
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | [Subspecies] Merfaes Sales Thread!
@Mnkn10 @mewlipsdwell @TheTokenBrit

Some new merfaes have been added to the listings, including some axolfaes hatchling!
@Mnkn10 @mewlipsdwell @TheTokenBrit

Some new merfaes have been added to the listings, including some axolfaes hatchling!
@Decaffeinated Can I be added to general sales?
@Decaffeinated Can I be added to general sales?
@CodexCracked You've been added!
@CodexCracked You've been added!
@Decaffeinated Heya! I'd like to purchase #60498907 for 15kt, please!
@Decaffeinated Heya! I'd like to purchase #60498907 for 15kt, please!