
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | Aspiring ARTsome (ba dum tss)
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Flight rising inspired art done by me will go here, be it my dragons, someone elses.... Or something else but that isnt likely
Do come in and comment/chat if ya wanna ^^

More artsy stuff about not just dragons here:
Flight rising inspired art done by me will go here, be it my dragons, someone elses.... Or something else but that isnt likely
Do come in and comment/chat if ya wanna ^^

More artsy stuff about not just dragons here:
First flight rising art woop woop This amazing dragon (id #39887105 for redit purposes?) belongs to the one who got me into this with her gret art @Mangrit [img][/img]
First flight rising art woop woop

This amazing dragon (id #39887105 for redit purposes?) belongs to the one who got me into this with her gret art @Mangrit

hey! are you taking requests at all? i'm just curious because i really like your art c:
hey! are you taking requests at all? i'm just curious because i really like your art c:
@AspiringAwesome Thanks again for the art, subbed to thread for if you post any more.
@AspiringAwesome Thanks again for the art, subbed to thread for if you post any more.
@Mangrit No prob at all, thanks back at you for subbing :)
@Mangrit No prob at all, thanks back at you for subbing :)
@aurora58002 Thanks a bunch :)
Theoretically yeah, practically it might take foreveeeerrr though because I have exams coming up and time management issues
(Some treasure might bump it up on the priorities tho wink wonk)

@aurora58002 Thanks a bunch :)
Theoretically yeah, practically it might take foreveeeerrr though because I have exams coming up and time management issues
(Some treasure might bump it up on the priorities tho wink wonk)

[img][/img] My custom progen Petunia - her ID is #41340566 for those who care I love the glowing bulb apparel thing, and figured it would be super useful while hunting for insects to eat. It was a great opportunity to draw her, I planned on it for forever and a day anyways. She deserves all the art and insects and good things <3 Her name is Petunia because my therapist once told me that I want to be happy like a sunflower or pretty like a rose when really God intended me to be a peturnia. The next day my friend just happened to have a book of flower meanings with her and a petunia stood for 'strong contempt but also perseverance in difficult situations' or something like that. And my friend just looked at me and said "you're a fucking petunia" Since then those flowers hold a special place in my heart

My custom progen Petunia - her ID is #41340566 for those who care

I love the glowing bulb apparel thing, and figured it would be super useful while hunting for insects to eat. It was a great opportunity to draw her, I planned on it for forever and a day anyways. She deserves all the art and insects and good things <3

Her name is Petunia because my therapist once told me that I want to be happy like a sunflower or pretty like a rose when really God intended me to be a peturnia. The next day my friend just happened to have a book of flower meanings with her and a petunia stood for 'strong contempt but also perseverance in difficult situations' or something like that. And my friend just looked at me and said "you're a ******* petunia"
Since then those flowers hold a special place in my heart
Your art style is adorable <3
Also, the bulb thing really would be useful!
Your art style is adorable <3
Also, the bulb thing really would be useful!
@AspiringAwesome your art is really cute and if youre taking requests at all id love an art of this guy~ (and ya want dragon moneys? i can yeet some your way) [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
@AspiringAwesome your art is really cute and if youre taking requests at all id love an art of this guy~ (and ya want dragon moneys? i can yeet some your way)

@MissMistake awwww thanks so much!
School is out super soon so hopefully there will be more!
@MissMistake awwww thanks so much!
School is out super soon so hopefully there will be more!
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