
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Your Average Dragons For Sale Thread
Your Average Dragons For Sale Thread

Not a hatchery, but just my dragons for sale thread. I have a few breeding pairs but most of the time I'm pretty lax about them and just breed random dragons together to see what happens.

All dragons found in this thread can be found from AH with underlined price, but if you want to buy them with other currency - comment down or shoot me a CR.

Once you buy a dragon, feel free to do anything with them. The dragon is yours and I'm not going to hunt you down if you exalt them unnamed etc.
Your Average Dragons For Sale Thread

Not a hatchery, but just my dragons for sale thread. I have a few breeding pairs but most of the time I'm pretty lax about them and just breed random dragons together to see what happens.

All dragons found in this thread can be found from AH with underlined price, but if you want to buy them with other currency - comment down or shoot me a CR.

Once you buy a dragon, feel free to do anything with them. The dragon is yours and I'm not going to hunt you down if you exalt them unnamed etc.
Daily Discount:

Every day one dragon from my shop will be on discount! During that period they are not in AH so if you want to purchase them comment/ping me on the thread or just send me a crossroads trade!

Daily Discount Price: 12 000 treasure / 12 gems

Will return after the LvA


Daily Discount || Selling Tab || Epic Tier || Paragon Tier || Heroic Tier
Gen Ones || Exalt Row || Leveled Dragons
Daily Discount:

Every day one dragon from my shop will be on discount! During that period they are not in AH so if you want to purchase them comment/ping me on the thread or just send me a crossroads trade!

Daily Discount Price: 12 000 treasure / 12 gems

Will return after the LvA


Daily Discount || Selling Tab || Epic Tier || Paragon Tier || Heroic Tier
Gen Ones || Exalt Row || Leveled Dragons
[center][size=5][b]Epic Tier Dragons:[/b][/size][/center] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYZ Sandsurge Male [i]Nov 17, 2023[/i] [b]#90576715[/b] Midnight Rattlesnake Sky Diamondback Denim Augment Plague Rare Unbred 37 000 treasure / [u]37 gems[/u] [/center][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [url=]Daily Discount[/url] || [url=]Selling Tab[/url] || [b]Epic Tier[/b] || [url=]Paragon Tier[/url] || [url=]Heroic Tier[/url] [url=]Gen Ones[/url] || [url=]Exalt Row[/url] || [url=]Leveled Dragons[/url][/center]
Epic Tier Dragons:

Unnamed - XYZ
Sandsurge Male
Nov 17, 2023


Midnight Rattlesnake
Sky Diamondback
Denim Augment

Plague Rare

37 000 treasure / 37 gems

[u][/u][center][size=5][b]Paragon Tier Dragons:[/b][/size][/center] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYZ Skydancer Female [i]Nov 17, 2023[/i] [b]#90736758[/b] Chocolate Cherub Copper Butterfly Blood Smirch Plague Common Unbred [u]25 000 treasure[/u] / 25 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYZ Sandsurge Female [i]Nov 17, 2023[/i] [b]#90576714[/b] Midnight Rattlesnake Sky Diamondback Steel Branches Plague Common Unbred [u]25 000 treasure[/u] / 25 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [url=]Daily Discount[/url] || [url=]Selling Tab[/url] || [url=]Epic Tier[/url] || [b]Paragon Tier[/b] || [url=]Heroic Tier[/url] [url=]Gen Ones[/url] || [url=]Exalt Row[/url] || [url=]Leveled Dragons[/url][/center]
Paragon Tier Dragons:

Unnamed - XYZ
Skydancer Female
Nov 17, 2023


Chocolate Cherub
Copper Butterfly
Blood Smirch

Plague Common

25 000 treasure / 25 gems

Unnamed - XYZ
Sandsurge Female
Nov 17, 2023


Midnight Rattlesnake
Sky Diamondback
Steel Branches

Plague Common

25 000 treasure / 25 gems

[center][size=5][b]Heroic Tier Dragons:[/b][/size][/center] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYX Spiral Male [i]Nov 26, 2023[/i] [b]#90856560[/b] Lead Crystal Obsidian Shimmer Lead Runes Plague Common Unbred [u]30 000 treasure[/u] / 30 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XXY Imperial Female [i]Nov 22, 2023[/i] [b]#90736756[/b] Copper Cherub Copper Alloy Sanguine Underbelly Plague Uncommon Unbred [u]20 000 treasure[/u] / 20 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XXY Obelisk Female [i]Nov 20, 2023[/i] [b]#90641941[/b] Sand Jaguar Tan Seraph Tomato Smirch Plague Common Unbred [u]23 000 treasure[/u] / 23 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [url=]Daily Discount[/url] || [url=]Selling Tab[/url] || [url=]Epic Tier[/url] || [url=]Paragon Tier[/url] || [b]Heroic Tier[/b] [url=]Gen Ones[/url] || [url=]Exalt Row[/url] || [url=]Leveled Dragons[/url][/center]
Heroic Tier Dragons:

Unnamed - XYX
Spiral Male
Nov 26, 2023


Lead Crystal
Obsidian Shimmer
Lead Runes

Plague Common

30 000 treasure / 30 gems

Unnamed - XXY
Imperial Female
Nov 22, 2023


Copper Cherub
Copper Alloy
Sanguine Underbelly

Plague Uncommon

20 000 treasure / 20 gems

Unnamed - XXY
Obelisk Female
Nov 20, 2023


Sand Jaguar
Tan Seraph
Tomato Smirch

Plague Common

23 000 treasure / 23 gems

[center][size=5][b]Gen Ones:[/b][/size][/center] ------------------ [center][url=]Check Hibernal Den for more G1s![/url]! All these dragons are part of my [url=]Eggcellent[/url] where I hatch eggs every day in January. All these dragons have one scry, one outfit idea and a pinch of lore on their bio. You are of course not required to use them, they are just for fun[/center] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XXY Nocturne Male [i]Apr 23, 2023[/i] [b]#85722871[/b] Berry Basic Berry Basic Thistle Basic Shadow Common Unbred[/center][/columns] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYZ Bogsneak Male [i]Oct 31, 2023[/i] [b]#90190454[/b] Dirt Basic Cerise Basic Garnet Basic Water Common Unbred[/center][/columns] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Unnamed - XYZ Guardian Male [i]Nov 13, 2023[/i] [b]#90498475[/b] Avocado Basic Fern Basic Emerald Basic Light Common Unbred[/center][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [url=]Daily Discount[/url] || [url=]Selling Tab[/url] || [url=]Epic Tier[/url] || [url=]Paragon Tier[/url] || [url=]Heroic Tier[/url] [b]Gen Ones[/b] || [url=]Exalt Row[/url] || [url=]Leveled Dragons[/url][/center]
Gen Ones:

Check Hibernal Den for more G1s!!

All these dragons are part of my Eggcellent where I hatch eggs every day in January. All these dragons have one scry, one outfit idea and a pinch of lore on their bio. You are of course not required to use them, they are just for fun

Unnamed - XXY
Nocturne Male
Apr 23, 2023


Berry Basic
Berry Basic
Thistle Basic

Shadow Common

Unnamed - XYZ
Bogsneak Male
Oct 31, 2023


Dirt Basic
Cerise Basic
Garnet Basic

Water Common

Unnamed - XYZ
Guardian Male
Nov 13, 2023


Avocado Basic
Fern Basic
Emerald Basic

Light Common

Exalt Row:
Dragons that can't seem to sell will end up here after a while, and so will some hatchlings that didn't turn out so nice. They will become fodder once their time on AH runs out.

Exalt Row:
Dragons that can't seem to sell will end up here after a while, and so will some hatchlings that didn't turn out so nice. They will become fodder once their time on AH runs out.

[center][size=5][b]Leveled Dragons[/b][/size][/center] ------------------ [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][center][size=4]Discordance - XYZ Gaoler Male [i]Nov 02, 2023[/i] [b]#90249531[/b] Blood Jaguar Sanguine Spirit Garnet Gnarlhorns Plague Rare Unbred [b]Level 8[/b] [u]35 000 treasure[/u] / 35 gems [/center][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][b]Navigation:[/b][/size] [url=]Daily Discount[/url] || [url=]Selling Tab[/url] || [url=]Epic Tier[/url] || [url=]Paragon Tier[/url] || [url=]Heroic Tier[/url] [url=]Gen Ones[/url] || [url=]Exalt Row[/url] || [b]Leveled Dragons[/b][/center]
Leveled Dragons

Discordance - XYZ
Gaoler Male
Nov 02, 2023


Blood Jaguar
Sanguine Spirit
Garnet Gnarlhorns

Plague Rare
Level 8

35 000 treasure / 35 gems


Daily Discount || Selling Tab || Epic Tier || Paragon Tier || Heroic Tier
Gen Ones || Exalt Row || Leveled Dragons
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[center][emoji=raven size=1][/center]