
Creative Corner

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TOPIC | [MJ] Poetry Contest Grand Prize Announce
[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img] Yes there is a Stories Contest too! Check the links at the bottom of this post![/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=4] [i]Wading through the crowd of the Mistral Jamboree, past colourful tents and lemonade stands, you arrive at a corner of the festival grounds where the excited din around you fades into an entirely different soundscape. The rustle of paper and scratching of quills fills the air, broken only by half-voiced mutters and occasional whispered discussions. Before you stands a wide U of low tables scattered with ink pots and all manner of writing implements; quills, pens, brushes stacked most haphazardly. Mountainous piles of parchment rolls, sheafs of paper, and books, fill the space within the U of tables. A painted wooden sign is staked into the ground at the head of the tables on each end. "Poetry" the one on the right reads. "Stories" is written to the left...[/i][/size] [/center] [center][size=4][i][b]Your fondness for poetry leads you to the right side tables. Immediately, a pile of books and scrolls topples over as an imp scurries forward to greet you.[/b][/i][/size][/center] [center][url=] [img][/img][/url][/center] [center][size=4] [i]His Poet's cap is threatening to fall off and there are ink stains on his lips, but he's excited as he greets you. "Welcome to the Poetry Contest! I am Dean, your host. Have a seat, grab a sheet of paper or five and join us in writing new poems to entertain and teach, or even record an epic! The poems here will be spread throughout all of Sorneith on the winds! If you need anything, just let me know!"[/i] [/size][/center] [center][size=4] [i]The imp hands you a beautifully illustrated scroll denoting the 7 Categories of Poetry available for participation.[/i] [/size][/center] [center][size=4] [b][i]"Remember that it's a different category deadline EACH DAY, so work fast! Good luck and good writing to you!"[/i][/b] [/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][size=5][b]Poetry Categories:[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]Please note that you can enter any category up to the end of the deadline Day for that category, Before Rollover! Days noted are the Day of Mistral Jamboree Week![/b][/center] [b]Day 1 Sunday: Haiku[/b] [b]Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED[/b] [indent]Use the 5/7/5 syllable format to create a wind-themed haiku. Be creative and don't worry if your poem is a bit abstract, a lot of haikus are. [/indent] [b]Day 2 Monday: Windy Travels[/b] [b]Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED[/b] [indent]Write a poem about your traveling adventures through the Windswept Plateau! Make your way through the Zephyr Steppes, climb the Reedcleft Ascent, travel through the treacherous Twisting Crescendo, and join kites of the Cloudsong as you fly freely through the sky![/indent] [b]Day 3 Tuesday: Windy Art-Based Poems[/b] [b]Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED[/b] [indent]Pick a piece of artwork that's wind-related and write a poem about it! Please include your artwork with your submission so we can see what inspired you to write your poem. If you don't want to use an existing piece of artwork you could make your own, or you could write about a dragon or your dragon discovering a piece of wind-related art. Be creative![/indent] [b]Day 4 Wednesday: Ode to Windsinger[/b] [b]Now Judging. This Category is Closed[/b] [indent]In the spirit of this winderful celebration we ask that you take your time this Wednesday to celebrate the Windsinger himself! This particular poem is meant to show how great the Windsinger is and just how much we adore him. So shoot some praise his way and try your hand at writing an Ode to Windsinger![/indent] [b]Day 5 Thursday: Random Words List Poem[/b][b]Now Judging. This Category is Closed[/b] [indent]Use all the words in this randomly generated list created from wind poetry to create your own poem! You should add other words to your poem, but make sure to include all of the words provided below so that your poem qualifies for today's contest! Random Words Required: march, along, death, saw, slept, away, rustling, circle, cherish, black, summer, murmur, foam, petals, grass[/indent] [b]Day 6 Friday: Punderful Poems[/b][b]Now Judging. This Category is Closed[/b] [indent]Windn't you want a category to play with words? I gust cloudn't imagine a Mistral Jamboree without Punny Stuff! Pun in the sun, poets! Pun with it! We will judge and then post the wieners! I could blow with this all day long, I'm not done...let me keep blowing![/indent] [b]Day 7 Saturday: Anything Blows[/b] [indent]This is for anything you want to present, FR related or not, Windy related or not, here we want to see what you couldn't fit in the other categories. You still need to follow the rules, but we're open to anything you have to show us, just make it shine![/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Spread the Word about our Words![/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][Code][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/center] [center][b]And here's the link to the Mistral Jamboree Events Hub![/b][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][code][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/center]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Yes there is a Stories Contest too! Check the links at the bottom of this post!

Wading through the crowd of the Mistral Jamboree,
past colourful tents and lemonade stands,
you arrive at a corner of the festival grounds
where the excited din around you fades
into an entirely different soundscape.

The rustle of paper and scratching of quills fills the air,
broken only by half-voiced mutters and occasional whispered discussions.

Before you stands a wide U of low tables scattered with ink pots
and all manner of writing implements; quills, pens,
brushes stacked most haphazardly.
Mountainous piles of parchment rolls, sheafs of paper, and books,
fill the space within the U of tables.

A painted wooden sign is staked into the ground
at the head of the tables on each end.
"Poetry" the one on the right reads.
"Stories" is written to the left...

Your fondness for poetry leads you to the right side tables.
Immediately, a pile of books and scrolls topples over
as an imp scurries forward to greet you.

His Poet's cap is threatening to fall off and there are ink stains on his lips, but he's excited as he greets you.

"Welcome to the Poetry Contest! I am Dean, your host. Have a seat, grab a sheet of paper or five and join us in writing new poems to entertain and teach, or even record an epic! The poems here will be spread throughout all of Sorneith on the winds! If you need anything, just let me know!"

The imp hands you a beautifully illustrated scroll denoting the 7 Categories of Poetry available for participation.

"Remember that it's a different category deadline EACH DAY,
so work fast! Good luck and good writing to you!"


Poetry Categories:
Please note that you can enter any category
up to the end of the deadline Day for that category, Before Rollover!
Days noted are the Day of Mistral Jamboree Week!

Day 1 Sunday: Haiku Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED
Use the 5/7/5 syllable format to create a wind-themed haiku. Be creative and don't worry if your poem is a bit abstract, a lot of haikus are.

Day 2 Monday: Windy Travels Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED
Write a poem about your traveling adventures through the Windswept Plateau! Make your way through the Zephyr Steppes, climb the Reedcleft Ascent, travel through the treacherous Twisting Crescendo, and join kites of the Cloudsong as you fly freely through the sky!

Day 3 Tuesday: Windy Art-Based Poems Winners Announced, THIS CATEGORY CLOSED
Pick a piece of artwork that's wind-related and write a poem about it! Please include your artwork with your submission so we can see what inspired you to write your poem. If you don't want to use an existing piece of artwork you could make your own, or you could write about a dragon or your dragon discovering a piece of wind-related art. Be creative!

Day 4 Wednesday: Ode to Windsinger Now Judging. This Category is Closed
In the spirit of this winderful celebration we ask that you take your time this Wednesday to celebrate the Windsinger himself! This particular poem is meant to show how great the Windsinger is and just how much we adore him. So shoot some praise his way and try your hand at writing an Ode to Windsinger!

Day 5 Thursday: Random Words List PoemNow Judging. This Category is Closed
Use all the words in this randomly generated list created from wind poetry to create your own poem! You should add other words to your poem, but make sure to include all of the words provided below so that your poem qualifies for today's contest!

Random Words Required: march, along, death, saw, slept, away, rustling, circle, cherish, black, summer, murmur, foam, petals, grass

Day 6 Friday: Punderful PoemsNow Judging. This Category is Closed
Windn't you want a category to play with words? I gust cloudn't imagine a Mistral Jamboree without Punny Stuff! Pun in the sun, poets! Pun with it! We will judge and then post the wieners! I could blow with this all day long, I'm not done...let me keep blowing!

Day 7 Saturday: Anything Blows
This is for anything you want to present, FR related or not, Windy related or not, here we want to see what you couldn't fit in the other categories. You still need to follow the rules, but we're open to anything you have to show us, just make it shine!


Spread the Word about our Words!


And here's the link to the Mistral Jamboree Events Hub!

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][size=6] [b]Poetry Contest Rules[/b] [/size][/center] [center][b]Paintminion is away for Easter Weekend but will catch up Sunday night - no worries, feel free to post your entries. Deadline for Haiku is Sunday night, Day 1 of the Mistral Jamboree, before rollover![/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [LIST] [*]Each Day of the Mistral Jamboree has a different Category. Entries for that Category are [b]due before blowover of that day[/b]. Anything posted AFTER blowover will be disqualified. [*]All Flights are eligible! [*]Max one poem per Category. You can enter every category. [*]Minimum of 3 lines and 1000 words maximum. [*]Each entry must include a title, so it's easier to list and judge. [*]Entries must be the effort of the posting player.Must be your own words! [*]The entry can be any structural form, in English, please. [*]No foul language, explicitness, or negativity against anyone. Light violence allowed, but be sure to adhere to [url=][b]FR Policy[/b].[/url] [*][b]Post your submissions in this thread and ping @paintminion[/b] [*]Only the poem will be judged, but feel free to Role Play - be creative! [*]We welcome poems you want to share but don't want judged. To abstain from judging, please let us know in your post that you are NOT entering, just sharing.[/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] To be pinged for important announcements, please request to join our ping list. Categories:
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Rules

Paintminion is away for Easter Weekend but will catch up
Sunday night - no worries, feel free to post your entries.
Deadline for Haiku is Sunday night,
Day 1 of the Mistral Jamboree,
before rollover!


  • Each Day of the Mistral Jamboree has a different Category. Entries for that Category are due before blowover of that day. Anything posted AFTER blowover will be disqualified.
  • All Flights are eligible!
  • Max one poem per Category. You can enter every category.
  • Minimum of 3 lines and 1000 words maximum.
  • Each entry must include a title, so it's easier to list and judge.
  • Entries must be the effort of the posting player.Must be your own words!
  • The entry can be any structural form, in English, please.
  • No foul language, explicitness, or negativity against anyone. Light violence allowed, but be sure to adhere to FR Policy.
  • Post your submissions in this thread and ping @paintminion
  • Only the poem will be judged, but feel free to Role Play - be creative!
  • We welcome poems you want to share but don't want judged. To abstain from judging, please let us know in your post that you are NOT entering, just sharing.


To be pinged for important announcements, please request to join our ping list.

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][Size=7][b]Poetry Contest Prizes[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Poetry Contest Grand Prize[/b][/size] (Grand Prize Chosen from First Place Winners)[/center] "[center][url=] [img][/img] [/url]" [/center] [center][size=4][b]Zelphis The Poet[/b][/size] Gen 1, Level 25, Triple Gened Complete Bio by Zynna[/center] [columns] [center][size=4][b]Full Set of Tomes:[/b][/size] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=4][b]Accent: Quill and Scroll[/b][/size] by @catfeather (Shown on Dragon) [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][size=4][b]Familiars:[/b][/size] [Item=Ensorcelled Volume][item=Cloudkeeper Herald][/center] [/columns] [center][size=4][b]AND a Grand Prize Poetry Badge[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Haiku Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Wraith Hound][/center] [center][item=Sakura Lei][item=Sakura Flowerfall][item=Sakura Flower Crown][item=Sakura Corsage][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@Llanai - one color bust slot, click to go to their shop and see some examples. [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Teardrop Jade Set:[/b][/center] [center][item=Teardrop Jade Earrings][item=Teardrop Jade Ring][item=Teardrop Jade Wing Loop][item=Teardrop Jade Pendant][item=Teardrop Jade Choker][item=Teardrop Jade Leg Band][item=Teardrop Jade Bracelet][/center] [center][b]Familiars:[/b][/center] [center][Item=Ensorcelled Volume][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Windy Travels Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Velvet Floracat][/center] [center][item=Green Aviator Scarf][item=Emerald Aviator Helmet][item=Emerald Aviator Satchel][item=Emerald Aviator Coat][item=Emerald Aviator Boots][item=Emerald Aviator Gloves][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@ninebit: - offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Novice Aviator Apparel:[/b][/center] [center][item=Navy Aviator Gloves][item=Navy Aviator Scarf][item=Emerald Aviator Helmet][item=Leather Aviator Satchel][item=Tanned Rogue Tail Binding][/center] [center][b]Familiars:[/b][/center] [center][item=Maren Ambusher][item=Sunspot Clouddancer][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Windy Art Poems Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] Sapphire Flourish Apparel: [item=Sapphire Flourish Anklets][item=Sapphire Flourish Belt][item=Sapphire Flourish Tail Drape][item=Sapphire Flourish Eye Piece][item=Sapphire Flourish Bracelet][item=Sapphire Flourish Necklace][item=Sapphire Flourish Wing Drape] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@FelixMcTrashy - one color artwork slot, click banner below for examples [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Starving Poet Care Package:[/b][/center] [center][item=Steppes Pincher][size=5]x99[/size] [item=Omen Seeker][size=5]x99[/size] [item=High-voltage Almonds][size=5]x99[/size] [item=Spellbound Beetle][size=5]x99[/size] [/center] [center][b]Familiars:[/b][/center] [center][item=Snow Streak][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Ode to Windsinger Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][b]Special Skin: Mistral Jam 2014[/b] [item=Skin: Kitedancer][/center] [center]Familiar: [item=Cloudkeeper Herald][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@Axikor - one colored bust slot, here are some examples: [img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Familiars:[/b][/center] [center][item=Cloud Chaser][item=Clouddancer][item=Bamboo Phytocat][/center] [center][b]Straight from Windpapa's Wings:[/b] [item=Spring's Breath][item=Autumn Breeze][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Random Word List Challenge Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][b]What A Random Audience![/b][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Smokebillow Sham][item=Blue Tang Hippogriff][item=Renegade Aviar][item=Cardinal Hippogriff][item=Crowned Bonepriest][item=Brush Dodo][item=Ensorcelled Volume][item=Death Seeker][item=Mesacliff Harpy][item=Carrioncorn][/center] [center][b]With Such Random Clothing?[/b][/center] [center][item=Emerald Aviator Helmet][item=Crimson Aviator Gloves][item=Diaphanous Sylvan Anklets][item=Gold Aviator Coat][item=Ebony Filigree Wing Guard][item=Venom Rogue Tail Binding][item=Green Aviator Scarf][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@ninebit: offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Randomness To Wear:[/b][/center] [center][item=Mossy Maze Colony][item=Teardrop Chroma Belt][/center] [center][b]Randomness To Share:[/b][/center] [center][item=Cloud Chaser][item=Clouddancer][item=Dodo][item=Hooded Dodo][item=Leafy Moth][item=Greatshell][item=Swift Lumen][item=Aer Phantom][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Punderful Poems Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Smokebillow Sham][/center] [center][item=Vibrant Rogue Hood][item=Vibrant Rogue Trousers][item=Vibrant Rogue Mask][item=Vibrant Rogue Tail Binding][item=Vibrant Rogue Gloves][item=Vibrant Rogue Cape][item=Vibrant Rogue Footpads][item=Vibrant Rogue Wing Guards][item=Vibrant Rogue Vest][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by:[/b][/center] [center]@ninebit: offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here: [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Hope Your Pun Didn't Make People Cold:[/b][/center] [center][item=Glorious Sweater][/center] [center][b]Books To Research New Puns:[/b][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Ensorcelled Volume][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][size=6][b]Anything Goes Category[/b][/size][/center] [center] [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]First Place Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][img][/img] [item=Wind Tome][/center] [center][b]Anything Seem Familiar?[/b][/center] [center][item=Spellbound Tome][item=Smokebillow Sham][item=Juvenile Starsweeper][/center] [center][b]"You can be ANYTHING with the right hat..."[/b][/center] [center][item=Crimson Aviator Helmet][item=Bamboo Sedge Hat][item=Black and Red Bandana][item=Blue Birdskull Headdress][item=Bluffclamber Belongings][item=Bronze Steampunk Goggles][item=Brown Birdskull Headdress][item=Brown Plaid Cabbie][item=Brown Wizard Hat][item=Burnished Gold Helmet][item=Cobalt Filigree Helmet][img][/img][item=Copper Filigree Helmet][item=Fancy Top Hat][item=Frigid Crown][item=Gray Wizard Hat][item=Leather Fedora][item=Midnight Sandwastes Turban][img][/img][item=Mysterious Cowl][item=Navy Aviator Helmet][item=Navy Plaid Cabbie][item=Peacekeeping headband][item=Pink Daisy Cabbie][img][/img][item=Prim Highnoon Brimmer][item=Purple Bandana][item=Red Rose Flower Crown][item=Shabby Top hat][item=Shady Crown][item=Simple Red Fez][item=Violet Flower Crown][item=White Fedora][/center] [center][b]Adoptable/Art by[/b][/center] [center]@Frivilosity - one color bust slot! More examples can be found [url=]HERE.[/url][/center] [center][img][/img][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center][/center] ----- [columns] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [nextcol] [center][size=5][b]Runner Up Prize Package[/b][/size][/center] [nextcol] [center][img][/img][/center] [/columns] [center][b]Apparel That Goes With Anything:[/b][/center] [center][item=Gold Glasses][item=White Aviator Scarf][/center] [center][b]You'll Eat Anything!:[/b][/center] [center][item=Jade Peacock]x99 [item=Dandelion Seeds]x99 [item=Aer Sprite]x99[/center] [center][b]Familiars:[/b][/center] [center][item=Aer Phantom][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Prizes


Poetry Contest Grand Prize
(Grand Prize Chosen from First Place Winners)



Zelphis The Poet
Gen 1, Level 25, Triple Gened
Complete Bio by Zynna

Full Set of Tomes:
Accent: Quill and Scroll
by @catfeather (Shown on Dragon)

Ensorcelled Volume Cloudkeeper Herald
AND a Grand Prize Poetry Badge

Haiku Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome
Spellbound Tome Wraith Hound

Sakura Lei Sakura Flowerfall Sakura Flower Crown Sakura Corsage

Adoptable/Art by:
@Llanai - one color bust slot, click to go to their shop and see some examples.



Runner Up
Prize Package

Teardrop Jade Set:
Teardrop Jade Earrings Teardrop Jade Ring Teardrop Jade Wing Loop Teardrop Jade Pendant Teardrop Jade Choker Teardrop Jade Leg Band Teardrop Jade Bracelet


Ensorcelled Volume


Windy Travels Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome
Spellbound Tome Velvet Floracat
Green Aviator Scarf Emerald Aviator Helmet Emerald Aviator Satchel Emerald Aviator Coat Emerald Aviator Boots Emerald Aviator Gloves
Adoptable/Art by:

@ninebit: - offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here:



Runner Up
Prize Package

Novice Aviator Apparel:
Navy Aviator Gloves Navy Aviator Scarf Emerald Aviator Helmet Leather Aviator Satchel Tanned Rogue Tail Binding


Maren Ambusher Sunspot Clouddancer


Windy Art Poems Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome

Sapphire Flourish Apparel:
Sapphire Flourish Anklets Sapphire Flourish Belt Sapphire Flourish Tail Drape Sapphire Flourish Eye Piece Sapphire Flourish Bracelet Sapphire Flourish Necklace Sapphire Flourish Wing Drape

Adoptable/Art by:

@FelixMcTrashy - one color artwork slot, click banner below for examples



Runner Up
Prize Package
Starving Poet Care Package:
Steppes Pincher x99 Omen Seeker x99
High-Voltage Almonds x99 Spellbound Beetle x99


Snow Streak


Ode to Windsinger Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome

Special Skin: Mistral Jam 2014

Skin: Kitedancer


Cloudkeeper Herald

Adoptable/Art by:

@Axikor - one colored bust slot, here are some examples:



Runner Up
Prize Package


Cloud Chaser Clouddancer Bamboo Phytocat

Straight from Windpapa's Wings:

Spring's Breath Autumn Breeze


Random Word List Challenge Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome
What A Random Audience!
Spellbound Tome Smokebillow Sham Blue Tang Hippogriff Renegade Aviar Cardinal Hippogriff Crowned Bonepriest Brush Dodo Ensorcelled Volume Death Seeker Mesacliff Harpy Carrioncorn

With Such Random Clothing?
Emerald Aviator Helmet Crimson Aviator Gloves Diaphanous Sylvan Anklets Gold Aviator Coat Ebony Filigree Wing Guard Venom Rogue Tail Binding Green Aviator Scarf

Adoptable/Art by:

@ninebit: offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here:



Runner Up
Prize Package

Randomness To Wear:
Mossy Maze Colony Teardrop Chroma Belt

Randomness To Share:

Cloud Chaser Clouddancer Dodo Hooded Dodo Leafy Moth Greatshell Swift Lumen Aer Phantom


Punderful Poems Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome
Spellbound Tome Smokebillow Sham
Vibrant Rogue Hood Vibrant Rogue Trousers Vibrant Rogue Mask Vibrant Rogue Tail Binding Vibrant Rogue Gloves Vibrant Rogue Cape Vibrant Rogue Footpads Vibrant Rogue Vest
Adoptable/Art by:

@ninebit: offers one Adoptable! Details of their work can be found here:



Runner Up
Prize Package

Hope Your Pun Didn't Make People Cold:
Glorious Sweater

Books To Research New Puns:

Spellbound Tome Ensorcelled Volume


Anything Goes Category

First Place
Prize Package

824.png Wind Tome
Anything Seem Familiar?
Spellbound Tome Smokebillow Sham Juvenile Starsweeper

"You can be ANYTHING with the right hat..."
Crimson Aviator Helmet Bamboo Sedge Hat Black and Red Bandana Blue Birdskull Headdress Bluffclamber Belongings Bronze Steampunk Goggles Brown Birdskull Headdress Brown Plaid Cabbie Brown Wizard Hat Burnished Gold Helmet Cobalt Filigree Helmet 15272.png Copper Filigree Helmet Fancy Top Hat Frigid Crown Gray Wizard Hat Leather Fedora Midnight Sandwastes Turban 15307.png Mysterious Cowl Navy Aviator Helmet Navy Plaid Cabbie Peacekeeping Headband Pink Daisy Cabbie 384.png Prim Highnoon Brimmer Purple Bandana Red Rose Flower Crown Shabby Top Hat Shady Crown Simple Red Fez Violet Flower Crown White Fedora

Adoptable/Art by

@Frivilosity - one color bust slot!

More examples can be found HERE.


Runner Up
Prize Package

Apparel That Goes With Anything:

Gold Glasses White Aviator Scarf

You'll Eat Anything!:
Jade Peacock x99 Dandelion Seeds x99 Aer Sprite x99


Aer Phantom


[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][size=6] [b]Poetry Contest Judges[/b] [/size] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] Poet, writer, and miniatures artist, Dean loves deep meanings, heartfelt, and well-crafted poems. Sweep through with a good poem that will make him perk up his ears and smile! (@paintminion) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] You will never find a dragon more obsessed with the romantic and fanciful than Sinless. He loves all forms of poetry - whether fantastical or tragic, Sinless has read it all! (@Celesol) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] A friendly dragon with a bit of a balance issue, Mirin is an interesting fellow. He's recently taken an interest in poetry, at least he's been collecting quite a few scrolls of the stuff. Why not write a poem or two yourself and see if you can grab his attention? (@Katastrophic) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] A highly energetic assisstant that is as willing to help as she is likely to bite off more than she can chew. The queen of trying to do too many projects at once. Can you keep her attention? (@Xeka) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] A young but eager dragon, Noodles is thrilled to judge this year, and hopes to find inspiration and energy in the entries. Noodles encourages you to capture the moment, whether it's a love sonnet or an epic about the Battle of the Bay filled with tearing, clawing, roaring.... (@Aspyria) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] Sonnet is a quiet dragon, who normally is found curled in a corner with a book of poetry or a journal. She is particularly a fan of English sonnets and epic poetry-- she says that although she doesnt adventure they make her feel like she can! (@Neighsayer) [/size] [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [size=5] Wisp is a dancer, but in her off time she loves to sit down with a nice thick book! She loves to read others' works and critique them when asked, as well as write her own stories. (@Zynna) [/size] [/columns]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Judges


Poet, writer, and miniatures artist, Dean loves deep meanings, heartfelt, and well-crafted poems. Sweep through with a good poem that will make him perk up his ears and smile!
You will never find a dragon more obsessed with the romantic and fanciful than Sinless. He loves all forms of poetry - whether fantastical or tragic, Sinless has read it all!
A friendly dragon with a bit of a balance issue, Mirin is an interesting fellow. He's recently taken an interest in poetry, at least he's been collecting quite a few scrolls of the stuff. Why not write a poem or two yourself and see if you can grab his attention?
A highly energetic assisstant that is as willing to help as she is likely to bite off more than she can chew. The queen of trying to do too many projects at once. Can you keep her attention?
A young but eager dragon, Noodles is thrilled to judge this year, and hopes to find inspiration and energy in the entries. Noodles encourages you to capture the moment, whether it's a love sonnet or an epic about the Battle of the Bay filled with tearing, clawing, roaring....
Sonnet is a quiet dragon, who normally is found curled in a corner with a book of poetry or a journal. She is particularly a fan of English sonnets and epic poetry-- she says that although she doesnt adventure they make her feel like she can!
Wisp is a dancer, but in her off time she loves to sit down with a nice thick book! She loves to read others' works and critique them when asked, as well as write her own stories.
[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]Poetry Director: [/b] [b]Paintminion[/b] [b]Stories Director: [/b] [b]cayra[/b] [b]Volunteer Judges [/b] [indent] Paintminion Aspyria Katastrophic Celesol Xeka neighsayer cayra Zynna [/indent] [b]Writers:[/b] Paintminion, Cayra, Katastrophic [b]Post Coder:[/b] Paintminion [b]Grand Prize Bios Writer:[/b] Zynna [b]Grand Prize Accent:[/b] catfeather [b]Donations From:[/b] [columns] [size=4] alatusnex Aspyria Blowinginthewind bonpri briteoctopus cayra CosmicGalaxies [/size] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4] Crazydoll86 Denutena Dgcakes foxofwonders from funds Hoatzin HowlingGale [/size] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4] Katastrophic Krysteen Laticat lunaschaf Lykomancer Maleficwhim neighsayer [/size] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4] ninebit Paintminion pisces1331 Punching Sherushi Skyarising Temmith [/size] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4] TigerFestival WestWindSentinel wnznpeh Xeka ZaleGray Zynna THANK YOU ALL! [/size] [/columns] [b]Artwork: [/b] [indent][b]Event Banners:[/b] Dwiindovah [b]Divider, Corgi Bookends:[/b] TinyGryphon [b]Waving flag icon:[/b] find on free windy art thread [b]Book Graphic: [/b] TinyGryphon [b]Scroll Graphic: [/b]TinyGryphon [b]Signature Buttons:[/b] TinyGryphon (graphic), Skylinefields (text) [b]Award Badges:[/b] Skyarising [b]Participation Badges:[/b] Skyarising [b]Judge Icons: [/b] cayra [b]Credits Artwork:[/b] Farore [/indent] [b]Special thank you to the Artists who donated for our prizes:[/b] ninebit Ookamiotoko aspyria Llanai emeraldeyes Frivilosity Axikor FelixMcTrashy [center][img][/img][/center] Thank you so much to all the people that helped bring these events together this year! I needed the extra help, and I am very grateful for all those who were there when I needed them. Wind Flight is so very giving - please know that everyone here deserves your thanks and gratitude. I especially want to thank @Maleficwhim and @Ookamiotoko, my personal heroes. Thank you to all those that will enter these contests as well! @Windsinger loves to celebrate our stories and tales, and you should all know that we do this for you! Everyone loves a good story - so please, enter and have some fun. That's the best way to pay us back for all the hard work! [center][img][/img][/center]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners


Poetry Director: Paintminion
Stories Director: cayra

Volunteer Judges

Writers: Paintminion, Cayra, Katastrophic
Post Coder: Paintminion
Grand Prize Bios Writer: Zynna
Grand Prize Accent: catfeather

Donations From:


from funds




Event Banners: Dwiindovah
Divider, Corgi Bookends: TinyGryphon
Waving flag icon: find on free windy art thread
Book Graphic: TinyGryphon
Scroll Graphic: TinyGryphon
Signature Buttons: TinyGryphon (graphic), Skylinefields (text)
Award Badges: Skyarising
Participation Badges: Skyarising
Judge Icons: cayra
Credits Artwork: Farore

Special thank you to the Artists who donated for our prizes:



Thank you so much to all the people that helped bring these events together this year! I needed the extra help, and I am very grateful for all those who were there when I needed them. Wind Flight is so very giving - please know that everyone here deserves your thanks and gratitude. I especially want to thank @Maleficwhim and @Ookamiotoko, my personal heroes.

Thank you to all those that will enter these contests as well! @Windsinger loves to celebrate our stories and tales, and you should all know that we do this for you! Everyone loves a good story - so please, enter and have some fun. That's the best way to pay us back for all the hard work!

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][Size=7][b]Poetry Contest Entries[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Day 1: Category: Haiku[/b] Winners Announced![/center] [center][center][url=]"Sound of Freedom" [/url]by @jurobii [url=]"The Wind"[/url] by @axdrive [url=]"Sirocco"[/url] by @acheronta [url=]"Energy"[/url] by @8by0 [url=]"Nightfall Approaches"[/url] by @kriseis [/center] [url=]"Polluted Sky"[/url] by @Raiynbeau [url=]"Heart of Wind"[/url] by @Candlelit97 [url=]"Simple Flight"[/url] by @marchhare [url=]"Remember?"[/url] by @Droiline [url=]"Serenity"[/url] by @chezameed [url=]"Returning"[/url] by @Arenfelle [url=]"Sublimity"[/url] by @Toranne [url=]"Thoughtful Questions"[/url] by @CrazyRedFire [url=]"Transformation"[/url] by @Arula [url=]"Wind Whispers"[/url] by @Ryokotori [url=]"Wanderlust"[/url] by @LovebirdLisp [url=]"Friend-shaped"[/url] by @Machidieles [url=]"Artistry"[/url] by @Nightvaled [url=]"Blow Wind Blow-Monsoon Winds"[/url] by @Oricole [url=]"Flight" [/url]by @Necrotic [url=]"Haiku No. 4 in D Minor"[/url] by @macaroni [url=]"Flying/Falling"[/url] by @WorldOfOurOwn [url=]"sea of green"[/url] by @ElvenGate [url=]''Commute''[/url] by @MaeveAvrae [url=]"Kite" [/url]by @Scatterspark [url=]"a dragon is a storm"[/url] by @apis [url=]"Wind"[/url] by @NicoleEirin [url=]"Wind's Spell"[/url] by @Valyrie [url=]"Baby's Laughter" [/url]by @LadyRenee [url=]"Zephyr"[/url] by @xacexz [url=]"Windsinger vists the Plateau"[/url] by @Farore [url=]"My Heart Sings as the Birds Fly"[/url] by @tigressRising [url=]"Wind Mistress" [/url]by @gabrielnovak [url=]"Jamboree Joy"[/url] by @Katsuokai [url=]"One in the Same"[/url] by @Helianthe ENTRIES LIST COMPLETE[/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Day 2 Category: Windy Travels Winners Announced! [/b][/center] [center] [url=]"Seeker of Skies"[/url] by @acheronta [url=]"You only play once"[/url] by @Droiline [url=]"The Tale I Told the Hatchlings"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [url=]"Sunset on the Wind"[/url] by @Emrakul [url=]"Ancestral Calls"[/url] by @rororat [url=]"Where Hope Rests"[/url] by @WiIIow [url=]"Arriving home"[/url] by @Nirveli [url=]"Where Your Heart Lies" [/url]by @Mikisama [url=]"Wings on the wind" [/url]by @Zaelium [url=]"A Tourist's Review"[/url] by @MariaHill [url=]"Unseen Travler" [/url]by @Lamenting [url=]"Sugar Breeze Dreams"[/url] by @Raiynbeau [url=]"I Had Trouble in Getting to Reedcleft Ascent" [/url]by @Arula [url=]"The Journey"[/url] by @gabrielnovak [url=]"Wandering Over Wind"[/url] by @tigressRising [url=]"Breezes Fair"[/url] by @Scatterspark [url=]"Seven Quatrains, Mvmt. 2: Allegro"[/url] by @macaroni [url=]"MistJam!" [/url]by @Katsuokai [url=]"Up Ship!"[/url] by @Falcolmreynolds [url=]"Young Hatchling"[/url] by @Helianthe [url=]"Song of the Messenger"[/url] by @kriseis [url=]"Wonder World" [/url]by @Oricole ENTRIES LIST COMPLETE [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Day 3 Category: Windy Art Poem Winners Announced![/b][/center] [center] [url=]"Eye of the Storm"[/url] by @rororat [url=]"Frozen in Art"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [url=]"Ballet of Nature and Wind"[/url] by @WiIIow [url=]“Sonnet Sonata Op. 3”[/url] by @macaroni [url=]"The Tornadoes' Marching Song" [/url]by @Arula [url=]"Preservation Of Air"[/url] by @Raiynbeau [url=]"Wind and Water" [/url]by @tigressRising [url=]"Wind walkers"[/url] by @Zaelium [url=]"Boreas"[/url] by @Scatterspark [url=]"Dream"[/url] by @chezameed [url=]"Temperamental Wonder"[/url] by @WorldOfOurOwn [url=]"On Wings of Hope"[/url] by @MariaHill [url=]"Kites to Heaven"[/url] by @acheronta [url=]"The Calm Before the Storm"[/url] by @kriseis [url=]"Venus" [/url]by @Toranne [url=]"Girl in the Wind"[/url] by @Helianthe ENTRIES LIST COMPLETE [/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Day 4 Category: Ode to Windsinger Winners Announced! [/b][/center] [center] [url=]"Pasta for the World"[/url] by @CrazyRedFire [url=]"Windsong" [/url]by @MariaHill [url=]"Why do you sing"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [url=]"Ode to the Wait"[/url] by @WorldOfOurOwn [url=]"Questions of the Faithful"[/url] by @kriseis [url=]"Your Creations"[/url] by @Helianthe [url=]"Windsinger's Ensemble" [/url]by @Scatterspark [url=]"Ode to an Absent God"[/url] by @Arula [url=]"Limerick Suite No. 1 Prelude"[/url] by @macaroni [url=]"Returner"[/url] by @Falcolmreynolds [url=]"A Dragon's Devotion"[/url] by @Raiynbeau ENTRIES COMPLETE [/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Day 5 Category: Windy Random Words Winners Announced![/b][/center] [center] "Song of Seasons" by @Scatterspark "Windsinger's Lament" by @Hotpocketguru [url=]"What the Wind Witnessed"[/url] by @MariaHill [url=]"Be Wary of the Whispers"[/url] by @WiIIow [url=]"Where My Child Goes "[/url] by @Falcolmreynolds [url=]"March, March, the Summer Long"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [url=]"Where are you going" [/url]by @Toranne [url=]"'Til the wind swept them away..."[/url] by @8by0 [url=]"Whistle In The Wind"[/url] by @Raiynbeau [url=]"The Beginnings of Hope(A Clan's Story)"[/url] by @xacexz [url=]“Couplets in C Harmonic Minor”[/url] by @macaroni [url=]"The Free Seasons" [/url]by @Arula [url=]"Unwelcome Winter" [/url]by @WorldOfOurOwn [url=]"Freedom"[/url] by @Valka [url=]"Seasons" [/url]by @Helianthe [url=]"Fever"[/url] by @kriseis ENTRIES COMPLETE [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Day 6 Category: Punderful Poems Winners Announced[/b][/center] [center] [url=]"Spare Us From the Puns"[/url] by @jurobii [url=]"Easy Breezy"[/url] by @Scatterspark [url=]" I'm so punny"[/url] by @ElvenGate [url=]"Everyone's a Wind-er"[/url] by @Toranne [url=]"The Dairy Air" [/url]by @Arula [url=]"Trio of Pun"[/url] by @Helianthe ENTRIES COMPLETE [/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Day 7 Category: Anything Blows Closed and JUDGING![/b][/center] [center] [url=]"Flight"[/url] by @Candlelit97 [url=]"Drake"[/url] by @Scatterspark [url=]"portal lake”[/url] by @macaroni [url=]" Every"[/url] by @ElvenGate [url=]"The Dragon Thief"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [url=]"Distance"[/url] by @Arula [url=]"Thaw"[/url] by @Toranne [url=]"Just That Feeling"[/url] by @WiIIow [url=]"Swear on a Black Hole"[/url] by @gabrielnovak [url=]"(we are all [s]living[/s] dying)"[/url] by @WorldOfOurOwn [url=]"Submarine Dreams"[/url] by @Raiynbeau [url=]"Who?"[/url] by @Valka [url=]"Wind Dragon's Life"[/url] by @Helianthe [url=]"Humanity"[/url] by @Falcolmreynolds [url=]"You have learned nothing if not how to rise"[/url] by @kriseis ENRIES COMPLETE [/center]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Entries


Day 1: Category: Haiku
Winners Announced!

Day 2 Category: Windy Travels
Winners Announced!

Day 3 Category: Windy Art Poem
Winners Announced!

Day 4 Category: Ode to Windsinger
Winners Announced!

Day 5 Category: Windy Random Words
Winners Announced!

Day 6 Category: Punderful Poems
Winners Announced

Day 7 Category: Anything Blows
Closed and JUDGING!

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][Size=7][b]Poetry Contest Ping List[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [b]All Entrants Have Been Added - Ping List Complete[/b] @8by0 @acheronta @apis @Arenfelle @Arula @axdrive @Candlelit97 @chezameed @CrazyRedFire @Droiline @ElvenGate @Emrakul @Falcolmreynolds @Farore @gabrielnovak @Helianthe @Hotpocketguru @jurobii @Katsuokai @kriseis @LadyRenee @Lamenting @LovebirdLisp @macaroni @Machidieles @MaeveAvrae @marchhare @MariaHill @Mikisama @Necrotic @NicoleEirin @Nightvaled @Nirveli @Oricole @Raiynbeau @rororat @Ryokotori @Scatterspark @tigressRising @Toranne @Valka @Valyrie @WiIIow @wolfbladequeen @WorldOfOurOwn @xacexz @Zaelium
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Ping List


All Entrants Have Been Added - Ping List Complete

[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][Size=7][b]Poetry Contest Winners[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Judging is taking a bit longer due to a myriad of mistralling - computers, natural disaster, gusts of dust, and down to business judging discussions! Everyone on Pinglist will be pinged when we have announcements! and then I will make sure the winners are placed here :-) keep up the great work everyone! [center][img][/img] [/center] [center][b]First Place[/b][/center] [center][url=]"Nightfall Approaches"[/url] by @kriseis[/center] [center][b]Runner-Up[/b] [url=]"Transformation"[/url] by @Arula[/center] [center]Honorable Mentions: [url=]"Zephyr"[/url] by @xacexz [url=]"Returning"[/url] by @Arenfelle [url=]"Sirocco"[/url] by @acheronta[/center] [center][img][/img] [b]Day 2 Category: Windy Travels[/b][/center] [center][b]First Place[/b] @Arula [url=]"I Had Trouble in Getting to Reedcleft Ascent" [/url] [b]Runner Up[/b] @Droiline[url=] "You Only Play Once"[/url] (Honorable Mention is @Raiynbeau [url=]"Sugar Breeze Dreams"[/url])[/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b]Day 3 Category: Windy Art Poem[/b] [b]First Place:[/b] [url=]"Frozen in Art"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [b]Runner Up:[/b] [url=]"Temperamental Wonder" [/url]by @WorldOfOurOwn [b]Honorable Mention:[/b] [url=]"Venus"[/url] by @Toranne [/center] [center] [img][/img][/center] [center][b]Day 4 Category: Ode to Windsinger[/b] [/center] [center] [b]First Place:[/b] [url=]"Questions of the Faithful"[/url] by @kriseis [b]Runner Up: [/b] [url=]"Windsong" [/url]by @MariaHill [b]Honorable Mentions:[/b] [url=]"Why do you sing"[/url] by @wolfbladequeen [/center] [center] [img][/img][/center] [center]Day 5 Category: Windy Random Words[/center] [center][b]First Place:[/b][/center] [center][url=]"Where My Child Goes"[/url] by @Falcolmreynolds [/center] [center][b]Runner Up:[/b] [url=]"The Free Seasons"[/url] by @Arula [b]Honorable Mentions:[/b] @Toranne for [url=]"Where are you going"[/url] @wolfbladequeen for [url=]"March, March, the Summer Long"[/url] @macaroni for [url=]"Couplets in C Harmonic Minor"[/url][/center] [center][img][/img] [/center] [center]Day 6 Category: Punderful Poems[/center] [center][b]First Place:[/b] @Arula with [url=]"Dairy Air"[/url] [b]Runner Up:[/b] @jurobii with [url=]"Spare Us From The Puns"[/url] [b]Honorable Mentions:[/b] @Scatterspark for [url=]"Easy Breezy"[/url][/center] [center] [img][/img] [/center] [center]Day 7 Category: Anything Blows[/center] [center][b]First Place:[/b][/center] [center]@WorldOfOurOwn with [url=]"(we are all living dying)"[/url] [/center] [center][center][b]Runner Up:[/b][/center][/center] [center]@wolfbladequeen with [url=]"The Dragon Thief"[/url][/center] [center][b]Honorable Mentions:[/b][/center] [center]@Toranne for [url=]"Thaw"[/url] @gabrielnovak for [url=]"Swear on a Black Hole" [/url]@kriseis for [url=]"you have learned nothing if not how to rise"[/url][/center]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

Poetry Contest Winners


Judging is taking a bit longer due to a myriad of mistralling - computers, natural disaster, gusts of dust, and down to business judging discussions! Everyone on Pinglist will be pinged when we have announcements! and then I will make sure the winners are placed here :-) keep up the great work everyone!


First Place


"Transformation" by @Arula

Honorable Mentions:

"Zephyr" by @xacexz
"Returning" by @Arenfelle
"Sirocco" by @acheronta

Day 2 Category: Windy Travels

Day 3 Category: Windy Art Poem

First Place:

"Frozen in Art" by @wolfbladequeen

Runner Up:

"Temperamental Wonder" by @WorldOfOurOwn

Honorable Mention:

"Venus" by @Toranne

Day 4 Category: Ode to Windsinger
First Place:

"Questions of the Faithful" by @kriseis

Runner Up:

"Windsong" by @MariaHill

Honorable Mentions:

"Why do you sing" by @wolfbladequeen

Day 5 Category: Windy Random Words

First Place:

Day 6 Category: Punderful Poems
First Place:

@Arula with "Dairy Air"

Runner Up:

@jurobii with "Spare Us From The Puns"

Honorable Mentions:

@Scatterspark for "Easy Breezy"

Day 7 Category: Anything Blows

First Place:

Runner Up:

Honorable Mentions:
[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol][nextcol] [size=4][b]Quick Links[/b] [url=]Main Post[/url] | [url=]Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Judges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url] | [url=]Entries[/url] | [url=]Pinglist[/url] | [url=]Winners[/url] [/size][/columns] [center][size=7][b] 2016 Mistral Jamboree [img][/img] Grand Prize Winner [/b][/size] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [b]TAP TAP TAP,[/b] the very large Imperial tapped on the mic to get the crowds attention as the other judges moved up on stage behind him. They were precisely on time. He fidgeted a bit, eager to begin the announcement of the Grand Prize Winner for the Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest, but he had to wait for all the judges and Lemondrop seemed missing. Suddenly the missing young spiral dragon popped out on stage through the part in the curtain and took her spot in line, murmuring apologies. The other judges shuffled aside for her and looked expectantly at Dean. It was time to step foot on the battlefield, face the enemy...he noticed a few small ones in the audience suddenly cowering and realized he'd growled and bared his teeth. He forced a smile on his face and took a deep breath. This was not battle, this was Poetry! "We have determined the Grand Prize Winner for the Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest. Although each Category was judged by two and three dragons alone, the Grand Prize Winner was chosen by all the judges from all of the First Place Winners." "All of our poets did an amazing job of crafting their poems for this contest, making this the best Poetry Contest Wind has ever had! You should all be proud of what you accomplished! It would have been perfect with an epic battle poem category...hmmm, well, you all want to know the Grand Prize Winner, right?" Using his best Parade Grounds voice, Dean raised his snout and spoke loudly so everyone could hear. "It took so long because the judges were a bit divided. The judges narrowed down the possibilities and then voted for the Grand Prize Winner. We're sorry for the delay but it could not be helped. The top two poems were awarded the same number of points. The tiebreaker situation had to reconciled." "The Grand Prize Winner will receive The Scribe Zelphis, a special Gen 1 Dragon, complete with Bio and artwork, among other fun things like tomes for all the flights." [size=5][b]The 2016 Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest Grand Prize Winner Is @Arula [url=]"I Had Trouble in Getting to Reedcleft Ascent"[/url][/b][/size] "Congratulations Arula! Zephis will be winging his way to your lair as soon as he is packed up!" "The judges wish to acknowledge that Arula nudged ahead of @Falcolmreynolds with their poem "Where My Child Goes", and we all wish we could award two top prizes or split the Grand Prize, but Zephis would probably object.!" "Thank you all for joining us in this Poetry Extravaganza, please note that the Stories Competition is still ongoing and closes soon." [b]"Good Writing all, and we hope you all come back next year! Happy Mistral Jamboree!!"[/b] [/center] [center][img][/img][/center]
windanim2_by_javen-d6blp0p.gif Quick Links
Main Post | Rules | Prizes | Judges | Credits | Entries | Pinglist | Winners

2016 Mistral Jamboree
Grand Prize Winner


TAP TAP TAP, the very large Imperial tapped on the mic to get the crowds attention as the other judges moved up on stage behind him. They were precisely on time. He fidgeted a bit, eager to begin the announcement of the Grand Prize Winner for the Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest, but he had to wait for all the judges and Lemondrop seemed missing.

Suddenly the missing young spiral dragon popped out on stage through the part in the curtain and took her spot in line, murmuring apologies.

The other judges shuffled aside for her and looked expectantly at Dean. It was time to step foot on the battlefield, face the enemy...he noticed a few small ones in the audience suddenly cowering and realized he'd growled and bared his teeth. He forced a smile on his face and took a deep breath. This was not battle, this was Poetry!

"We have determined the Grand Prize Winner for the Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest. Although each Category was judged by two and three dragons alone, the Grand Prize Winner was chosen by all the judges from all of the First Place Winners."

"All of our poets did an amazing job of crafting their poems for this contest, making this the best Poetry Contest Wind has ever had! You should all be proud of what you accomplished! It would have been perfect with an epic battle poem category...hmmm, well, you all want to know the Grand Prize Winner, right?"

Using his best Parade Grounds voice, Dean raised his snout and spoke loudly so everyone could hear.

"It took so long because the judges were a bit divided. The judges narrowed down the possibilities and then voted for the Grand Prize Winner. We're sorry for the delay but it could not be helped. The top two poems were awarded the same number of points. The tiebreaker situation had to reconciled."

"The Grand Prize Winner will receive The Scribe Zelphis, a special Gen 1 Dragon, complete with Bio and artwork, among other fun things like tomes for all the flights."

The 2016 Mistral Jamboree Poetry Contest Grand Prize Winner Is

"I Had Trouble in Getting to Reedcleft Ascent"

"Congratulations Arula! Zephis will be winging his way to your lair as soon as he is packed up!"

"The judges wish to acknowledge that Arula nudged ahead of @Falcolmreynolds with their poem "Where My Child Goes", and we all wish we could award two top prizes or split the Grand Prize, but Zephis would probably object.!"

"Thank you all for joining us in this Poetry Extravaganza, please note that the Stories Competition is still ongoing and closes soon."

"Good Writing all, and we hope you all come back next year!
Happy Mistral Jamboree!!"

Writing Contests Team: @Paintminion @Aspyria @Katastrophic @Celesol @Xeka @neighsayer @cayra @Zynna @Farore?

@Toothless MJ Director!
I declare this thread and contest is open!

We do have a bit of dust and scrolls flying around as we tidy up, but there's no need to hold up things - all updates should be made by Sunday.

So we are open to questions, enthusiasm, entries and fun!

Happy Mistral Jamboree Everyone!
Writing Contests Team: @Paintminion @Aspyria @Katastrophic @Celesol @Xeka @neighsayer @cayra @Zynna @Farore?

@Toothless MJ Director!
I declare this thread and contest is open!

We do have a bit of dust and scrolls flying around as we tidy up, but there's no need to hold up things - all updates should be made by Sunday.

So we are open to questions, enthusiasm, entries and fun!

Happy Mistral Jamboree Everyone!