
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Lyra Cadens Hatchery [S] X/gold/gold
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I see you there giving newbies love!
I just joined today 8D
I like the Fae Female, Blue Clown/Shadow/Charcoal
or Fae Female, Rose Tiger/Royal/Storm
If they are still available? I promise to hold my own giveaway once i breed her!
I see you there giving newbies love!
I just joined today 8D
I like the Fae Female, Blue Clown/Shadow/Charcoal
or Fae Female, Rose Tiger/Royal/Storm
If they are still available? I promise to hold my own giveaway once i breed her!
Let Frida lead you to my art shop!--->
@EPFlannery - Welcome to FR! Both are still available, which would you prefer?
@EPFlannery - Welcome to FR! Both are still available, which would you prefer?
Lyra Cadens Hatchery specializes in x/gold/gold dragons and Imps.
@AshtaraSilunar the blue clown please 8D Thank you so much!
@AshtaraSilunar the blue clown please 8D Thank you so much!
Let Frida lead you to my art shop!--->
@EPFlannery - No problem. I had help from friends when I joined, and I have an overabundance of hatchlings right now. xD
Crossroads sent. There aren't many people on here who seem to like pink dragons, so if you'd like the other girl too, you can have her as well.
@EPFlannery - No problem. I had help from friends when I joined, and I have an overabundance of hatchlings right now. xD
Crossroads sent. There aren't many people on here who seem to like pink dragons, so if you'd like the other girl too, you can have her as well.
Lyra Cadens Hatchery specializes in x/gold/gold dragons and Imps.
*screams* thank you so much! you are a wonderful generous person!
*screams* thank you so much! you are a wonderful generous person!
Let Frida lead you to my art shop!--->
About to sign off for the night. I'll address offers/requests on a first come, first served basis when I log on in the morning.
About to sign off for the night. I'll address offers/requests on a first come, first served basis when I log on in the morning.
Lyra Cadens Hatchery specializes in x/gold/gold dragons and Imps.
if she is still availible, i would adore Fae Female, Brown Tiger/Rose/Navy

i just got a tomato tiger as a gift and I bet they will make pretty babies ^^
if she is still availible, i would adore Fae Female, Brown Tiger/Rose/Navy

i just got a tomato tiger as a gift and I bet they will make pretty babies ^^
@Tink - She's still available. I'll send a crossroads.
I bet they'll make lovely hatchlings. If no one has shown you yet, there's a tool here that lets you see the color range of potential offspring. So for example, their babies would have this range.
@Tink - She's still available. I'll send a crossroads.
I bet they'll make lovely hatchlings. If no one has shown you yet, there's a tool here that lets you see the color range of potential offspring. So for example, their babies would have this range.
Lyra Cadens Hatchery specializes in x/gold/gold dragons and Imps.
@AshtaraSilunar are the newbie giveaway ones still available? Can I get the one with ice tertiary colour? :) And I'm totally planning to give away some dragons once I get established, everyone so far has been so helpful and I can't wait to help pass on the helpfulness :D
@AshtaraSilunar are the newbie giveaway ones still available? Can I get the one with ice tertiary colour? :) And I'm totally planning to give away some dragons once I get established, everyone so far has been so helpful and I can't wait to help pass on the helpfulness :D
~8 Hours ahead of FR time~
@celeblanthir - Absolutely, I'll send her over! I love FR, it seems to have a really helpful friendly community. I definitely had help from friends when I started out and wanted to pass that on.
@celeblanthir - Absolutely, I'll send her over! I love FR, it seems to have a really helpful friendly community. I definitely had help from friends when I started out and wanted to pass that on.
Lyra Cadens Hatchery specializes in x/gold/gold dragons and Imps.
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