Wind Fighter • Gatherer and Hoarder • Flying Specialist
[center][size=4][font=cambria]B I O G R A P H Y[/font][/size]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Dragon Doodle[/b] by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/adopt/2831257][b]Quetzy[/b][/url][/size][/center]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]here is... just [i]something[/i] about Nosey, as if he had been destined for the Wind Flight. Some members even say he has the soul of a Spiral. Nosey is known for his odd grammar and spelling, wrong pronunciations, and general confusion. It has given his biological grandfather, Maxwell [The Clan Advisor], no small amount of worry. Nosey is capable of proper grammar and speech patterns, but often has difficulty executing it. Due to his erratic speaking, Nosey often gives off the impression of being a young hatchling, but he is in fact quite knowledgeable. Do not underestimate Nosey, as he has rightfully earned his title as the Clan's Wind Fighter.[/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey is a world traveler, having visited every region in Sornieth as least once. He continues to explore new places and meet other fellow dragons. Ever since the Familiar Uprising, Nosey has been wearing the Masques obtained from Marva's Craft Kits. He favors the Paper Coatl Masque especially, followed by the Paper Guardian Masque. [/size]
[size=4]U[/size][size=2]nlike most of the negative social connotations attached to his name, Nosey is not a gossiper. In actuality, he was named after his incredible sense of smell. He loves gathering and hoarding various items, food, and trinkets. Thankfully, most of the stuff he gathers over time either gets sold or eaten. Recently though, he has started frequenting the Southern Icefield... bringing back... [i][b]cats[/b][/i]?![/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey has two constant companions: Remi the rattlesnake and Yosuke the Mute Cat. Many dragons and enemies forget or don't notice them, but she [Remi] helps out in fights and gathering and giving pretty useful directions and he [Yosuke] provides distractions, some nasty scratches, and helps cook during camping breaks.[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=Cambria][b]THIS IS A LORE
[center][font=Cambria][size=2]Badge by @[url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=46811][b]Gouldiae[/b][/url][/size]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]B I O G R A P H Y[/font][/size]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Foddart-Exclusive Doodle[/b] by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2867387/2#post_43489568][b]Levantera[/b][/url][/size][/center]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]here's no better flyer in the Clan than Nosey. When Nosey was still a hatchling, he accidentally wandered out of the Lair and fell right into the Twisting Crescendo. Maxwell went near ballistic with worry and grief while many other members started gathering for funeral preparations. However, Katsuji [The Clan Head] strangely stopped the activities. Quite a few dragons had been outraged at the order, but the anger quieted when both Kamine and Azula [The Clan Founders, Progenitors] supported the command. A few days later, the sound of awkwardly flying wings stumbled into the Lair as Nosey, still a hatchling, flew back into the Lair. He did not stick the landing, unfortunately. At that point though, Maxwell had been so relieved and overjoyed that getting any advice from him the following weeks needed to be taken with a grain of salt. Nosey has many nicknames for Maxwell, the two most favored being "Grampa" and "Maxdad".[/size]
[size=4]K[/size][size=2]atsuji's relationship with Nosey is a mixture of brotherly and parental vibes. Should Katsuji leave the Lair, Nosey almost always tags along as the Clan Head's Main Bodyguard. Nosey grew very close to Katsuji the months following the Bright Feathers incident, having a deep respect for the Clan Head.[/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey's favorite color is orange, though he still has a few articles of green clothing and other apparel from before the Bright Feathers incident. Nosey never loses track of one specific box which is always kept in his designated area of the Lair; Within the box contains a set of three green hair clips gifted to him by his sister Ghengis when they were hatchlings. Before the Bright Feathers incident, he had worn them continuously. Having never lost the habit of wearing hair clips, he currently sports a bright yellow-orange mini-Coatl clip that resembles a dragonfly from a distance. He also recently obtained a Leaf hair clip from the Behemoth during the 2020 Greenskeeper Gathering.[/size][/font][/center]
[center][font=Cambria][b]Favorite Food(s):[/b][/font][/center]
[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb2gtK0n/2w7fiuf-58.png[/img][item=Sea Hare][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvWdQY28/jkydpo1-58.png[/img][item=Hardwater Loach][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dY2z9zK/gcsjwjo-58.png[/img][item=Blue Dragon Seaslug][img]https://i.postimg.cc/02RXwrrQ/gswomkj-58.png[/img][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Gijinka Design Sketches[/b] by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2809756][b]ArcanicUsva[/b][/url][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Soft & Happy[/b] by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2867067][b]Goblincat[/b][/url][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]E X C E R P T S[/font][/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4][b]E[/b][/size][size=2][b]xcerpts from the Ongoing Worries of "Grampa" Maxwell and his Charge, Nosey:[/b][/size]
[center][item=Paper Coatl Masque][/center]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey. Nosey, [i]WHY[/i] do you have that masque on?![/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] I am a mwaster of the disguising![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, that is a Coatl masque. You’re already a Coatl, Nosey.[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] But I’m nwot! I’m a [i]PAPER[/i] Coatl![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, no. Please stop. [/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] Nosey, yeses![/right][/size]
[center][item=Paper Guardian Masque][/center]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] [i][Nosey puts on the Guardian Masque.][/i] [/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, that masque is blue. It doesn’t match you very well.[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] But nowz I is a PAPER Guardian! Can youse feel my extra very protectwive aura? [i][Note: Spoken in an excitable-child hum.][/i][/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b][i][Maxwell is unable to resist the adorable, younger Coatl][/i] ... Yes, Nosey... I can feel your extra protective aura... [/size][/left]
[center][item=Paper Imperial Masque][/center]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] [i][Nosey puts on the Imperial Masque.][/i] Look Maxdad! I can are be just as stwrong as Aunt Gothel! I is a PAPER Imp! Or I be as pretty as Aunt Raith mwaybe![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b][i][Looks nervously at the somewhat terrifying Gothel and the hauntingly beautiful Raith, then back to Nosey.][/i] I think you look amazing already.[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b][i] [Gasps at an idea.] [/i]But nowz I possible be can extra shinies like Uncle ShinyBoi! Can youse feel it?! [i][Nosey proceeds to pose and radiate a 'D’aaaaaw'-like aura instead.][/i][/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b][i][Maxwell feels the full force of the aura and replies in a strained hum.][/i] Yes, I can feel it, Nosey. [/size][/left]
[center][item=Paper Fae Masque][/center]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] [i][Nosey puts on the Fae Masque.] I is a PAPER Fae! Mwaybe nowz can communicwate I with Kamine can be bwetter![/i][/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, I’m not sure it works like that...[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] I’m will going to see try! I’ll be backing right to be back![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, wai- [i][Maxwell fails to grab Nosey in time. He watches from a distance as Nosey and Kamine quietly converse.][/i][/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] [i][Nosey comes back.][/i] It hases worked![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]It did?![/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] Kind sort of. I gotz few more say phrases, and plus Uncle Kamine gave me an treat for the effort trying hard![/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b][i][Maxwell sighs and is still a bit dumbfounded.][/i][/size][/left]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Kamine: [/b]He did pretty well, considering frills
on paper masques don't move very well.[/size][/center]
[center][item=Paper Wildclaw Masque][/center]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] [i][Nosey puts on the Wildclaw Masque. The paper horns look odd against the contrast of Nosey's feathers.][/i][/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b][i][One can hear the fond exasperation in Maxwell's hums.] [/i]Hm. Your accent makes you look just a tad like a plant sprout on fire. Otherwise, I would say you look like a rather enthusiastic sprout. At least the color of the masque compliments you eye-[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] Fwight me.[/right][/size]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]-s... Wait, ex-excuse me? Nos-[/size][/left]
[right][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Nosey:[/b] FWIGHT ME!!! [i][The phrase seems to literally vibrate... whatever that means.][/i][/right][/size]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][i][The Clan later finds out that Nosey ended up sparring with Maxwell. It was, to Maxwell's recollection, the most exercise the elder Coatl has gotten in his entire existence. The next day, Maxwell was seen bundled up in a mountain of blankets, too sore to move and stop Nosey from bundling even more blankets on top of Maxwell.][/i][/size][/center]
[left][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Maxwell: [/b]Nosey, where are you getting all these blankets from?![/size][/left]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][i][Fortunately(?) assisted by Yosuke the Mute Cat, Nosey fed Maxwell lots of fish and seafood soup until Maxwell recovered enough to maneuver out of the blanket ball.][/i][/size][/center]
[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb2gtK0n/2w7fiuf-58.png[/img][item=rattle snake][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvWdQY28/jkydpo1-58.png[/img] [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2779244/4#post_42310511][img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img][/url] [img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dY2z9zK/gcsjwjo-58.png[/img][item=phoenix][img]https://i.postimg.cc/02RXwrrQ/gswomkj-58.png[/img][/center]
[center][font=Cambria][b]Remi the Rattlesnake, Yosuke the Mute Cat, and the Mysterious Phoenix[/b][/font][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]The Continuing Adventures of Nosey the Coatl (Wavecrest 2020) by @[url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=498491]Bxy26[/url][/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=2][b]The Lore is available in Spiritus' Profile as well.[/b][/size][/center]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]H[/size][size=2]ewwo, I’m Nosey.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he great white and brown Guardian looked down at the masked Coatl. “I see. And you are... a Coatl?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he Coatl in the Coatl masque chuckled. “You guessed!” He pulled out a blue masque and put it on. “Now is I a Guawdian, [i]you[/i] like!”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56737919]B[size=2]oreas[/url][/size][size=2], Clan Guardian of Aquaurora, had to smile. “I guess you are,” he said. “But why are you here?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]F[/size][size=2]or the fwestivavaw. I is heow for the Satuownawia.” The Coatl looked around. “Is it heow?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he Guardian turned and raised a broad brown wing. “It’s actually in the Leviathan Trench this year, but our group is heading out soon. You’re welcome to join them if you’d like.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]A[/size][size=2]w you coming, Bowius?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]H[/size][size=2]e shook his head. “My charge is to guard the clan and the clan leader. She asked me to stay and watch over all the dragons who aren’t attending the festivities.” He looked a little sad as he watched the group preparing to leave.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]A[/size][size=2]www...” Nosey said. Then he pulled off his Guardian masque and thrust it over one of Boreas’ horns. “You can bowwow this until I is back. That wiw make you bwave and stwong!” He patted the Guardian’s cheek comfortingly, and leaped over the edge of the cliff, sailing elegantly down on broad wings.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]B[/size][size=2]oreas chuckled. Almost without realizing it, he hooked a claw into the paper masque and pulled it over the rest of his head. Somehow it stretched to cover his much larger head without tearing. And he did feel braver, somehow... then he realized that he had never told the small Coatl his name.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey, oblivious to the Guardian’s confusion, soared over the group packing up to leave. He landed neatly in the sand beside another Guardian, this one a deep blue. “Hewwo, I is Nosey. Aw you going to the Satuownawia?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]es, we are.” The blue Guardian looked down at the Coatl in the Coatl masque. “You can come with us, if you like. I’m, um, not sure if your masque will hold up under the water, though.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]D[/size][size=2]on’t wowwy about I. Masque is stwong.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he Guardian raised an eyebrow. “Okay then,” he said. “As a guest in the realm of the Tidelord, we will show you every consideration of course. But I still have some things to arrange, so if you could…” he scanned the group. “There are so many dragons going different places for this event,” he sighed. “Hey! [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56963735]S[size=2]piritus[/url][/size][size=2]! Come over here.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]A[/size][size=2] nervous-looking Skydancer hurried over. “Yes, Trenchseeker?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]e have a guest with us. I need you to see that he is entertained.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he Skydancer opened and shut his mouth. “But... I...”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2]’ll take care of it.” The Guardian smiled. “That’s part of the holiday. We all get to do different things. You get to practice your hospitable side. I get to make sure the boxes are all organized before we head out.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]B[/size][size=2]ut...” the Skydancer said again. But the Guardian had already moved along, bellowing orders to a smaller group. He sighed, and removed his spectacles. “How can I help you, Mr., ah.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2] is Nosey,” the Coatl said again.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]A[/size][size=2]n eyelid twitched. “Er...right. Anyway, what would you like to see, before we start down into the ocean?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]E[/size][size=2]r…” Spiritus looked around. “You want to walk or fly? Can you keep up?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he Coatl looked offended. “I is fast as Wind. Wind is me.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]H[/size][size=2]ave it your way,” the Skydancer sighed. He took off, followed by Nosey. “These are the Tsunami Flats,” he pointed out. “You’d think with a name like that, we’d get a lot of storms, but we really don’t. These caves in the cliffs are our home.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]hey banked over a wide stretch of intermixed rock-and-sand beach. “These tidepools are where the earliest Water dragons laid their eggs. Some still incubate them here.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]ho’s that?” the Coatl pointed. A small Fae had fluttered up at their approach, but relaxed when she recognised Spiritus. She returned to the water.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]T[/size][size=2]hat’s [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=57327932]K[size=2]aimana[/url][/size][size=2], the Guardian of the Tidepools. She thinks the Tidelord created her with the purpose of a Guardian, but the body of a Fae, because if she were the size of a Guardian, she’d never be able to watch out for the little creatures that live there. She lives with a small pod of [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=59544377]M[size=2]erfae[/url][/size][size=2] that moved in. Do you see them?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey looked down at the tiny sparkling figures in the tidepools. “Yes. They’w pwetty.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]es, but don’t get them riled. They can get pretty aggressive. Now over there--do you see the iceberg?” The Skydancer’s voice filled with trepidation.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]S[/size][size=2]uddenly they were interrupted by Trenchseeker’s bellow. “Oh! We’d better hurry back before they leave without us!” Spiritus seemed very relieved.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]O[/size][size=2]kay. Let’s wace![/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]E[/size][size=2]r, I don’t think…” Spiritus began, but the Coatl had already taken off. [i]He wasn’t kidding[/i], the Skydancer thought, straining to catch up with him. He wasn’t used to this kind of exercise.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]P[/size][size=2]anting, Spiritus landed in the shallow water, where half the party had already dived. “Come on then,” said Trenchseeker, “we haven’t got all day.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]et’s go!” Nosey said, and dived after the Guardian. Spiritus gulped, and followed the Coatl. He hadn’t waited for the explanation that all visitors during the Saturnalia were capable of breathing the water, just as though they were native Water flight members.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]H[/size][size=2]e was surprised to see a large bubble of air around Nosey’s head, neck, and shoulders. “How…” he began.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2] is a vewy tawnted Wind Mage,” the Coatl replied.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]B[/size][size=2]ut--the Tidelord’s blessing--”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]iw is be for thems, too?” To the Skydancer’s surprise, a snake slithered up to Nosey’s head and flickered its tongue at him, while a small cat stretched on his shoulder, kneading his apparel with its paws.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2]--I honestly don’t know,” Spiritus stammered.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]T[/size][size=2]hems stiw need aiw,” the Coatle pointed out. He moved his wings up and down in the water. “This is awmost wike fwying!” he said excitedly.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]S[/size][size=2]ort of,” Spiritus agreed. They were passing over the Fishspine reef, and he made sure to point out the beautiful mounds of coral. Nosey stared down. “It’s pwetty,” he said. “I back heow need to someday. Come.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]I[/size][size=2]t took Spiritus a few seconds to puzzle out the Coatl’s meaning, but he finally smiled. “You’ll be welcome when you do,” he said formally.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]S[/size][size=2]uddenly the group came to a halt. “Why stopping we?” asked Nosey.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]A[/size][size=2]mbush!” Trenchseeker bellowed.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]A[/size][size=2] clan of treacherous Maren blocked their way, escorted by a trained attack Mantarune. Trenchseeker bellowed the guards into action. “Where’s [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=57229919]T[size=2]idewrath[/url][/size][size=2] when you need her?” he grumbled.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]e not good enough for you, son?” A powerful [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56849470]G[size=2]uardian[/url][/size][size=2] female swam forward, escorted by a [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56891923]p[size=2]air[/url][/size][size=2] of fierce [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=56849471]M[size=2]irror[/url][/size][size=2] warriors.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2] didn’t mean it like that,” Trenchseeker muttered.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]B[/size][size=2]oth groups were casting ineffectual Water spells at each other. “Ooh, ooh, lemme!” Nosey cried, and barreled forward, casting wind spells at the Maren. Most of them dissipated into bubbles as he passed.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]S[/size][size=2]piritus sighed. “Wind spells are ineffective against Water, too.” He cheered as one of the Mirrors bit deeply into the Mantarune’s fin.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]N[/size][size=2]ot compwetewy!” The Coatl summoned a massive tornado above the water, causing a whirlpool to form.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]hat good will that do?” Spiritus howled over the sound of the churning water, as he was dragged forward.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]D[/size][size=2]isorient,” the Guardian warrior yelled over the waves. “Look, the Manta doesn’t know who to attack anymore. He’s attacking the Maren!”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]S[/size][size=2]ure enough, the Manta went on a rampage through the ranks of the Maren, scattering them completely. The Mirrors chased them down while the Guardian went after the Mantarune. Nosey followed the Guardian, prepared to cast another Disorient spell.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]S[/size][size=2]uddenly, a Maren swam up from below and thrust a spear at Nosey. The Coatl dodged, and his little cat bared its claws and leaped off his shoulder, clawing at the Maren’s face until he dropped the spear and shook the cat off, howling with pain.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]osuke!” Nosey cried, seeing the cat floating limply in the water. But the little cat just yawned and winked at him, allowing his master to swim over and pick him up again. The snake crawled out and cautiously put its head out of the air bubble. Then it swam out and around in a circle.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2] guess the Tidelord’s blessing does extend to familiars and pets,” Spiritus admitted.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he battle continued, but the Manta had been brought down and the Maren were in full retreat. The travellers regrouped, licking their wounds. “Well, I guess that was a little more of an adventure than you bargained for!” Trenchseeker said to the Coatl.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey was scratching the little cat behind the ears. “Yes. But we’ew aww aww wight.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]T[/size][size=2]hanks for your help,” the Guardian female said. “We left our Wind warrior at home. Never thought about the fact that Disorient still works, even if the damage caused is insignificant!”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]L[/size][size=2]ook!” Trenchseeker pointed over the edge of the trench. Dragons of all breeds could be seen disappearing into the murky blackness of the depths. “That’s where we’re headed. Ready for a new adventure?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]ou bet!” The Coatl settled his Coatl masque more firmly on his head. Miraculously, it didn’t appear to be affected by the water at all. “Wet’s go!”[/size]
[center][font=Verdana][b]Nosey's Thank-You Note to Spiritus:[/b][/font][/center]
[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb2gtK0n/2w7fiuf-58.png[/img][item=cleaver][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvWdQY28/jkydpo1-58.png[/img][item=Leather Aviator Satchel][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dY2z9zK/gcsjwjo-58.png[/img][item=scout's quiver][img]https://i.postimg.cc/02RXwrrQ/gswomkj-58.png[/img][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]Yosuke the Mute Cat[/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=2][b]Introduced in the Treasure Hunt at the Catsquerade Ball - Gala 2020[/b][/size][/center]
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img][nextcol][font=Verdana][size=3][url=http://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/n/Katsuji][b]Katsuji's[/url] Yosuke[/b][br][br][b]Skill:[/b] Good Ol Common Sense[br][b]About:[/b] Music-loving Yosuke is known for his incredible jumping skills. Almost like a frog, but clearly he isn't. Has some basic wind magic and loves to cook.[/columns]
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Beginning Day][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/x1G9Hdqd/kyi22pp-280.gif[/img][/center][font=Verdana][size=2]In the Fortress of Ends, music echoes through every hall and corridor. Dragons from all over Sornieth have gathered for a Masquerade Ball, donning intricate masks, elaborate feathers, and wild and colorful formal attire.
With the gathering of the clans, though, comes a gathering of cats.
[font=Verdana][size=2]In a smaller ballroom at the end of a smaller hall, cats from every flight begin to assemble. Wearing feathers and hats and colorful scarves snatched from their clan's stores, cats of all kinds and colors have begun their own own festivities.
Music played by cats fills the room. Meals and drinks made by and for cats overflow on every table. There is much meowing and merriment and dancing.
[font=Verdana][size=2]The Catsquerade carried on for hours, perfectly, until somewhere around the 11th hour there was a crash.
While leaning against the wall with a glass of warm broth, Sundae accidentally knocked a stone out of the cobble.
[font=Verdana][size=2]As it fell to the ground and cracked into pieces, Toby, who had been standing beside him, noticed something... Unusual, embedded into the wall where it had just been.
A note? The cats all gasped in intrigue. Oliver ordered the orchestra to pause.
[font=Verdana][size=2][i]Dearest Notereader-
My name is Purrdinand IV and I am the assistant to the Grand Architect who has been charged with building the Greatest Fortress to ever be built.
I have left this note in one of the cat rooms to disclose to anyone who might stumble upon it a great secret that I have sworn not to tell.
You see, when the Fortress of Ends was built, the Grand Architect left behind a hidden chamber full of untold riches. Mysterious runes and puzzling clues were built into every wall and window, with the idea that any dragon that is clever enough to solve it would be rewarded and subsequently promoted by the Icewarden himself!
Naturally, I do not have much faith in the cleverness of dragons.
But I do know that cats are very clever and oh how wonderful it would be to show the Icewarden that he really should be investing in more cats, proving yet again how great and wonderful we are.
I cannot tell you the secrets, but I can tell you that you will need to find the secret passage to the treasure. Once there, you'll need three specific artifacts to open the vault.
Clues have been hidden all throughout the fort and its surrounding areas.
Good luck my fellow cats![/i]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"Oh my!" Toby jumps onto the table and grabs the attention of every cat. "Cats of Sornieth! We should work together to find this mysterious hidden treasure."
"How should we do it?" asks Tulip.
"Maybe we should split the treasure evenly among all of us," Chamomile suggests.
"I think it should be finders keepers >:3," Teacup whispers.
"No, no. We have to do this the fair way," Patches interrupts. (Everyone always listens to Patches because she is powerful.)
"We will divide everyone into 12 different groups. The group who finds the treasure can split a portion of it. The rest will go to our cat funds for future cat events."
"Let's go then! Choose your teams."
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day One]
[font=Verdana][size=2]The team leaders assemble their groups of cats on different sides of the ballroom to begin their planning. Each cat introduces themselves and their skills.
[columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/M9Tteg6.gif[/img][nextcol][b][font=Verdana][size=2]Bubbles[/b][/size][br][font=Verdana][size=2]Hey everyone!!!!!!! You all look like a creative bunch. I'm sure you're excited to find clues! I've never really looked for clues before, but I'm sure it will be a lot of fun.[/columns][columns][img]https://i.imgur.com/voMLAMZ.gif[/img][nextcol][b][font=Verdana][size=2]Oliver[/b][/size][br][font=Verdana][size=2]I even wrote a song for the occasion, but I don't have time to play it now. Since so many of you look so sneaky and speedy, I think we should split up and try to get out there as fast as possible!!! It might serve us well to be First.[/columns]
[columns][font=Verdana][size=2]The team decides they want to try their best to get a head start on the others. They rush through their introductions and then race out of the room as quickly as possible. The head start serves them well, as they have just a bit of extra time for clue-finding. The team gains +3 Midnight Clues and a special badge:
[quote = Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Two]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZV7cox.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/ejnHNqc.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/cJ2EeJ5.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img][/center][br][font=Verdana][size=2]Zith's Ashe, Luna3002's Silence, Trilonyte's Chip, Katsuji's Yosuke decide to do what any logical cat would do: walk up to the Icewarden and search through his fluff to see if he hasany secrets hiding in it. [Sneakysneak Check 19 + 7 (Needed 6)] They spend all day bouncing around Icedad, who somehow manages to not even notice they are there. Turns out, he really does have secrets hiding in his fluff. The team gains +7 Blue Clues.
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Team [b]WIP[/b][/center]
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Katsuji's [b]Yosuke[/b][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2]Despite immensely enjoying the song Oliver was playing for their rest and lunch break, [b]Yosuke[/b] noted how [b]lunaris[/b] headed straight outside. He shifted the headphones off to hang around his neck, listening in on some of his teammates' conversations. It seemed quite a number of the others were heading to the Towers or the Main Castle...
Only [b]lunaris [/b]headed outside. [b]Yosuke [/b]was a tad worried, wondering if a single cat alone could tackle the obstacles outside. He bounded after the other cat, hesitating at the entrance. He wondered if there would be a few more cats that could accompany them. I would be nice to have some back-up...
He waits for a moment, knowing that the others will decide for themselves by the end of the day. Then he turns, bounding after [b]lunaris[/b] to join them in their quest. He gives them a playful nudge, a show of camaraderie.
[i]Team WIP[/i][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Box[/b] briefly considered [b]Bubbles[/b]' advice, but decided to go outside anyway. The team only had a few [color=darkgoldenrod]gold clues[/color], and [color=darkslateblue]midnight clues[/color] were always useful regardless of what other clues were found. Plus, yesterday was so successful with the longnecks that the outdoors felt full of promise for future searching.
[b]Box[/b] shook itself out of its musings and saw [b]lunaris[/b] heading outside. As it watched, [b]Yosuke[/b] bounded over to [b]lunaris[/b] and playfully nudged them. [b]Box[/b] pronked after the pair before it could lose sight of them.[/size]
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Team [b]WIP[/b][/center]
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Katsuji's [b]Yosuke[/b][color=transparent]____[/color] and [color=transparent]_____[/color]Whitefangedwolf's [b]Box[/b][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2][b]lunaris[/b] seems determined to continue outside, solely focused on their quest as they were. A small gesture catches [b]Yosuke[/b]'s attention instead as a tasteful, paint-covered green cat with glasses bounds over. If [b]Yosuke[/b] remembered correctly, the other cat is [b]Box[/b]. He remembers watching the other cat and two others head outside when his small group decided to investigate the Icewarden's fur.
[b]Yosuke [/b]waits a bit for [b]Box[/b] to catch up, waving a friendly cat paw back as [b]Box[/b] nears. Just as Box is about to reach him, Yosuke leaps up into the air in excitement that another cat would be joining the trek outside to perhaps find more [color=gold]gold[/color] or [color=indigo]midnight[/color] clues for the team. He nearly touches the ceiling, an impressive feat considering that he is a rather small cat. He lands gently behind Box and playfully boops [b]Box[/b] with his tail.
[b]Yosuke[/b] starts moving his paws, trying to convey his happiness to [b]Box[/b] in what appears to be a cat version of... sign language? Either that or he is just wanting to play with the other cat while they are waiting for the signal to go explore. The movement of his paws slightly loosens the scarf around [b]Yosuke[/b]'s neck, revealing the edge of some bandages.
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Team [b]WIP[/b][/center]
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Whitefangedwolf's [b]Box[/b][color=transparent]____[/color] and [color=transparent]_____[/color]Katsuji's [b]Yosuke[/b][color=transparent]____[/color][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2]As the shrub-cat reached the waiting Yosuke, ornaments bobbing from its pronking, Box was pleased by Yosuke's friendly and enthusiastic response to its arrival. Yosuke's scarf slipped to show some bandages, so Box gestured to the bandages, then asked while signing in Cat Sign Language, "Are you okay? I hadn't heard that Icepop's fluff was dangerous."
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Three][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o2xeIPE.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/4RODET6.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2]seasalted's lunaris, Katsuji's Yosuke, Whitefangedwolf's Box make their way to an old forest area with a large number of crumbling statues. [Thonking Check 7 + 4 (Needed 10)] After spending hours reading the plaques on the statues, they realize there's a puzzle to solve! The team gains +2 Midnight Clues.
[columns][font=Verdana][size=2]The team convenes in the Fortress's oldest ballroom at 3am to discuss their progress. It's dark, the dragons have since gone to bed, and everything is... quite quiet. They compare clues, begin drawing lines together between everything they've found and... they make a breakthrough! The secret passage containing the treasure must be here, in this very room! The cats make their way to a side wall where a tapestry depicting gaolers in battle hangs from the tall ceilings. Behind the tapestry, some of the stones in the wall look a bit.... different. The cats push the different rocks in a particular order, and a panel opens up in the floor, revealing a hidden chamber below.
Deep inside this chamber, three statues sit along the back wall, along with what looks like a complex tile puzzle... The note mentioned artifacts... this must be where they go. The team gains +3 Midnight Clues.
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Team [b]WIP[/b][/center]
[center][Font=Verdana][size=2]Katsuji's [b]Yosuke[/b][color=transparent]____[/color] and [color=transparent]_____[/color]Whitefangedwolf's [b]Box[/b][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2]After a successful day exploring the forest with the statues, [b]Yosuke[/b] turns back to [b]Box[/b] to continue their earlier conversation. He loosens the scarf and gestures to the bandages. Moving his paws, he conveys that he was originally mute. An brief yet intense encounter with [u]Talona[/u]... [b]Yosuke[/b] had successfully covered for his owner, [i]Nosey[/i], when they had been retreating at the near-cost of his life when he got speared straight through the neck. The Mage and Spiritual Leaders spent hours performing some sort of spell that had saved him at the cost of his voice. [b]Yosuke[/b] doesn't mind though. [i]Frosty[/i], his clan's smallest Fae, doesn't ever let the newer members forget about him and [i]Nosey[/i] always checks in on him or takes him out on flights.
[b]Yosuke[/b] looks around the area that they are resting in, noting that the other cat teams have yet to find a way into the secret passage. There are no other teams in the secret chamber at the moment. He is also slightly curious as to what [b]Oliver[/b] will compose to commemorate this occasion. [b]Oliver[/b] reminds him of his Clan's Founder [i]Kamine[/i]. He takes a moment to let out a happy vibration [a.k.a. a silent purr]. He found that this event is really fun. Even if Team [b]WIP[/b] doesn't win, Yosuke finds that he rather likes all the exploring that is happening. He moves his paws, asking [b]Box[/b] what he thought of the other teams and about the Treasure Hunt.
[b]Yosuke [/b] also gestures outside, wondering if they are to explore it again today. Then he indicates the another cat. It seems [b]Marquardt[/b] was done exploring the castle [color=purple]Towers[/color] and the [color=red]Main Castle[/color] and is looking to go [color=gold]Outside[/color] as well. Perhaps they can join them today?
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Four][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/M9Tteg6.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/KZV7cox.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/op78NgD.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/ejnHNqc.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/JIGr3O6.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/lV17sIu.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/GsW94rY.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/4RODET6.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/NWYsUJL.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2]*Blanket Fort Official's Bubbles, Zith's Ashe, Snapdragoon's Daydream, Luna3002's Silence, WinterSolace's Felix Softpaws, Katsuji's Yosuke, Wonderlast's Marquardt, dagmarmot's Eallin, Whitefangedwolf's Box, LadyAria's Cruz find a stray backpack stuck in the branches of an old pine tree. [Attac Check 6 + 10 (Needed 8)] They manage to climb up the tree and retrieve the pack. It has some old scrolls in it! The team gains +10 Gold Clues and +5 Midnight Clues.
[Font=Verdana][size=2]The first artifact has been recovered by another team.
[i]Team WIP[/i][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Box[/b] pronked in place from sheer excitement. The [b]Super Alchemy Friends[/b] had found an amazing frozen monster! Oh, and there was that magic orb the other team had found in the monster's grasp, as well. But, seriously, the monster was fantastic! Who knew what other weird and wonderful things would be found next?
Since [b]Yosuke[/b] appeared to be staying inside today, [b]Box[/b] wished him luck in his explorations and headed out to see what it would find.
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Five][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/IwZFttK.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/4RODET6.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2]Katsuji's Yosuke, thePurple's Brambles, Whitefangedwolf's Box hear word that there is an old abandoned mine that has a bunch of old stone tablets left in boxes inside it. They run out to the cave for the tablets, but they seem to be guarded by some angry bears! [Attac Check 16 + 3 (Needed 5)] They manage to outsmart the bears and chase them off into the woods. The team gains +3 Gold Clues.
[Font=Verdana][size=2]The second artifact has been recovered by another team.
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Six][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/KZV7cox.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/ejnHNqc.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/4RODET6.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2]Zith's Ashe, Luna3002's Silence, Katsuji's Yosuke, Whitefangedwolf's Box run into Scar and Stella while exploring, who insist on taking them home because outside is not safe for cats.[br]
[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/xgmDWiv.gif[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/jCirFSf.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2][Bribery Check 11 + 4 (Needed 14)] They bribe their fellow cats with a nice ribbon and a treat to let them stay (as long as they're careful). The team gains +4 Red Clues.
[Font=Verdana][size=2]The third artifact has been recovered by another team.
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Seven][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/M9Tteg6.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/voMLAMZ.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/aUezh79.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/ejnHNqc.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/cJ2EeJ5.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/JIGr3O6.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/uuqnI6L.gif[/img], [img]https://i.imgur.com/mwjgWZX.gif[/img][/center][br][Font=Verdana][size=2]*Blanket Fort Official's Bubbles, *Blanket Fort Official's Oliver, *Blanket Fort Official's Daisy, PikaLink's Ozzy, Trilonyte's Chip, WinterSolace's Felix Softpaws, Katsuji's Yosuke, venusambassador's Son On a String head to the library stacks to look for old maps of the Fortress of Ends. After spotting a box on one of the higher shelves, they go to climb the shelf to get it... When suddenly the bookshelf begins to fall! [Attac Check 8 + 8 (Needed 13)] Fortunately, they use their strength and quick-thinking to steady the shelf before it crashes to the ground. The team gains +8 Gold Clues.
[Font=Verdana][size=2]Time is up... but who will unlock the treasure? Find out soon!
[quote=Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Final Results]
[Font=Verdana][size=2]Cats from all teams... except Tea and Cookies... gather in the secret passageway, trying desperately to solve the puzzle and collect the treasure. It just doesn't seem to be working....
[Font=Verdana][size=2]But hours later, when the cats lie down to take a break and reconvene and rethink, Mocha and Chamomile wander in with their team. Patient and full of friendliness and love!! They walk up to the puzzle, and with everything they have done throughout the week, they come to a realization.
Chamomile climbs up to put the artifacts in the eyes of the statue... And Mocha... presses the tiles to create the shape of a heart.
[center][emoji=familiar heart size=1][/center]
[Font=Verdana][size=2]So simple, but somehow nobody had thought of it?!
The door shakes, and as it opens the cold air hits the warm, cloaking the passage in fog. When the fog settles.... the treasure is revealed!
[Font=Verdana][size=2]Gold and gemstones and all kinds of old artifacts as far as the eye can see! Truly a sight to behold!!!
"We did it!!!" Mocha and Chamomile exclaim! Their team spins around in celebration.
They did it!!
Patches surveys the room and hands each of the Tea and Cookies team members 250 gems for their hard work and loyalty. As well as a badge.
[Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Final Standings[/b][/center]
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Tea and Cookies[/b] - 88 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]WIP[/b] - 85 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Northern Lights[/b] - 76 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Super Alchemy Friends[/b] - 75 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Ghost Hunters & Storytellers[/b] - 73 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]THE LAW[/b] - 68 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Strong Team!!!!![/b] - 61 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]T & S Gourmet Cat-ering Service[/b] - 55 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Fabulous Cats Shipping Co.[/b] - 50 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Team Work[/b] - 41 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Cereal Treats[/b] - 38 points
[*][Font=Verdana][size=2][b]Perfectly Responsible Rule-Following Association[/b] - 21 points
[Font=Verdana][size=2]The cats are throwing confetti around and dancing and playing music throughout the treasure room, when a large rumbling sound interrupts their festivities. The Icewarden himself pokes his head into the room and sees all of the cats bathing in gold and riches.
"Huh. So that's where all my cats went...." he mutters before turning around and leaving again. "Smart cats...... I probably should get more of those...."
[center][font=Cambria][size=3][b]End of [GALA] Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade Adventure[/b][/center]
[center][size=2][color=#292929][i]Bio template by Mibella, find it [url=http://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/1895073]here[/url].[/i][/color][/size][/center]
Wind Fighter • Gatherer and Hoarder • Flying Specialist
There is... just something about Nosey, as if he had been destined for the Wind Flight. Some members even say he has the soul of a Spiral. Nosey is known for his odd grammar and spelling, wrong pronunciations, and general confusion. It has given his biological grandfather, Maxwell [The Clan Advisor], no small amount of worry. Nosey is capable of proper grammar and speech patterns, but often has difficulty executing it. Due to his erratic speaking, Nosey often gives off the impression of being a young hatchling, but he is in fact quite knowledgeable. Do not underestimate Nosey, as he has rightfully earned his title as the Clan's Wind Fighter.
Nosey is a world traveler, having visited every region in Sornieth as least once. He continues to explore new places and meet other fellow dragons. Ever since the Familiar Uprising, Nosey has been wearing the Masques obtained from Marva's Craft Kits. He favors the Paper Coatl Masque especially, followed by the Paper Guardian Masque.
Unlike most of the negative social connotations attached to his name, Nosey is not a gossiper. In actuality, he was named after his incredible sense of smell. He loves gathering and hoarding various items, food, and trinkets. Thankfully, most of the stuff he gathers over time either gets sold or eaten. Recently though, he has started frequenting the Southern Icefield... bringing back... cats?!
Nosey has two constant companions: Remi the rattlesnake and Yosuke the Mute Cat. Many dragons and enemies forget or don't notice them, but she [Remi] helps out in fights and gathering and giving pretty useful directions and he [Yosuke] provides distractions, some nasty scratches, and helps cook during camping breaks.
There's no better flyer in the Clan than Nosey. When Nosey was still a hatchling, he accidentally wandered out of the Lair and fell right into the Twisting Crescendo. Maxwell went near ballistic with worry and grief while many other members started gathering for funeral preparations. However, Katsuji [The Clan Head] strangely stopped the activities. Quite a few dragons had been outraged at the order, but the anger quieted when both Kamine and Azula [The Clan Founders, Progenitors] supported the command. A few days later, the sound of awkwardly flying wings stumbled into the Lair as Nosey, still a hatchling, flew back into the Lair. He did not stick the landing, unfortunately. At that point though, Maxwell had been so relieved and overjoyed that getting any advice from him the following weeks needed to be taken with a grain of salt. Nosey has many nicknames for Maxwell, the two most favored being "Grampa" and "Maxdad".
Katsuji's relationship with Nosey is a mixture of brotherly and parental vibes. Should Katsuji leave the Lair, Nosey almost always tags along as the Clan Head's Main Bodyguard. Nosey grew very close to Katsuji the months following the Bright Feathers incident, having a deep respect for the Clan Head.
Nosey's favorite color is orange, though he still has a few articles of green clothing and other apparel from before the Bright Feathers incident. Nosey never loses track of one specific box which is always kept in his designated area of the Lair; Within the box contains a set of three green hair clips gifted to him by his sister Ghengis when they were hatchlings. Before the Bright Feathers incident, he had worn them continuously. Having never lost the habit of wearing hair clips, he currently sports a bright yellow-orange mini-Coatl clip that resembles a dragonfly from a distance. He also recently obtained a Leaf hair clip from the Behemoth during the 2020 Greenskeeper Gathering.
Favorite Food(s):
Excerpts from the Ongoing Worries of "Grampa" Maxwell and his Charge, Nosey:
Maxwell: Nosey. Nosey, WHY do you have that masque on?!
Nosey: I am a mwaster of the disguising!
Maxwell: Nosey, that is a Coatl masque. You’re already a Coatl, Nosey.
Nosey: But I’m nwot! I’m a PAPER Coatl!
Maxwell: Nosey, no. Please stop.
Nosey: Nosey, yeses!
Nosey: [Nosey puts on the Guardian Masque.]
Maxwell: Nosey, that masque is blue. It doesn’t match you very well.
Nosey: But nowz I is a PAPER Guardian! Can youse feel my extra very protectwive aura? [Note: Spoken in an excitable-child hum.]
Maxwell: [Maxwell is unable to resist the adorable, younger Coatl] ... Yes, Nosey... I can feel your extra protective aura...
Nosey: [Nosey puts on the Imperial Masque.] Look Maxdad! I can are be just as stwrong as Aunt Gothel! I is a PAPER Imp! Or I be as pretty as Aunt Raith mwaybe!
Maxwell: [Looks nervously at the somewhat terrifying Gothel and the hauntingly beautiful Raith, then back to Nosey.] I think you look amazing already.
Nosey: [Gasps at an idea.] But nowz I possible be can extra shinies like Uncle ShinyBoi! Can youse feel it?! [Nosey proceeds to pose and radiate a 'D’aaaaaw'-like aura instead.]
Maxwell: [Maxwell feels the full force of the aura and replies in a strained hum.] Yes, I can feel it, Nosey.
Nosey: [Nosey puts on the Fae Masque.] I is a PAPER Fae! Mwaybe nowz can communicwate I with Kamine can be bwetter!
Maxwell: Nosey, I’m not sure it works like that...
Nosey: I’m will going to see try! I’ll be backing right to be back!
Maxwell: Nosey, wai- [Maxwell fails to grab Nosey in time. He watches from a distance as Nosey and Kamine quietly converse.]
Nosey: [Nosey comes back.] It hases worked!
Maxwell: It did?!
Nosey: Kind sort of. I gotz few more say phrases, and plus Uncle Kamine gave me an treat for the effort trying hard!
Maxwell: [Maxwell sighs and is still a bit dumbfounded.]
Kamine: He did pretty well, considering frills
on paper masques don't move very well.
Nosey: [Nosey puts on the Wildclaw Masque. The paper horns look odd against the contrast of Nosey's feathers.]
Maxwell: [One can hear the fond exasperation in Maxwell's hums.] Hm. Your accent makes you look just a tad like a plant sprout on fire. Otherwise, I would say you look like a rather enthusiastic sprout. At least the color of the masque compliments you eye-
Nosey: Fwight me.
Maxwell: -s... Wait, ex-excuse me? Nos-
Nosey: FWIGHT ME!!! [The phrase seems to literally vibrate... whatever that means.]
[The Clan later finds out that Nosey ended up sparring with Maxwell. It was, to Maxwell's recollection, the most exercise the elder Coatl has gotten in his entire existence. The next day, Maxwell was seen bundled up in a mountain of blankets, too sore to move and stop Nosey from bundling even more blankets on top of Maxwell.]
Maxwell: Nosey, where are you getting all these blankets from?!
Remi the Rattlesnake, Yosuke the Mute Cat, and the Mysterious Phoenix
The Continuing Adventures of Nosey the Coatl (Wavecrest 2020) by @Bxy26
The Lore is available in Spiritus' Profile as well.
"Hewwo, I’m Nosey.”
The great white and brown Guardian looked down at the masked Coatl. “I see. And you are... a Coatl?”
The Coatl in the Coatl masque chuckled. “You guessed!” He pulled out a blue masque and put it on. “Now is I a Guawdian, you like!”
Boreas, Clan Guardian of Aquaurora, had to smile. “I guess you are,” he said. “But why are you here?”
"For the fwestivavaw. I is heow for the Satuownawia.” The Coatl looked around. “Is it heow?”
The Guardian turned and raised a broad brown wing. “It’s actually in the Leviathan Trench this year, but our group is heading out soon. You’re welcome to join them if you’d like.”
"Aw you coming, Bowius?”
He shook his head. “My charge is to guard the clan and the clan leader. She asked me to stay and watch over all the dragons who aren’t attending the festivities.” He looked a little sad as he watched the group preparing to leave.
"Awww...” Nosey said. Then he pulled off his Guardian masque and thrust it over one of Boreas’ horns. “You can bowwow this until I is back. That wiw make you bwave and stwong!” He patted the Guardian’s cheek comfortingly, and leaped over the edge of the cliff, sailing elegantly down on broad wings.
Boreas chuckled. Almost without realizing it, he hooked a claw into the paper masque and pulled it over the rest of his head. Somehow it stretched to cover his much larger head without tearing. And he did feel braver, somehow... then he realized that he had never told the small Coatl his name.
Nosey, oblivious to the Guardian’s confusion, soared over the group packing up to leave. He landed neatly in the sand beside another Guardian, this one a deep blue. “Hewwo, I is Nosey. Aw you going to the Satuownawia?”
"Yes, we are.” The blue Guardian looked down at the Coatl in the Coatl masque. “You can come with us, if you like. I’m, um, not sure if your masque will hold up under the water, though.”
"Don’t wowwy about I. Masque is stwong.”
The Guardian raised an eyebrow. “Okay then,” he said. “As a guest in the realm of the Tidelord, we will show you every consideration of course. But I still have some things to arrange, so if you could…” he scanned the group. “There are so many dragons going different places for this event,” he sighed. “Hey! Spiritus! Come over here.”
A nervous-looking Skydancer hurried over. “Yes, Trenchseeker?”
"We have a guest with us. I need you to see that he is entertained.”
The Skydancer opened and shut his mouth. “But... I...”
"I’ll take care of it.” The Guardian smiled. “That’s part of the holiday. We all get to do different things. You get to practice your hospitable side. I get to make sure the boxes are all organized before we head out.”
"But...” the Skydancer said again. But the Guardian had already moved along, bellowing orders to a smaller group. He sighed, and removed his spectacles. “How can I help you, Mr., ah.”
"I is Nosey,” the Coatl said again.
An eyelid twitched. “Er...right. Anyway, what would you like to see, before we start down into the ocean?”
"Er…” Spiritus looked around. “You want to walk or fly? Can you keep up?”
The Coatl looked offended. “I is fast as Wind. Wind is me.”
"Have it your way,” the Skydancer sighed. He took off, followed by Nosey. “These are the Tsunami Flats,” he pointed out. “You’d think with a name like that, we’d get a lot of storms, but we really don’t. These caves in the cliffs are our home.”
They banked over a wide stretch of intermixed rock-and-sand beach. “These tidepools are where the earliest Water dragons laid their eggs. Some still incubate them here.”
"Who’s that?” the Coatl pointed. A small Fae had fluttered up at their approach, but relaxed when she recognised Spiritus. She returned to the water.
"That’s Kaimana, the Guardian of the Tidepools. She thinks the Tidelord created her with the purpose of a Guardian, but the body of a Fae, because if she were the size of a Guardian, she’d never be able to watch out for the little creatures that live there. She lives with a small pod of Merfae that moved in. Do you see them?”
Nosey looked down at the tiny sparkling figures in the tidepools. “Yes. They’w pwetty.”
"Yes, but don’t get them riled. They can get pretty aggressive. Now over there--do you see the iceberg?” The Skydancer’s voice filled with trepidation.
Suddenly they were interrupted by Trenchseeker’s bellow. “Oh! We’d better hurry back before they leave without us!” Spiritus seemed very relieved.
"Okay. Let’s wace!
"Er, I don’t think…” Spiritus began, but the Coatl had already taken off. He wasn’t kidding, the Skydancer thought, straining to catch up with him. He wasn’t used to this kind of exercise.
Panting, Spiritus landed in the shallow water, where half the party had already dived. “Come on then,” said Trenchseeker, “we haven’t got all day.”
"Wet’s go!” Nosey said, and dived after the Guardian. Spiritus gulped, and followed the Coatl. He hadn’t waited for the explanation that all visitors during the Saturnalia were capable of breathing the water, just as though they were native Water flight members.
He was surprised to see a large bubble of air around Nosey’s head, neck, and shoulders. “How…” he began.
"I is a vewy tawnted Wind Mage,” the Coatl replied.
"But--the Tidelord’s blessing--”
"Wiw is be for thems, too?” To the Skydancer’s surprise, a snake slithered up to Nosey’s head and flickered its tongue at him, while a small cat stretched on his shoulder, kneading his apparel with its paws.
"I--I honestly don’t know,” Spiritus stammered.
"Thems stiw need aiw,” the Coatle pointed out. He moved his wings up and down in the water. “This is awmost wike fwying!” he said excitedly.
"Sort of,” Spiritus agreed. They were passing over the Fishspine reef, and he made sure to point out the beautiful mounds of coral. Nosey stared down. “It’s pwetty,” he said. “I back heow need to someday. Come.”
It took Spiritus a few seconds to puzzle out the Coatl’s meaning, but he finally smiled. “You’ll be welcome when you do,” he said formally.
Suddenly the group came to a halt. “Why stopping we?” asked Nosey.
"Ambush!” Trenchseeker bellowed.
A clan of treacherous Maren blocked their way, escorted by a trained attack Mantarune. Trenchseeker bellowed the guards into action. “Where’s Tidewrath when you need her?” he grumbled.
"We not good enough for you, son?” A powerful Guardian female swam forward, escorted by a pair of fierce Mirror warriors.
"I didn’t mean it like that,” Trenchseeker muttered.
Both groups were casting ineffectual Water spells at each other. “Ooh, ooh, lemme!” Nosey cried, and barreled forward, casting wind spells at the Maren. Most of them dissipated into bubbles as he passed.
Spiritus sighed. “Wind spells are ineffective against Water, too.” He cheered as one of the Mirrors bit deeply into the Mantarune’s fin.
"Not compwetewy!” The Coatl summoned a massive tornado above the water, causing a whirlpool to form.
"What good will that do?” Spiritus howled over the sound of the churning water, as he was dragged forward.
"Disorient,” the Guardian warrior yelled over the waves. “Look, the Manta doesn’t know who to attack anymore. He’s attacking the Maren!”
Sure enough, the Manta went on a rampage through the ranks of the Maren, scattering them completely. The Mirrors chased them down while the Guardian went after the Mantarune. Nosey followed the Guardian, prepared to cast another Disorient spell.
Suddenly, a Maren swam up from below and thrust a spear at Nosey. The Coatl dodged, and his little cat bared its claws and leaped off his shoulder, clawing at the Maren’s face until he dropped the spear and shook the cat off, howling with pain.
"Yosuke!” Nosey cried, seeing the cat floating limply in the water. But the little cat just yawned and winked at him, allowing his master to swim over and pick him up again. The snake crawled out and cautiously put its head out of the air bubble. Then it swam out and around in a circle.
"I guess the Tidelord’s blessing does extend to familiars and pets,” Spiritus admitted.
The battle continued, but the Manta had been brought down and the Maren were in full retreat. The travellers regrouped, licking their wounds. “Well, I guess that was a little more of an adventure than you bargained for!” Trenchseeker said to the Coatl.
Nosey was scratching the little cat behind the ears. “Yes. But we’ew aww aww wight.”
"Thanks for your help,” the Guardian female said. “We left our Wind warrior at home. Never thought about the fact that Disorient still works, even if the damage caused is insignificant!”
"Look!” Trenchseeker pointed over the edge of the trench. Dragons of all breeds could be seen disappearing into the murky blackness of the depths. “That’s where we’re headed. Ready for a new adventure?”
"You bet!” The Coatl settled his Coatl masque more firmly on his head. Miraculously, it didn’t appear to be affected by the water at all. “Wet’s go!”
Nosey's Thank-You Note to Spiritus:
Yosuke the Mute Cat
Introduced in the Treasure Hunt at the Catsquerade Ball - Gala 2020
Katsuji's Yosuke
Skill: Good Ol Common Sense
About: Music-loving Yosuke is known for his incredible jumping skills. Almost like a frog, but clearly he isn't. Has some basic wind magic and loves to cook.
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Beginning Day wrote:
In the Fortress of Ends, music echoes through every hall and corridor. Dragons from all over Sornieth have gathered for a Masquerade Ball, donning intricate masks, elaborate feathers, and wild and colorful formal attire.
With the gathering of the clans, though, comes a gathering of cats.
In a smaller ballroom at the end of a smaller hall, cats from every flight begin to assemble. Wearing feathers and hats and colorful scarves snatched from their clan's stores, cats of all kinds and colors have begun their own own festivities.
Music played by cats fills the room. Meals and drinks made by and for cats overflow on every table. There is much meowing and merriment and dancing.
The Catsquerade carried on for hours, perfectly, until somewhere around the 11th hour there was a crash.
While leaning against the wall with a glass of warm broth, Sundae accidentally knocked a stone out of the cobble.
As it fell to the ground and cracked into pieces, Toby, who had been standing beside him, noticed something... Unusual, embedded into the wall where it had just been.
A note? The cats all gasped in intrigue. Oliver ordered the orchestra to pause.
Dearest Notereader-
My name is Purrdinand IV and I am the assistant to the Grand Architect who has been charged with building the Greatest Fortress to ever be built.
I have left this note in one of the cat rooms to disclose to anyone who might stumble upon it a great secret that I have sworn not to tell.
You see, when the Fortress of Ends was built, the Grand Architect left behind a hidden chamber full of untold riches. Mysterious runes and puzzling clues were built into every wall and window, with the idea that any dragon that is clever enough to solve it would be rewarded and subsequently promoted by the Icewarden himself!
Naturally, I do not have much faith in the cleverness of dragons.
But I do know that cats are very clever and oh how wonderful it would be to show the Icewarden that he really should be investing in more cats, proving yet again how great and wonderful we are.
I cannot tell you the secrets, but I can tell you that you will need to find the secret passage to the treasure. Once there, you'll need three specific artifacts to open the vault.
Clues have been hidden all throughout the fort and its surrounding areas.
Good luck my fellow cats!
"Oh my!" Toby jumps onto the table and grabs the attention of every cat. "Cats of Sornieth! We should work together to find this mysterious hidden treasure."
"How should we do it?" asks Tulip.
"Maybe we should split the treasure evenly among all of us," Chamomile suggests.
"I think it should be finders keepers >:3," Teacup whispers.
"No, no. We have to do this the fair way," Patches interrupts. (Everyone always listens to Patches because she is powerful.)
"We will divide everyone into 12 different groups. The group who finds the treasure can split a portion of it. The rest will go to our cat funds for future cat events."
"Let's go then! Choose your teams."
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Two wrote:
Zith's Ashe, Luna3002's Silence, Trilonyte's Chip, Katsuji's Yosuke decide to do what any logical cat would do: walk up to the Icewarden and search through his fluff to see if he hasany secrets hiding in it. [Sneakysneak Check 19 + 7 (Needed 6)] They spend all day bouncing around Icedad, who somehow manages to not even notice they are there. Turns out, he really does have secrets hiding in his fluff. The team gains +7 Blue Clues.
Team WIP
Katsuji's Yosuke
Despite immensely enjoying the song Oliver was playing for their rest and lunch break, Yosuke noted how lunaris headed straight outside. He shifted the headphones off to hang around his neck, listening in on some of his teammates' conversations. It seemed quite a number of the others were heading to the Towers or the Main Castle...
Only lunaris headed outside. Yosuke was a tad worried, wondering if a single cat alone could tackle the obstacles outside. He bounded after the other cat, hesitating at the entrance. He wondered if there would be a few more cats that could accompany them. I would be nice to have some back-up...
He waits for a moment, knowing that the others will decide for themselves by the end of the day. Then he turns, bounding after lunaris to join them in their quest. He gives them a playful nudge, a show of camaraderie.
Team WIP
Box briefly considered Bubbles' advice, but decided to go outside anyway. The team only had a few gold clues, and midnight clues were always useful regardless of what other clues were found. Plus, yesterday was so successful with the longnecks that the outdoors felt full of promise for future searching.
Box shook itself out of its musings and saw lunaris heading outside. As it watched, Yosuke bounded over to lunaris and playfully nudged them. Box pronked after the pair before it could lose sight of them.
Team WIP
Katsuji's Yosuke____ and _____Whitefangedwolf's Box
lunaris seems determined to continue outside, solely focused on their quest as they were. A small gesture catches Yosuke's attention instead as a tasteful, paint-covered green cat with glasses bounds over. If Yosuke remembered correctly, the other cat is Box. He remembers watching the other cat and two others head outside when his small group decided to investigate the Icewarden's fur.
Yosuke waits a bit for Box to catch up, waving a friendly cat paw back as Box nears. Just as Box is about to reach him, Yosuke leaps up into the air in excitement that another cat would be joining the trek outside to perhaps find more gold or midnight clues for the team. He nearly touches the ceiling, an impressive feat considering that he is a rather small cat. He lands gently behind Box and playfully boops Box with his tail.
Yosuke starts moving his paws, trying to convey his happiness to Box in what appears to be a cat version of... sign language? Either that or he is just wanting to play with the other cat while they are waiting for the signal to go explore. The movement of his paws slightly loosens the scarf around Yosuke's neck, revealing the edge of some bandages.
Team WIP
Whitefangedwolf's Box____ and _____Katsuji's Yosuke____
As the shrub-cat reached the waiting Yosuke, ornaments bobbing from its pronking, Box was pleased by Yosuke's friendly and enthusiastic response to its arrival. Yosuke's scarf slipped to show some bandages, so Box gestured to the bandages, then asked while signing in Cat Sign Language, "Are you okay? I hadn't heard that Icepop's fluff was dangerous."
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Three wrote:
seasalted's lunaris, Katsuji's Yosuke, Whitefangedwolf's Box make their way to an old forest area with a large number of crumbling statues. [Thonking Check 7 + 4 (Needed 10)] After spending hours reading the plaques on the statues, they realize there's a puzzle to solve! The team gains +2 Midnight Clues.
The team convenes in the Fortress's oldest ballroom at 3am to discuss their progress. It's dark, the dragons have since gone to bed, and everything is... quite quiet. They compare clues, begin drawing lines together between everything they've found and... they make a breakthrough! The secret passage containing the treasure must be here, in this very room! The cats make their way to a side wall where a tapestry depicting gaolers in battle hangs from the tall ceilings. Behind the tapestry, some of the stones in the wall look a bit.... different. The cats push the different rocks in a particular order, and a panel opens up in the floor, revealing a hidden chamber below.
Deep inside this chamber, three statues sit along the back wall, along with what looks like a complex tile puzzle... The note mentioned artifacts... this must be where they go. The team gains +3 Midnight Clues.
Team WIP
Katsuji's Yosuke____ and _____Whitefangedwolf's Box
After a successful day exploring the forest with the statues, Yosuke turns back to Box to continue their earlier conversation. He loosens the scarf and gestures to the bandages. Moving his paws, he conveys that he was originally mute. An brief yet intense encounter with Talona... Yosuke had successfully covered for his owner, Nosey, when they had been retreating at the near-cost of his life when he got speared straight through the neck. The Mage and Spiritual Leaders spent hours performing some sort of spell that had saved him at the cost of his voice. Yosuke doesn't mind though. Frosty, his clan's smallest Fae, doesn't ever let the newer members forget about him and Nosey always checks in on him or takes him out on flights.
Yosuke looks around the area that they are resting in, noting that the other cat teams have yet to find a way into the secret passage. There are no other teams in the secret chamber at the moment. He is also slightly curious as to what Oliver will compose to commemorate this occasion. Oliver reminds him of his Clan's Founder Kamine. He takes a moment to let out a happy vibration [a.k.a. a silent purr]. He found that this event is really fun. Even if Team WIP doesn't win, Yosuke finds that he rather likes all the exploring that is happening. He moves his paws, asking Box what he thought of the other teams and about the Treasure Hunt.
Yosuke also gestures outside, wondering if they are to explore it again today. Then he indicates the another cat. It seems Marquardt was done exploring the castle Towers and the Main Castle and is looking to go Outside as well. Perhaps they can join them today?
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Four wrote:
*Blanket Fort Official's Bubbles, Zith's Ashe, Snapdragoon's Daydream, Luna3002's Silence, WinterSolace's Felix Softpaws, Katsuji's Yosuke, Wonderlast's Marquardt, dagmarmot's Eallin, Whitefangedwolf's Box, LadyAria's Cruz find a stray backpack stuck in the branches of an old pine tree. [Attac Check 6 + 10 (Needed 8)] They manage to climb up the tree and retrieve the pack. It has some old scrolls in it! The team gains +10 Gold Clues and +5 Midnight Clues.
The first artifact has been recovered by another team.
Team WIP
Box pronked in place from sheer excitement. The Super Alchemy Friends had found an amazing frozen monster! Oh, and there was that magic orb the other team had found in the monster's grasp, as well. But, seriously, the monster was fantastic! Who knew what other weird and wonderful things would be found next?
Since Yosuke appeared to be staying inside today, Box wished him luck in his explorations and headed out to see what it would find.
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Five wrote:
Katsuji's Yosuke, thePurple's Brambles, Whitefangedwolf's Box hear word that there is an old abandoned mine that has a bunch of old stone tablets left in boxes inside it. They run out to the cave for the tablets, but they seem to be guarded by some angry bears! [Attac Check 16 + 3 (Needed 5)] They manage to outsmart the bears and chase them off into the woods. The team gains +3 Gold Clues.
The second artifact has been recovered by another team.
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Six wrote:
Zith's Ashe, Luna3002's Silence, Katsuji's Yosuke, Whitefangedwolf's Box run into Scar and Stella while exploring, who insist on taking them home because outside is not safe for cats.
[Bribery Check 11 + 4 (Needed 14)] They bribe their fellow cats with a nice ribbon and a treat to let them stay (as long as they're careful). The team gains +4 Red Clues.
The third artifact has been recovered by another team.
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Day Seven wrote:
*Blanket Fort Official's Bubbles, *Blanket Fort Official's Oliver, *Blanket Fort Official's Daisy, PikaLink's Ozzy, Trilonyte's Chip, WinterSolace's Felix Softpaws, Katsuji's Yosuke, venusambassador's Son On a String head to the library stacks to look for old maps of the Fortress of Ends. After spotting a box on one of the higher shelves, they go to climb the shelf to get it... When suddenly the bookshelf begins to fall! [Attac Check 8 + 8 (Needed 13)] Fortunately, they use their strength and quick-thinking to steady the shelf before it crashes to the ground. The team gains +8 Gold Clues.
Time is up... but who will unlock the treasure? Find out soon!
Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade: Final Results wrote:
Cats from all teams... except Tea and Cookies... gather in the secret passageway, trying desperately to solve the puzzle and collect the treasure. It just doesn't seem to be working....
But hours later, when the cats lie down to take a break and reconvene and rethink, Mocha and Chamomile wander in with their team. Patient and full of friendliness and love!! They walk up to the puzzle, and with everything they have done throughout the week, they come to a realization.
Chamomile climbs up to put the artifacts in the eyes of the statue... And Mocha... presses the tiles to create the shape of a heart.
So simple, but somehow nobody had thought of it?!
The door shakes, and as it opens the cold air hits the warm, cloaking the passage in fog. When the fog settles.... the treasure is revealed!
Gold and gemstones and all kinds of old artifacts as far as the eye can see! Truly a sight to behold!!!
"We did it!!!" Mocha and Chamomile exclaim! Their team spins around in celebration.
They did it!!
Patches surveys the room and hands each of the Tea and Cookies team members 250 gems for their hard work and loyalty. As well as a badge.
Final Standings
- Tea and Cookies - 88 points
- WIP - 85 points
- Northern Lights - 76 points
- Super Alchemy Friends - 75 points
- Ghost Hunters & Storytellers - 73 points
- THE LAW - 68 points
- Strong Team!!!!! - 61 points
- T & S Gourmet Cat-ering Service - 55 points
- Fabulous Cats Shipping Co. - 50 points
- Team Work - 41 points
- Cereal Treats - 38 points
- Perfectly Responsible Rule-Following Association - 21 points
The cats are throwing confetti around and dancing and playing music throughout the treasure room, when a large rumbling sound interrupts their festivities. The Icewarden himself pokes his head into the room and sees all of the cats bathing in gold and riches.
"Huh. So that's where all my cats went...." he mutters before turning around and leaving again. "Smart cats...... I probably should get more of those...."
End of [GALA] Treasure Hunt // Catsquerade Adventure
Bio template by Mibella, find it here.
[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb2gtK0n/2w7fiuf-58.png[/img][item=paper coatl masque][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvWdQY28/jkydpo1-58.png[/img][item=accent: ember plumes][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dY2z9zK/gcsjwjo-58.png[/img][item=Bronze Steampunk Tail Bauble][img]https://i.postimg.cc/02RXwrrQ/gswomkj-58.png[/img][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]B I O G R A P H Y[/font][/size][/center]
[img]http://i.imgur.com/YkOCj1y.png[/img][color=transparent]_[/color][font=Cambria][b]Bright Feathers[/b][/font][color=transparent]_[/color][img]http://i.imgur.com/n84GomK.png[/img]
[center][font=Verdana][size=1][b]Bright Feathers Cover[/b] by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2747695][b]eieru[/b][/url][/size][/center]
[font=Verdana][size=4]N[/size][size=2]owadays, Nosey is known for his cheerful and peppy personality. Despite being somewhat of a goofball, Nosey is not one to intentionally cause trouble. He lives life with a positive attitude and enjoys joking and being social. Nosey has a honest curiosity of the world around him, leading to his love of adventuring and learning about other dragons and their clans. Yet, Nosey had not always been this way.[/size]
[size=4]A[/size][size=2] long shadow was set upon him, forever changing the course Nosey once walked.[/size]
[size=4]T[/size][size=2]his story regales of an encounter and the three-month-long recovery that shaped Nosey into the dragon he is today. Come listen to the story of bright feathers.[/size]
[size=4]H[/size][size=2]e is nearing three months old now. Despite Grandpa Maxwell’s hesitation over the decision to have them leave the Clan to serve the Windsinger’s army, Grandpa still agreed that it was best they start training them for the battlefield. This trip will be his fourth one, this time traveling across the Sea of a Thousand Currents to explore the border of The Tangled Wood. They will not be visiting the more well-known areas however. Instead, PinOut and Gothel are planning a trip to the ruins located within the zone while Theus will stay behind to protect the untrained dragons that are to serve the Windsinger at a later point. His brothers (Fasur, Epiales, and Vaughn) and sole sister (Ghengis) are a part of this group just as much as he is.[/size]
[size=4]W[/size][size=2]hile PinOut and Gothel are setting up preparations, making sure there is sufficient food on hand should any dragon run low on energy, Nosey quietly admits to Ghengis that he is a bit nervous. “Sees now pwreparing they are, bit little nervous me is.”[/size]
[size=4]G[/size][size=2]hengis shares a shy smile, “I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous too. We stayed on the sidelines, watching the others train in the Kelp Beds, the Harpy’s Roost, and the Boreal Wood. Now, it’s our turn.” She looks away, her head feathers pressing closer to her neck. “It feels a bit daunting, knowing that soon we will face thousands upon millions across ten other Flights.”
“[/size][size=4]F[/size][size=2]right fights now is being hwelpful to in Flight fights, yesus?” Nosey quips, hoping his pun on their location will help cheer his sister up. His remark seems to help as she turns back to him and relaxes her feathers.
“[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]es, you’re right.” She affectionately replies back. “Thank you, Nosey. I needed that.”
“[/size][size=4]I[/size][size=2] giving youse welcome am.” He replies back.[/size]
[size=4]S[/size][size=2]he laughs, drawing out a delightful hum. It is a wonderful sound, one Nosey feels he will miss once they are scattered across the lands to fight countless other dragons just like him. Perhaps they will find each other. Or they may be lost among the combat, one small dragon drowned in a seemingly never-ending shortage. Nosey likes to think that the former option will happen, but there remains a sense of lingering uncertainty.
“[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]hen we head for the ranks of the Windsinger, I think I’ll miss the way you talk the most.” Ghengis sighs fondly. “I love Fasur and Epiales as much as I do for you and Vaughn, but they’ve always had a love for fighting. And Vaughn… Vaughn always had his head in Aqualumina’s teachings. He rarely ever spoke to the two of us despite all three of us being born as Coatls.”[/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey steps closer to his sister, cuddling up next to her. He presses his wings against hers in their way of sibling comfort. She leans into it, letting the forming frown dissipate. “Vaughn smart being ways in neither us is understanding of. Youse knowing me having cloud head filling of the air.” [/size]
[size=4]G[/size][size=2]hengis playfully bops his head with her tail. “Oh stop that. There’s nothing wrong with your love of flying. Mom and Dad always talk about how amazing you are at flying, even regaling the tale of when you fell into the Twisting Crescendo as a hatchling, much to Grandad’s constant dismay.” [/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey chuckles, remembering Grandpa’s panicked expression every time the story was brought up. He will miss that. He will miss hanging out with Grandpa on peaceful sunlight afternoons, watching the elder Coatl manage and advise the Clan. He supposes that he will long for everyone back at the Lair, but he will be going to serve a higher purpose within the ranks. [/size]
[size=4]A[/size][size=2]nd Ghengis will be there, so that is another plus.
“[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]ouse right all being always.” Nosey warmly smiles back, noting that his own anxiety had evaporated away. Conversations with his sister never failed to brighten any situation. He hopes it is the same for her too, “Smart Ghengis feel less or not appwrehension have, I hoping?”
“[/size][size=4]O[/size][size=2]h, Nosey.” She gently rubs her head against his before moving away. “Never have I ever been more grateful to have you as my brother.” Nosey responds with a bright grin, full of warmth and life. Ghengis continues to keep her soft expression, focusing once more on observing the others. Fasur and Epiales are wrestling off to the side, both Wildclaws sporting wild expressions. Vaughn is isolated a small ways from the group, looking through yet another scroll. The sound of her voice draws Nosey’s attention after a moment of comfortable quiet, yet she is not looking at Nosey when she speaks. “Change is upon us, isn’t it... No matter what happens to us, Nosey, I deeply hope we change for the better.” [/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey gazes around the camp, committing each detail of the group to memory. He hopes he will think back to this day and remember the comfort of home when the going gets rough.
“[/size][size=4]M[/size][size=2]e I be agrees.” Nosey mutters just as PinOut announces that preparations are complete. The first dragon within their group is called, stepping forward as the the group of three head to the Ghostlight Ruins. [/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey watches them go.[/size]
[size=4]S[/size][size=2]oon, he knows, it will be his turn.[/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey pants, trying to slow his breathing into slower deep breaths. It feels like they have been at this for hours. Ghengis had already finished her training, though she mentioned that most of her battles were against magic-based beasts. He’s extremely glad her run through the ruins had been rather smooth; His, on the other hand, seems to be pushing for the title of “Spirited Away” if the number of Disoriented and Malevolent Spirits they have encountered was anything to go by. [/size]
[size=4]T[/size][size=2]hey are camping now, both PinOut and Gothel having run out of energy to continue unless they replenished on energy.
[center][size=4][font=cambria]Discovery of Clan Foxhole[/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=2][b]Shadow Dominance - written by @[url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=196174]GrinningFox[/url][/b][/size][/center]
[font=Verdana][size=4]W[/size][size=2]hile exploring a marshy grove of the Tangled Wood, Nosey the Coatl spotted a short marble spire jutting up from the ground. Its once elaborate carvings were weathered and chipped. The spire was sunken into the ground, the bottom of it vanishing beneath the mud. The cat, Yosuke, scampered ahead. He leapt up onto the ledge of a window, or skylight, depending on what that side of the building had been. Nosey followed Yosuke’s path.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]I[/size][size=2]nside, the spire was much deeper than it looked. Below Nosey there was only shadow. Yosuke leapt from a crumbling ledge onto Nosey’s shoulder as the Coatl carefully descended toward the base of the tower. When they reached the bottom, it wasn’t as dark as it should have been. Ahead of them was a hallway, and a faint glow came from somewhere on the other end. This area somehow remained intact after being swallowed by the wetland. Remi, a small rattlesnake looped around Nosey’s arm, curled a little tighter.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]M[/size][size=2]e I this place thinks is creepy, too.” Nosey whispered, but he couldn’t stop himself from grinning. It wasn’t every day he got the chance to explore buried ruins, creepy or not.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]O[/size][size=2]nce they were on solid ground again, Yosuke jumped down and ran ahead, paws moving silently over the hard floor. The cat quickly disappeared around a corner. Nosey hurried to catch up, but upon rounding the corner, Yosuke was nowhere to be seen. Sniffing the air, the Coatl searched for Yosuke’s scent. Soon enough, he found it, and hurried off to find his friend.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]E[/size][size=2]very corner he turned in this strange, dimly lit tunnel, there was more to see. He was surprised at how elaborate the carvings in the walls were, but didn’t have time to stop and admire them. He was too worried about Yosuke getting lost to pause for art appreciation. Hurrying onward and following Yosuke’s scent, Nosey turned another corner. The soft, sourceless light seemed brighter. At the end of the corridor was a circular room with a vaulted roof. The stone floor was carved with shallow, interlocking grooves and shapes. On the far side, Yosuke sat in front of a green Wildclaw with white eyes and a chisel in his claws.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]Y[/size][size=2]osuke!” Nosey called out, relieved to find his friend. The green Wildclaw flinched at the sound, which echoed through the chamber.
[font=Verdana][size=2]"[/size][size=4]W[/size][size=2]ho’s there?” the Wildclaw asked.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey focused on his words, not wanting to be misunderstood on a first impression. “Hello, Nosey my name is! You are?”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]W[/size][size=2]hen Nosey spoke, the Wildclaw turned his head toward the sound. “Hello, I’m [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=18446743]C[size=2]hlorine[/url][/size][size=2]. Ah, you should come with me.”[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]D[/size][size=2]espite the strange circumstances, Nosey was too curious not to follow. Remi partially uncurled from around Nosey’s arm to raise her head and get a better look around, and Yosuke padded along silently behind them. It wasn’t until they had left the circular chamber that Nosey realized what the carvings were: a map. He wondered if this place could really be as large as the map showed.[/size]
[font=Verdana][size=4]T[/size][size=2]he eerie, sourceless light was almost as bright as daylight. Chlorine led them through another doorway that opened into a room so large Nosey could fly circles inside it. The handful of other dragons in the room looked up as they entered, and one or two called out a greeting. A moment later a dozen more heads appeared in other doorways around the room, more dragons curious about the source of the commotion. There was a whole [/size][size=4][url=https://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=userpage&id=196174]c[size=2]lan[/url][/size][size=2] hidden down here, beneath the Tangled Wood’s marshes.[/size]
[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/fb2gtK0n/2w7fiuf-58.png[/img][item=scout's wing cover][img]https://i.postimg.cc/zvWdQY28/jkydpo1-58.png[/img][item=scene: shoreline serenity][img]https://i.postimg.cc/4dY2z9zK/gcsjwjo-58.png[/img][item=burnished filigree breastplate][img]https://i.postimg.cc/02RXwrrQ/gswomkj-58.png[/img][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]B I O G R A P H Y[/font][/size][/center]
[center][size=4][font=cambria]Home Is Where You Are[/font][/size][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=2][b]Scrimshaw Scrawl - written by @[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/2873519/1#post_43739107]horrorsilk[/url][/b][/size][/center]
[center][font=Verdana][size=4]D[/size][size=2]own, down, down he went
Through the howling, yowling wind
Up, up, up he came
With flapping wings he laughed and grinned[/size]
[size=4]T[/size][size=2]he others had all thought him lost
But now they were in shock
Nosey survived the vortex below;
All they could do was gawk[/size]
[size=4]N[/size][size=2]osey was a curious sort
That much was clear from then
Desiring to see the world
And maybe make some friends[/size]
[size=4]A[/size][size=2]nd with the wind in his wings
And music in his heart
The coatl lifted to the sky
And from the lair he did depart[/size]
[size=4]B[/size][size=2]ut never would he be alone
For everywhere he went
Came along his snake and cat
Remi and Yosuke joining each ascent[/size]
[size=4]A[/size][size=2] flying expert, most would say
And yet others a warrior strong
Nosey is all this and more
And helps many as he moves along[/size]
[size=4]G[/size][size=2]rampa might still worry
And home may yet be far
But the wind carries things away and back
And truth be told, as all Wind dragons know[/size]
[size=4]H[/size][size=2]ome is where you are.[/size]
Bright Feathers Cover by @eieru
Nowadays, Nosey is known for his cheerful and peppy personality. Despite being somewhat of a goofball, Nosey is not one to intentionally cause trouble. He lives life with a positive attitude and enjoys joking and being social. Nosey has a honest curiosity of the world around him, leading to his love of adventuring and learning about other dragons and their clans. Yet, Nosey had not always been this way.
A long shadow was set upon him, forever changing the course Nosey once walked.
This story regales of an encounter and the three-month-long recovery that shaped Nosey into the dragon he is today. Come listen to the story of bright feathers.
He is nearing three months old now. Despite Grandpa Maxwell’s hesitation over the decision to have them leave the Clan to serve the Windsinger’s army, Grandpa still agreed that it was best they start training them for the battlefield. This trip will be his fourth one, this time traveling across the Sea of a Thousand Currents to explore the border of The Tangled Wood. They will not be visiting the more well-known areas however. Instead, PinOut and Gothel are planning a trip to the ruins located within the zone while Theus will stay behind to protect the untrained dragons that are to serve the Windsinger at a later point. His brothers (Fasur, Epiales, and Vaughn) and sole sister (Ghengis) are a part of this group just as much as he is.
While PinOut and Gothel are setting up preparations, making sure there is sufficient food on hand should any dragon run low on energy, Nosey quietly admits to Ghengis that he is a bit nervous. “Sees now pwreparing they are, bit little nervous me is.”
Ghengis shares a shy smile, “I’ll admit, I’m a bit nervous too. We stayed on the sidelines, watching the others train in the Kelp Beds, the Harpy’s Roost, and the Boreal Wood. Now, it’s our turn.” She looks away, her head feathers pressing closer to her neck. “It feels a bit daunting, knowing that soon we will face thousands upon millions across ten other Flights.”
“Fright fights now is being hwelpful to in Flight fights, yesus?” Nosey quips, hoping his pun on their location will help cheer his sister up. His remark seems to help as she turns back to him and relaxes her feathers.
“Yes, you’re right.” She affectionately replies back. “Thank you, Nosey. I needed that.”
“I giving youse welcome am.” He replies back.
She laughs, drawing out a delightful hum. It is a wonderful sound, one Nosey feels he will miss once they are scattered across the lands to fight countless other dragons just like him. Perhaps they will find each other. Or they may be lost among the combat, one small dragon drowned in a seemingly never-ending shortage. Nosey likes to think that the former option will happen, but there remains a sense of lingering uncertainty.
“When we head for the ranks of the Windsinger, I think I’ll miss the way you talk the most.” Ghengis sighs fondly. “I love Fasur and Epiales as much as I do for you and Vaughn, but they’ve always had a love for fighting. And Vaughn… Vaughn always had his head in Aqualumina’s teachings. He rarely ever spoke to the two of us despite all three of us being born as Coatls.”
Nosey steps closer to his sister, cuddling up next to her. He presses his wings against hers in their way of sibling comfort. She leans into it, letting the forming frown dissipate. “Vaughn smart being ways in neither us is understanding of. Youse knowing me having cloud head filling of the air.”
Ghengis playfully bops his head with her tail. “Oh stop that. There’s nothing wrong with your love of flying. Mom and Dad always talk about how amazing you are at flying, even regaling the tale of when you fell into the Twisting Crescendo as a hatchling, much to Grandad’s constant dismay.”
Nosey chuckles, remembering Grandpa’s panicked expression every time the story was brought up. He will miss that. He will miss hanging out with Grandpa on peaceful sunlight afternoons, watching the elder Coatl manage and advise the Clan. He supposes that he will long for everyone back at the Lair, but he will be going to serve a higher purpose within the ranks.
And Ghengis will be there, so that is another plus.
“Youse right all being always.” Nosey warmly smiles back, noting that his own anxiety had evaporated away. Conversations with his sister never failed to brighten any situation. He hopes it is the same for her too, “Smart Ghengis feel less or not appwrehension have, I hoping?”
“Oh, Nosey.” She gently rubs her head against his before moving away. “Never have I ever been more grateful to have you as my brother.” Nosey responds with a bright grin, full of warmth and life. Ghengis continues to keep her soft expression, focusing once more on observing the others. Fasur and Epiales are wrestling off to the side, both Wildclaws sporting wild expressions. Vaughn is isolated a small ways from the group, looking through yet another scroll. The sound of her voice draws Nosey’s attention after a moment of comfortable quiet, yet she is not looking at Nosey when she speaks. “Change is upon us, isn’t it... No matter what happens to us, Nosey, I deeply hope we change for the better.”
Nosey gazes around the camp, committing each detail of the group to memory. He hopes he will think back to this day and remember the comfort of home when the going gets rough.
“Me I be agrees.” Nosey mutters just as PinOut announces that preparations are complete. The first dragon within their group is called, stepping forward as the the group of three head to the Ghostlight Ruins.
Nosey watches them go.
Soon, he knows, it will be his turn.
Nosey pants, trying to slow his breathing into slower deep breaths. It feels like they have been at this for hours. Ghengis had already finished her training, though she mentioned that most of her battles were against magic-based beasts. He’s extremely glad her run through the ruins had been rather smooth; His, on the other hand, seems to be pushing for the title of “Spirited Away” if the number of Disoriented and Malevolent Spirits they have encountered was anything to go by.
They are camping now, both PinOut and Gothel having run out of energy to continue unless they replenished on energy.
Discovery of Clan Foxhole
While exploring a marshy grove of the Tangled Wood, Nosey the Coatl spotted a short marble spire jutting up from the ground. Its once elaborate carvings were weathered and chipped. The spire was sunken into the ground, the bottom of it vanishing beneath the mud. The cat, Yosuke, scampered ahead. He leapt up onto the ledge of a window, or skylight, depending on what that side of the building had been. Nosey followed Yosuke’s path.
Inside, the spire was much deeper than it looked. Below Nosey there was only shadow. Yosuke leapt from a crumbling ledge onto Nosey’s shoulder as the Coatl carefully descended toward the base of the tower. When they reached the bottom, it wasn’t as dark as it should have been. Ahead of them was a hallway, and a faint glow came from somewhere on the other end. This area somehow remained intact after being swallowed by the wetland. Remi, a small rattlesnake looped around Nosey’s arm, curled a little tighter.
"Me I this place thinks is creepy, too.” Nosey whispered, but he couldn’t stop himself from grinning. It wasn’t every day he got the chance to explore buried ruins, creepy or not.
Once they were on solid ground again, Yosuke jumped down and ran ahead, paws moving silently over the hard floor. The cat quickly disappeared around a corner. Nosey hurried to catch up, but upon rounding the corner, Yosuke was nowhere to be seen. Sniffing the air, the Coatl searched for Yosuke’s scent. Soon enough, he found it, and hurried off to find his friend.
Every corner he turned in this strange, dimly lit tunnel, there was more to see. He was surprised at how elaborate the carvings in the walls were, but didn’t have time to stop and admire them. He was too worried about Yosuke getting lost to pause for art appreciation. Hurrying onward and following Yosuke’s scent, Nosey turned another corner. The soft, sourceless light seemed brighter. At the end of the corridor was a circular room with a vaulted roof. The stone floor was carved with shallow, interlocking grooves and shapes. On the far side, Yosuke sat in front of a green Wildclaw with white eyes and a chisel in his claws.
"Yosuke!” Nosey called out, relieved to find his friend. The green Wildclaw flinched at the sound, which echoed through the chamber.
"Who’s there?” the Wildclaw asked.
Nosey focused on his words, not wanting to be misunderstood on a first impression. “Hello, Nosey my name is! You are?”
When Nosey spoke, the Wildclaw turned his head toward the sound. “Hello, I’m Chlorine. Ah, you should come with me.”
Despite the strange circumstances, Nosey was too curious not to follow. Remi partially uncurled from around Nosey’s arm to raise her head and get a better look around, and Yosuke padded along silently behind them. It wasn’t until they had left the circular chamber that Nosey realized what the carvings were: a map. He wondered if this place could really be as large as the map showed.
The eerie, sourceless light was almost as bright as daylight. Chlorine led them through another doorway that opened into a room so large Nosey could fly circles inside it. The handful of other dragons in the room looked up as they entered, and one or two called out a greeting. A moment later a dozen more heads appeared in other doorways around the room, more dragons curious about the source of the commotion. There was a whole clan hidden down here, beneath the Tangled Wood’s marshes.
Home Is Where You Are
Down, down, down he went
Through the howling, yowling wind
Up, up, up he came
With flapping wings he laughed and grinned
The others had all thought him lost
But now they were in shock
Nosey survived the vortex below;
All they could do was gawk
Nosey was a curious sort
That much was clear from then
Desiring to see the world
And maybe make some friends
And with the wind in his wings
And music in his heart
The coatl lifted to the sky
And from the lair he did depart
But never would he be alone
For everywhere he went
Came along his snake and cat
Remi and Yosuke joining each ascent
A flying expert, most would say
And yet others a warrior strong
Nosey is all this and more
And helps many as he moves along
Grampa might still worry
And home may yet be far
But the wind carries things away and back
And truth be told, as all Wind dragons know
Home is where you are.