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TOPIC | Inbox Spazz?
I was doing a trade with someone, and I went to click on their message with the Treasure after I had sent the item. But a message came up saying, 'That is not your message'. And then when I clicked on Inbox to try to reload the message and get the Treasure (since the refresh button would have just taken me back to the inbox anyways) I had a huge inbox full of 'Auction Expired' messages and messages with Treasure attached. I tried to click on one of them to see what the deal was, because I had put quite a few familiars up for auction yesterday, but nothing would load and then it logged me out. Once I logged back in, my inbox was back to normal and I was able to get the Treasure from the message.

But I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this? It might be something that should be looked into, in case people are actually getting tons of random treasure and auction-house items sent to them.
I was doing a trade with someone, and I went to click on their message with the Treasure after I had sent the item. But a message came up saying, 'That is not your message'. And then when I clicked on Inbox to try to reload the message and get the Treasure (since the refresh button would have just taken me back to the inbox anyways) I had a huge inbox full of 'Auction Expired' messages and messages with Treasure attached. I tried to click on one of them to see what the deal was, because I had put quite a few familiars up for auction yesterday, but nothing would load and then it logged me out. Once I logged back in, my inbox was back to normal and I was able to get the Treasure from the message.

But I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced anything like this? It might be something that should be looked into, in case people are actually getting tons of random treasure and auction-house items sent to them.