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TOPIC | Unforgiving Darkness [Nuzlocke]
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So I finally decided to start a Nuzlocke thread, I've been really lazy thus far with keeping track of it. Since it has been going on a while undocumented, I'm not starting again! Sorry. ------------ [url=] [img][/img] [/url] When Butters finally awoke among the dark, cold metal pipes of the room, he noticed that he was alone. Usually, his new mate, Almond, would be nearby. He wondered if perhaps she was scavenging for plants outside with Edward, or AngstyTeen. Shaking his frills he fluttered out of the small room and into the next, which was dominated by a too-bright fluorescent light. There were two sleeping nests there, one for Sandstorm, their companion Nocturne, and Blade, the large, lumbering Guardian who had arrived seeking his charge. He found such that his charge was Edward, one of Butters' first sons. Other than the nests, Butters noticed a shattered, shiny eggshell near the larger nest. Huh, when did that get there? Shoving the thought aside, he turned to examine the room again. Besides that, the room was empty. He guessed that they were outside, perhaps, as he first suspected. Butters continued out into the darkness of the Hewn City, seeing the Tundra he sought munching on some grass nearby. The fae raised his monotone voice to reach her, and she turned, shaking herself. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Hello, sleepy. We've been wondering when you would wake. The others already went out to scavenge materials to fortify our den with." She responded, voice smooth as honey. As she spoke, Butters noticed a brighter tone beside her leg. His frills twitched. What was that? Seeing his gaze, Almond laughed. "Ah, this little one hatched last night. You remember the egg that Blade found while helping Edward?" Oh, so that was the reason for the crumbled eggshell. "Go on, little one." Almond nudged him forward, so Butters could get a better look at him. [img][/img] Such a striking young lad. A Ridgeback too? He would be a formidable fighter, when he grew of age. "What is the youngling's name?" Butters asked, watching the ridgeback child scamper back to Almond with a squeak. The tundra giggled at the behavior, turning to look at Butters again. "Sunweaver."
So I finally decided to start a Nuzlocke thread, I've been really lazy thus far with keeping track of it. Since it has been going on a while undocumented, I'm not starting again! Sorry.


When Butters finally awoke among the dark, cold metal pipes of the room, he noticed that he was alone. Usually, his new mate, Almond, would be nearby. He wondered if perhaps she was scavenging for plants outside with Edward, or AngstyTeen. Shaking his frills he fluttered out of the small room and into the next, which was dominated by a too-bright fluorescent light. There were two sleeping nests there, one for Sandstorm, their companion Nocturne, and Blade, the large, lumbering Guardian who had arrived seeking his charge. He found such that his charge was Edward, one of Butters' first sons.

Other than the nests, Butters noticed a shattered, shiny eggshell near the larger nest. Huh, when did that get there? Shoving the thought aside, he turned to examine the room again. Besides that, the room was empty. He guessed that they were outside, perhaps, as he first suspected. Butters continued out into the darkness of the Hewn City, seeing the Tundra he sought munching on some grass nearby. The fae raised his monotone voice to reach her, and she turned, shaking herself.


"Hello, sleepy. We've been wondering when you would wake. The others already went out to scavenge materials to fortify our den with." She responded, voice smooth as honey. As she spoke, Butters noticed a brighter tone beside her leg. His frills twitched. What was that? Seeing his gaze, Almond laughed.

"Ah, this little one hatched last night. You remember the egg that Blade found while helping Edward?"

Oh, so that was the reason for the crumbled eggshell.

"Go on, little one." Almond nudged him forward, so Butters could get a better look at him.

Such a striking young lad. A Ridgeback too? He would be a formidable fighter, when he grew of age.

"What is the youngling's name?" Butters asked, watching the ridgeback child scamper back to Almond with a squeak. The tundra giggled at the behavior, turning to look at Butters again.


1. Dragons cannot be bought, only hatched.
2. Only one egg can be bought per month, others must be found scavenging or in the coliseum.
3. Scatter scrolls cannot be used on dragons below level 25
4. A dragon cannot be given a primary gene until level 10, secondary until level 15, and tertiary gene until level 20.
5. One breed change may be purchased for every egg found gathering or in the coliseum, and can only be used on a dragon the moment of its hatching.
6. Food cannot be gained through gathering, only the coliseum.
7. Exalt for coliseum death.
8. Nest Hatching: For every hatchling, flip a coin. If tails, the hatchling has died, exalt.
9. Coliseum cannot be reloaded to avoid death, you have to use the flee option and take the hit to energy.

1. For every hatchling, flip a coin.
2. If tails, the hatchling died. Exalt.
3. If heads, you have a survivor.


1. The Beginning
2. On route to the Hunt
3. An unsuccessful trip...
4. Rest, deserved or not
5. Of Barbarian and Youth
6. Secret hunting trip
7. Contemplation and Worry
8. An Egg and an Omen
9. This isn't food
10. Recklessness and Scars
11. Patterns

1. Dragons cannot be bought, only hatched.
2. Only one egg can be bought per month, others must be found scavenging or in the coliseum.
3. Scatter scrolls cannot be used on dragons below level 25
4. A dragon cannot be given a primary gene until level 10, secondary until level 15, and tertiary gene until level 20.
5. One breed change may be purchased for every egg found gathering or in the coliseum, and can only be used on a dragon the moment of its hatching.
6. Food cannot be gained through gathering, only the coliseum.
7. Exalt for coliseum death.
8. Nest Hatching: For every hatchling, flip a coin. If tails, the hatchling has died, exalt.
9. Coliseum cannot be reloaded to avoid death, you have to use the flee option and take the hit to energy.

1. For every hatchling, flip a coin.
2. If tails, the hatchling died. Exalt.
3. If heads, you have a survivor.


1. The Beginning
2. On route to the Hunt
3. An unsuccessful trip...
4. Rest, deserved or not
5. Of Barbarian and Youth
6. Secret hunting trip
7. Contemplation and Worry
8. An Egg and an Omen
9. This isn't food
10. Recklessness and Scars
11. Patterns
Upon searching the hoard, Butters found that their food source was almost completely gone. He knew what that meant--they needed to go hunting. Oh, how he hated it. He was not a good fighter, at all, so the thought of taking his former mate out and their other fight member, Sandstorm, would be dangerous. His first foray into the Training Fields had almost been met with disaster, had Sandstorm not scratched the Webwing to death first. Steeling his nerves, Butters fluttered back outside to where Almond was playing with the youngling Ridgeback. She looked over, and judging by her expression, she could smell his unease. "Have to go gathering, right?" Butters nodded and moved past her, perching on the branch of a nearby, very dead tree. From there, he could see their party moving about in the distance. He knew Sandstorm would be excited, but Angsty would not. As their healer, she always found these trips to be too dangerous. It was always a show of her emotion when he told her where they needed to go. This time would definitely be no different. When the group returned, Butters approached. Sandstorm, the striped Nocturne, saw him coming and noticed the somber mood. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] "Hunting time?" He asked, blinking owlishly. Butters nodded. "Alright, I'll go get Angsty. Meet by the tree?" "Agreed." With that statement, Sandstorm padded off, going to seek the blue fae. While he did that, Butters headed just to the edge of their meager territory, waiting for his companions. When they appeared, he couldn't help but sigh. Of course Angsty was [i]thrilled[/i] to be coming along. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her hat bobbed with her, as though imitating her frustration on the matter at hand. "Butters, you know this is dangerous." She drawled, unable to put any other emotion into her voice. Being faes, of course, they could not convey emotion vocally. Butters just stared at her for a moment. She was always difficult about this. "I know. However, if we do not go hunting, we will all starve. As leader, I have to make sure that does not happen." The only response to that was an angry hum before Angsty glided away, heading out of the territory. Shooting Sandstorm a look, Butters followed, and so did the Nocturne. The hunting trip was now underway.
Upon searching the hoard, Butters found that their food source was almost completely gone. He knew what that meant--they needed to go hunting. Oh, how he hated it. He was not a good fighter, at all, so the thought of taking his former mate out and their other fight member, Sandstorm, would be dangerous.

His first foray into the Training Fields had almost been met with disaster, had Sandstorm not scratched the Webwing to death first.

Steeling his nerves, Butters fluttered back outside to where Almond was playing with the youngling Ridgeback. She looked over, and judging by her expression, she could smell his unease.
"Have to go gathering, right?"

Butters nodded and moved past her, perching on the branch of a nearby, very dead tree. From there, he could see their party moving about in the distance. He knew Sandstorm would be excited, but Angsty would not. As their healer, she always found these trips to be too dangerous. It was always a show of her emotion when he told her where they needed to go. This time would definitely be no different.

When the group returned, Butters approached. Sandstorm, the striped Nocturne, saw him coming and noticed the somber mood.


"Hunting time?" He asked, blinking owlishly. Butters nodded. "Alright, I'll go get Angsty. Meet by the tree?"

"Agreed." With that statement, Sandstorm padded off, going to seek the blue fae. While he did that, Butters headed just to the edge of their meager territory, waiting for his companions.

When they appeared, he couldn't help but sigh. Of course Angsty was thrilled to be coming along.


Her hat bobbed with her, as though imitating her frustration on the matter at hand.

"Butters, you know this is dangerous." She drawled, unable to put any other emotion into her voice. Being faes, of course, they could not convey emotion vocally. Butters just stared at her for a moment. She was always difficult about this.

"I know. However, if we do not go hunting, we will all starve. As leader, I have to make sure that does not happen."

The only response to that was an angry hum before Angsty glided away, heading out of the territory. Shooting Sandstorm a look, Butters followed, and so did the Nocturne. The hunting trip was now underway.
The hunting trip couldn't have gone any worse than it did. Butters, Angsty and Sandstorm ended up getting stuck in the Scorched forest on their way through to their main hunting ground, being attacked by a group of centaurs. Angsty managed to dodge the first arrow, but Butters could not. Being wounded, Butters was unable to flee from the place, and Sandstorm and Angsty were unwilling to leave him.

Once Butters hit the hard, charcoal-crusted ground, Angsty turned, frills flattening against her head. She tried getting to him, so she could take care of his wound, but one of the Centaur archers took aim at her, sending her retreating to keep from getting further injured.

"Don't worry about me, just take them down." Butters managed to say, and Sandstorm was heard grunting in response. At least someone would listen to him! When Butters tried to get up, the pain in his wing-arm throbbing, he noticed the spearman galloping toward him, spear pulled back to impale him with. With his wing injured, he couldn't fly away, and running would prove pointless--!

Before the Centaur could reach him, the Nocturne slammed into it, knocking it down. While Sandstorm managed to take down the spearman that was going after Butters, the archers were now getting ready to harness their magic skills into lethal bolts. While Plague wouldn't hurt him or Angsty as much... Butters hardly noticed as Angsty was fluttering over to tend to his wound, seeing the plague bolt flying at Sandstorm.

The two Faes barely managed to escape with their lives. They waited in hiding for several long hours, afraid that the Centaurs knew where they were, and were coming to finish them. Angsty was quiet, constantly checking on Butters' wound. She didn't dare speak, and neither did he. Sandstorm was lost to those beasts, and there was nothing they could do They couldn't even bring his body back for a burial.

The two would be lucky to even escape the Scorched Forest alive. If they made it home, Butters knew that Almond would be devastated. She had been close friends with the Nocturne. She alone had been the one to find him as a hatchling, cold and alone among the bowels of the Hewn City. Butters looked to Angsty, trying not to sigh.

"We should rest, and go as soon as night hits. They should have gone by then." He told her, burying himself further among the little cave they had found. It was just big enough for the two faes, and no Beastclan could get in. At least, if they could sleep, they would be unbothered.

Mis-clicked and ended up in the Forest. Two archers and a Spearman took Sandstorm down fast. Rip poor victim #1
The hunting trip couldn't have gone any worse than it did. Butters, Angsty and Sandstorm ended up getting stuck in the Scorched forest on their way through to their main hunting ground, being attacked by a group of centaurs. Angsty managed to dodge the first arrow, but Butters could not. Being wounded, Butters was unable to flee from the place, and Sandstorm and Angsty were unwilling to leave him.

Once Butters hit the hard, charcoal-crusted ground, Angsty turned, frills flattening against her head. She tried getting to him, so she could take care of his wound, but one of the Centaur archers took aim at her, sending her retreating to keep from getting further injured.

"Don't worry about me, just take them down." Butters managed to say, and Sandstorm was heard grunting in response. At least someone would listen to him! When Butters tried to get up, the pain in his wing-arm throbbing, he noticed the spearman galloping toward him, spear pulled back to impale him with. With his wing injured, he couldn't fly away, and running would prove pointless--!

Before the Centaur could reach him, the Nocturne slammed into it, knocking it down. While Sandstorm managed to take down the spearman that was going after Butters, the archers were now getting ready to harness their magic skills into lethal bolts. While Plague wouldn't hurt him or Angsty as much... Butters hardly noticed as Angsty was fluttering over to tend to his wound, seeing the plague bolt flying at Sandstorm.

The two Faes barely managed to escape with their lives. They waited in hiding for several long hours, afraid that the Centaurs knew where they were, and were coming to finish them. Angsty was quiet, constantly checking on Butters' wound. She didn't dare speak, and neither did he. Sandstorm was lost to those beasts, and there was nothing they could do They couldn't even bring his body back for a burial.

The two would be lucky to even escape the Scorched Forest alive. If they made it home, Butters knew that Almond would be devastated. She had been close friends with the Nocturne. She alone had been the one to find him as a hatchling, cold and alone among the bowels of the Hewn City. Butters looked to Angsty, trying not to sigh.

"We should rest, and go as soon as night hits. They should have gone by then." He told her, burying himself further among the little cave they had found. It was just big enough for the two faes, and no Beastclan could get in. At least, if they could sleep, they would be unbothered.

Mis-clicked and ended up in the Forest. Two archers and a Spearman took Sandstorm down fast. Rip poor victim #1
It took almost two days for the two to return home. Both of the Faes were injured, and Butters could barely fly. Moving about was difficult, causing them to have to go slow. When the two arrived back to their little lair in the darkness of the Hewn City, a bright green, lumbering Guardian barreled toward them. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] When he got to them, Blade scooped them both up with his massive jaws and turned back, grunting in disapproval. He was quiet otherwise, not asking where the Nocturne was, or if they were okay. The Guardian took them into one of the first rooms that served as a sort of common room, depositing them down in the nest. Angsty was already working on his wound again, and the pain caused him to pass out. --- Upon waking, Butters ached all over. Almost temporarily, the Fae forgot what had happened. Then memory of the incident returned, and he subconsciously noticed his frills flattening back. Now what were they going to do? They didn't dare go out alone again. The last time had been an absolute disaster! Perhaps it was time to have the Guardian and the Ridgeback start training... As soon as the Ridgeback was older, anyway. For now, Sunweaver was simply too young to start training. It was just too dangerous. For the meantime, Butters knew he needed to rest. He would figure out all else later.
It took almost two days for the two to return home. Both of the Faes were injured, and Butters could barely fly. Moving about was difficult, causing them to have to go slow. When the two arrived back to their little lair in the darkness of the Hewn City, a bright green, lumbering Guardian barreled toward them.


When he got to them, Blade scooped them both up with his massive jaws and turned back, grunting in disapproval. He was quiet otherwise, not asking where the Nocturne was, or if they were okay. The Guardian took them into one of the first rooms that served as a sort of common room, depositing them down in the nest. Angsty was already working on his wound again, and the pain caused him to pass out.


Upon waking, Butters ached all over. Almost temporarily, the Fae forgot what had happened. Then memory of the incident returned, and he subconsciously noticed his frills flattening back. Now what were they going to do? They didn't dare go out alone again. The last time had been an absolute disaster! Perhaps it was time to have the Guardian and the Ridgeback start training... As soon as the Ridgeback was older, anyway. For now, Sunweaver was simply too young to start training. It was just too dangerous.

For the meantime, Butters knew he needed to rest. He would figure out all else later.
Several weeks had passed since Sandstorm was killed. Butters had completely healed, but he was still shaken, taking to lying in his little nest alone and in the dark. Angsty was working on gathering what food she could out with Edward and Blade, mostly looking for the odd mouthful of insects and plants. Blade was a big dragon, and could surely hunt for food on his own. When hunger finally drove Butters out of his nest, he was greeted by a suddenly unfamiliar face. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The fae's frills fanned out in alarm and he pushed away, landing on a little ledge just at the eye level of the Ridgeback. His time in the nest had made him forgetful, and once he calmed down, he started to recognize the scavenger before him. By the Eleven, Sunweaver had grown! "Hello, leader," The Ridgeback's voice was muffled and unfamiliar to the shut-in Fae. "You've not come out of your nest in ages. Angsty told me to come bring you some food." Surely enough, he held a parcel against the front of his chest with one massive paw in a sort of delicate fashion. Butters looked up to Sunweaver's face distrustfully, frills flattening down against his head. "Here, eat. You have to eat, we need our leader. If you do not lead, perhaps your son will?" That seemed to strike a chord with Butters. His son had not seen the horrors that he had, and he wanted to keep it that way. Butters fluttered down from his perch, taking the massive parcel of dried bugs from the Ridgeback. Satisfied, Sunweaver gave a nod of his massive, gold-shining head. "Also, there's one more thing." He sounded ever slightly hesitant, making Butters look up from the still-wrapped package. "There's a newcomer. Angsty allowed her in while you were... indisposed." That caught Butter's attention. He craned his head forward, waiting for Sunweaver to continue. Seeing his attention was now fully focused, the Ridgeback continued. "Her name is Naira. She's a rather... decorated Mirror." Sunweaver explained, watching Butters to gauige his reaction. The Fae still seemed interested, so he continued on. "And she brought a hatchling." Butters jerked as though he had been slapped. "A hatchling? You know we're having a hard enough time making ends meet here!" Butters said incrediolously, frills fanned out again. "We couldn't turn her away, she said the beastclan were after her, and stopped following her into our territory. She can help us hunt, leader. She's strong, able-bodied. You know how vicious Mirrors are when they get hungry. She is what we need right now." Butters blew out a breath, running a hand over his face. "Fine. Fine, she can stay. Bring them here, I wish to meet them." Sunweaver nodded, turning to leave him alone in the dark. While he waited somewhat anxiously, Butters started eating some of the insects, feeling some of his strength and clarity return. The noticeable clang of metal against rock was heard growing louder, and the little 'pip pip' of a hatchling. Butters looked up as a very [i]green[/i] Mirror walked into his chambers, her pink wings startling against the gloom and clashing with her outfit. Electric blue eyes met his as she stepped in, donning a downright feral look as she entered fully. [img][/img] Her teeth bared in a rather frightening grin, standing much taller than he thought a mirror could stand. Butters thought them a rather... small breed, but he supposed he was wrong now. "Greetings," Butters offered cautiously, frills twitching. "I was told you're our new member?" The mirror [i]laughed[/i] at that. "Of course. What else would I be? An assassin, come to claim the life of one tiny, brightly colored insect dragon?" Oh, if that was her attempt at humor... He was not excited to be anywhere near her. "Duh, I'm your new clanmate. But perhaps I shan't be so brash. They claim you were the leader, right? Well, what kind of leader hides from his clan for weeks?" She demanded, sitting down as she spoke. He noticed fur against her back, but couldn't see what it was yet. How did she know of Butter's disposition for the recent time...? "How did you know?" He asked plainly, and unamused. Naira, the mirror, snorted. "They told me a couple of days ago when they let me in. I think you need to be shown what a true leader is. Perhaps, if you let me stay, I can help you. I'm not after your clan, no. I do not wish to lead anyone but myself and this young one." Almost as if on cue, the little ball of fur on her back took form, raising its fluffy head to look at Butters. [img][/img] "His name is Zola. I found him alone, being tracked by some beastclan. I scarred them off and took him, we've been on the run ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if they came here, though they seemed scared to follow past your clan's scent markers." Naira commented, tail flicking the top of Zola's nose lightly. The Tundra hatchling tittered and swatted at her tail, giggling afterwards. Butters looked between the two with a frown. The more he thought about it, the better it seemed. He couldn't just turn them away-they would be a valuable asset to the clan, if they chose to stay when the Tundra grew up. He supposed the answer was clear, then. "Very well. You two may stay, though I... will wish to speak to you at a later time." Butters told her, giving her a firm look. Naira gave him that fierce smile again, getting up. "Thanks, then. Ah, my manners aren't very good. I'm Naira." "Butters." He replied, giving her a motion toward the door to dismiss her. The green Mirror turned and left, the hatchling watching him with round, brown eyes as he left the room. Butters sighed, hanging his head. Now, he had to finish his meal and gather his strength. They would need to hunt again soon.
Several weeks had passed since Sandstorm was killed. Butters had completely healed, but he was still shaken, taking to lying in his little nest alone and in the dark. Angsty was working on gathering what food she could out with Edward and Blade, mostly looking for the odd mouthful of insects and plants. Blade was a big dragon, and could surely hunt for food on his own.

When hunger finally drove Butters out of his nest, he was greeted by a suddenly unfamiliar face.


The fae's frills fanned out in alarm and he pushed away, landing on a little ledge just at the eye level of the Ridgeback. His time in the nest had made him forgetful, and once he calmed down, he started to recognize the scavenger before him. By the Eleven, Sunweaver had grown!

"Hello, leader," The Ridgeback's voice was muffled and unfamiliar to the shut-in Fae. "You've not come out of your nest in ages. Angsty told me to come bring you some food." Surely enough, he held a parcel against the front of his chest with one massive paw in a sort of delicate fashion. Butters looked up to Sunweaver's face distrustfully, frills flattening down against his head.

"Here, eat. You have to eat, we need our leader. If you do not lead, perhaps your son will?" That seemed to strike a chord with Butters. His son had not seen the horrors that he had, and he wanted to keep it that way. Butters fluttered down from his perch, taking the massive parcel of dried bugs from the Ridgeback.

Satisfied, Sunweaver gave a nod of his massive, gold-shining head. "Also, there's one more thing." He sounded ever slightly hesitant, making Butters look up from the still-wrapped package.

"There's a newcomer. Angsty allowed her in while you were... indisposed." That caught Butter's attention. He craned his head forward, waiting for Sunweaver to continue. Seeing his attention was now fully focused, the Ridgeback continued.

"Her name is Naira. She's a rather... decorated Mirror." Sunweaver explained, watching Butters to gauige his reaction. The Fae still seemed interested, so he continued on. "And she brought a hatchling."

Butters jerked as though he had been slapped.

"A hatchling? You know we're having a hard enough time making ends meet here!" Butters said incrediolously, frills fanned out again.

"We couldn't turn her away, she said the beastclan were after her, and stopped following her into our territory. She can help us hunt, leader. She's strong, able-bodied. You know how vicious Mirrors are when they get hungry. She is what we need right now."

Butters blew out a breath, running a hand over his face. "Fine. Fine, she can stay. Bring them here, I wish to meet them."

Sunweaver nodded, turning to leave him alone in the dark. While he waited somewhat anxiously, Butters started eating some of the insects, feeling some of his strength and clarity return. The noticeable clang of metal against rock was heard growing louder, and the little 'pip pip' of a hatchling. Butters looked up as a very green Mirror walked into his chambers, her pink wings startling against the gloom and clashing with her outfit. Electric blue eyes met his as she stepped in, donning a downright feral look as she entered fully.


Her teeth bared in a rather frightening grin, standing much taller than he thought a mirror could stand. Butters thought them a rather... small breed, but he supposed he was wrong now.

"Greetings," Butters offered cautiously, frills twitching. "I was told you're our new member?"

The mirror laughed at that. "Of course. What else would I be? An assassin, come to claim the life of one tiny, brightly colored insect dragon?"

Oh, if that was her attempt at humor... He was not excited to be anywhere near her.

"Duh, I'm your new clanmate. But perhaps I shan't be so brash. They claim you were the leader, right? Well, what kind of leader hides from his clan for weeks?" She demanded, sitting down as she spoke. He noticed fur against her back, but couldn't see what it was yet. How did she know of Butter's disposition for the recent time...?

"How did you know?" He asked plainly, and unamused. Naira, the mirror, snorted.

"They told me a couple of days ago when they let me in. I think you need to be shown what a true leader is. Perhaps, if you let me stay, I can help you. I'm not after your clan, no. I do not wish to lead anyone but myself and this young one." Almost as if on cue, the little ball of fur on her back took form, raising its fluffy head to look at Butters.


"His name is Zola. I found him alone, being tracked by some beastclan. I scarred them off and took him, we've been on the run ever since. I wouldn't be surprised if they came here, though they seemed scared to follow past your clan's scent markers." Naira commented, tail flicking the top of Zola's nose lightly. The Tundra hatchling tittered and swatted at her tail, giggling afterwards.

Butters looked between the two with a frown. The more he thought about it, the better it seemed. He couldn't just turn them away-they would be a valuable asset to the clan, if they chose to stay when the Tundra grew up. He supposed the answer was clear, then.

"Very well. You two may stay, though I... will wish to speak to you at a later time." Butters told her, giving her a firm look. Naira gave him that fierce smile again, getting up.

"Thanks, then. Ah, my manners aren't very good. I'm Naira."

"Butters." He replied, giving her a motion toward the door to dismiss her. The green Mirror turned and left, the hatchling watching him with round, brown eyes as he left the room.

Butters sighed, hanging his head. Now, he had to finish his meal and gather his strength. They would need to hunt again soon.
A few hours after demolishing the package of dried bugs, Butters had the strength to venture out from his nest, fluttering uncertainly with his healed wing. When he emerged outside, landing on the treebranch perch nearby, night had fallen. The Fae looked around, surveying the area. Angsty was playing with the new hatchling of their clan, while Edward was nearby, simply watching. Almond was off nearby digging among the loose soil, scraping it away from the edge of the wall. With no idea what Almond the Tundra was doing, Butters glided over, landing with a flick of his wings. Hearing him land, she pulled her head out of the small hole she had dug, ears perking forward.

"Oh, hello, Butters." Almond greeted, looking curious. "It's been some time since you came out here."

"I'm feeling better. Where are Sunweaver and Blade?" Butters nodded before moving onward with the conversation. Almond snorted when he asked his question.

"Well, Sunweaver took Blade and Naira with him to go hunt."

"WHAT." Butters looked at her, eyes wide. Sensing his panic, she raised a paw.

"Calm down, they're big dragons. By the grace of the Lightweaver, they will be fine. Sunweaver wanted to go try practicing fighting against enemies, but with their numbers, I am positive that they will be fine." Almond soothed, giving him a big smile. "They will be fine."

Butters was quietly shaking. Oh, Lightweaver, what would happen if one of them died? He didn't know if he could handle another loss to his clan so soon. He was trying so hard not to buckle under the pressure, but it wasn't working.

"Come, sit with me for a while. You need to relax, Butters. They're independent, you know?" Almond stretched out on the ground, pulling him close with her paw. It was about as big as his torso was. The Fae was quiet, just listening as she continued to speak.


When morning finally hit the edge of the territory, the sharp, gold-gleam of a metal mask could be seen in the distance. Almond had fallen asleep comforting Butters. Upon seeing the party returning, Butters jumped up, already flying toward them. Fear gripped his heart, and he hoped to the Eleven that they were alright. Finally when he grew closer, there they were, all three of them. Blade looked stoic as ever, a sort of deer in his jaws. Sunweaver's expression was covered by his apparel, but he carried a satchel of bugs by the strap.

Naira was behind them, head high, looking quite proud of herself. Butters was quiet again, feeling drained.

"The hunting trip went well," Sunweaver rumbled when Butters landed in front of them. "We brought home a couple days' worth of food."

"Good." Butters breathed, frills falling flat against him. "Don't leave without letting me know first. You had me panicked."

"It was my idea," Naira grinned, "I saw your food stores were low. So I suggested hunting, and they both volunteered to come along." The green Mirror sounded proud, "Never seen two giants move so fast."

Blade rumbled in amusement at that, continuing forward and heading towards the food pile. Butters was watching Naira with a frown. He really hoped that she wouldn't prove to be a problem...

"Good. Get some rest, you did good." Butters turned and fluttered off, heading back towards Almond. Oh, his head was pounding from his momentary panic. At least, he knew, that the three could handle themselves in a fight.
A few hours after demolishing the package of dried bugs, Butters had the strength to venture out from his nest, fluttering uncertainly with his healed wing. When he emerged outside, landing on the treebranch perch nearby, night had fallen. The Fae looked around, surveying the area. Angsty was playing with the new hatchling of their clan, while Edward was nearby, simply watching. Almond was off nearby digging among the loose soil, scraping it away from the edge of the wall. With no idea what Almond the Tundra was doing, Butters glided over, landing with a flick of his wings. Hearing him land, she pulled her head out of the small hole she had dug, ears perking forward.

"Oh, hello, Butters." Almond greeted, looking curious. "It's been some time since you came out here."

"I'm feeling better. Where are Sunweaver and Blade?" Butters nodded before moving onward with the conversation. Almond snorted when he asked his question.

"Well, Sunweaver took Blade and Naira with him to go hunt."

"WHAT." Butters looked at her, eyes wide. Sensing his panic, she raised a paw.

"Calm down, they're big dragons. By the grace of the Lightweaver, they will be fine. Sunweaver wanted to go try practicing fighting against enemies, but with their numbers, I am positive that they will be fine." Almond soothed, giving him a big smile. "They will be fine."

Butters was quietly shaking. Oh, Lightweaver, what would happen if one of them died? He didn't know if he could handle another loss to his clan so soon. He was trying so hard not to buckle under the pressure, but it wasn't working.

"Come, sit with me for a while. You need to relax, Butters. They're independent, you know?" Almond stretched out on the ground, pulling him close with her paw. It was about as big as his torso was. The Fae was quiet, just listening as she continued to speak.


When morning finally hit the edge of the territory, the sharp, gold-gleam of a metal mask could be seen in the distance. Almond had fallen asleep comforting Butters. Upon seeing the party returning, Butters jumped up, already flying toward them. Fear gripped his heart, and he hoped to the Eleven that they were alright. Finally when he grew closer, there they were, all three of them. Blade looked stoic as ever, a sort of deer in his jaws. Sunweaver's expression was covered by his apparel, but he carried a satchel of bugs by the strap.

Naira was behind them, head high, looking quite proud of herself. Butters was quiet again, feeling drained.

"The hunting trip went well," Sunweaver rumbled when Butters landed in front of them. "We brought home a couple days' worth of food."

"Good." Butters breathed, frills falling flat against him. "Don't leave without letting me know first. You had me panicked."

"It was my idea," Naira grinned, "I saw your food stores were low. So I suggested hunting, and they both volunteered to come along." The green Mirror sounded proud, "Never seen two giants move so fast."

Blade rumbled in amusement at that, continuing forward and heading towards the food pile. Butters was watching Naira with a frown. He really hoped that she wouldn't prove to be a problem...

"Good. Get some rest, you did good." Butters turned and fluttered off, heading back towards Almond. Oh, his head was pounding from his momentary panic. At least, he knew, that the three could handle themselves in a fight.
Several days had passed since their escapade into the hunting grounds, and Butters was starting to see their prowess in hunting. Several times they had returned, bearing only minor injuries, their claws and packs full of food. Butters had calmed significantly down since they ran off unannounced, and was now planning his own hunting trip again. That was, when he could think about hunting without remembering Sandstorm's demise.

He sat now at his typical perch, watching the group return. They carried their packs, clearly the hunt was successful. Thank Lightweaver. He watched Naira approach, setting her pack down and trotting over to the hatchling she had brought with. Zola was growing fast, almost half her size already. He'd reach adulthood soon, probably. He was heard giggling as she nudged him over, playing with him in a surprisingly gentle way. Butters never would have expected her to be so nice, to anything. She screamed of danger in most circumstances, so the soft touch to the hatchling was definitely a shock.


Angsty's voice almost made the fae fall from his perch, wings flared out in alarm. If she could look amused, she probably was.

"Edward wants to learn to hunt," She told him softly, and he tensed.

"But it's too dangerous yet. Maybe, if these three establish themselves as good hunters, he can learn from them? The Guardian is his protector, anyway. Surely he will help Edward."

"He may, but you know it is inevitable. He may try to sneak off, like those three did." Angsty landed beside him, watching as Edward and Melliny start sorting out the food gathered from the hunting trip, ferrying it inside the lair.

"Well, we will just have to hope that he will not. If he does, I can only hope Blade goes with him." Butters sighed, turning to observe the play-fighting of the mirror and the tundra.

"We can hope."
Several days had passed since their escapade into the hunting grounds, and Butters was starting to see their prowess in hunting. Several times they had returned, bearing only minor injuries, their claws and packs full of food. Butters had calmed significantly down since they ran off unannounced, and was now planning his own hunting trip again. That was, when he could think about hunting without remembering Sandstorm's demise.

He sat now at his typical perch, watching the group return. They carried their packs, clearly the hunt was successful. Thank Lightweaver. He watched Naira approach, setting her pack down and trotting over to the hatchling she had brought with. Zola was growing fast, almost half her size already. He'd reach adulthood soon, probably. He was heard giggling as she nudged him over, playing with him in a surprisingly gentle way. Butters never would have expected her to be so nice, to anything. She screamed of danger in most circumstances, so the soft touch to the hatchling was definitely a shock.


Angsty's voice almost made the fae fall from his perch, wings flared out in alarm. If she could look amused, she probably was.

"Edward wants to learn to hunt," She told him softly, and he tensed.

"But it's too dangerous yet. Maybe, if these three establish themselves as good hunters, he can learn from them? The Guardian is his protector, anyway. Surely he will help Edward."

"He may, but you know it is inevitable. He may try to sneak off, like those three did." Angsty landed beside him, watching as Edward and Melliny start sorting out the food gathered from the hunting trip, ferrying it inside the lair.

"Well, we will just have to hope that he will not. If he does, I can only hope Blade goes with him." Butters sighed, turning to observe the play-fighting of the mirror and the tundra.

"We can hope."
Shortly after Angsty left him, Butters found himself anxious. He wanted to go scavenging, to see if they could find any materials to help them expand their little home. In the future, he wanted to make some sort of defenses as well, if possible. In case the beasts were to attack them, he wanted to be prepared. Finally, deciding that it was time to move on, Butters glided toward Almond and Edward. Almond looked surprised at his presence, as always, offering a smile before he could speak. "You look thoughtful, Butters. Something on your mind?" She asked, her fur rustling in the wind he kicked up from landing. "I wish to go scavenging. I want you and Edward to come along. We should go nearby, so we aren't far from home." Butters raised his head, glancing up to gauge the time. Well, it was always dusk or night here. Not much sunlight ever got through, save for the scattered fire or torch. Almond got to her feet, shaking herself as she moved. "Alright, we'll help you scavenge. It's within the territory, right?" The Tundra asked almost anxiously, and Butters nodded. "Lets go then, while the others are still here. They can keep watch over the place while we are gone." The yellow fae rumbled before flying off, heading away from the lair. There was a place somewhat south from their established home that he wanted to check out, a small ruin of stones and sand. Almond and his son, Edward, followed along behind him while watching for possible enemy encounters. When they landed, Butters started looking around the crumbled pillars, shifting sand with his tail. Edward and Almond started looking around too, the tundra of the group heading toward a small, upright square of pillars. Deeming her to be safe, Butters continued to dig among the sands and poke around the pillars, wondering if anything good would be here. So far, he had only found sparse stones, arrowheads and broken pottery shards. "Oh, my. Butters!" Almond was heard calling off from a distance. Worried, both he and Edward darted toward her to see what was wrong. There Almond stood, one paw half raised, with a rather [i]long[/i] Guardian hatchling under it. Gray scales and soothing yellow eyes decorated the youngling, with darker gray wings folded to its sides. [img][/img] Butters seemed confused, looking to his mate. "I found it here," Almond explained, looking worried, "It was curled up around something." "Curled up around what?" Edward asked, frills shaking as the Guardian loped over to him, investigating the smaller dragon. As if to answer him, Almond stepped aside, revealing a bright pink egg. Was it floating? And what was an Arcane egg doing in the middle of Light territory...? "This is suspicious. Come, take the egg, and the hatchling. We return home at once." Butters turned and sped off, worried. Indeed, why was there an Arcane egg in Light lands? It didn't make sense... Unless the child was abandoned there with it. Perhaps that was the case, but Butters wouldn't know until it learned to talk. ---- When they returned home, they were greeted happily by Sunweaver. "Melliny said that the loot was organized completely." He remarked, looking past the yellow fae to see Edward and Almond landing nearby. His face being completely masked by his apparel, Sunweaver cleared his throat. "Is that another hatchling? And--is that an [i]egg[/i]?" "Yes. We found it just south, with the hatchling. I'm worried about it." Butters hissed softly. "Arcane eggs don't just show up here. They aren't of our land, why is it here?" "Perhaps its a gift, from the Arcanist? Maybe he wants us to grow knowledgeable of the area surrounding us. Maybe there's something here we need to know about, so he sent us the egg?" Sunweaver suggested. Butters was practically vibrating with frustration. By Lightweaver, he wished he knew why the egg was there. "I do not know. We may find out in time--do keep an eye out. I've got a bad feeling about this." Butters turned away from the massive Ridgeback, turning to help Almond put the egg away. The little gray Guardian followed with a happy yip, having seemingly attached itself to Almond already. Once they got inside, Butters was relieved. They put the Arcane egg in with the other egg they had found, another Light egg. The guardian pup was wandering around, sniffing and letting out little calls as he roamed. "What do we do with the hatchling?" Butters asked Almond in a hushed voice. The Tundra shot him a look, frowning. The glow from the scroll around her neck illuminated the room a small bit. "We keep it, clearly. Abandoning the poor thing wouldn't be right, after it was already abandoned once." "But I do not trust it. I think something is going on, Almond. This has to be a sign!" Butters argued, frills fanning out in agitation. Almond seemed irritated as well. "Sign or not, it is a youngling, and we have to provide. Butters, if it stays, it may be an excellent member of the clan! Give it a chance." The Tundra tried to soothe him, "I know you're stressed. But know you aren't alone. We're here for you. We need you, and you need us." Butters was still tense, hanging his head. All the stress of trying to mantain the clan seemed to be getting to him. That and he was clearly still grieving over Sandstorm. No matter what, he didn't want it to happen again. It just couldn't! A touch of fur was felt to his side and he looked up, seeing Almond brushing against him. "We are going to be alright. Trust in me, and trust in yourself." Almond continued, "Now, let's take the youngling out of here. Too dark, it may spook it." Breathing out a sigh, Butters agreed with a nod. Almond went and nabbed the child before the three of them headed back out into the open. As they did, Almond asked him a familiar question. "What shall its name be?" Butters thought for a few moments when a name rung strong in his mind. "Alpenglow."
Shortly after Angsty left him, Butters found himself anxious. He wanted to go scavenging, to see if they could find any materials to help them expand their little home. In the future, he wanted to make some sort of defenses as well, if possible. In case the beasts were to attack them, he wanted to be prepared. Finally, deciding that it was time to move on, Butters glided toward Almond and Edward.

Almond looked surprised at his presence, as always, offering a smile before he could speak.

"You look thoughtful, Butters. Something on your mind?" She asked, her fur rustling in the wind he kicked up from landing.

"I wish to go scavenging. I want you and Edward to come along. We should go nearby, so we aren't far from home." Butters raised his head, glancing up to gauge the time. Well, it was always dusk or night here. Not much sunlight ever got through, save for the scattered fire or torch. Almond got to her feet, shaking herself as she moved.

"Alright, we'll help you scavenge. It's within the territory, right?" The Tundra asked almost anxiously, and Butters nodded.

"Lets go then, while the others are still here. They can keep watch over the place while we are gone." The yellow fae rumbled before flying off, heading away from the lair. There was a place somewhat south from their established home that he wanted to check out, a small ruin of stones and sand. Almond and his son, Edward, followed along behind him while watching for possible enemy encounters.

When they landed, Butters started looking around the crumbled pillars, shifting sand with his tail. Edward and Almond started looking around too, the tundra of the group heading toward a small, upright square of pillars. Deeming her to be safe, Butters continued to dig among the sands and poke around the pillars, wondering if anything good would be here. So far, he had only found sparse stones, arrowheads and broken pottery shards.

"Oh, my. Butters!" Almond was heard calling off from a distance. Worried, both he and Edward darted toward her to see what was wrong.

There Almond stood, one paw half raised, with a rather long Guardian hatchling under it. Gray scales and soothing yellow eyes decorated the youngling, with darker gray wings folded to its sides.

Butters seemed confused, looking to his mate.

"I found it here," Almond explained, looking worried, "It was curled up around something."

"Curled up around what?" Edward asked, frills shaking as the Guardian loped over to him, investigating the smaller dragon. As if to answer him, Almond stepped aside, revealing a bright pink egg. Was it floating? And what was an Arcane egg doing in the middle of Light territory...?

"This is suspicious. Come, take the egg, and the hatchling. We return home at once." Butters turned and sped off, worried. Indeed, why was there an Arcane egg in Light lands? It didn't make sense... Unless the child was abandoned there with it. Perhaps that was the case, but Butters wouldn't know until it learned to talk.


When they returned home, they were greeted happily by Sunweaver.

"Melliny said that the loot was organized completely." He remarked, looking past the yellow fae to see Edward and Almond landing nearby. His face being completely masked by his apparel, Sunweaver cleared his throat. "Is that another hatchling? And--is that an egg?"

"Yes. We found it just south, with the hatchling. I'm worried about it." Butters hissed softly. "Arcane eggs don't just show up here. They aren't of our land, why is it here?"

"Perhaps its a gift, from the Arcanist? Maybe he wants us to grow knowledgeable of the area surrounding us. Maybe there's something here we need to know about, so he sent us the egg?" Sunweaver suggested. Butters was practically vibrating with frustration. By Lightweaver, he wished he knew why the egg was there.

"I do not know. We may find out in time--do keep an eye out. I've got a bad feeling about this." Butters turned away from the massive Ridgeback, turning to help Almond put the egg away. The little gray Guardian followed with a happy yip, having seemingly attached itself to Almond already.

Once they got inside, Butters was relieved. They put the Arcane egg in with the other egg they had found, another Light egg. The guardian pup was wandering around, sniffing and letting out little calls as he roamed.

"What do we do with the hatchling?" Butters asked Almond in a hushed voice. The Tundra shot him a look, frowning. The glow from the scroll around her neck illuminated the room a small bit.

"We keep it, clearly. Abandoning the poor thing wouldn't be right, after it was already abandoned once."

"But I do not trust it. I think something is going on, Almond. This has to be a sign!" Butters argued, frills fanning out in agitation. Almond seemed irritated as well.

"Sign or not, it is a youngling, and we have to provide. Butters, if it stays, it may be an excellent member of the clan! Give it a chance." The Tundra tried to soothe him, "I know you're stressed. But know you aren't alone. We're here for you. We need you, and you need us."

Butters was still tense, hanging his head. All the stress of trying to mantain the clan seemed to be getting to him. That and he was clearly still grieving over Sandstorm. No matter what, he didn't want it to happen again. It just couldn't! A touch of fur was felt to his side and he looked up, seeing Almond brushing against him.

"We are going to be alright. Trust in me, and trust in yourself." Almond continued, "Now, let's take the youngling out of here. Too dark, it may spook it."

Breathing out a sigh, Butters agreed with a nod. Almond went and nabbed the child before the three of them headed back out into the open. As they did, Almond asked him a familiar question.

"What shall its name be?"

Butters thought for a few moments when a name rung strong in his mind.

A long chunk of time had passed. Butters wasn't sure how long it had been, down here in the dim dark made it hard to keep track of time. Their hunting party, Sunweaver, Blade and Naira, had continued about their hunting was as normal, until one day, they brought home... something not quite suited to be eaten. [img][/img] When Naira brought the little girl pearlcatcher up to him, between her [i]teeth[/i] Butters about had a mini heart attack. He fluttered down from his perch, huffing and fanning his frills out. "Naira, put the hatchling down." He demanded, all in his monotone voice. The Mirror before him looked unamused, unceremoniously dropping the red-eyed hatchling with a grunt. The hatchling landed with a squeak, clutching its small pearl possessively. "Where did you get that?" Butters asked the mirror before him, glaring at her. "We found her while hunting outside the territory. Thought we'd bring her in." Naira stated, "It was Blade's idea, you know. He refused to leave the hatchling until Sunweaver and me agreed to bring it back." She tilted her head at Butters, all four vibrant turquoise eyes fixed on his tiny frame. He huffed. "It could have been someone's child." Butters argued, looking the hatchling over. Naira shook her head, scowling at him. "The only scent she bore was that of the beastclan. We had to take her in, who knows what any of those vile creatures would have done to her?" Naira argued fiercely, and Butters sighed. Well, he couldn't leave a defenseless hatchling out in the wilderness... He supposed that they were stuck with it now. "Fine, fine. Did it speak of a name?" Butters asked, looking to the hatchling curiously. It looked at him with forward-pointed ears, but said nothing. "We don't think it had a name, but I think I've got one for you." Naira said, puffing out her chest proudly. Butters cocked his head to the side, "And what would that be?" "Ricin." She told him, and he shrugged. "That's fine with me." He paused, "By the way, are any of you three in the hunting party going to start seriously training Zola, or Alpenglow?" "I was thinkin' about it, but I didn't want to start them off too hard. Zola's got aptitude, as he practices with me when I get the chance to teach him." Naira explained, siting down. "I think Sunweaver would be the better fit for Alpenglow. They're both big dragons, probably good sparring time there." "Good. Try to start doing that soon, I want them to be able to defend themselves, and the rest of us, if a bad fight ever breaks out again. Or worse, if we get attacked here in our home." Butters said the last bit a little more softly, his frills lowering. "Got it." Naira stood up again, "Want me to take Ricin to Almond, so she can watch over her?" The mirror offered, her metal armaments tapping at the ground. He gave that some thought, and nodded. "Please." Butters told her with a twitch of his frills, and Naira nodded, reaching over and grabbing the hatchling up in her jaws again, just a little more gently this time. He looked up once more before fluttering up to his normal perch in the darkness, pausing. "Oh, and if you have any typical spoils, drop them in the store room please. I think Almond and I are going to go to the nearby trading grounds to try to trade for battle supplies, to better protect you hunters and scavengers." Butters called, and the Mirror turned her head and nodded to him. She then exited through the tall, wide doorway, carrying the hatchling away. Butters had to fight a sigh. Just another mouth to feed. Would Ricin prove herself useful when she grew up?
A long chunk of time had passed. Butters wasn't sure how long it had been, down here in the dim dark made it hard to keep track of time. Their hunting party, Sunweaver, Blade and Naira, had continued about their hunting was as normal, until one day, they brought home... something not quite suited to be eaten.


When Naira brought the little girl pearlcatcher up to him, between her teeth Butters about had a mini heart attack. He fluttered down from his perch, huffing and fanning his frills out.

"Naira, put the hatchling down." He demanded, all in his monotone voice. The Mirror before him looked unamused, unceremoniously dropping the red-eyed hatchling with a grunt. The hatchling landed with a squeak, clutching its small pearl possessively. "Where did you get that?" Butters asked the mirror before him, glaring at her.

"We found her while hunting outside the territory. Thought we'd bring her in." Naira stated, "It was Blade's idea, you know. He refused to leave the hatchling until Sunweaver and me agreed to bring it back." She tilted her head at Butters, all four vibrant turquoise eyes fixed on his tiny frame. He huffed.

"It could have been someone's child." Butters argued, looking the hatchling over. Naira shook her head, scowling at him.

"The only scent she bore was that of the beastclan. We had to take her in, who knows what any of those vile creatures would have done to her?" Naira argued fiercely, and Butters sighed. Well, he couldn't leave a defenseless hatchling out in the wilderness... He supposed that they were stuck with it now.

"Fine, fine. Did it speak of a name?" Butters asked, looking to the hatchling curiously. It looked at him with forward-pointed ears, but said nothing.

"We don't think it had a name, but I think I've got one for you." Naira said, puffing out her chest proudly. Butters cocked his head to the side, "And what would that be?"

"Ricin." She told him, and he shrugged. "That's fine with me." He paused, "By the way, are any of you three in the hunting party going to start seriously training Zola, or Alpenglow?"

"I was thinkin' about it, but I didn't want to start them off too hard. Zola's got aptitude, as he practices with me when I get the chance to teach him." Naira explained, siting down. "I think Sunweaver would be the better fit for Alpenglow. They're both big dragons, probably good sparring time there."

"Good. Try to start doing that soon, I want them to be able to defend themselves, and the rest of us, if a bad fight ever breaks out again. Or worse, if we get attacked here in our home." Butters said the last bit a little more softly, his frills lowering.

"Got it." Naira stood up again, "Want me to take Ricin to Almond, so she can watch over her?" The mirror offered, her metal armaments tapping at the ground. He gave that some thought, and nodded.

"Please." Butters told her with a twitch of his frills, and Naira nodded, reaching over and grabbing the hatchling up in her jaws again, just a little more gently this time. He looked up once more before fluttering up to his normal perch in the darkness, pausing.

"Oh, and if you have any typical spoils, drop them in the store room please. I think Almond and I are going to go to the nearby trading grounds to try to trade for battle supplies, to better protect you hunters and scavengers." Butters called, and the Mirror turned her head and nodded to him. She then exited through the tall, wide doorway, carrying the hatchling away. Butters had to fight a sigh.

Just another mouth to feed. Would Ricin prove herself useful when she grew up?
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