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July 14th. Moved to new thread. As of June 21, 2017, I will be remaking some of my lore. It's obviously unfinished atm, so if you need some info from my clan feel free to PM me. [b]*Hello there! :D Awesome that you came here. ^^ I am just redoing a few things at the moment, so this is a work in progress for the time being. Of course, do not be afraid to ask questions on here or leave comments! I always welcome them!*[/b][br] [center][size=6][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Clan Lore Book[/font][/size] [size=2]About | Location | Rankings, Council, Leaders | Members and Roles | Traditions | Allies | Q&A[/size][/center] [img][/img] [center][size=6][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]The Yuki Clan[/font][/size] [img][/img] The Yuki Clan is united as a family - not by blood, but by the heart. We believe that each Dragon has its own path to follow, whether it be good or bad. As our Clan is very diverse with our members, everyone is welcome here, no matter the Flight or background. Our Clan closely follows much of Wind Flight's culture, by naming our Dragons with Wind names, decorating our lairs with lanterns, and sharing customs with the Flight. Yet our Dragons are protected and sheltered here, and are loyal to the Windsinger as well as the Icewarden. Many of our Dragons do enjoy the frosted peaks of the mountains, the chilly winds, and call this place home. Although our Clan doesn't have its own unique rune, we often use the [I]Yuki[/I], [I]Ame[/I], and [I]Kaze[/I] symbols from the one of the Wind Flight's languages on our apparel and decorations. They mean "Snow", "Rain", and "Wind" respectively. [img][/img] [columns][left][img][/img][nextcol][center] [size=7][font=Viner Hand ITC]Laws and Orders[/center] [size=5][font=Viner Hand ITC]Orders and requests issued from the Council or the Great Two must be followed at all costs. For a Dragon to have a permanent place in the Clan, they must have a job, passion, or business that benefits the Clan and the user. Murder, violence, theft, or other cruel and vile actions towards others are strictly banned. If violence is shown towards an attacker for self-defense, the above rule is lifted for that moment. For two Dragons to bear a nest, they must first be married or agree that they have a good reason for the future offspring. [/font][size=1]((Such as breeding for a dream Dragon.))[/size] [center][img][/img] [/columns] [img][/img] [center][size=7][font=Viner Hand ITC]General Guidelines[/size][/font] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center]Naturally, a Clan member does not have to follow them, but its preferred that they do to keep a good reputation. [img][/img] A dip of the head after a greeting, parting, or near a high-ranked member of another Clan is preferred. A strict yet friendly demeanor is normally well-received. Becoming an attacker, or attempting fights against others, is displeasing and often will cause harm. This guideline is only lifted when facing the rival BeastClans. Slacking and laziness when it is near work hour is considered rude. You are expected to put others' needs before your own, even in times of danger.[nextcol][img][/img] [/columns][/center] [img][/img][columns][center][size=7][font=Viner Hand ITC]Clan History[/size][/font] [img][/img] Miyuki, the founder of the Yuki Clan, had lived with her family in a hidden Clan deep underground in the Southern Icefield. In her youth, she was rebellious and wild, and loved to explore. One night, Miyuki decided to finally accomplish her dream to explore all of Sorneith. She soon set off, spending two of her years wandering the wide, open world. She stayed in the Windswept Plateau for a time, and met her now mate and second leader, Ryota. Sadly, she soon left to journey back home, only to find that her birth Clan was gone. Miyuki mourned for them, and soon decided to create her own Clan - The Yuki Clan - in memory of them. After half of a season leading the Clan, Ryota found her once again, and he become part of the Great Two. They decided to make a council, to be sure that each decision in the Clan was equal and fair. Many days after the peaceful reign of the Great Two, a dispute with the Longneck tribe began to appear. BeastClans weren't normally so vicious, but that group wanted territory. As the Yuki Clan is quite fertile in mining supplies (being set in a large mountain), and rich in treasures and gems, they decided that the easiest way was to obtain those would to be to capture a medium-sized Clan's lair. The war lasted two long seasons, and often the Yuki Clan sought help from their allies, but they did not do much. Though many of the Clan were wounded or killed, the Yuki Clan was driven on by a new faith, several months later. The first and true heir was born - Rumiko, one that reflected the ideals of her leaders at a young age. With this, all who were willing to fight drove out the Longnecks with great honor for their Clan. A celebration was held, and in that moment the entire clan felt united, a content and warm feeling filled their hearts. However, soon after this, there was a uneasiness. The new heir was not born of the Great Two, but of another pair. The leaders were fine with this - yet the clan members would often complain of this Dragon, and most of the council was quite divided. After a enough thought, and frequent meetings, they decided to put the heir to test - by traveling to the Wind Flight. If she was disgusted by this place, or had no passion for it, then she would retire as an heir. [I]As our Clan has not visited or tested her in the Plateau yet, more will be added as the time comes. We will vacation in the days of Early Spring. (Written in the few days of Winter Year 1.)[/i] [I]-Naria, Clan Historian.[/I][nextcol][img][/img] [/columns] [img][/img] [size=2](none of the pictures, banners, or icons used in this thread is mine. I do not own them, and give full and total credit to their original owners. Most of the things on here are from Mibella, so thank her for making such wonderful resources. If there is anything that should not be used, feel free to PM me about it.)
July 14th. Moved to new thread.

As of June 21, 2017, I will be remaking some of my lore. It's obviously unfinished atm, so if you need some info from my clan feel free to PM me.

*Hello there! :D Awesome that you came here. ^^ I am just redoing a few things at the moment, so this is a work in progress for the time being. Of course, do not be afraid to ask questions on here or leave comments! I always welcome them!*

Clan Lore Book
About | Location | Rankings, Council, Leaders | Members and Roles | Traditions | Allies | Q&A
The Yuki Clan


The Yuki Clan is united as a family - not by blood, but by the heart. We believe that each Dragon has its own path to follow, whether it be good or bad. As our Clan is very diverse with our members, everyone is welcome here, no matter the Flight or background.

Our Clan closely follows much of Wind Flight's culture, by naming our Dragons with Wind names, decorating our lairs with lanterns, and sharing customs with the Flight. Yet our Dragons are protected and sheltered here, and are loyal to the Windsinger as well as the Icewarden. Many of our Dragons do enjoy the frosted peaks of the mountains, the chilly winds, and call this place home.

Although our Clan doesn't have its own unique rune, we often use the Yuki, Ame, and Kaze symbols from the one of the Wind Flight's languages on our apparel and decorations. They mean "Snow", "Rain", and "Wind" respectively.


Laws and Orders

Orders and requests issued from the Council or the Great Two must be followed at all costs.

For a Dragon to have a permanent place in the Clan, they must have a job, passion, or business that benefits the Clan and the user.

Murder, violence, theft, or other cruel and vile actions towards others are strictly banned.

If violence is shown towards an attacker for self-defense, the above rule is lifted for that moment.

For two Dragons to bear a nest, they must first be married or agree that they have a good reason for the future offspring.
((Such as breeding for a dream Dragon.))



General Guidelines
Naturally, a Clan member does not have to follow them, but its preferred that they do to keep a good reputation.


A dip of the head after a greeting, parting, or near a high-ranked member of another Clan is preferred.

A strict yet friendly demeanor is normally well-received.

Becoming an attacker, or attempting fights against others, is displeasing and often will cause harm. This guideline is only lifted when facing the rival BeastClans.

Slacking and laziness when it is near work hour is considered rude.

You are expected to put others' needs before your own, even in times of danger.

Clan History


Miyuki, the founder of the Yuki Clan, had lived with her family in a hidden Clan deep underground in the Southern Icefield. In her youth, she was rebellious and wild, and loved to explore.

One night, Miyuki decided to finally accomplish her dream to explore all of Sorneith. She soon set off, spending two of her years wandering the wide, open world.

She stayed in the Windswept Plateau for a time, and met her now mate and second leader, Ryota. Sadly, she soon left to journey back home, only to find that her birth Clan was gone. Miyuki mourned for them, and soon decided to create her own Clan - The Yuki Clan - in memory of them.

After half of a season leading the Clan, Ryota found her once again, and he become part of the Great Two. They decided to make a council, to be sure that each decision in the Clan was equal and fair.

Many days after the peaceful reign of the Great Two, a dispute with the Longneck tribe began to appear. BeastClans weren't normally so vicious, but that group wanted territory. As the Yuki Clan is quite fertile in mining supplies (being set in a large mountain), and rich in treasures and gems, they decided that the easiest way was to obtain those would to be to capture a medium-sized Clan's lair. The war lasted two long seasons, and often the Yuki Clan sought help from their allies, but they did not do much.

Though many of the Clan were wounded or killed, the Yuki Clan was driven on by a new faith, several months later. The first and true heir was born - Rumiko, one that reflected the ideals of her leaders at a young age. With this, all who were willing to fight drove out the Longnecks with great honor for their Clan. A celebration was held, and in that moment the entire clan felt united, a content and warm feeling filled their hearts.

However, soon after this, there was a uneasiness. The new heir was not born of the Great Two, but of another pair. The leaders were fine with this - yet the clan members would often complain of this Dragon, and most of the council was quite divided. After a enough thought, and frequent meetings, they decided to put the heir to test - by traveling to the Wind Flight. If she was disgusted by this place, or had no passion for it, then she would retire as an heir.

As our Clan has not visited or tested her in the Plateau yet, more will be added as the time comes. We will vacation in the days of Early Spring. (Written in the few days of Winter Year 1.)

-Naria, Clan Historian.


(none of the pictures, banners, or icons used in this thread is mine. I do not own them, and give full and total credit to their original owners. Most of the things on here are from Mibella, so thank her for making such wonderful resources. If there is anything that should not be used, feel free to PM me about it.)

[center][size=7][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Location[/size][/font] [img][/img] [columns][left][img][/img][nextcol][center] [size=4][b]Description:[/b][/size] Located in a massive cave of the tallest mountain in the Southern Icefield, is where the lair resides. It is only a few yards from the ocean, and because of this many do not go out often. A lone Sakura tree grows near the cave, forever blooming into its pink petals, even in the coldest winter. Wind chimes and various pastel ribbons hang from the entrance, and the soft glow from the lanterns gives off a warm atmosphere. The Lair itself is actually not a cave, but large cavern that extends into many tunnels that branch off into smaller caves, where things from Dragon's personal lairs, gardens, to underwater tunnels thrive mysteriously. The mountains behind them often shade and protect the Clan members from the harsh temperatures. Snowstorms are not usual to see - the most we may see is light snowflakes. It is also quite common for our members to walk out and see clear skies, even when on the other side is a fierce blizzard. There is only one pathway leading to the entrance. It is a tunnel that leads out into the other side of the mountain, and it is quite small. Besides a few lanterns we lite at the beginning and the end of the passage, we do not often receive visitors. Fortunately, because of this, our Clan is highly safeguarded from danger, and we only have one scout active in the dawn and nightfall. [img][/img] [b]Location on Map:[/b] [img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [b]Map[/b] [size=4][url=]Click for link![/url][/size] [nextcol][img][/img][img][/img][/columns][center] [img][/img]


Located in a massive cave of the tallest mountain in the Southern Icefield, is where the lair resides. It is only a few yards from the ocean, and because of this many do not go out often. A lone Sakura tree grows near the cave, forever blooming into its pink petals, even in the coldest winter. Wind chimes and various pastel ribbons hang from the entrance, and the soft glow from the lanterns gives off a warm atmosphere. The Lair itself is actually not a cave, but large cavern that extends into many tunnels that branch off into smaller caves, where things from Dragon's personal lairs, gardens, to underwater tunnels thrive mysteriously.

The mountains behind them often shade and protect the Clan members from the harsh temperatures. Snowstorms are not usual to see - the most we may see is light snowflakes. It is also quite common for our members to walk out and see clear skies, even when on the other side is a fierce blizzard.

There is only one pathway leading to the entrance. It is a tunnel that leads out into the other side of the mountain, and it is quite small. Besides a few lanterns we lite at the beginning and the end of the passage, we do not often receive visitors. Fortunately, because of this, our Clan is highly safeguarded from danger, and we only have one scout active in the dawn and nightfall.


Location on Map:




Click for link!

[center][size=5][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Rankings, Council, Leaders [img][/img][/size] [size=1]Banner made by CinnamonThief[/size] [columns][left][b][size=4]The Great Two[/b] Instead of the normal Kings and Queens of many Clans, our Clan has two main rulers, and they are the highest ranking of Dragons in the Clan. [url=]Miyuki[/url] and [url=]Ryota[/url] are the Great Two and take a great responsibility to lead the Yuki Clan. [Size=4][b]The Council[/b][/size] The Council is a particular group of Dragons and Flight Representatives that are second in the rankings, below the leaders. They often have meetings once a month with the Great Two to decide what changes should be made within the Clan. They are still highly respected, yet not as much as the higher ranking, which makes the Dragons within the Council require jobs and roles to reside in the Clan. [size=4][B]Rankings[/b][/size] Rankings are used to determine who should be more respected and listened to within the Clan. Of course, it does not decide who will eat first, like wolves, but if you were to listen to a Artist or a Council member, you should listen to the Council member first. [nextcol][img][/img][/columns] [img][/img]
Rankings, Council, Leaders

Banner made by CinnamonThief
The Great Two

Instead of the normal Kings and Queens of many Clans, our Clan has two main rulers, and they are the highest ranking of Dragons in the Clan. Miyuki and Ryota are the Great Two and take a great responsibility to lead the Yuki Clan.

The Council

The Council is a particular group of Dragons and Flight Representatives that are second in the rankings, below the leaders. They often have meetings once a month with the Great Two to decide what changes should be made within the Clan. They are still highly respected, yet not as much as the higher ranking, which makes the Dragons within the Council require jobs and roles to reside in the Clan.


Rankings are used to determine who should be more respected and listened to within the Clan. Of course, it does not decide who will eat first, like wolves, but if you were to listen to a Artist or a Council member, you should listen to the Council member first.


[center][img][/img][size=5][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Members and Roles[/font][/size][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=2]The order of the jobs/roles is also the ranking of them, excluding the Flight Representatives.[/size] [img][/img] [b]Important Roles:[/b] The Great Two: Miyuki, Ryota Clan Planners: Ryutsuki, Yataro Clan Heir: Rumiko Beastclan Relations: Sayuri Warrior Captain: Rin Warriors: Ryo, Torao, Yuzuki Fighters: Katsu, Akane, Kotone, InuYasha Samurai: Shiro, Akira, Kouta, Ruri Scouts: (Day Scout) Hinata, (Night Scout) Amaya Messengers: Umiko, Nami Healers: Kinu Mages: Setsumi, Aoi, Sakura Priestess: Anzu Merchant/Trader: Taiki Seer: Shinju Weather Predictor: Sora Adventurer: Kumie [b]Helpers:[/b] Librarian: Taki Historian: Naria Hatchling Caretaker: Tatsuo Researchers: Makoto, Nami, Rika Alchemist: Kei Herbalists: Kinu, Chika Gatherers: Suzu, Izanami, Kagome Hoard/Vault/Treasure Organizer: Kazue Familiar Trainers: Nozomi, Haruna Blacksmith: Kaede Jewler: Hayate Miner: Mei Zen Garden Caretaker: Ren [b]Food-Specific Dragons:[/b] Hunter: Yuta Fisher: Raiden Main Gardener: Miyako Insect Catcher: Kouki Beekeeper / Baker: Hachimitsu Cook: Minoru Barista/Ingredient Experimenter: Sumire Ice Transporter: Kiyoshi [b]Artists:[/b] Seamstress: Nyoko Bards: Naoto, Hinata Writers: Ryutsuki, Naria Artist/Painters: Kiku, Hikari, Asako Poet: Shizuka Glass Maker: Mochi Taxidermist: Junko [b]Elemental Flight Representatives:[/b] [color=#DAE0F3]Ice[/color] Representative: Setsumi [color=#236925]Nature[/color] Representative: Haruna [color=#0086CE]Water[/color] Representative: Aoi [color=#B2E2BD]Wind[/color] Representative: Kouta [color=#00FFF0]Lightning[/color] Representative: Rika [color=#792FB2]Shadow[/color] Representative: Amaya [color=#F9E255]Light[/color] Representative: Hikari [color=#CD000F]Plague[/color] Representative: Shizuka [color=#563012]Earth[/color] Representative: Chika [color=#FF6941]Fire[/color] Representative: Anzu [color=#E934AA]Arcane[/color] Representative: Makoto (Dragons searching for roles: Kai, Rumiko..) [img][/img]
tumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio6_250.pngMembers and Rolestumblr_o8jld6tRHZ1tv56zio5_250.png


The order of the jobs/roles is also the ranking of them, excluding the Flight Representatives.


Important Roles:

The Great Two: Miyuki, Ryota
Clan Planners: Ryutsuki, Yataro
Clan Heir: Rumiko
Beastclan Relations: Sayuri
Warrior Captain: Rin
Warriors: Ryo, Torao, Yuzuki
Fighters: Katsu, Akane, Kotone, InuYasha
Samurai: Shiro, Akira, Kouta, Ruri
Scouts: (Day Scout) Hinata, (Night Scout) Amaya
Messengers: Umiko, Nami
Healers: Kinu
Mages: Setsumi, Aoi, Sakura
Priestess: Anzu
Merchant/Trader: Taiki
Seer: Shinju
Weather Predictor: Sora
Adventurer: Kumie


Librarian: Taki
Historian: Naria
Hatchling Caretaker: Tatsuo
Researchers: Makoto, Nami, Rika
Alchemist: Kei
Herbalists: Kinu, Chika
Gatherers: Suzu, Izanami, Kagome
Hoard/Vault/Treasure Organizer: Kazue
Familiar Trainers: Nozomi, Haruna
Blacksmith: Kaede
Jewler: Hayate
Miner: Mei
Zen Garden Caretaker: Ren

Food-Specific Dragons:

Hunter: Yuta
Fisher: Raiden
Main Gardener: Miyako
Insect Catcher: Kouki
Beekeeper / Baker: Hachimitsu
Cook: Minoru
Barista/Ingredient Experimenter: Sumire
Ice Transporter: Kiyoshi


Seamstress: Nyoko
Bards: Naoto, Hinata
Writers: Ryutsuki, Naria
Artist/Painters: Kiku, Hikari, Asako
Poet: Shizuka
Glass Maker: Mochi
Taxidermist: Junko

Elemental Flight Representatives:

Ice Representative: Setsumi
Nature Representative: Haruna
Water Representative: Aoi
Wind Representative: Kouta
Lightning Representative: Rika
Shadow Representative: Amaya
Light Representative: Hikari
Plague Representative: Shizuka
Earth Representative: Chika
Fire Representative: Anzu
Arcane Representative: Makoto

(Dragons searching for roles: Kai, Rumiko..)
[center][img][/img][size=6][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Traditions[/size][img][/img] [img][/img][columns][left][img][/img][img][/img][nextcol] [b]Hatching/Hatchlings:[/b] Before a Dragon hatches, both parents are expected to wait beside the egg, so the newborn can form a bond with its birth parents. Then they are to stay with the hatchling for at least an hour, interacting with it and to give it a name. A day or two after hatching, the Dragon then has a choice to either become a soldier or join a new Clan. Hatchlings are then taken care of by the caretaker until they are seven days and nights old. The parents are encouraged to visit their offspring frequently, and after they reach a certain age, are expected to teach their hatchling and show them around the cave. Of course, if a parent has no time to teach their offspring, Scholars teach them instead. [b]Marriage:[/b] After a Dragon reaches the age of fourteen days and nights (Adulthood), they are permitted to marry a Dragon. Marriage is agreed on by both of the parties, and they then stay together for life, unless one of them passes away. Ceremonies are then issued right away or a few months after they have decided. A Priest/Priestess will normally join the two in marriage, then a large celebration is held. It normally lasts a day and night, and when it is over the Clan members help carve out the couple's own lair in the large cave system. After they are married, they are also permitted to have hatchlings. [size=1][b]Exalting:[/b] Dragons who decide to serve under the Icewarden as soldiers may ask the leaders for permission. It is a high honor and usually large ceremonies are held, either a day before he or she leaves, or on the same day. Friends and family give the Dragon(s) parting gifts, food, and many farewells. They then trek through the harsh cold of the Southern Icefield to the Icewarden's camp.[/size] [b]Death & Burials:[/b] When a Dragon passes away from sickness or old age, the Clan will mourn for that dragon for an entire week. Families or friends who knew the Dragon well will be helped by the other Clan members, giving them gifts and reminiscing on times. Hatchlings who fade away in their eggs are still mourned for, but the parents grieve for the offspring more than the Clan does. Burials are held a few days after, and the Clan does not light the lanterns or candles that day. The body is put in a sheet and brought to the highest point of the mountain, where they are said that their soul is to ascend into the heavens. The snow buries the Dragon, so a burial into the ground is usually not needed. [b]Warriors, Fighters, and Samurai[/b] [i]Warriors[/i] - These Dragons are very strict about how they act, and are normally very wise. They are the highest ranking of the three, and will often be used to aid the Great Two when they travel to other Clans. Used for military purposes, such as soldiers or guards. [i]Samurai[/i] - Strict, loyal, and disciplined. They follow the Great Two's every order, and often go out to train and meditate. Mostly used for military, gathering, traveling, and hunting purposes. [i]Fighters[/i] - Free to act as they please, listen to the Great Two's orders and the Council's. Strictly used for hunting, gathering, and fighting. No military use. [b]Time & Dates[/b] The time an dates work differently than they do compared to the modern Dragon time. There are no months, only seasons, and not often do we use the term "weeks", but days and nights. The calendar works as shown below, and goes for all seasons: Early Winter (End of November, December) Winter (January) Late Winter (Start of February). Each season is approximately ninety-five days and nights. Weekdays (Sun - Sat): ?, Getsu, Ka, Sui, Moku, Kin, Do [b]Festivals:[/b] There are some traditional festivals that the Yuki Clan celebrates, as well as smaller holidays. New Year's ([i] [Size=2]Warming Weather[/size] Summertime Gala Bear-Branch Festival [Size=2]Frozen ... [/size] Elemental Festivals, like the Trickmurk Circus, are celebrated by hanging many decorations, eating food, and participating events/games that all relate to the holiday in some way. Mistral Jamboree and the Crystalline Gala are the most well-loved festivals, so this means that every dragon has to do something, minor or not, for the festival. [center] [img][/img] [center][img][/img]


Before a Dragon hatches, both parents are expected to wait beside the egg, so the newborn can form a bond with its birth parents. Then they are to stay with the hatchling for at least an hour, interacting with it and to give it a name. A day or two after hatching, the Dragon then has a choice to either become a soldier or join a new Clan.

Hatchlings are then taken care of by the caretaker until they are seven days and nights old. The parents are encouraged to visit their offspring frequently, and after they reach a certain age, are expected to teach their hatchling and show them around the cave. Of course, if a parent has no time to teach their offspring, Scholars teach them instead.

After a Dragon reaches the age of fourteen days and nights (Adulthood), they are permitted to marry a Dragon. Marriage is agreed on by both of the parties, and they then stay together for life, unless one of them passes away.

Ceremonies are then issued right away or a few months after they have decided. A Priest/Priestess will normally join the two in marriage, then a large celebration is held. It normally lasts a day and night, and when it is over the Clan members help carve out the couple's own lair in the large cave system. After they are married, they are also permitted to have hatchlings.

Dragons who decide to serve under the Icewarden as soldiers may ask the leaders for permission. It is a high honor and usually large ceremonies are held, either a day before he or she leaves, or on the same day. Friends and family give the Dragon(s) parting gifts, food, and many farewells. They then trek through the harsh cold of the Southern Icefield to the Icewarden's camp.

Death & Burials:
When a Dragon passes away from sickness or old age, the Clan will mourn for that dragon for an entire week. Families or friends who knew the Dragon well will be helped by the other Clan members, giving them gifts and reminiscing on times. Hatchlings who fade away in their eggs are still mourned for, but the parents grieve for the offspring more than the Clan does.

Burials are held a few days after, and the Clan does not light the lanterns or candles that day. The body is put in a sheet and brought to the highest point of the mountain, where they are said that their soul is to ascend into the heavens. The snow buries the Dragon, so a burial into the ground is usually not needed.

Warriors, Fighters, and Samurai

Warriors - These Dragons are very strict about how they act, and are normally very wise. They are the highest ranking of the three, and will often be used to aid the Great Two when they travel to other Clans. Used for military purposes, such as soldiers or guards.

Samurai - Strict, loyal, and disciplined. They follow the Great Two's every order, and often go out to train and meditate. Mostly used for military, gathering, traveling, and hunting purposes.

Fighters - Free to act as they please, listen to the Great Two's orders and the Council's. Strictly used for hunting, gathering, and fighting. No military use.

Time & Dates
The time an dates work differently than they do compared to the modern Dragon time. There are no months, only seasons, and not often do we use the term "weeks", but days and nights. The calendar works as shown below, and goes for all seasons:

Early Winter (End of November, December) Winter (January) Late Winter (Start of February). Each season is approximately ninety-five days and nights.

Weekdays (Sun - Sat):

?, Getsu, Ka, Sui, Moku, Kin, Do


There are some traditional festivals that the Yuki Clan celebrates, as well as smaller holidays.

New Year's (

Warming Weather

Summertime Gala

Bear-Branch Festival

Frozen ...

Elemental Festivals, like the Trickmurk Circus, are celebrated by hanging many decorations, eating food, and participating events/games that all relate to the holiday in some way. Mistral Jamboree and the Crystalline Gala are the most well-loved festivals, so this means that every dragon has to do something, minor or not, for the festival.


[center][img][/img][size=6][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Allies[/size][/font][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=1]Banner made by CinnamonThief[/size] [img][/img][font=Papyrus][size=4][url=]The Volucris Clan[/url][/font][img][/img] (details here) [img][/img][size=4][font=Papyrus][url=]Long Jia[/url][/font][/size][img][/img] (details here) [img][/img][b][size=5][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Trading Partners[/b][/font][/size][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=1]Banner made by CinnamonThief[/size] [img][/img][font=Papyrus][size=4][url=]Lumen Chantry[/url][/font][img][/img] (details here) ------------------- ~ We are always searching for more allies and trading partners for our Clan. If you would like to become one, we would advice personally messaging us through letters ~
Banner made by CinnamonThief

tumblr_inline_nswmwmYdzB1qiwi8o_500.gifThe Volucris Clantumblr_inline_nswmwy13CV1qiwi8o_500.gif

(details here)

tumblr_inline_nswmwy13CV1qiwi8o_500.gifLong Jiatumblr_inline_nswmwy13CV1qiwi8o_500.gif

(details here)

tumblr_inline_oau8nem8aV1soemy4_100.pngTrading Partnerstumblr_inline_oau8neMiOC1soemy4_100.png
Banner made by CinnamonThief

tumblr_inline_nswmwqlo1f1qiwi8o_500.gifLumen Chantrytumblr_inline_nswmwqlo1f1qiwi8o_500.gif

(details here)

~ We are always searching for more allies and trading partners for our Clan. If you would like to become one, we would advice personally messaging us through letters ~
[center][img][/img][size=5][font=Copperplate Gothic Light]Q&A[/font][/size][img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [b]Is the clan spiritual and highly loyal to their deity? Are they indifferent?[/b] Though our Clan seer, priestess, and samurai do have quite strong ties with the Icewarden and the Windsinger, and apart from sending Dragons to help the Icewarden and hold funerals/weddings, the Yuki Clan does not personally have spiritual relations with any deities, however we do thank them and acknowledge them. [b]-Miyuki[/b] [b]How does your clan view the Beastclans? Who handles Beastclan relations?[/b] Errmm.. Well, the Clan doesn't personally [I]enjoy[/I] them. Our Dragons that go out to hunt are normally issued to attack them on sight, [I]especially[/I] Longnecks. They live in this area and everyone here cannot stand them, and with the war... [b]*shakes head*[/b] But besides them, there are a few of them we trade and are allied with - the Marens and the Centaurs. And who handles the relations? I do, actually! It's... not an easy job, as you could imagine... [b]-Sayuri[/b] [b]Are roles assigned to dragons when they are born/come into the clan, or do they choose their role?[/b] It all depends on 'te Dragon, lass. Some know what they wan'ta be when they get here, others take a few months. 'Course, the leaders 'ull give them a certain amount of time 'fore they are forced to leave the Clan. 'Sounds harsh, 'ya know? Still, they can't slack off for too long, or they'll be lazy and kickin' 'te bucket before 'ya know it. [b]-Kaede[/b] [b]Does your clan specialize in anything?[/b] Actually, it does! Minerals, gems, rocks, and lots of underground resources are second of the highest exports. The first being lanterns, ribbons, and traditional Wind (Japanese) items and decorations. And though it's not our main specialty, our fellow Artists do make painting, books, clothing, and ... other things... that we trade with our allies and trading partners. For example, I make some of the lanterns and various odd trinkets that Taiki sells. They're really nice actually... [b]-Tenchi[/b] [b]Does your clan have a territory? Or just the lair?[/b] All of the area outside of the lair, since there's only one way to get in and out from that area, we decided to claim it. [b]*glare*[/b] Why? Are you... [I]attempting[/I] something? Hmm? ...Alright, fine, whatever you say. But we'll be watching you closely, stranger. [b]-Rin[/b] [b]Who hoards what? Do the dragons each have a personal hoard, or is there one big storage area?[/b] Sssome Dragons do have their own persssonal items, [size=1]Though really, it's completely irrrritating...[/size] howwwever, the majority of apparrrel, materialsss, etc. is protected and stored in one big hoard that I guard from thievesss and disgusting ratsss... [size=1]"Guard" - pfft, sure. Close enough, eh...[/size] [b]-Kazue[/b] [b]What is the origin of your clan's name?[/b] Miyuki chose the name of the Clan to be a part of her name, like how her own Clan is apart of herself. That, and "Yuki" also meaning snow, was the other reason she chose it. [b]-Ryutsuki[/b] [b]Which dragons are good friends within your clan? Any enemies? Best couple?[/b] [b]*gasp*[/b] Ooh, we actually have some friend groups in our Clan! Although they're not really noticeable at first, you'll see it when you visit often. Enemies? Umm... none that I know of, anyway. Maybe some grudges, but... again, I've no idea! Anddd, best couple? Aww, I definitely have to say Tatsuo and Miyako! They're just soooo cute, and they've been together, for like, ever! They are wonderful Dragons. [b]*giggle*[/b] [b]-Umiko[/b] [b]What is your Clan's aesthetic?[/b] A mix between the images show below! [size=1]((I don't own them.))[/size][center] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [b]-Kiku[/b] [b]Does your clan decorate the lair at all? How so?[/b] Ooh, dear, of [I]course[/I] the lair is decorated! Pastel lanterns hang from the cellings, ribbons, beautiful tapestries, and traditional Wind paintings are [I]everywhere[/I]! Oh, also silk... so much silk! It's very lively, even if it's a cave! [b]-Nyoko[/b] ((Feel free to also ask my Clan questions! I am always open for them~))

Is the clan spiritual and highly loyal to their deity? Are they indifferent?

Though our Clan seer, priestess, and samurai do have quite strong ties with the Icewarden and the Windsinger, and apart from sending Dragons to help the Icewarden and hold funerals/weddings, the Yuki Clan does not personally have spiritual relations with any deities, however we do thank them and acknowledge them.

How does your clan view the Beastclans? Who handles Beastclan relations?

Errmm.. Well, the Clan doesn't personally enjoy them. Our Dragons that go out to hunt are normally issued to attack them on sight, especially Longnecks. They live in this area and everyone here cannot stand them, and with the war... *shakes head* But besides them, there are a few of them we trade and are allied with - the Marens and the Centaurs. And who handles the relations? I do, actually! It's... not an easy job, as you could imagine...

Are roles assigned to dragons when they are born/come into the clan, or do they choose their role?

It all depends on 'te Dragon, lass. Some know what they wan'ta be when they get here, others take a few months. 'Course, the leaders 'ull give them a certain amount of time 'fore they are forced to leave the Clan. 'Sounds harsh, 'ya know? Still, they can't slack off for too long, or they'll be lazy and kickin' 'te bucket before 'ya know it.

Does your clan specialize in anything?

Actually, it does! Minerals, gems, rocks, and lots of underground resources are second of the highest exports. The first being lanterns, ribbons, and traditional Wind (Japanese) items and decorations. And though it's not our main specialty, our fellow Artists do make painting, books, clothing, and ... other things... that we trade with our allies and trading partners. For example, I make some of the lanterns and various odd trinkets that Taiki sells. They're really nice actually...

Does your clan have a territory? Or just the lair?

All of the area outside of the lair, since there's only one way to get in and out from that area, we decided to claim it. *glare* Why? Are you... attempting something? Hmm? ...Alright, fine, whatever you say. But we'll be watching you closely, stranger.

Who hoards what? Do the dragons each have a personal hoard, or is there one big storage area?

Sssome Dragons do have their own persssonal items, Though really, it's completely irrrritating... howwwever, the majority of apparrrel, materialsss, etc. is protected and stored in one big hoard that I guard from thievesss and disgusting ratsss... "Guard" - pfft, sure. Close enough, eh...

What is the origin of your clan's name?

Miyuki chose the name of the Clan to be a part of her name, like how her own Clan is apart of herself. That, and "Yuki" also meaning snow, was the other reason she chose it.

Which dragons are good friends within your clan? Any enemies? Best couple?

*gasp* Ooh, we actually have some friend groups in our Clan! Although they're not really noticeable at first, you'll see it when you visit often. Enemies? Umm... none that I know of, anyway. Maybe some grudges, but... again, I've no idea! Anddd, best couple? Aww, I definitely have to say Tatsuo and Miyako! They're just soooo cute, and they've been together, for like, ever! They are wonderful Dragons. *giggle*

What is your Clan's aesthetic?

A mix between the images show below! ((I don't own them.))




Does your clan decorate the lair at all? How so?

Ooh, dear, of course the lair is decorated! Pastel lanterns hang from the cellings, ribbons, beautiful tapestries, and traditional Wind paintings are everywhere! Oh, also silk... so much silk! It's very lively, even if it's a cave!

((Feel free to also ask my Clan questions! I am always open for them~))
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