You feel an aura surround you. Unusual, since you live alone, in the Reedcleft Ascent. Besides the big familiars that you could accompany, you just live alone. Yeah, some creatures already cast auras, but this one is odd. This is... a different type of aura.
Like a ghostly aura, it feels like. No, you think. Ghosts don't exist. They're just figments of my imagination. But when you open your eyes, you realize the cause of this aura.

You scream and you get up, starting to run away. But then the imperial tugs at you, and she turns you to look at her. She's a nature type.
"Whoa, there. Don't even try to run away." She says. She wasn't even holding onto you. The cyan hands were gripping onto you. You thrash around and try to kick at her. You weren't even close to kicking her.
"W-who are you? Why are you here? WHAT DO YOU WANT?" You screamed. The imperial seems surprised by your reaction.
"Whoa whoa whoa. I didn't even start to explain and you talk to me like that? How about you shut your mouth and listen." She says. You widen your eyes by the way she talked to you. She had a rude personality. "You used to dragons?" She asked.
You shake your head.
She seemed surprise. "How do you even live? Anyways, I need some help. My name is Ethereal, and..." She sighs, some sort of regret glinting in her eyes. "I'm a ghost."
That's where the aura was coming from, it made so much sense now. Surprise fills your insides like a drink, and your eyes felt like they were forced to stay open for eternity. Ghosts... they existed?
"Wait? Ghosts exist?" You ask her.
"Yeah. Surprised you didn't know. Have you ever picked up a haunted stone orb? Well, you really can't, but that's besides the point. Anyways, I need your help. I went to look at my grave one day, and my bones were missing. I knew I needed to find them, so they could go back to their resting place... but I couldn't do it alone.
"And all of my friends are dead, and I can't talk to them. So I was like, okay Ethereal. Your bones are missing, and you need someone to help you..." She said, taking a moment to pause. "And it had to be you."
"But why couldn't you find another dragon? Why me? I just wanted to live my life as a lone wolf, and now this ghost," You pause, giving out a nervous chuckle. "And now this ghost wants me to help her steal some bones? Look, I'm sorry. I just can't help you." You say. Just then, two ghastly hands go to grab your neck, but they don't strangle you.
"Listen here, you little loner. I wouldn't mind killing you if I wanted to. So, if you want to help me, your neck won't be twisted. You won't get mauled, your neck won't be sliced, etcetera, etcetera..." She pauses, as she lets you stare into her eyes. They were full of anger... and need. It almost looked like she would frown.
"Please. I just want my body safe." Ethereal says. You couldn't resist her pleads. You had to help her. You grab the hands and push them away from your neck. You then slightly nod.
"I will help."
* * *
You were just sleeping by yourself, until a ghost appears in front of you, looking for help. You decide to help the imperial, Ethereal, and you two take off on many adventures to get her bones back. This is a choose your own path story, where you get to make your own decisions that will impact the story.