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TOPIC | Effe’s Lore Records
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[center][img][/img] [/center] [columns][img][/img] [img][/img][nextcol] [center][font=times][color=#334466][size=6]United we stand, united we conquer[/font][/color][/size] [size=3] [url=][img][/img][/url] The Gemini Clan is a clan full of interesting clan mates. There are many who come from prestige lineages or various subspecies. Some may have joined the clan to escape their past and start a new future, some were rescued, or even born within the clan. [/size] [nextcol][img][/img] [img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [center][url=][img][/img][/url] [/center] [nextcol] [center] [img][/img][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [right] You stumble upon a small section of the Gemini Clan’s massive library. Candles all lit and the faint sound of waves draw you deeper. Books are scattered, ink bottles and quills here and there, various crystals are placed everywhere, and you start to hear writing. Only then do you see a blue nymph covered in runes, writing on some parchment. She looks at you intrigued, [color=#473C8B][b]“Greetings traveler. I am Effe, the Lore Keeper. Feel free to read whatever you wish. I record all clan events, stories, even the past of my clan mates.”[/b][/color] [/right] [/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [size=4][b]About Effe:[/b][/size] Effe has many names; Lore Holder, The Namer, Lore Giver, etc. She is the apprentice of Nyomi within the clan’s [url=]library[/url]. While Nyomi is the clan’s Recorder & Librarian, Effe records the clan’s stories - their past, present, and even future. All new members go to her, whether to be named, renamed, have their stories recorded, or even to get their future predicted. When it comes to the future; some of these events are of clan members that have yet to arrive or before they’re even born. Parents tend to come to her to see if any of their children remain or venture off to new clans. Not all get their answers though. [nextcol] [img][/img][/center] [/columns] [rule] [center][size=3]This thread is to help me get motivated to writing more lore for all my dergs whether they’re short or long. Feel free to read them and even make a comment. I love feedback! I am subbed but please ping me so I don’t accidentally miss any comments :) Also if you happen to see one of my clan members without lore that you’re interested in, let me know, maybe they’ll be next :D[/size][/center]
United we stand, united we conquer

The Gemini Clan is a clan full of interesting clan mates. There are many who come from prestige lineages or various subspecies. Some may have joined the clan to escape their past and start a new future, some were rescued, or even born within the clan.

You stumble upon a small section of the Gemini Clan’s massive library. Candles all lit and the faint sound of waves draw you deeper. Books are scattered, ink bottles and quills here and there, various crystals are placed everywhere, and you start to hear writing. Only then do you see a blue nymph covered in runes, writing on some parchment. She looks at you intrigued,

“Greetings traveler. I am Effe, the Lore Keeper. Feel free to read whatever you wish. I record all clan events, stories, even the past of my clan mates.”
About Effe:
Effe has many names; Lore Holder, The Namer, Lore Giver, etc. She is the apprentice of Nyomi within the clan’s library. While Nyomi is the clan’s Recorder & Librarian, Effe records the clan’s stories - their past, present, and even future. All new members go to her, whether to be named, renamed, have their stories recorded, or even to get their future predicted. When it comes to the future; some of these events are of clan members that have yet to arrive or before they’re even born. Parents tend to come to her to see if any of their children remain or venture off to new clans. Not all get their answers though.

This thread is to help me get motivated to writing more lore for all my dergs whether they’re short or long. Feel free to read them and even make a comment. I love feedback! I am subbed but please ping me so I don’t accidentally miss any comments :)
Also if you happen to see one of my clan members without lore that you’re interested in, let me know, maybe they’ll be next :D
[center][size=7][b]COMPLETED LORE[/b][/size] The goal is to give lore to every clan member! Here is all of the completed lore as of: [u]March 28, 2020[/u] [img][/img] [columns][center] Starrun [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Lacuspar [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] War [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Thana [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Morrigan [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Heloise [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][center] Urd [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Moria [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Runa [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Kolur (May add more) [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Fate [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Coincidence [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][center] Elysia [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Dane [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Salome [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Lucian [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Arodan [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Mylingen [url=][img][/img][/url] [/columns] [columns][center] Dybbuk [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Sarmite [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] Levant [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [/columns] [columns][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [/columns] [columns][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [nextcol][center] [/columns]

The goal is to give lore to every clan member! Here is all of the completed lore as of:
March 28, 2020

Kolur (May add more)
[center][size=7][b]FUTURE LORE RECORDS[/b][/size] All recorded lore are for future clan members [img][/img] [b]The Viking/Mori cross brothers[/b] [i]Need 2 brothers from a cross pair. One brother must qualify as a Mori, the other cannot[/i] Mori name - Wrath Wrath doesn’t remember anyone from his past life. Only his brother. His brother, who’s soul wasn’t saved like his. They fought together, they perished together, but they didn’t wake up together. Thanks to his Mori heritage he inherited the curse. His brother didn’t. Grief can consume a soul, blacken it till it’s merely a shadow of their former self. He became a wraith, a grim reaper bringing souls to their final resting place. However, he has Viking blood in him. The temptations to lure helpless souls to their early demise is a given. [rule] [b]Mori Twins[/b] [i]Need twin boys from a Memento Mori pair[/i] - Still need name ideas - [b][u]Twin Name Ideas:[/u][/b] Isaac, Isaiah Elijah, Isaiah Santiago – Saint James, Sebastian – Majestic and venerable Jarrett – Spear strong, Barrett – Brave as a bear Parker – Keeper of the forest, Porter – Gatekeeper Rory – Red king, Woodrow – Row of houses by a wood Elijah – Jehovah of God, Isaac – Laughter Ahil – Guide, Rahil – Traveller Prashant – Calm, Sushant – Quiet Forest – Dweller amongst the woods, Frost – Born during cold weather These twin died together; but something didn’t go right. When they awaken, something didn’t feel right. Their spirits put them in their wrong body!!! The spirits don’t see what’s wrong, they’re identical anyway. The twin from Ragnar’s ship had a navy bandana and his brother had a purple on. Colors rep which ship they were on and to tell them apart. Since they swapped bodies the one on Ragnar’s Ship has purple and the other navy. [/center] [rule] [center] [b]Memento Mori siblings[/b] Brother: Like his father, was born still. He’s lived his whole life feeling nothing. He wants to feel, but, he knows he never will. It’s driving the youngling to the brink of being insane. Sister: Has not died yet, but she seeks to make sure it happens as late as possible to her. Seeing her father and brother being nothing but husks of a dragon scares her. [/center] [rule] [b]A Messanger?[/b] A fast boy who sends messages and news to allies. Flight? Breed? Dark colors Named Sleipnir? [rule] [u][b]Names of future Witchborne children?![/b][/u] Pamuya - “Water moon (Hopi)” [u][b]Names of future Clanmates???[/b][/u] [u][b]Female[/b][/u] Ran - (Japanese) “Water lily” (Old Norse) “Norse goddess of the sea” Masika - “Born during rain” Nineve - “The Lady of the Lake” Nyneve - “The Lady of the Lake” [u][b]Male[/b][/u] DUNSTAN: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the elements dun "black, dark" and stan "stone," hence "black stone" or "dark stone." [rule] Get another Nightcall Descendant? One who travels with the Fleet; collects drowned souls. Do they go out to drown victims or more passive and stalks until their target is drowned by fate? [rule] HRÓKR: Old Norse name derived from the word hrókr, meaning "crow, rook." [rule] A derg based (or shifts into) a Stabyhoun
All recorded lore are for future clan members


The Viking/Mori cross brothers

Need 2 brothers from a cross pair. One brother must qualify as a Mori, the other cannot
Mori name - Wrath

Wrath doesn’t remember anyone from his past life. Only his brother. His brother, who’s soul wasn’t saved like his. They fought together, they perished together, but they didn’t wake up together. Thanks to his Mori heritage he inherited the curse. His brother didn’t. Grief can consume a soul, blacken it till it’s merely a shadow of their former self. He became a wraith, a grim reaper bringing souls to their final resting place. However, he has Viking blood in him. The temptations to lure helpless souls to their early demise is a given.

Mori Twins

Need twin boys from a Memento Mori pair

- Still need name ideas -
Twin Name Ideas:
Isaac, Isaiah
Elijah, Isaiah

Santiago – Saint James, Sebastian – Majestic and venerable
Jarrett – Spear strong, Barrett – Brave as a bear
Parker – Keeper of the forest, Porter – Gatekeeper
Rory – Red king, Woodrow – Row of houses by a wood
Elijah – Jehovah of God, Isaac – Laughter
Ahil – Guide, Rahil – Traveller
Prashant – Calm, Sushant – Quiet
Forest – Dweller amongst the woods, Frost – Born during cold weather

These twin died together; but something didn’t go right. When they awaken, something didn’t feel right. Their spirits put them in their wrong body!!! The spirits don’t see what’s wrong, they’re identical anyway.

The twin from Ragnar’s ship had a navy bandana and his brother had a purple on. Colors rep which ship they were on and to tell them apart. Since they swapped bodies the one on Ragnar’s Ship has purple and the other navy.

Memento Mori siblings

Brother: Like his father, was born still. He’s lived his whole life feeling nothing. He wants to feel, but, he knows he never will. It’s driving the youngling to the brink of being insane.

Sister: Has not died yet, but she seeks to make sure it happens as late as possible to her. Seeing her father and brother being nothing but husks of a dragon scares her.

A Messanger?
A fast boy who sends messages and news to allies.
Flight? Breed? Dark colors
Named Sleipnir?

Names of future Witchborne children?!

Pamuya - “Water moon (Hopi)”

Names of future Clanmates???

Ran - (Japanese) “Water lily” (Old Norse) “Norse goddess of the sea”
Masika - “Born during rain”
Nineve - “The Lady of the Lake”
Nyneve - “The Lady of the Lake”

DUNSTAN: Anglo-Saxon name composed of the elements dun "black, dark" and stan "stone," hence "black stone" or "dark stone."

Get another Nightcall Descendant?
One who travels with the Fleet; collects drowned souls. Do they go out to drown victims or more passive and stalks until their target is drowned by fate?

HRÓKR: Old Norse name derived from the word hrókr, meaning "crow, rook."

A derg based (or shifts into) a Stabyhoun
[center][size=7][b]CLAN STORIES DIRECTORY[/b][/size] Records of clan events and individual stories [img][/img] [columns] [center][b][u]Clan Myths/Folklore[/u][/b] [nextcol] [center][b][u]Clan Stories[/u][/b] [nextcol] [center][b][u]Festival Events[/u][/b] [url=]Phoenix Rises[/url] [url=]Kolur’s Trail Blazer Adventure[/url] [/columns]
Records of clan events and individual stories

Clan Myths/Folklore
Clan Stories
[center][img][/img] For those who visit and for those who wish to return to read more stories [size=2]Feel free to have a derg sign their name in the guest book.[/size] [img][/img] @silvestri @LaSilva007 @
For those who visit and for those who wish to return to read more stories

Feel free to have a derg sign their name in the guest book.


@silvestri @LaSilva007 @
Reserve just in case
Reserve just in case
Reserve just in case
Reserve just in case
[center] [img][/img]
[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2]- The first paragraph was writes by his former owner, Wardove that I expanded to fit with my lair. Also the Child-Eater lore is based from LaSilva007 & BelialsWrath’s lineage, Witchborne, lore and I was given permission to incorporate - @silvestri @LaSilva007 [/size] [/center] [rule] [center][size=6][font=Century Gothic]L U C I A N[/font][/size] [size=5][font=Century Gothic]Former Soldier/Civilian[/font][/size] [/center]


- The first paragraph was writes by his former owner, Wardove that I expanded to fit with my lair. Also the Child-Eater lore is based from LaSilva007 & BelialsWrath’s lineage, Witchborne, lore and I was given permission to incorporate -
@silvestri @LaSilva007

Former Soldier/Civilian
[center] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [size=2]@silvestri @LaSilva007[/size] [center][size=6][font=Century Gothic]A R O D A N[/font][/size] [size=5][font=Century Gothic]Hatchling Sitter[/font][/size] [/center]


@silvestri @LaSilva007
Hatchling Sitter
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