TOPIC | [LINEAGE] Gilded Roses Hatchery
Bump! Osiris and Isis are now the proud parents of two baby dragons! [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/88135674]Admon[/url] will stay and fulfil his duties as the next generation Heir. His sister Ruth (g3) is excited to move and meet a new clan full of new friends!
More puregen dragons still looking for homes: the sisters [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/87889458]Buttercup[/url] and [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/87889460]Dandelion[/url] (g3), as well as one of Otis's own children, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/88016131]Dewshine[/url] (g2).
Bump! Osiris and Isis are now the proud parents of two baby dragons! Admon will stay and fulfil his duties as the next generation Heir. His sister Ruth (g3) is excited to move and meet a new clan full of new friends!
More puregen dragons still looking for homes: the sisters Buttercup and Dandelion (g3), as well as one of Otis's own children, Dewshine (g2).
Bump! Osiris and Isis are now the proud parents of two baby dragons! Admon will stay and fulfil his duties as the next generation Heir. His sister Ruth (g3) is excited to move and meet a new clan full of new friends!
More puregen dragons still looking for homes: the sisters Buttercup and Dandelion (g3), as well as one of Otis's own children, Dewshine (g2).
[size=2]@Disillusionist @cinderrain[/size]
[center]New hatchlings have been born! These are not Gilded Roses, but maybe you'll find a dragon that catches your eye, among the diverse puregens in our hatchery!
Both [b]Adara & Springbreeze[/b] and [b]Dolcetto & Rikki[/b]'s eggs have hatched! One from each pair was selected to continue their lines, which makes these the entire selection of our hatchery for the day.
Prices on these g3s have been lowered to [b]30g[/b] and all of them are available now on the AH![/center]
@Disillusionist @cinderrain
New hatchlings have been born! These are not Gilded Roses, but maybe you'll find a dragon that catches your eye, among the diverse puregens in our hatchery!
Both Adara & Springbreeze and Dolcetto & Rikki's eggs have hatched! One from each pair was selected to continue their lines, which makes these the entire selection of our hatchery for the day.

Prices on these g3s have been lowered to 30g and all of them are available now on the AH!
Both Adara & Springbreeze and Dolcetto & Rikki's eggs have hatched! One from each pair was selected to continue their lines, which makes these the entire selection of our hatchery for the day.

Prices on these g3s have been lowered to 30g and all of them are available now on the AH!
@TheEsmeSkyrat Could I please get a ping when any of your Lineage Dragons hatch a nest? I'd be very interested in adding one to my Lineage Horde!
@TheEsmeSkyrat Could I please get a ping when any of your Lineage Dragons hatch a nest? I'd be very interested in adding one to my Lineage Horde!
@WinterKitten1996 sure thing! I'll add u to the pinglist ^^
@WinterKitten1996 sure thing! I'll add u to the pinglist ^^
[size=2]General pinglist: @Disillusionist @cinderrain[/size]
Bump! More hatchlings from Hephaestus & Nesoi have been born! A whole nest of quintuplets!
And there are a lot more hatchlings coming this week! ^^
General pinglist: @Disillusionist @cinderrain
Bump! More hatchlings from Hephaestus & Nesoi have been born! A whole nest of quintuplets!
And there are a lot more hatchlings coming this week! ^^
Bump! More hatchlings from Hephaestus & Nesoi have been born! A whole nest of quintuplets!
And there are a lot more hatchlings coming this week! ^^