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TOPIC | Flecks (Veilspun) still has wrong rarity
I just concluded retesting Primary: Python and Secondary: Morph (for Modern and Aether breeds), and Tertiary: Flecks (for Modern, Aberration, and Veilspun breeds), which all had their gene rarities updated earlier today from Uncommon rarity to Limited.

All of these genes now have the correct rarity except Tertiary: Flecks for Veilspun. This gene is still testing as Uncommon rarity. I'm guessing it might have been missed in the update.

Tertiary: Flecks (Veilspun)

vs Basic Treasure Tertiary
  • 236/1364 (85% Basic)
vs Common Treasure Tertiaries
  • 195/605 (76% Peacock)
  • 190/610 (76% Underbelly)
vs Uncommon Treasure Tertiaries
  • 193/207 (52% Crackle)
  • 211/189 (47% Runes)
  • 190/210 (53% Sparkle)
  • 198/202 (50% Thorns)
vs Limited Tertiaries
  • 347/53 (13% Angler)
  • 339/61 (15% Branches)
  • 337/63 (16% Capsule)
  • 338/62 (15% Firefly)
vs Rare Gem Tertiaries
  • 196/4 (2% Diaphanous)
  • 197/3 (2% Glimmer)
  • 196/4 (2% Mop)
  • 193/7 (4% Stained)
I just concluded retesting Primary: Python and Secondary: Morph (for Modern and Aether breeds), and Tertiary: Flecks (for Modern, Aberration, and Veilspun breeds), which all had their gene rarities updated earlier today from Uncommon rarity to Limited.

All of these genes now have the correct rarity except Tertiary: Flecks for Veilspun. This gene is still testing as Uncommon rarity. I'm guessing it might have been missed in the update.

Tertiary: Flecks (Veilspun)

vs Basic Treasure Tertiary
  • 236/1364 (85% Basic)
vs Common Treasure Tertiaries
  • 195/605 (76% Peacock)
  • 190/610 (76% Underbelly)
vs Uncommon Treasure Tertiaries
  • 193/207 (52% Crackle)
  • 211/189 (47% Runes)
  • 190/210 (53% Sparkle)
  • 198/202 (50% Thorns)
vs Limited Tertiaries
  • 347/53 (13% Angler)
  • 339/61 (15% Branches)
  • 337/63 (16% Capsule)
  • 338/62 (15% Firefly)
vs Rare Gem Tertiaries
  • 196/4 (2% Diaphanous)
  • 197/3 (2% Glimmer)
  • 196/4 (2% Mop)
  • 193/7 (4% Stained)
Bump! Still an issue a few days later, just tested it briefly myself.
Bump! Still an issue a few days later, just tested it briefly myself.
This has been corrected! Thank you.
This has been corrected! Thank you.