
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | ~A Dose of Chlorophyll
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 224 225
[center] [color=#4C6600] [i]In between the crooked pines and down a twisting path, overgrown with creepers and vines lies a forgotten place. Branches part to reveal a hidden sanctuary, and the scent of sweet nectar clings to the breeze.[/i] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [i]A majestic skydancer dips her head in acknowledgment.[/i] "Welcome to the secret grove of the Behemoth." [i]She notions toward the others,[/i] "We are an ancient clan and have lived here alongside the Gladekeeper for as long as we can remember. The time has come for us to send our fledglings out into the world, to discover new clans and make families of their own. If you would be interested in perhaps adopting one of our future dragonlings, please scratch your name into the dirt at your feet." [IMG][/IMG] Meadow & Dews's Ping List: LordSheo, Sincineah, Toothless, dinozord, knight, WhimsyBean, theotherside, Ghosting, xenogenesis, KorpusKat, Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Cypress & Fir's Ping List: LordSheo, FiveSpirals,, Aurora23, impishnature, knight, Drizziel Reserve Slots- 1: Drizziel (Emerald/Lemon) 2: Madam (Lemon/spring, or goldenrod tert, Female, Paid) [IMG][/IMG] Hyperion & Honeysuckle's Ping List: azrielen, LordSheo, Farli, Sincineah, knight, Fernpaw, HaleyLiz, destinae, NatsuOuji, Akantra, MoonGoddess, traumlos, kengee Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Callitris & Sequioia's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, gambwings, knight, Nightglow, TheWormwood, Erratic Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Mahogany & Aventurine's Pinging List: LordSheo, Toothless,knight Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Yggdrasil & Jievara's Ping List: Jobie, LordSheo, azrielen, Toothless, Sincineah, knight, Esterie, Kaytara, NatsuOuji, cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Icarii & Avar's Pinging List: LordSheo, Toothless, knight, triska, thecatsred (White/Yellowyellow) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Willow & Maple's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, azrielen, knight, Alvaar, atroposhears, Sonophax Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Iris & Hyacinth's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, Saturn (Gembond), Havendre, azrielen, Cirque, WhimsyBean, Neptune, Fumiko (Mid/Mid/Gold Male), burningdarkfire, Eucme (F, Circuit), Moosesushi, bazanite, Anjoulas, Peony Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Larix and Zelkova's Ping List: Aspencrown, Esterie Farli, impishnature, knight, balderdash, sisyphus, hyperballad, Kyori Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Eclipse and Twilight's Ping List: Alvaar, Eve, Eucme (Double shadow F, rust-carmine range Male), theotherside, iTehSoupi, Nightglow, KorpusKat (Magenta-white secondary), Reserve Slots- 1: Eucme (Double shadow F, rust-carmine range Male, Paid) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Lathyrus and Hedera's Ping List: thecatsred (Green/Yellow/Yellow) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Celestial and Prophecy's Ping List: Eucme ( female) azrielen, dinozord, Toothless, knight, uniicornsarecool, Neptune, Pantheon, rayn, HaleyLiz Aspencrown, Sincineah, techmess (Triple), Owly, Heirless, hyperballad Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Dracaena and Oleander's Ping List: Aspencrown, tatjana, Anukai Silence, knight, Eve, serra, Alvaar EmmaBird, Hugs, FaerieIshee, DancingCorgi, Stockade, HaleyLiz, bonstrosity, cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Cyathea and Athyrium's Ping List: Eucme (circuit, Iri), Silence xXElwenXx, knight Reserve Slots- 1: Alvaar (Female, iri) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Ambrosia and Nectar's Ping List: tatjana, Tuberose, LordSheo, LeWyvern, triska thecatsred, Rufistar, storystone, ohlookahails (Goldenrod), KorpusKat (Ivory), peachymomo, cooneyms, Erised Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Lycopsis and Calendula's Ping List: Eucme (Matching ranges or zesty combos), tatjana, Sincineah, Corvo, Invaki, knight,serra, rayn, theotherside, HaleyLiz (any XYY or close) EmmaBird thecatsred (Yellow/Orange), NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, kengee, Eideana Reserve Slots- 1:HaleyLiz (unpaid) 2: Revision ( A combo of leaf, orange and lemon or seafoam, leaf, sunshine, Raffle Prize) [IMG][/IMG] Sycamore and Pine's Ping List: magneticjade, triska, knight, serra, Galvinire Sincineah, Nullify, cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Hemlock and Conifer's Ping List: Eucme (Triple) sunandshadow magneticjade, dinozord, knight, ManekiNeko, Moosesushi, techmess (Triple), cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Helianthus and Ivy's Ping List: Ari, Eucme (triple/ double. Circuit if the tert is contrasting, gem if it blends) scribblingface, ManekiNeko, Fareless, knight, rainwaltz, sunandshadow, rayn, balderdash, techmess (Triple or Helianthus clone), Ghosting, Pressia, MoonGoddess, Ari, Clopin (Circuit close to Helianthus) Reserve Slots- 1: HaleyLiz (circuit, Unpaid) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Aloe and Ephedra's Ping List: knight, Eve, Alvaar, Silence, Kyrra, tatjana, ManekiNeko EmmaBird, Stockade, hyperballad (female), Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] This is Elm without her skin so you can get an idea of what the babies will look like: [IMG][/IMG] Elm and Oak's Ping List: YellowFlower, Galvinire, Kaytara, Pressia Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Hydrangea and Acanthus' ping List: HaleyLiz Nethralia Fairytale Skiatha, dinozord, AMSherwood, poisonbats, rayn, Fareless, Lupa517, Eucme, Hugs Munster NatsuOuji, tatjana thecatsred, Drakenhart, forestminuet, Bumblebee, KorpusKat, Eideana Reserve Slots- 1:Hugs (Unpaid) 2:Skiatha (unpaid) -- 3:azrielen (sky/seafoam primary, unpaid) 4: Rufistar (Raffle Prize) -- 5: Fairytale (Unpaid) [IMG][/IMG] Juniper and Elder's Ping List: Eucme ( x/x/y F w/ crackle), Silence, swiftriver (Male PC), Naga, KorpusKat (PC), Peony Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Castanea and Ficus' Ping List: tatjana, Tuberose EmmaBird knight, Sylvarant, rayn, techmess (Triple), MoonGoddess Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Sassafras and Banksia's Ping List: HaleyLiz knight, Eve (WC), Alvaar (WC only), Sushi, rayn tatjana, Kiira, Sincineah, Nightglow (WC only), Ryuji (Male), RedCurrants, techmess (Triple), hyperballad (female), DeathsFeline Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Hibiscus and Hellebore's Ping List: Eucme (XYY),HaleyLiz (XYY or close), tatjana, Sincineah knight, NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, MoonGoddess, kengee Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Citrus and Hickory's Ping List: Lestrade knight, tatjana EmmaBird, bazanite, NatsuOuji Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Aspen and Katsura's Ping List: Ari knight, magneticjade, AMSherwood rayn, tatjana, Sincineah, storystone, KorpusKat, Reserve Slots- 1: Ari (Unpaid) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Clover and Sweetpea's Ping list: HaleyLiz Whimsybean, doraemon2, celebrian, SmirkingWolf, Stevie12397, CeruleanBlue, Fareless Verrilo (white) MewWolf (white), Sincineah, tatjana, Tuberose, Nightglow, balderdash, storystone, theotherside, knight Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Lantana and Amaryllis' Ping List: Xairathan, Aurora23, Neptune, LordSheo, Alvaar, Naga, Pantheon, Perelandri (coatl), tatjana, Stevie12397, TheWormwood, Airis Reserve Slots- 1: Pantheon (Shad/Crim/Sun) (Unpaid) 2:Aurora23 (Mid/Crim, Unpaid) -- 3: Fernpaw (Unpaid) [IMG][/IMG] Cedar and Yew's Ping List: Eucme (No swamp), techmess (triple) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Elleanthus and Vanda's Ping List: Kindredsoul, rayn, Eucme (like either parents. or a nice zesty neon contrast), tatjana, Hugs, Kyrra, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, Peony Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Larch and Papaya's Ping List: HaleyLiz (XYY or close) , Esterie, magneticjade, dinozord, knight, AMSherwood, atroposhears, rayn EmmaBird thecatsred (Yelllow/Orange), techmess (Triple), KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Holly and Mistletoe's Ping List: knight, tatjana Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Artichoke and Zucchini's Ping List: tatjana, rayn, FaerieIshee, techmess Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Lodaesh and Cassia's Ping List: Eucme (female), chimeiko, Sylvarant, Eve, magneticjade, Aurora23, LordSheo, Alvaar, Kyrra Anukai, tatjana, NikkiNicole, Nanshe, Tokuu, Perelandri, Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Euodia and Solanum's Ping List: Stevie12397, tatjana, LordSheo, Fareless, Hugs, Bumblebee, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, MaidOfLife, Peony Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Yarrow and Sage's Ping List: storystone, NikkiNicole, Byrion Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Persimmon and Peony's Ping List: tatjana, corrose EmmaBird (SD), theotherside, NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, ivar Reserve Slots- 1: StarTatami (Leaf/sunshine/Banana, unpaid) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Ombu and Casuarina's Ping List: EmmaBird, Nightglow, Eideana, tatjana, Sincineah, Moosesushi, teavu, kudugin, cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: Fernpaw (Male, -/Choc/Brown, Unpaid) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Olive and Cucumber's Ping List:, tatjana ManekiNeko, FaerieIshee, techmess (Snapper), cooneyms Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Tsuga and Kaori's Ping List: HaleyLiz (XYY or close), EmmaBird, tatjana, Tuberose, YellowFlower, dinbird, Kaytara, Applethief (Male) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Pear also has Iri Pineapple and Pear's Ping List: HaleyLiz EmmaBird, tatjana, Stevie12397 Iceshard, Atlas, Misha, Fareless, Nethralia, Nightglow, balderdash, Rufistar, storystone, Galvinire, Heirless, knight, Nanshe Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Hakea and Araucaria's Ping List: tatjana, Sincineah, Hugs, wantedplant, Tokuu, Valinorica (female), Fink (male) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Atlantis and Lemuria's Ping List: scribblingface, Nightglow, Aka (Female), NikkiNicole, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, Eideana , Peony Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Starfruit and Nectarine's Ping List: Eucme (Iri) HaleyLiz (XYY or close) dinozord, rayn, LordSheo, Silence, Pandatao Kyrra, Eve, Eucme, theotherside EmmaBird, tatjana, Tuberose, Anukai, thecatsred, sisyphus (Male nectarine), NikkiNicole, Ghosting, Nanshe, perelandri, NatsuOuji Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Kiwi and Apricot's Ping List: EmmaBird, tatjana, scribblingface, Galvinire dinozord, HaleyLiz (XYY or close) , Heirless, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Artemesia and Hawthorn's Ping List: HaleyLiz, KorpusKat (Underbelly, Mulberry to Caribbean primary) Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Canna and Tigerlily's Ping List: tatjana rayn, LordSheo, Byrion Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Canna and Primrose’s Ping List: Nethralia, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Azalea and Valerian's Ping list: Sincineah Tuberose Fareless, Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Eucalyptus and Guava's Ping List: triska, EmmaBird (Snapper) Invaki, techmess (Green snapper), cooneyms, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Narcissus and Mango's Ping List: Silence, Galvinire Reserve Slots- 1: 2: [IMG][/IMG] Xiuhcoatl and Coatlicue's Ping List: Eucme (Male), LordSheo, Byrion Reserve Slots: 1: Xairathan (Emerald/Crim/Gold, Raffle prize) 2: [IMG][/IMG] Gladiolus and Larkspur's Ping List: Perelandri, Eucme, LordSheo, KorpusKat, MelancholyLolly, ivar Reserve Slots: 1: 2: Every Pair Ping List: Toothless, owlbear, Xairathan (Imp's and SD's only) azrielen, WhisperingGlade, Fay, Revision, Xumbre, Simulacra, Adhara, Fernpaw, Wingtips, Kiira, DefinitelyIndigo, Alvaar, MewWolf, Holland, gentleTendencies, Stevie12397, destinyswindow, momo1013, Aomame, krissybuttbutt, Somi [/color] --------------------------- [color=#4C6600] [i]Cypress ruffles her feathers and shifts her direction toward you.[/i] "We can do reserves however, if you would prefer only a ping when the clutch hatches that is fine. Just let me know which pair/s you'd be interested in. Now in regards to payment" [i]She fidgets uncomfortably for a moment before continuing,[/i] "If you can't tell, I'm not to fond of this aspect of dragon homing. My pleasure is to see these little rascals go off to families that will love them not what's given to me in exchange for them, so my request is simple. If there is a baby you like or a reserve you'd want to fill, the amount and form of payment is up to you. In saying that, my clan is just like any other and many of the dragons here like to hoard pretty coins and sparkling gems and my oh my can we eat a lot critters. So whatever is given, no matter how large or little, is greatly appreciated." "Oh.. I'd also like to mention." [i]Her face lights up and a smile spreads across her cheek.[/i] "One of my dearest friends would love for you to visit her clan. You see, she began her life under my care, and I watched her grow from the little clumsy fluffball she was into the beautiful graceful lady she is today. Her name is Meriel, and she resides in a clan not too far from here. So if you have a moment, please fly by and stop in to say hello. She has a hatchery under her own care now, and I'm sure she has lots of pretty babies just waiting to find their new homes." [url=][b]"Take this path,"[/b][/url] [i]Cypress points a claw to your right.[/i] "And before long, you will arrive at the thicket of trees she presides over." [i]Cypress sighs and stares distantly toward the gap in the foliage.[/i] "Oh, how they grow up so fast." [i]She seems to forget you're still standing there and a few moments pass before she turns her head back in your direction.[/i] "My, oh my, I'm terribly sorry! How silly of me to keep you with my rambling." [i]She passes a very strange looking fruit into your claws.[/i] "Please feel free to come back and visit anytime, more dragons are bound to make this grove their roost. May the wind always be under your wings" [/color] --------------------------- [color=#996633] I don't have enough nests to breed all my dragons so many pairs go without nesting. If you want to see a pair get bred then feel free to request a breeding. Pairs that have been requested a breeding will get priority over others. You don't have to buy a baby from a pair that you requested, you can ask simply because you want to see the babies. You can also request dragons from different pairs to be bred with each other ^^ [b]Breeding Request List:[/b] Hydrangea and Vanda Cyathea and Athyrium Notes: Perelandi wants bluey themed dragons greeny/lemon or banana azrielen wants x/Leaf/Leaf or leaf/leaf/x xXElwenXx wants triple leaf, double caribben, double lemon. Silflame wants triple/close emerald, double lemon or double banana or close. triska wants an SD with light green primary - Spring,Leaf or green. Iceshard would like pings for xyy dragons atroposhears wants something close to spring/lemon/gondeny Fumiko wants a (Mid/Mid/Gold Male) Azuri wants spring/anything Lestrade wants Hickory lookalike Fay want a forest/spring/spring Male Imp Xairathan wants Ice/seafoam/seafoam male ManekiNeko wants a triple jade, triple emerald, or triple jungle KorpusKat (Black/pink babies) New pairs ping: TheWingedShadow, Ullish, Sincineah, Jobie, Eideana, Aspencrown, gambwings, EmmaBird, tatjana, thecatsred, NatsuOuji, Kiira, Nightglow, Corvo, Wingtips, Anukai, scribblingface, Stevie12397, Esterie, Tuberose, Galvinire, Fernpaw, Misha, Verceri, Tinka, Ari, ManekiNeko, Lykoi, balderdash, YellowFlower, starlingering, Moosesushi, kariann02, Drakenhart, Marusinka, Sonophax, ohlookahails, kudugin, forestminuet, dinbird, Heirless, hyperballad, Ghosting, Nanshe, Kaytara, gentleTendencies, DeathsFeline, cooneyms, Kyori, DancingCorgi, peachymomo, azrielen, Farli, Toothless, Cila, Saturn, Vulpen, triska, Azuri, Aurora23, dinozord, Skiatha, Cirque, impishnature, Fareless, Peony, owlbear, Silence, xXElwenXx, Charaquan, magneticjade, WhisperingGlade, Fay, knight, Alvaar, poisonbats, serra, Pandatao, AMSherwood, Adhara, Xairathan, Neptune, Iceshard, atroposhears, Sylvarant, SmirkingWolf, Revision, Perelandri, swiftriver, rayn, Pantheon, MewWolf, SunDragon, LordSheo, ErsatzLace, Xumbre, Simulacra, Taarnfalk, Lestrade, Watson, Kyrra, corrose, Drizziel, Akantra, ArtsyAlraune, Eucme, theotherside, Nethralia, Fairytale, HaleyLiz, iTehSoupi, moderneel, Hugs, Munster, Atlas, Verrilo, burningdarkfire, Hugs, BravePanda, RedCurrants, Aka, Stormdragon, DefinitelyIndigo, FaerieIshee, teavu, sisyphus, techmess, storystone, Erratic, destinae, Stockade, doyoulikedragons, Bumblebee, NikkiNicole, Holland, MelancholyLolly, TheWormwood, xenogenesis, Nullify, Tokuu, KorpusKat, Pressia, bazanite, bonstrosity, destinyswindow, Esterie, LeWyvern, Lupa517, Naga, Ryuji, StarTatami, Biohazardia, CaptainxSpacey, wantedplant, mamamouse, Eve, traumlos, momo1013, Aomame, krissybuttbutt, kengee, Somi, ivar, Airis, Byrion, Anjoulas, destinyswindow [/center]
In between the crooked pines and down a twisting path, overgrown with creepers and vines lies a forgotten place.
Branches part to reveal a hidden sanctuary, and the scent of sweet nectar clings to the breeze.


A majestic skydancer dips her head in acknowledgment. "Welcome to the secret grove of the Behemoth."
She notions toward the others, "We are an ancient clan and have lived here alongside the Gladekeeper for as long as we can remember.

The time has come for us to send our fledglings out into the world, to discover new clans and make families of their own.

If you would be interested in perhaps adopting one of our future dragonlings, please scratch your name into the dirt at your feet."

Meadow & Dews's Ping List: LordSheo, Sincineah, Toothless, dinozord, knight, WhimsyBean, theotherside, Ghosting, xenogenesis, KorpusKat,

Reserve Slots-

Cypress & Fir's Ping List: LordSheo, FiveSpirals,, Aurora23, impishnature, knight, Drizziel

Reserve Slots-
1: Drizziel (Emerald/Lemon)
2: Madam (Lemon/spring, or goldenrod tert, Female, Paid)

Hyperion & Honeysuckle's Ping List: azrielen, LordSheo, Farli, Sincineah, knight, Fernpaw, HaleyLiz, destinae, NatsuOuji, Akantra, MoonGoddess, traumlos, kengee

Reserve Slots-

Callitris & Sequioia's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, gambwings, knight, Nightglow, TheWormwood, Erratic

Reserve Slots-

Mahogany & Aventurine's Pinging List: LordSheo, Toothless,knight

Reserve Slots-

Yggdrasil & Jievara's Ping List: Jobie, LordSheo, azrielen, Toothless, Sincineah, knight, Esterie, Kaytara, NatsuOuji, cooneyms

Reserve Slots-

Icarii & Avar's Pinging List: LordSheo, Toothless, knight, triska, thecatsred (White/Yellowyellow)

Reserve Slots-

Willow & Maple's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, azrielen, knight, Alvaar, atroposhears, Sonophax

Reserve Slots-

Iris & Hyacinth's Ping List: LordSheo, Toothless, Saturn (Gembond), Havendre, azrielen, Cirque, WhimsyBean, Neptune, Fumiko (Mid/Mid/Gold Male), burningdarkfire, Eucme (F, Circuit), Moosesushi, bazanite, Anjoulas, Peony

Reserve Slots-

Larix and Zelkova's Ping List: Aspencrown, Esterie Farli, impishnature, knight, balderdash, sisyphus, hyperballad, Kyori

Reserve Slots-

Eclipse and Twilight's Ping List: Alvaar, Eve, Eucme (Double shadow F, rust-carmine range Male), theotherside, iTehSoupi, Nightglow, KorpusKat (Magenta-white secondary),

Reserve Slots-
1: Eucme (Double shadow F, rust-carmine range Male, Paid)

Lathyrus and Hedera's Ping List: thecatsred (Green/Yellow/Yellow)

Reserve Slots-

Celestial and Prophecy's Ping List: Eucme ( female) azrielen, dinozord, Toothless, knight, uniicornsarecool, Neptune, Pantheon, rayn, HaleyLiz Aspencrown, Sincineah, techmess (Triple), ****, Heirless, hyperballad

Reserve Slots-

Dracaena and Oleander's Ping List: Aspencrown, tatjana, Anukai Silence, knight, Eve, serra, Alvaar EmmaBird, Hugs, FaerieIshee, DancingCorgi, Stockade, HaleyLiz, bonstrosity, cooneyms

Reserve Slots-

Cyathea and Athyrium's Ping List: Eucme (circuit, Iri), Silence xXElwenXx, knight

Reserve Slots-
1: Alvaar (Female, iri)

Ambrosia and Nectar's Ping List: tatjana, Tuberose, LordSheo, LeWyvern, triska thecatsred, Rufistar, storystone, ohlookahails (Goldenrod), KorpusKat (Ivory), peachymomo, cooneyms, Erised

Reserve Slots-

Lycopsis and Calendula's Ping List: Eucme (Matching ranges or zesty combos), tatjana, Sincineah, Corvo, Invaki, knight,serra, rayn, theotherside, HaleyLiz (any XYY or close) EmmaBird thecatsred (Yellow/Orange), NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, kengee, Eideana

Reserve Slots-
1:HaleyLiz (unpaid)
2: Revision ( A combo of leaf, orange and lemon or seafoam, leaf, sunshine, Raffle Prize)

Sycamore and Pine's Ping List: magneticjade, triska, knight, serra, Galvinire Sincineah, Nullify, cooneyms

Reserve Slots-

Hemlock and Conifer's Ping List: Eucme (Triple) sunandshadow magneticjade, dinozord, knight, ManekiNeko, Moosesushi, techmess (Triple), cooneyms

Reserve Slots-

Helianthus and Ivy's Ping List: Ari, Eucme (triple/ double. Circuit if the tert is contrasting, gem if it blends) scribblingface, ManekiNeko, Fareless, knight, rainwaltz, sunandshadow, rayn, balderdash, techmess (Triple or Helianthus clone), Ghosting, Pressia, MoonGoddess, Ari, Clopin (Circuit close to Helianthus)

Reserve Slots-
1: HaleyLiz (circuit, Unpaid)

Aloe and Ephedra's Ping List: knight, Eve, Alvaar, Silence, Kyrra, tatjana, ManekiNeko EmmaBird, Stockade, hyperballad (female),

Reserve Slots-

This is Elm without her skin so you can get an idea of what the babies will look like:
Elm and Oak's Ping List: YellowFlower, Galvinire, Kaytara, Pressia

Reserve Slots-

Hydrangea and Acanthus' ping List: HaleyLiz Nethralia Fairytale Skiatha, dinozord, AMSherwood, poisonbats, rayn, Fareless, Lupa517, Eucme, Hugs Munster NatsuOuji, tatjana thecatsred, Drakenhart, forestminuet, Bumblebee, KorpusKat, Eideana

Reserve Slots-
1:Hugs (Unpaid)
2:Skiatha (unpaid)
3:azrielen (sky/seafoam primary, unpaid)
4: Rufistar (Raffle Prize)
5: Fairytale (Unpaid)

Juniper and Elder's Ping List: Eucme ( x/x/y F w/ crackle), Silence, swiftriver (Male PC), Naga, KorpusKat (PC), Peony

Reserve Slots-

Castanea and Ficus' Ping List: tatjana, Tuberose EmmaBird knight, Sylvarant, rayn, techmess (Triple), MoonGoddess

Reserve Slots-

Sassafras and Banksia's Ping List: HaleyLiz knight, Eve (WC), Alvaar (WC only), Sushi, rayn tatjana, Kiira, Sincineah, Nightglow (WC only), Ryuji (Male), RedCurrants, techmess (Triple), hyperballad (female), DeathsFeline

Reserve Slots-

Hibiscus and Hellebore's Ping List: Eucme (XYY),HaleyLiz (XYY or close), tatjana, Sincineah knight, NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, MoonGoddess, kengee

Reserve Slots-

Citrus and Hickory's Ping List: Lestrade knight, tatjana EmmaBird, bazanite, NatsuOuji

Reserve Slots-

Aspen and Katsura's Ping List: Ari knight, magneticjade, AMSherwood rayn, tatjana, Sincineah, storystone, KorpusKat,

Reserve Slots-
1: Ari (Unpaid)

Clover and Sweetpea's Ping list: HaleyLiz Whimsybean, doraemon2, celebrian, SmirkingWolf, Stevie12397, CeruleanBlue, Fareless Verrilo (white) MewWolf (white), Sincineah, tatjana, Tuberose, Nightglow, balderdash, storystone, theotherside, knight

Reserve Slots-

Lantana and Amaryllis' Ping List: Xairathan, Aurora23, Neptune, LordSheo, Alvaar, Naga, Pantheon, Perelandri (coatl), tatjana, Stevie12397, TheWormwood, Airis

Reserve Slots-
1: Pantheon (Shad/Crim/Sun) (Unpaid)
2:Aurora23 (Mid/Crim, Unpaid)
3: Fernpaw (Unpaid)

Cedar and Yew's Ping List: Eucme (No swamp), techmess (triple)

Reserve Slots-

Elleanthus and Vanda's Ping List: Kindredsoul, rayn, Eucme (like either parents. or a nice zesty neon contrast), tatjana, Hugs, Kyrra, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, Peony

Reserve Slots-

Larch and Papaya's Ping List: HaleyLiz (XYY or close) , Esterie, magneticjade, dinozord, knight, AMSherwood, atroposhears, rayn EmmaBird thecatsred (Yelllow/Orange), techmess (Triple), KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess

Reserve Slots-

Holly and Mistletoe's Ping List: knight, tatjana

Reserve Slots-

Artichoke and Zucchini's Ping List: tatjana, rayn, FaerieIshee, techmess

Reserve Slots-

Lodaesh and Cassia's Ping List: Eucme (female), chimeiko, Sylvarant, Eve, magneticjade, Aurora23, LordSheo, Alvaar, Kyrra Anukai, tatjana, NikkiNicole, Nanshe, Tokuu, Perelandri,

Reserve Slots-

Euodia and Solanum's Ping List: Stevie12397, tatjana, LordSheo, Fareless, Hugs, Bumblebee, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, MaidOfLife, Peony

Reserve Slots-

Yarrow and Sage's Ping List: storystone, NikkiNicole, Byrion

Reserve Slots-

Persimmon and Peony's Ping List: tatjana, corrose EmmaBird (SD), theotherside, NatsuOuji, bonstrosity, ivar

Reserve Slots-
1: StarTatami (Leaf/sunshine/Banana, unpaid)

Ombu and Casuarina's Ping List: EmmaBird, Nightglow, Eideana, tatjana, Sincineah, Moosesushi, teavu, kudugin, cooneyms

Reserve Slots-
1: Fernpaw (Male, -/Choc/Brown, Unpaid)

Olive and Cucumber's Ping List:, tatjana ManekiNeko, FaerieIshee, techmess (Snapper), cooneyms

Reserve Slots-

Tsuga and Kaori's Ping List: HaleyLiz (XYY or close), EmmaBird, tatjana, Tuberose, YellowFlower, dinbird, Kaytara, Applethief (Male)

Reserve Slots-

Pear also has Iri
Pineapple and Pear's Ping List: HaleyLiz EmmaBird, tatjana, Stevie12397 Iceshard, Atlas, Misha, Fareless, Nethralia, Nightglow, balderdash, Rufistar, storystone, Galvinire, Heirless, knight, Nanshe
Reserve Slots-

Hakea and Araucaria's Ping List: tatjana, Sincineah, Hugs, wantedplant, Tokuu, Valinorica (female), Fink (male)

Reserve Slots-

Atlantis and Lemuria's Ping List: scribblingface, Nightglow, Aka (Female), NikkiNicole, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji, Eideana , Peony

Reserve Slots-

Starfruit and Nectarine's Ping List: Eucme (Iri) HaleyLiz (XYY or close) dinozord, rayn, LordSheo, Silence, Pandatao Kyrra, Eve, Eucme, theotherside EmmaBird, tatjana, Tuberose, Anukai, thecatsred, sisyphus (Male nectarine), NikkiNicole, Ghosting, Nanshe, perelandri, NatsuOuji

Reserve Slots-

Kiwi and Apricot's Ping List: EmmaBird, tatjana, scribblingface, Galvinire dinozord, HaleyLiz (XYY or close) , Heirless, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess

Reserve Slots-

Artemesia and Hawthorn's Ping List: HaleyLiz, KorpusKat (Underbelly, Mulberry to Caribbean primary)

Reserve Slots-

Canna and Tigerlily's Ping List: tatjana rayn, LordSheo, Byrion
Reserve Slots-

Canna and Primrose’s Ping List: Nethralia, KorpusKat, NatsuOuji
Reserve Slots-

Azalea and Valerian's Ping list: Sincineah Tuberose Fareless,

Reserve Slots-

Eucalyptus and Guava's Ping List: triska, EmmaBird (Snapper) Invaki, techmess (Green snapper), cooneyms, NatsuOuji, MoonGoddess

Reserve Slots-

Narcissus and Mango's Ping List: Silence, Galvinire

Reserve Slots-

Xiuhcoatl and Coatlicue's Ping List: Eucme (Male), LordSheo, Byrion

Reserve Slots:
1: Xairathan (Emerald/Crim/Gold, Raffle prize)

Gladiolus and Larkspur's Ping List: Perelandri, Eucme, LordSheo, KorpusKat, MelancholyLolly, ivar

Reserve Slots:

Every Pair Ping List: Toothless, owlbear, Xairathan (Imp's and SD's only) azrielen, WhisperingGlade, Fay, Revision, Xumbre, Simulacra, Adhara, Fernpaw, Wingtips, Kiira, DefinitelyIndigo, Alvaar, MewWolf, Holland, gentleTendencies, Stevie12397, destinyswindow, momo1013, Aomame, krissybuttbutt, Somi

Cypress ruffles her feathers and shifts her direction toward you. "We can do reserves however, if you would prefer only a ping when the clutch hatches that is fine. Just let me know which pair/s you'd be interested in. Now in regards to payment" She fidgets uncomfortably for a moment before continuing, "If you can't tell, I'm not to fond of this aspect of dragon homing. My pleasure is to see these little rascals go off to families that will love them not what's given to me in exchange for them, so my request is simple. If there is a baby you like or a reserve you'd want to fill, the amount and form of payment is up to you. In saying that, my clan is just like any other and many of the dragons here like to hoard pretty coins and sparkling gems and my oh my can we eat a lot critters. So whatever is given, no matter how large or little, is greatly appreciated."

"Oh.. I'd also like to mention." Her face lights up and a smile spreads across her cheek. "One of my dearest friends would love for you to visit her clan. You see, she began her life under my care, and I watched her grow from the little clumsy fluffball she was into the beautiful graceful lady she is today. Her name is Meriel, and she resides in a clan not too far from here. So if you have a moment, please fly by and stop in to say hello. She has a hatchery under her own care now, and I'm sure she has lots of pretty babies just waiting to find their new homes."

"Take this path," Cypress points a claw to your right. "And before long, you will arrive at the thicket of trees she presides over."

Cypress sighs and stares distantly toward the gap in the foliage. "Oh, how they grow up so fast."
She seems to forget you're still standing there and a few moments pass before she turns her head back in your direction. "My, oh my, I'm terribly sorry! How silly of me to keep you with my rambling." She passes a very strange looking fruit into your claws. "Please feel free to come back and visit anytime, more dragons are bound to make this grove their roost.

May the wind always be under your wings"

I don't have enough nests to breed all my dragons so many pairs go without nesting. If you want to see a pair get bred then feel free to request a breeding. Pairs that have been requested a breeding will get priority over others. You don't have to buy a baby from a pair that you requested, you can ask simply because you want to see the babies. You can also request dragons from different pairs to be bred with each other ^^

Breeding Request List:

Hydrangea and Vanda
Cyathea and Athyrium


Perelandi wants bluey themed dragons greeny/lemon or banana
azrielen wants x/Leaf/Leaf or leaf/leaf/x
xXElwenXx wants triple leaf, double caribben, double lemon.
Silflame wants triple/close emerald, double lemon or double banana or close.
triska wants an SD with light green primary - Spring,Leaf or green.
Iceshard would like pings for xyy dragons
atroposhears wants something close to spring/lemon/gondeny
Fumiko wants a (Mid/Mid/Gold Male)
Azuri wants spring/anything
Lestrade wants Hickory lookalike
Fay want a forest/spring/spring Male Imp
Xairathan wants Ice/seafoam/seafoam male
ManekiNeko wants a triple jade, triple emerald, or triple jungle
KorpusKat (Black/pink babies)

New pairs ping:
TheWingedShadow, Ullish, Sincineah, Jobie, Eideana, Aspencrown, gambwings, EmmaBird, tatjana, thecatsred, NatsuOuji, Kiira, Nightglow, Corvo, Wingtips, Anukai, scribblingface, Stevie12397, Esterie, Tuberose, Galvinire, Fernpaw, Misha, Verceri, Tinka, Ari, ManekiNeko, Lykoi, balderdash, YellowFlower, starlingering, Moosesushi, kariann02, Drakenhart, Marusinka, Sonophax, ohlookahails, kudugin, forestminuet, dinbird, Heirless, hyperballad, Ghosting, Nanshe, Kaytara, gentleTendencies, DeathsFeline, cooneyms, Kyori, DancingCorgi, peachymomo, azrielen, Farli, Toothless, Cila, Saturn, Vulpen, triska, Azuri, Aurora23, dinozord, Skiatha, Cirque, impishnature, Fareless, Peony, owlbear, Silence, xXElwenXx, Charaquan, magneticjade, WhisperingGlade, Fay, knight, Alvaar, poisonbats, serra, Pandatao, AMSherwood, Adhara, Xairathan, Neptune, Iceshard, atroposhears, Sylvarant, SmirkingWolf, Revision, Perelandri, swiftriver, rayn, Pantheon, MewWolf, SunDragon, LordSheo, ErsatzLace, Xumbre, Simulacra, Taarnfalk, Lestrade, Watson, Kyrra, corrose, Drizziel, Akantra, ArtsyAlraune, Eucme, theotherside, Nethralia, Fairytale, HaleyLiz, iTehSoupi, moderneel, Hugs, Munster, Atlas, Verrilo, burningdarkfire, Hugs, BravePanda, RedCurrants, Aka, Stormdragon, DefinitelyIndigo, FaerieIshee, teavu, sisyphus, techmess, storystone, Erratic, destinae, Stockade, doyoulikedragons, Bumblebee, NikkiNicole, Holland, MelancholyLolly, TheWormwood, xenogenesis, Nullify, Tokuu, KorpusKat, Pressia, bazanite, bonstrosity, destinyswindow, Esterie, LeWyvern, Lupa517, Naga, Ryuji, StarTatami, Biohazardia, CaptainxSpacey, wantedplant, mamamouse, Eve, traumlos, momo1013, Aomame, krissybuttbutt, kengee, Somi, ivar, Airis, Byrion, Anjoulas, destinyswindow

[center] [color=#5CAA5C] Available babies: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Let me know if you'd like one and set up a crossroads for whatever amount you feel comfortable with (: I know how hard it can be to earn treasure, and I want to share all my beautiful dragons with the whole lot of you, not only the ones that manage to hold enough treasure to afford them at market price. So I've decided not to put a price tag on them. After all, it makes me happy to see them go to someone that will cherish them. Nice things shouldn't be expensive and often the best are free. ~ [IMG][/IMG] [/color] [/center]

Available babies:






Let me know if you'd like one and set up a crossroads for whatever amount you feel comfortable with (:
I know how hard it can be to earn treasure, and I want to share all my beautiful dragons with the whole lot of you, not only the ones that manage to hold enough treasure to afford them at market price. So I've decided not to put a price tag on them. After all, it makes me happy to see them go to someone that will cherish them. Nice things shouldn't be expensive and often the best are free. ~


*Preens feathers* Maybe I'm scaring everyone away...
*Preens feathers* Maybe I'm scaring everyone away...
*snuggles with Fir* I hope someone comes to visit soon.
*snuggles with Fir* I hope someone comes to visit soon.
*Nibbles on fruit* I'm sure nobody will notice this one disappearing.
*Nibbles on fruit* I'm sure nobody will notice this one disappearing.
*Gobbles down even more fruit*
*Gobbles down even more fruit*
-Stares at empty fruit basket-
-Stares at empty fruit basket-
+1 because those pairs make me drool.
+1 because those pairs make me drool.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 224 225