
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [S] Shimmer Wing Pearls
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I still look at sales even if I am broke! xD Hahaha!

I still look at sales even if I am broke! xD Hahaha!

Haha. Yeah. I sometimes do but I can never afford the ones I want. Since they are like SUPER rare. I wanna get some Imperials. XD But it's like, GAH, Pricey.

Haha. Yeah. I sometimes do but I can never afford the ones I want. Since they are like SUPER rare. I wanna get some Imperials. XD But it's like, GAH, Pricey.

I know what you mean. o-o Right now, I've gotten quite a bit of interest to scroll change my Fae into a Skydancer...but I still need to scroll the female Fae. D; And still get a Seraph gene for the boy. -_-; Too much money business to worry about!

I know what you mean. o-o Right now, I've gotten quite a bit of interest to scroll change my Fae into a Skydancer...but I still need to scroll the female Fae. D; And still get a Seraph gene for the boy. -_-; Too much money business to worry about!

Yeah. I know how that is. XD I need to stop breeding gaurdians but there's really no other way to make much money and even then they don't sell super well unless they're gene'd. I hate to say it but the economy of this site is a little fubar at times. XD

Yeah. I know how that is. XD I need to stop breeding gaurdians but there's really no other way to make much money and even then they don't sell super well unless they're gene'd. I hate to say it but the economy of this site is a little fubar at times. XD

No kidding. -_- I'll agree with you on that a hundred times over! ...but, I think it's right how it should be...sort of. xD I mean, Pearls, Ridges, Spirals were labelled as common. And now they're common. Plentifuls are way too abundant which works with their label as well. xD I just need more people to pay for my Skydancer slots! Hahaha. Money seems to always be the problem. o-o

No kidding. -_- I'll agree with you on that a hundred times over! ...but, I think it's right how it should be...sort of. xD I mean, Pearls, Ridges, Spirals were labelled as common. And now they're common. Plentifuls are way too abundant which works with their label as well. xD I just need more people to pay for my Skydancer slots! Hahaha. Money seems to always be the problem. o-o

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I know that they're supposed to be like lots of the starter breeds, but there's no real way to get specific colored common breeds aside from 250,000 treasure scrolls right now and you need two of those to get a breeding pair. And then the commons are still cheap unless they're gene'd which is another big lump sum.

Just a bit of an annoyance when it takes like... Well, let's do the math, a normal ungened starter is worth 5k-10k treasure, if they sell. That's 50-25 ungened starters for a single scroll. Taking into consideration the breeding times, as well as the cool down periods and possibilities for more or less eggs. It would take around 6-7 months to get one scroll if you're just selling starter breeds and aren't sitting on the fairgrounds making treasure. So over a year to get a breeding common pair if you're using scrolls.

I guess buying dragons off the market and forums is the best way to go. But even then it's hard to get 80K to buy a decent dragon. I'm just a tad anti-social I guess. XD I prefer doing stuff on my own.

*Flails* >3< Sorry for the mini-novel. =P

Oh yeah, don't get me wrong I know that they're supposed to be like lots of the starter breeds, but there's no real way to get specific colored common breeds aside from 250,000 treasure scrolls right now and you need two of those to get a breeding pair. And then the commons are still cheap unless they're gene'd which is another big lump sum.

Just a bit of an annoyance when it takes like... Well, let's do the math, a normal ungened starter is worth 5k-10k treasure, if they sell. That's 50-25 ungened starters for a single scroll. Taking into consideration the breeding times, as well as the cool down periods and possibilities for more or less eggs. It would take around 6-7 months to get one scroll if you're just selling starter breeds and aren't sitting on the fairgrounds making treasure. So over a year to get a breeding common pair if you're using scrolls.

I guess buying dragons off the market and forums is the best way to go. But even then it's hard to get 80K to buy a decent dragon. I'm just a tad anti-social I guess. XD I prefer doing stuff on my own.

*Flails* >3< Sorry for the mini-novel. =P

Got a clutch of 4 eggs from my pearls. =P Yay.

Got a clutch of 4 eggs from my pearls. =P Yay.

Whoot whoot! :D I hope they sell quickly!

Whoot whoot! :D I hope they sell quickly!
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