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TOPIC | How to stop drawing something??
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So right now my art is stuck in a kinda... "punk phase".[size= 1] lol.[/size] My commissions are [i]not[/i] supposed to be full of piercings and stuff. How do I get myself out of the habit of drawing totally repremandable dudes? Recent examples of what I mean: [img][/img] [img][/img] [s]pls stop me[/s]
So right now my art is stuck in a kinda... "punk phase". lol. My commissions are not supposed to be full of piercings and stuff. How do I get myself out of the habit of drawing totally repremandable dudes?

Recent examples of what I mean:


pls stop me
Go draw birds? They don't really have areas good for piercings.
Go draw birds? They don't really have areas good for piercings.
@Tanagwal bird... biiiiiird....... bird? [img][/img]

bird... biiiiiird.......



=gross sobbing in the background=

=gross sobbing in the background=
@Itari10 *Pat pat* Don't cry! Your ability to bird far exceeds mine. [img][/img] [img][/img]
*Pat pat*
Don't cry! Your ability to bird far exceeds mine.
@Tanagwal BIRB!! I made webwing all the birbs [img][/img]

I made webwing
all the birbs

@Itari10 Draw the sweetest, smolest, most innocent cinnamon roll you can think of, too good for this world, too pure. If that doesn't work, draw them again, but as a little kid. Most little kids don't have punk peircings.
@Itari10 Draw the sweetest, smolest, most innocent cinnamon roll you can think of, too good for this world, too pure. If that doesn't work, draw them again, but as a little kid. Most little kids don't have punk peircings.
tumblr_inline_o2msyzDTw21qinm24_500.pngtumblr_inline_o2msz5Erbz1qinm24_500.png tumblr_inline_o2qdv283ZP1qinm24_100.pngtumblr_inline_o2qdv9pQJj1qinm24_100.pngtumblr_inline_o2qdvfVZwM1qinm24_250.png
try something new, out of your comfort zone :)
try something new, out of your comfort zone :)
if it's what you like, then why change?

for the sake of expanding your drawing skills though, I know when I'm stuck in a rut rather than changing what I like to draw, I simply focus on practicing things I'm not good at drawing yet. Such as practicing backgrounds, or trying to draw the same picture but in a completely different style or color palette.
if it's what you like, then why change?

for the sake of expanding your drawing skills though, I know when I'm stuck in a rut rather than changing what I like to draw, I simply focus on practicing things I'm not good at drawing yet. Such as practicing backgrounds, or trying to draw the same picture but in a completely different style or color palette.
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