
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [W] Adult Dragon - Offering 25k T [edit]
Hello! I&#039;m looking for an adult dragon of any species/gender to add to my lair so that I can begin checking out the Coliseum :) I am offering 25k T, so lemme know if you are interested down below, I&#039;d appreciate it <3

[edit: Offering 25k]
Hello! I&#039;m looking for an adult dragon of any species/gender to add to my lair so that I can begin checking out the Coliseum :) I am offering 25k T, so lemme know if you are interested down below, I&#039;d appreciate it <3

[edit: Offering 25k]
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Hey hey! 15k is a bit low for an adult dragon. I recommend you start at at least 20-25k. Good luck!
Hey hey! 15k is a bit low for an adult dragon. I recommend you start at at least 20-25k. Good luck!
Ah - Okay then, Thank you :) Guess I was being a little too optimistic, so I suppose I&#039;ll just need to go all in for it xD
Ah - Okay then, Thank you :) Guess I was being a little too optimistic, so I suppose I&#039;ll just need to go all in for it xD
tumblr_p82arlWkp31sbjtmro2_r1_250.pngtumblr_pu0kwdqWIj1sbjtmro5_r1_250.gif kXakYrG.gif
*Friendly Bump*
*Friendly Bump*
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I've got this gentleman here :O [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Name:[/b] Mute [b]Primary:[/b] Coral B. [b]Secondary:[/b] Sand B. [b]Tertairy:[/b] Slate B. [i]*accesories not included! xD[/i]
I&#039;ve got this gentleman here :O


Name: Mute
Primary: Coral B.
Secondary: Sand B.
Tertairy: Slate B.
*accesories not included! xD
sell me leafy moths72_animated.gif i need them
@Sparks - Aww he is quite handsome! Is 25k okay? :)
@Sparks - Aww he is quite handsome! Is 25k okay? :)
tumblr_p82arlWkp31sbjtmro2_r1_250.pngtumblr_pu0kwdqWIj1sbjtmro5_r1_250.gif kXakYrG.gif
Sure thing! Take care of him good:)
Sure thing! Take care of him good:)
sell me leafy moths72_animated.gif i need them
Thank you very much, and I will :)
Thank you very much, and I will :)
tumblr_p82arlWkp31sbjtmro2_r1_250.pngtumblr_pu0kwdqWIj1sbjtmro5_r1_250.gif kXakYrG.gif