I'm not sure if this should go in Art or Adoptables or what, but I'm doing a thing.
I've decided I'm going to make signature banners for all 11 Flights!
It started when I made one for myself for Fire Flight (the best flight obv) and then I got a compliment from lots of people, but I remember one in particular from an Ice person. So I did Ice second. I've stopped using the signature I made and so I put it up for anyone in Fire to use, and thought "why not do the others"
So I'm sharing the love.
Anyway, I'm just gonna doodle the deity in Adobe Illustrator, drop some fancy Photoshops on them and then add an appropriate quote or song lyric in a dramatic font.
These will be free for anybody to use, and if you want to grab them and bring them to your respective Flights' signature collection or whatever. Bear in mind, these take up pretty much the whole signature.
Without further ado, what I have so far:
All flights are done - BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE
Featuring Talona's Mask and Maroon 5's "Like Animals" lyrics
...Okay, I think that's about it. I may-or-may-not make some alternate versions in the future - but I'm largely going to stay with what I have. Plague, Water, Earth, and Shadow are the most likely to get a re-touching because they're hard to read and not as easy on the eyes as the others. At the time, I opted for visual thematics over visual clarity, and I have a little regret about that.
Add yourself to this thing because I am an adult but I am not responsible at all and having a list I can just copy/paste from would really help in the future.
All caps title removed by @JCStitches
I've decided I'm going to make signature banners for all 11 Flights!
It started when I made one for myself for Fire Flight (the best flight obv) and then I got a compliment from lots of people, but I remember one in particular from an Ice person. So I did Ice second. I've stopped using the signature I made and so I put it up for anyone in Fire to use, and thought "why not do the others"
So I'm sharing the love.
Anyway, I'm just gonna doodle the deity in Adobe Illustrator, drop some fancy Photoshops on them and then add an appropriate quote or song lyric in a dramatic font.
These will be free for anybody to use, and if you want to grab them and bring them to your respective Flights' signature collection or whatever. Bear in mind, these take up pretty much the whole signature.
Without further ado, what I have so far:
--First Generation Flights
Sourced from "World on Fire" by Slash
Lines from:
Wind, "To the Sky" - Owl City
"There's a realm above the trees
Where the lost are finally found
Touch your feathers to the breeze
And leave the ground"
The Ocean is Not Silent - HP Lovecraft (actual quote begins with "that" instead of "the")
"When all else crumbles, we shall remain"
--Second Generation Flights--
Sourced from Blind Guardians "Under the Ice"
Sourced from "Lightning Does the Work" by Chad Brock
let the sun illuminate the words that you cannot find- (Natasha Bedingfield - Unwritten
Possible Quote/Lyrics
Dance in the Shadows - No specific source although I guess there's a song with that name??
--Third Generation Flights--
Possible Quote/Lyrics:
The Forest Bird Never Wants a Cage - Quote from Henrik Ibsen
Lines from "Beast and the Harlot"

Possible Quote/Lyrics
"I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my system blow
Welcome to the new age" - Imagine Dragons "Radioactive"
Feel free to suggest lyrics or quotes for any element - I imagine you guys are more suited for picking out things that represent you than I am.Fire:


Wind, "To the Sky" - Owl City
"There's a realm above the trees
Where the lost are finally found
Touch your feathers to the breeze
And leave the ground"


--Second Generation Flights--




Dance in the Shadows - No specific source although I guess there's a song with that name??
--Third Generation Flights--

The Forest Bird Never Wants a Cage - Quote from Henrik Ibsen


"I feel it in my bones
Enough to make my system blow
Welcome to the new age" - Imagine Dragons "Radioactive"
All flights are done - BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE
I wanna do one for the Beastclans too, since they compete in Dominance and quite a few players sympathize with them/use them in lore. They don't have a deity, exactly, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do. Maybe a harpy masque because their leader is Talona, a harpy? It's the only idea I have so far, BUT feel free to fling ideas for the design and the words/lyrics/quotes at me. It'll probably take me a while to figure out exactly what I want to do, so throw all your suggestions out there! *drumrolls*Beastclans:


...Okay, I think that's about it. I may-or-may-not make some alternate versions in the future - but I'm largely going to stay with what I have. Plague, Water, Earth, and Shadow are the most likely to get a re-touching because they're hard to read and not as easy on the eyes as the others. At the time, I opted for visual thematics over visual clarity, and I have a little regret about that.
Add yourself to this thing because I am an adult but I am not responsible at all and having a list I can just copy/paste from would really help in the future.
All caps title removed by @JCStitches