
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | "This is not your message" Or inbox
About five minutes before reset, I got a notification that one of my auction items had sold, so I clicked the PM notification and tried to collect my attachment. Got an error window that said something like "This is not your message". Weird.

So I went to my inbox to click on the message again, but this time no message or attachment displayed when I clicked through to it at all. Went to the inbox again, and finally noticed it wasn't my inbox - I've never made any Tidal Trouble puzzles.

I opened the bug report forum in a new tab to see if this had happened to anyone else or was a known issue (I only managed to google up one other thread where it at least seemed to be the poster's own inbox), and now the site had logged me out. It was still a few minutes to maintenance time, so I tried to log in again. It worked, and now my inbox was back to normal.

I'm using Safari on my iPhone, which nobody ever uses but me, and everything else looked like I was normally logged in, apart from the inbox.
About five minutes before reset, I got a notification that one of my auction items had sold, so I clicked the PM notification and tried to collect my attachment. Got an error window that said something like "This is not your message". Weird.

So I went to my inbox to click on the message again, but this time no message or attachment displayed when I clicked through to it at all. Went to the inbox again, and finally noticed it wasn't my inbox - I've never made any Tidal Trouble puzzles.

I opened the bug report forum in a new tab to see if this had happened to anyone else or was a known issue (I only managed to google up one other thread where it at least seemed to be the poster's own inbox), and now the site had logged me out. It was still a few minutes to maintenance time, so I tried to log in again. It worked, and now my inbox was back to normal.

I'm using Safari on my iPhone, which nobody ever uses but me, and everything else looked like I was normally logged in, apart from the inbox.
I had this issue as well. Well, kind of. I went to get onto FR, and my inbox was the page I opened on. (I keep FR loaded up and my computer just sleeping during the day while I'm at work.) Except... it wasn't my inbox. It seems that I got the same inbox as @spookysage as it had a lot of Tidal Trouble puzzles in it. This is the inbox I saw. (Not that you can tell much from that, but I figured a screenshot wouldn't hurt.) I use Chrome on Windows Vista. And no one uses this computer but me, and everything else looked normal.
I had this issue as well. Well, kind of. I went to get onto FR, and my inbox was the page I opened on. (I keep FR loaded up and my computer just sleeping during the day while I'm at work.) Except... it wasn't my inbox. It seems that I got the same inbox as @spookysage as it had a lot of Tidal Trouble puzzles in it. This is the inbox I saw. (Not that you can tell much from that, but I figured a screenshot wouldn't hurt.) I use Chrome on Windows Vista. And no one uses this computer but me, and everything else looked normal.
I actually didn't post my screenshot (also figured it wouldn't be much help), but yeah, looks like the same inbox.
I actually didn't post my screenshot (also figured it wouldn't be much help), but yeah, looks like the same inbox.
This just happened to me as well- I replied to a message and the inbox I was brought back to afterwards was not my own. There were several 'Auction Sold' messages, and a message with the title 'Thank You' at the bottom, all showing up as read. I didn't remember getting a message anything like that so I clicked it and is said something like 'I just wanted to say thanks again for such-and-such favor etc...' Unfortunately, I didn't immediately realize it was a bug and reloaded my inbox, which came up correctly, I didn't get a screenshot. I tried to backtrack to it afterwards, but it showed up as my own inbox.
I'm using a laptop with Google Chrome.
This just happened to me as well- I replied to a message and the inbox I was brought back to afterwards was not my own. There were several 'Auction Sold' messages, and a message with the title 'Thank You' at the bottom, all showing up as read. I didn't remember getting a message anything like that so I clicked it and is said something like 'I just wanted to say thanks again for such-and-such favor etc...' Unfortunately, I didn't immediately realize it was a bug and reloaded my inbox, which came up correctly, I didn't get a screenshot. I tried to backtrack to it afterwards, but it showed up as my own inbox.
I'm using a laptop with Google Chrome.