
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Coliseum PVP
Okay so, I did a quick look over of the forums and didn't see anything about this issue (I skimmed so if it has been brought up I applogize.)
But For some reason, with the PvP, I go against others, and sometimes, it'll be one dragon's turn (mine for example) and I'll hit the fight button but before I can choose an attack it IMMIDIATELY has one of the enemies attacks, then sometimes lets me pick, or skips them altogether.
Then somtimes after one or two turns it will REPLAY their turn in the middle of my turn so if their attack WAS chosen it then does the animation and damage then.
In my last match it got to the point where my healer KEPT getting skipped till they were K.Oed, then, AFTER they were out, body on the ground and gray and everything, it gave me their turn, which, since I had to do something, I healed my magic-damage dragon, for 0 HP since they were full. It did the animation and healed and everything.
So there are a few problems with PvP, just figured I'd mention in case it can help. If it would help I can try to get some video (but Idk how to record video, just screenshots)
Okay so, I did a quick look over of the forums and didn't see anything about this issue (I skimmed so if it has been brought up I applogize.)
But For some reason, with the PvP, I go against others, and sometimes, it'll be one dragon's turn (mine for example) and I'll hit the fight button but before I can choose an attack it IMMIDIATELY has one of the enemies attacks, then sometimes lets me pick, or skips them altogether.
Then somtimes after one or two turns it will REPLAY their turn in the middle of my turn so if their attack WAS chosen it then does the animation and damage then.
In my last match it got to the point where my healer KEPT getting skipped till they were K.Oed, then, AFTER they were out, body on the ground and gray and everything, it gave me their turn, which, since I had to do something, I healed my magic-damage dragon, for 0 HP since they were full. It did the animation and healed and everything.
So there are a few problems with PvP, just figured I'd mention in case it can help. If it would help I can try to get some video (but Idk how to record video, just screenshots)