
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Foulscale Familiars facing same way
So I noticed that the Hissing Foulscale and and Sunbleached Foulscale sprites are facing the same direction, which goes against other paired familiars that face each other/are turning in opposite directions. Here what they CURRENTLY look like: [img][/img] [img][/img] And this is what they SHOULD look like: [img][/img] [img][/img] The tool tips look to be correct. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, it's just been bugging me!
So I noticed that the Hissing Foulscale and and Sunbleached Foulscale sprites are facing the same direction, which goes against other paired familiars that face each other/are turning in opposite directions.

Here what they CURRENTLY look like:

57722.png 57721.png

And this is what they SHOULD look like:

rYHUoCz.png 57721.png

The tool tips look to be correct. Sorry if this has been mentioned before, it's just been bugging me!

foliage • FR +3