The place was covered in ice, everywhere except the floor and two small offshoots encased in glittering blue. It sparkled and glimmered in the light of many crystals, casting shapes along the walls and floor- But this beauty held a darker side. Percival now started to notice creatures trapped in the ice- Deep black things, with too many limbs and too many eyes that all seemed to stare at him at once. He shivered at the grim sight, and started to walk a little faster towards the offshoots. "What is this place?" "Our work. Qahnariin and I have worked for hundreds of years to keep these abominations stuck here, because if they ever escape, thousands upon thousands will die. We have to refresh the ice every single day, just in case." The dragoness wrapped her tail around him and nudged him more towards her, prompting the youngster to continue walking instead of staring. "Come on. It isn't good if you look for too long. You aren't supposed to know we exist, remember." "That's so [i]cool[/i]. You know, my clan could-" "We don't need any help." Glow shut him down very quick, making his ears droop. "We need more dragons knowing about this place even less." Percy soon found himself in a small, utilitarian room- A pile of ragged pillows and blankets sat in the corner as a sort of bed, and potions and medical supplies littered the shelves. "Lay down. I'll get you a health potion, and use some of my magic to mend your bones. Leave after that." "You said you'd explain." At that, Glow huffed. It seemed she wasn't getting out of this. "Okay, fine. So… The creature you just encountered calls itself Mordred." She came over with some bandages and sat down, wrapping her tail curtly around her legs as large, deft paws began to wrap his arm gently. "It tries to drive others mad to gain more power, trying to break free and achieve its ultimate goal- Bringing the world to anarchy and becoming a god." "Oh… That's terrifying." "That's why it's trapped, deep deep in that ice outside. Qahnariin and I are the only two who lived through that ordeal, and so we stick to our orders and guard this place." Percy felt the sharp sting of healing magic as his arm bones popped back into place, and hissed with the pain. "We can't let anything escape. Failure is not an option for us." "Because everyone's gonna die if something escapes?" "Not everyone, but before us and other Gaolers can contain it again, thousands would die." Solemn silence enveloped them, and Percy found himself thinking about the cause of those tremors. "...Would it be weird of me to say that my clan could use you guys' help?" When he blurted it out, Glow looked at the smaller wyrm and blinked. "Why would you need us?" "Well…. Have you ever heard of the Mother of Emperors?" The effect on her was immediate. She gasped, and glared at him warily. "What business do you have with [i]IT[/i]? That name is nothing to be said lightly!" "W- Well, my clan has… the four prophesied to defeat it. It's starting to break free, hence the tremors as of late, and… we need all the help we can get when the day to fight comes." She was very very quiet for a long time, and Percy feared he said something bad. "Qahnariin," She called into the other room. "Come listen to this boy. Percival, tell us in detail what you just told me." A red and black Gaoler shuffled into the room, bloody red eyes confused and alarmed. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] So he repeated, and afterwards, the two stared at each other in shock. "Is it true?" ".... From what I can gather, Q… Yes. The boy is telling the truth. Perhaps it's time that we are needed again." The red maned Gaoler was silent as Glow turned back to Percy, a new light to her eyes. "Take us to your leader, boss, whatever you want to call them. It is high time we did a little more than rot down here." "Oh- uh- Okay! I'll try to signal them!" And as the three left, the ice shuddered. And it laughed.
Hello hello! It's been a little bit since I've done some lore, but I figured I'd just write this out because I got the idea. Constructive criticism and feedback is welcome and appreciated, I'm always looking to improve!
Without further ado, enjoy!


Poor, poor Percival was sick and tired of this bad luck.

Of course I'M the one who falls through the ground during a tremor, the young Spiral thought bitterly as he plummeted. Hard as he tried, the air rushing past him took the wind straight from his wings, and he tried even harder to contort himself into a position where he could catch himself- But the unlucky drake was making no progress. The only thing he succeeded at was tying himself in knots and making himself fall faster. This is all just fantastic! Best way to spend my-


In a cloud of dust and dirt, Percival came crashing back into reality- Both literally and metaphorically. He'd never felt worse pain in his life, but miraculously, he was still alive. Cursing and trying to untie himself, he tried to move his left arm and it gave him a shooting pain. Relief turned to nervousness as he looked down in alarm at his oddly angled wrist. That's not good… The wyrm thought, trying to move that side’s wing- He'd landed hard on his left side, and was trying every limb he had to see if they were also broken- Or if he couldn't move them at all. His entire right side was okay, but the wing and the arm on his left side…. Great. First, I find out my arm broke, now I can't fly… Nyx is gonna have a conniption fit. But now the biggest problem of them all came to him. Not the medic’s disappointment, not the fact that he couldn't fly, but Percival had no idea where he was.


Groaning, the fledgeling tried his best to stand- His hind legs managed well enough, but his broken wing was dragging on the ground, and his left talons were completely useless. “Hello?” He spoke as he ambled deeper into the caverns, shadow consuming his vision. This area was obviously unexplored, only recently opened in that blasted tremor. “Anyone here…? Hellooooo?” Percy heard nothing back- Only his own voice echoing. This place is huge, he mused. Something's got to live in here.

“Um…. If you're scared of me, I won't hurt you,” The drake tried, holding up his left talons to emphasize. “I fell really really far, and I'm really really hurt. I can't do much.” He felt pain jolting through the limb once again, and cursed under his breath, letting it fall limp once more. “I live in the clan above you. My name's Percival, but you can call me Percy.”


The youngster jumped and yelped at the sudden voice, trying not to let his left arm land on the ground in his nervous leap. This voice was nothing he'd heard before. It was rumbling, ancient and dusty, echoing in the chamber and making his ears pin back and his tail lash. It felt like the shadows were closing in. “Wh- What- Who's there?!”

No need to fear. I cannot hurt you. I am crippled, just as you are. The youngster felt his hackles rise and his skin crawl. Something else was here, something that, if living in the Starwood taught him anything, he shouldn't be around. Oh, Arcanist, I really REALLY shouldn't be here. “Where are you? I can't see!” Indeed, the shadows were closing in around him- The grey-blue of the stone was fading to black, and his surroundings were becoming more and more unclear. “I can't see!”

Relax, child. I can only appear in darkness- After all, I am crippled. Percival fought the urge to curl in on himself, calming the nervous lashing of his tail and puffing out his chest, trying to appear larger- Just as Serenity had taught him. “What do you mean!? Where are you?! Tell me now!” A dark, deep chuckle made his face heat up. Am I really so pathetic? The wyrm tried to shake away the thought, but the echoes of the laughter sent shivers down his sore body. In due time, child, in due time. No need for your impatience. Poor Percy was having trouble staying brave. “Who are you?” He said in a much more hushed tone, swallowing his fear and desperation. Once more, in due time. I will tell you everything you need to know. Once more, that terrifying laugh. Flustered and disgruntled, he searched the dark around him for anything that would give away this mysterious cave-dweller. Icy blue scanned the supernatural darkness-

-And met with blood red.


He stifled a yelp beneath his mask as eyes- So many red eyes- opened one by one in the dark around him. All of them were locked onto him, and the staring suddenly made him feel extremely self-conscious. Like his wings were much too small, despite being almost the size of his entire body, and his eyes were weird, and his ears were too big. He now wished he hadn't left his lanterns in his room today. Nevermind the lanterns, he wished he'd never fallen. Though your impatience is frustrating, I am in a gracious mood. Percival, why have you come here?

“I… I didn't get a choice. I fell.”

An accidental meeting… Your luck must be terrible. Another cackle from the dark had Percival growing increasingly flustered- And frustrated. “Look, I didn't come here to be mocked! I don't even wanna be here! I know about my awful luck! Just tell me who you are and what's going on!”

How rude. Young drake, It began, and the tone made the trainee’s scales stand on end. have you never heard of respecting your elders? The voice dripped with malice and contempt. I am much, much older than you could ever fathom. You owe me at least a mite of respect. He felt his ears flatten, and fear take hold of his gut- Percy was feeling very, very dizzy. But since you demand it so, I will tell you what you seek. My name is-

"MORDRED!" Percival startled at the sudden screech, the skittering of claws on the floor telltale of another dragon here. The dark around him immediately disappeared. "Get back, you foul thing! Why, I ought to kill you for torturing a youngster like this!" The Spiral backed away as a humongous dragon barreled in, snowflakes falling from its mane- It was nothing like any wyrm he'd ever seen.


Its mane was a creamy brown color, long and falling onto a flat, boxy muzzle- Sky blue fur covered the rest of its body, and a long tail lashed with rage behind it. Antlers like those of an Imperial branched off its head, and two limbs stuck off its back, in what he assumed to be some sort of pseudo-wing. Cream colored webbing stuck between paws, unnaturally large for a supposed wing. It was like it had extra limbs. "Wh…" Percy breathed in awe as the creature stood in front of him, guarding him from the unseen menace. "Get back to your prison!"

Oh, silly silly Glow... The voice came out again, and instinctively, Percy tucked himself up against the large being. He hated to admit it to himself, but he was terrified. You can't keep me down here forever, my lady.

"But I can try. Now off with you!" In a magic snap, the presence faded from the area, and Percy was left feeling dizzy, confused, and above all scared. Now, the creature's head turned to him, and he felt quite faint- not like he was going to, but still faint. "What're you doing down here?"

"I…. I fell." He pointed with his nose to his shattered limbs, and saw the beady, deep blue eyes widen. "Tremor."

"...Come." Glow's tail flicked, pushing his haunches up as she began to walk. "I can help you, but you must promise me one thing."


"You keep Mordred's existence a secret." At that, the Spiral blinked. Today was just getting more and more confusing. "....What was that thing?"

"It's name is Mordred. I am a Gaoler, and I have been tasked with keeping it sealed here. My life- And the lives of thousands- depends on it." Gaoler. I'm with a Gaoler. The Spiral couldn't believe his ears. The large dragon helping him along was one of the Icewarden's first children, and she was here. Right under the lair he called home. "Wh… What?"

"I'll explain more when we patch you up, but for now, promise me Mordred's existence stays with you."

"....Okay. I promise." The rest of their walking was relatively silent, the only sounds the scraping and clicking of Glow's claws. Now that she didn't stand protectively over him, Percival had time to notice other things about her. Fangs that looked like they could snap him up in a second poked from within her lips, and shards of what looked like white crystal- likely an Arcane mutation- protruded from her rippling blue hide. "So uh…. You have any friends?"

"One." Glow responded laconically, and in that instant, the Spiral felt very stupid. She lives underground, you dolt, of course she only has one friend. Probably a Gaoler too. Uncomfortable silence consumed them again. The tunnels were deep and seemed to stretch for miles, and the young drake wondered how long until he could finally have working limbs again. This walking was starting to hurt. "Any hobbies?"

"Look, kid. I'm trying to do a job. You're not supposed to be here, and in any other circumstances I would have had to kill you." Percy cringed and squeaked. "But since you fell and it was accidental, I'll let it go, but as long as you keep this place away from your groupmates, or whoever you live with."

".... I don't have much of a say there…"

"Just say it to me? For posterity?" She turned her head to him, and under that intimidating glare, Percy shuffled and spoke quieter. "Okay. I'll try."

"Thank you. Come now, it isn't much longer." The rest of their walk was awkward and quiet, but soon, the tunnel opened up into a large chamber- And Percy couldn't hold back a gasp of awe. The place was covered in ice, everywhere except the floor and two small offshoots encased in glittering blue. It sparkled and glimmered in the light of many crystals, casting shapes along the walls and floor- But this beauty held a darker side. Percival now started to notice creatures trapped in the ice- Deep black things, with too many limbs and too many eyes that all seemed to stare at him at once. He shivered at the grim sight, and started to walk a little faster towards the offshoots. "What is this place?"

"Our work. Qahnariin and I have worked for hundreds of years to keep these abominations stuck here, because if they ever escape, thousands upon thousands will die. We have to refresh the ice every single day, just in case." The dragoness wrapped her tail around him and nudged him more towards her, prompting the youngster to continue walking instead of staring. "Come on. It isn't good if you look for too long. You aren't supposed to know we exist, remember."

"That's so cool. You know, my clan could-"

"We don't need any help." Glow shut him down very quick, making his ears droop. "We need more dragons knowing about this place even less." Percy soon found himself in a small, utilitarian room- A pile of ragged pillows and blankets sat in the corner as a sort of bed, and potions and medical supplies littered the shelves. "Lay down. I'll get you a health potion, and use some of my magic to mend your bones. Leave after that."

"You said you'd explain." At that, Glow huffed. It seemed she wasn't getting out of this. "Okay, fine. So… The creature you just encountered calls itself Mordred." She came over with some bandages and sat down, wrapping her tail curtly around her legs as large, deft paws began to wrap his arm gently. "It tries to drive others mad to gain more power, trying to break free and achieve its ultimate goal- Bringing the world to anarchy and becoming a god."

"Oh… That's terrifying."

"That's why it's trapped, deep deep in that ice outside. Qahnariin and I are the only two who lived through that ordeal, and so we stick to our orders and guard this place." Percy felt the sharp sting of healing magic as his arm bones popped back into place, and hissed with the pain. "We can't let anything escape. Failure is not an option for us."

"Because everyone's gonna die if something escapes?"

"Not everyone, but before us and other Gaolers can contain it again, thousands would die." Solemn silence enveloped them, and Percy found himself thinking about the cause of those tremors. "...Would it be weird of me to say that my clan could use you guys' help?" When he blurted it out, Glow looked at the smaller wyrm and blinked. "Why would you need us?"

"Well…. Have you ever heard of the Mother of Emperors?" The effect on her was immediate. She gasped, and glared at him warily. "What business do you have with IT? That name is nothing to be said lightly!"

"W- Well, my clan has… the four prophesied to defeat it. It's starting to break free, hence the tremors as of late, and… we need all the help we can get when the day to fight comes." She was very very quiet for a long time, and Percy feared he said something bad. "Qahnariin," She called into the other room. "Come listen to this boy. Percival, tell us in detail what you just told me." A red and black Gaoler shuffled into the room, bloody red eyes confused and alarmed.


So he repeated, and afterwards, the two stared at each other in shock. "Is it true?"

".... From what I can gather, Q… Yes. The boy is telling the truth. Perhaps it's time that we are needed again." The red maned Gaoler was silent as Glow turned back to Percy, a new light to her eyes. "Take us to your leader, boss, whatever you want to call them. It is high time we did a little more than rot down here."

"Oh- uh- Okay! I'll try to signal them!"

And as the three left, the ice shuddered.

And it laughed.