day one of this event is almost over and we still haven't gotten any feedback on this issue (or any of them regarding these vials) from staff. feelsbadman. im just brewing them for the heck of it now.
day one of this event is almost over and we still haven't gotten any feedback on this issue (or any of them regarding these vials) from staff. feelsbadman. im just brewing them for the heck of it now.
i'm incredibly disappointed in this whole... ordeal. i'm an adult with bills gosh dangit 2 days isn't enough for me to get these things and especially not with these garbage RNG odds.
i think a good solution would be making vials of scattersight a permanent baldwin fixture in the higher levels or making it a swipp item. that way they're still high value and harder to obtain BUT not impossible. or jeez even a gem marketplace item would be better than this
i'm incredibly disappointed in this whole... ordeal. i'm an adult with bills gosh dangit 2 days isn't enough for me to get these things and especially not with these garbage RNG odds.
i think a good solution would be making vials of scattersight a permanent baldwin fixture in the higher levels or making it a swipp item. that way they're still high value and harder to obtain BUT not impossible. or jeez even a gem marketplace item would be better than this
this is most likely not a bug. The rarity is tiered, heavily leaning to uncommon eyes, so it is only natural to get those again most of the times
this is most likely not a bug. The rarity is tiered, heavily leaning to uncommon eyes, so it is only natural to get those again most of the times
Undel @
Xhaztol @
Thrage @
This has to be at least replied to or addressed in any form, I believe...
At least to explicitly write that it is not completely randomized and the eyes have rarity tiers when it comes to coming from the Scattersight.
Undel @
Xhaztol @
Thrage @
This has to be at least replied to or addressed in any form, I believe...
At least to explicitly write that it is not completely randomized and the eyes have rarity tiers when it comes to coming from the Scattersight.
[quote name="Sparren" date="2018-06-08 20:31:51" ]
Not to mention the massive risk undertaken with each attempt (because if you run out of time or vials at the wrong moment an old and beloved dragon could be permanently disfigured).
this is a really good point as well. we really need a 'revert back to common' item or something, because i'm still trying vials on just one dragon (i would go for more but with these odds i'm not gonna risk any one else), and if i run out of vials once they retire and he has an eye colour i hate i'm going to be really upset.
Sparren wrote on 2018-06-08 20:31:51:
Not to mention the massive risk undertaken with each attempt (because if you run out of time or vials at the wrong moment an old and beloved dragon could be permanently disfigured).
this is a really good point as well. we really need a 'revert back to common' item or something, because i'm still trying vials on just one dragon (i would go for more but with these odds i'm not gonna risk any one else), and if i run out of vials once they retire and he has an eye colour i hate i'm going to be really upset.
I realized that once I really started looking pfft
The glowing eye vial and the scatter vial looked so similar I got confused ^^"
I realized that once I really started looking pfft
The glowing eye vial and the scatter vial looked so similar I got confused ^^"
Just used a scattersight on one dragon and it still says common and the item is no longer in my hoard. oh well, guess that dragon was super unlucky.
Just used a scattersight on one dragon and it still says common and the item is no longer in my hoard. oh well, guess that dragon was super unlucky.
On many of the adult dragons, it is neigh impossible to tell the difference between the 'common' eye variations (i.e. the common - rare). I noticed almost no difference in adult Fae females. I think the misleading part was the fact that we saw the images of the 'new' eyes and expected something discernible from the normal eye color.
Even the more exotic eye types are almost impossible to notice (facet for example) on the smaller eye'd adult dragons. It feels like a useless feature unless you get the Multi-Gaze or Primal and the rest of the 'types' are just there to lower your odds of actually getting it.
In retrospect, I wish I found the thread that showcased all of the flights and their eye variations first. I would not have wasted my time using/making the potion. I would have sold them instead.
I do like the idea of a completely RNG factor in the dragons (read as; mutations are interesting wrenches to throw into the mix). I am still on the fence about them not increasing (even if only minutely) if a parent [edit]can breed offspring with that has a particular eye type.[end edit]
It opens the doors for some really nice possibilities. But right now... it's a 3 flavor shop advertising 13 flavors by using several different names for Strawberry and Chocolate.
On many of the adult dragons, it is neigh impossible to tell the difference between the 'common' eye variations (i.e. the common - rare). I noticed almost no difference in adult Fae females. I think the misleading part was the fact that we saw the images of the 'new' eyes and expected something discernible from the normal eye color.
Even the more exotic eye types are almost impossible to notice (facet for example) on the smaller eye'd adult dragons. It feels like a useless feature unless you get the Multi-Gaze or Primal and the rest of the 'types' are just there to lower your odds of actually getting it.
In retrospect, I wish I found the thread that showcased all of the flights and their eye variations first. I would not have wasted my time using/making the potion. I would have sold them instead.
I do like the idea of a completely RNG factor in the dragons (read as; mutations are interesting wrenches to throw into the mix). I am still on the fence about them not increasing (even if only minutely) if a parent [edit]can breed offspring with that has a particular eye type.[end edit]
It opens the doors for some really nice possibilities. But right now... it's a 3 flavor shop advertising 13 flavors by using several different names for Strawberry and Chocolate.
I had the exact same problem with one of my dragon the first time it changed it no problem the second time I used one I thought it was the same but I wasn't sure figured it was acataly unusual rather than uncommon (like it is now) so I shrugged it off, but the third time I made sure to look and sure enough the vile was consumed and my dragon remained at uncommon. :<
I had the exact same problem with one of my dragon the first time it changed it no problem the second time I used one I thought it was the same but I wasn't sure figured it was acataly unusual rather than uncommon (like it is now) so I shrugged it off, but the third time I made sure to look and sure enough the vile was consumed and my dragon remained at uncommon. :<
I just got 5 SEVEN Uncommon eyes in a row. (and then Unusual and BACK TO UNCOMMON TWICE AGAIN)
Please fix this, FR!
I just got 5 SEVEN Uncommon eyes in a row. (and then Unusual and BACK TO UNCOMMON TWICE AGAIN)
Please fix this, FR!