TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue

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Sep 12, 2015 (9 years) | Soil Speckle/Sand Seraph/Beige Underbelly | Light Common Eyes | Offspring
Cost: 100 G or 100k T
I have some dragons ready for a good home. The ones posted all have lore, but I have more that I'm working on in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/274988/267205/2][this][/url] page. They're already listed on the AH, I just haven't finished the bios yet.
Feel free to ping/pm me if gems aren't a good payment method for you. I'm flexible on pricing- I just want to make sure they're not a fodder risk.
[quote= 7 yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/30683108][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/306832/30683108_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: Unnamed[/b]
[b]ID: 30683108[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Feb 07, 2017[/b]
[b]Element: Ice[/b]
[b]Primary: Orca/Clown[/b]
[b]Secondary: Magenta/Paint[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Tan/Underbelly[/b]
[b]Bred: Yes[/b]
[b]Unnamed: Yes[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[quote= 6 yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/39668894][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/396689/39668894_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: Rivik[/b]
[b]ID: 39668894[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Feb 22, 2018[/b]
[b]Element: Wind[/b]
[b]Primary: Mint/Petals[/b]
[b]Secondary: Navy/Shimmer[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Stonwash/Gembond[/b]
[b]Bred: Yes[/b]
[b]Unnamed: Yes[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[quote= 6 yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/44018000][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/440181/44018000_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: queen[/b]
[b]ID: 44018000[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Aug 04, 2018[/b]
[b]Element: Nature[/b]
[b]Primary: Thistle/Crystal[/b]
[b]Secondary: Seafoam/Shimmer[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Leaf/Smoke[/b]
[b]Bred: Yes[/b]
[b]Unnamed: No[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[quote= 6 yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/45611411][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/456115/45611411_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: Miranda[/b]
[b]ID: 45611411[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Sep 29, 2018[/b]
[b]Element: Arcane[/b]
[b]Primary: Pearl/Iridescent[/b]
[b]Secondary: Fuschia/Shimmer[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Grey/Basic[/b]
[b]Bred: Yes[/b]
[b]Unnamed: No[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[quote=6 Yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/44685438][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/446855/44685438_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: Unnamed[/b]
[b]ID: 44685438[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Aug 27, 2018[/b]
[b]Element: Light[/b]
[b]Primary: Blue/Crystal[/b]
[b]Secondary: Abyss/Shimmer[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Lavender/Glimmer[/b]
[b]Bred: No[/b]
[b]Unnamed: No[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[quote=6 Yrs Old][columns][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/46562927][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/rendern/350/465630/46562927_350.png[/img][/url]
[b]Name: Raspberry[/b]
[b]ID: 46562927[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Nov 03, 2018[/b]
[b]Element: Shadow[/b]
[b]Primary: Wine/Tiger[/b]
[b]Secondary: Magenta/Freckle[/b]
[b]Tertiary: Wine/Gembond[/b]
[b]Bred: Yes[/b]
[b]Unnamed: Yes[/b]
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
Pinglist snipped!
I have some dragons ready for a good home. The ones posted all have lore, but I have more that I'm working on in [this] page. They're already listed on the AH, I just haven't finished the bios yet.
Feel free to ping/pm me if gems aren't a good payment method for you. I'm flexible on pricing- I just want to make sure they're not a fodder risk.
Pinglist snipped!
Feel free to ping/pm me if gems aren't a good payment method for you. I'm flexible on pricing- I just want to make sure they're not a fodder risk.
7 yrs Old wrote:
6 yrs Old wrote:
6 yrs Old wrote:
6 yrs Old wrote:
6 Yrs Old wrote:
6 Yrs Old wrote:
Pinglist snipped!
Hi, could I buy Raspberry for treasure?
EDIT: Thank you for giving her new home, Papenpret <3
[s]XXX Obsidian Wildclaw fodder rescue, unbred. Listed at 45 gems, safe price. Willing to haggle to a good home. Accidentally bought one more than intended, already saved two.
[b]ID: 63112969[/b]
[b]Hatchday: Aug 05, 2020
(4 years)[/b]
[b]Element:[/b] Ice
[b]Primary:[/b] Obsidian Speckle
[b]Secondary:[/b] Obsidian Freckle
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Obsidian Crackle
[b]Bred:[/b] no
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]45 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 45[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/63112969][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns][/s]
Pings: unbred, no unnamed, XXX, Wildclaw, Ice
@Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Goerbars @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @XCVN @SabrinaB @Septica @SIlentWings @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @enevera @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @Fehn @VanceRuth @Potatoad @uwa @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Worgen @Sammy0223 @quailwi @beargirl1393 @Tanji @Asterodea @appleseabloom @kitcafe @Raivus @GayPancake @Jedaai @Saturnia @SidMaggotSK @Cleoleopardgecko @Foreva001 @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@50507 @XCVN @SabrinaB @Noshi @SIlentWings @Beliel @mimirr @Vershton @drakha @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @loach @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @PeanutButter57 @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @Fehn @VanceRuth @DismasYves @Kintora @Potatoad @encryptidd @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Worgen @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @appleseabloom @kitcafe @GayPancake @Saturnia @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@DamionKaneki @starshiny @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @Hoshiokami @enevera @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @skysthelimit1 @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @T3CHN01R @Fehn @Kintora @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @ClovenHeart @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Asterodea @evilboy @kitcafe @GayPancake @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@ube @Hounds @Reythaak @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @XiangEr @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @sense @zophronia @Lirillith @BubblesTheDragon @PeanutButter57 @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Teahl @uwa @XxSilverpoolxX @Toxxitone @Papenpret @TempleSystem @caffeinefaerie @Buio @peacelovewolves @Chieftain @Raewyn @N0pal @WormintheWillows
@Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @TheClassCalico
EDIT: Thank you for giving her new home, Papenpret <3
XXX Obsidian Wildclaw fodder rescue, unbred. Listed at 45 gems, safe price. Willing to haggle to a good home. Accidentally bought one more than intended, already saved two.
Pings: unbred, no unnamed, XXX, Wildclaw, Ice
@Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Goerbars @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @XCVN @SabrinaB @Septica @SIlentWings @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @enevera @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @Fehn @VanceRuth @Potatoad @uwa @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Worgen @Sammy0223 @quailwi @beargirl1393 @Tanji @Asterodea @appleseabloom @kitcafe @Raivus @GayPancake @Jedaai @Saturnia @SidMaggotSK @Cleoleopardgecko @Foreva001 @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@50507 @XCVN @SabrinaB @Noshi @SIlentWings @Beliel @mimirr @Vershton @drakha @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @loach @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @PeanutButter57 @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @Fehn @VanceRuth @DismasYves @Kintora @Potatoad @encryptidd @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Worgen @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @appleseabloom @kitcafe @GayPancake @Saturnia @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@DamionKaneki @starshiny @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @Hoshiokami @enevera @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @skysthelimit1 @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @T3CHN01R @Fehn @Kintora @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @ClovenHeart @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Asterodea @evilboy @kitcafe @GayPancake @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@ube @Hounds @Reythaak @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @XiangEr @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @sense @zophronia @Lirillith @BubblesTheDragon @PeanutButter57 @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Teahl @uwa @XxSilverpoolxX @Toxxitone @Papenpret @TempleSystem @caffeinefaerie @Buio @peacelovewolves @Chieftain @Raewyn @N0pal @WormintheWillows
@Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @TheClassCalico
![]() |
Name:Sneaker ID: 63112969 Hatchday: Aug 05, 2020 (4 years) Element: Ice Primary: Obsidian Speckle Secondary: Obsidian Freckle Tertiary: Obsidian Crackle Bred: no Unnamed: Price: 45 000 ![]() ![]() |
Pings: unbred, no unnamed, XXX, Wildclaw, Ice
@Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @Hounds @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Goerbars @megamind @tthheeoo @Vrtra @XCVN @SabrinaB @Septica @SIlentWings @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @AzaRein @enevera @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @Fehn @VanceRuth @Potatoad @uwa @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Worgen @Sammy0223 @quailwi @beargirl1393 @Tanji @Asterodea @appleseabloom @kitcafe @Raivus @GayPancake @Jedaai @Saturnia @SidMaggotSK @Cleoleopardgecko @Foreva001 @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@50507 @XCVN @SabrinaB @Noshi @SIlentWings @Beliel @mimirr @Vershton @drakha @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @loach @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @BioLuminesence @Dubdee @thylababe @PeanutButter57 @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @Fehn @VanceRuth @DismasYves @Kintora @Potatoad @encryptidd @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Worgen @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @appleseabloom @kitcafe @GayPancake @Saturnia @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@DamionKaneki @starshiny @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @drakha @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @PrimalGoddess @Hoshiokami @enevera @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @skysthelimit1 @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @DAYAX0N @T3CHN01R @Fehn @Kintora @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @ClovenHeart @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Asterodea @evilboy @kitcafe @GayPancake @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21
@ube @Hounds @Reythaak @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @XiangEr @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @sense @zophronia @Lirillith @BubblesTheDragon @PeanutButter57 @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Teahl @uwa @XxSilverpoolxX @Toxxitone @Papenpret @TempleSystem @caffeinefaerie @Buio @peacelovewolves @Chieftain @Raewyn @N0pal @WormintheWillows
@Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @TheClassCalico
[quote name="rascal2002" date="2025-01-12 15:27:12" ]
[quote name="rascal2002" date="2025-01-11 17:54:33" ]
[b]Name:[/b] Odessa
[b]ID:[/b] 59862700
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Mar 10, 2020
(4 years)
[b]Element:[/b] water
[b]Bred:[/b] yes
[b]Unnamed:[/b] 5
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20,000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] Foe
[b]ID:[/b] 62903536
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Jul 26, 2020
(4 years)
[b]Element:[/b] Wind
[b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/62903536][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
[b]Name:[/b] Myrke
[b]ID:[/b] 42348000
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Jun 09, 2018
(6 years)
[b]Element:[/b] Light
[b]Primary:[/b] Crocodile
[b]Secondary:[/b] Yellow
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Turquoise
[b]Bred:[/b] no
[b]Unnamed:[/b] no
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]60 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 60[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/42348000][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
[b]Name:[/b] Zuyam
[b]ID:[/b] 73639014
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Nov 11, 2021
(3 years)
[b]Element:[/b] Fire
[b]Secondary:[/b] obsidian
[b]Tertiary:[/b] sapphire
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[b]Name:[/b] Duncan
[b]ID:[/b] 63058098
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Aug 02, 2020
(4 years)
[b]Element:[/b] Water
[b]Primary:[/b] Overcast
[b]Secondary:[/b] Oilslick
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Sapphire
[b]Bred:[/b] Yes
[b]Unnamed:[/b] No
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]40 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 40[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
rascal2002 wrote on 2025-01-12 15:27:12:
rascal2002 wrote on 2025-01-11 17:54:33:
![]() |
Name: Odessa ID: 59862700 Hatchday: Mar 10, 2020 (4 years) Element: water Primary:Navy Secondary:Eggplant Tertiary:Obsidian Bred: yes Unnamed: 5 Price: 20,000 ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Name: Foe ID: 62903536 Hatchday: Jul 26, 2020 (4 years) Element: Wind Primary:Obsidian Secondary:Black Tertiary:Sapphire Bred:No Unnamed: N/A Price: 40000 ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Name: Myrke ID: 42348000 Hatchday: Jun 09, 2018 (6 years) Element: Light Primary: Crocodile Secondary: Yellow Tertiary: Turquoise Bred: no Unnamed: no Price: 60 000 ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Name: Zuyam ID: 73639014 Hatchday: Nov 11, 2021 (3 years) Element: Fire Primary:Overcast Secondary: obsidian Tertiary: sapphire Bred:yes Unnamed:no Price: 30 000 ![]() ![]() |
![]() |
Name: Duncan ID: 63058098 Hatchday: Aug 02, 2020 (4 years) Element: Water Primary: Overcast Secondary: Oilslick Tertiary: Sapphire Bred: Yes Unnamed: No Price: 40 000 ![]() ![]() |
[b]Name:[/b] Ardwere
[b]ID:[/b] 29821915
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 04, 2017 (8 YEARS)
[b]Element:[/b] Ice
[b]Primary:[/b] Gold Metallic
[b]Secondary:[/b] Gold Butterfly
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Brown Circuit
[b]Bred:[/b] Yes
[b]Unnamed:[/b] One, but unexalted
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]80 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 80[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/29821915][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
Pings: @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @Ammut @drakha @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @noddddd @enevera @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Goachie @Lirillith @Veylaron @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @ybKitten @WebstickKitten @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @Raikaris @T3CHN01R @Fehn @VanceRuth @Psychosynchrony @NicolasBourbaki @DismasYves @MatchaCakeSlice @AudiR8 @Kintora @LavenderHoney @Potatoad @Teahl @Mothdrops @uwa @Narfadoodle @Saraceaser @XxSilverpoolxX @Toxxitone @GumPop @Seedpod @Renekai @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @Desagon @Rowanhart @TempleSystem @clowning @pythonesque @Grelleth @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @caffeinefaerie @J0taro @peacelovewolves @TheClassCalico @ClovenHeart @chemicon @Stormcatcher @Worgen @SkellieTheRedd @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Tanji @Raewyn @N0pal @AutumnFall123 @CosmicPeach @Asterodea @appleseabloom @kitcafe @Ristrel @GayPancake @Jedaai @eggplantwizard @WormintheWillows @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @Dimension @Foreva001 @jodyody @ankylosaur @Xeptoid @matsuo @Shrimpai21 @Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DamionKaneki @starshiny @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @GrinningWolf24 @Vershton @DevilsNeverCry @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @PrimalGoddess @Hoshiokami @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Kintora @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @ClovenHeart @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Asterodea @evilboy @kitcafe @GayPancake @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21 @PetSnail @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @XiangEr @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @Scribbly07 @enevera @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @Teahl @Mothdrops @Toxxitone @TempleSystem @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @DuskAndDagger @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @FireMoniter @kometto @Vrtra @hylics2 @XCVN @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @PurpleAmbience @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @kryptonCryptic @PrimalGoddess @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @sylvain69 @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @PeanutButter57 @almondandapple @Psychosynchrony @Ianthe69 @encryptidd @ShadowLessHC98 @Narfadoodle @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @J0taro @agusto @chemicon @Stormcatcher @SkellieTheRedd @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @CosmicPeach @appleseabloom @kitcafe @GayPancake @Jedaai @SidMaggotSK @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @LuluBlue @ankylosaur @EveningEcho @Shrimpai21 @Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @TheClassCalico @Glory
Pings: @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @Hounds @Reythaak @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @Drachenhort @Tahoma @RabbleRouser @DravenSparrow @megamind @selkiie @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @TheFortissima @FireMoniter @kometto @hylics2 @XCVN @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @Septica @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @Ammut @drakha @NightGaze @enceladust @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @loach @504 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @coupdetegg @jellyfishprincex @kryptonCryptic @Casilica @FadedDaydream @PrimalGoddess @noddddd @enevera @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Goachie @Lirillith @Veylaron @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @ybKitten @WebstickKitten @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @Raikaris @T3CHN01R @Fehn @VanceRuth @Psychosynchrony @NicolasBourbaki @DismasYves @MatchaCakeSlice @AudiR8 @Kintora @LavenderHoney @Potatoad @Teahl @Mothdrops @uwa @Narfadoodle @Saraceaser @XxSilverpoolxX @Toxxitone @GumPop @Seedpod @Renekai @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @LunarKitsune777 @Desagon @Rowanhart @TempleSystem @clowning @pythonesque @Grelleth @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @caffeinefaerie @J0taro @peacelovewolves @TheClassCalico @ClovenHeart @chemicon @Stormcatcher @Worgen @SkellieTheRedd @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Tanji @Raewyn @N0pal @AutumnFall123 @CosmicPeach @Asterodea @appleseabloom @kitcafe @Ristrel @GayPancake @Jedaai @eggplantwizard @WormintheWillows @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @Dimension @Foreva001 @jodyody @ankylosaur @Xeptoid @matsuo @Shrimpai21 @Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DamionKaneki @starshiny @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @Glory @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @GrinningWolf24 @Vershton @DevilsNeverCry @drakha @Silverbolt1159 @DemonicDuchess @PrimalGoddess @Hoshiokami @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Kintora @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @ClovenHeart @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @TheCourtJesterr @Asterodea @evilboy @kitcafe @GayPancake @58Local @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21 @PetSnail @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @XiangEr @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @Scribbly07 @enevera @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @Teahl @Mothdrops @Toxxitone @TempleSystem @Jaypaw @Benuyka @DamionKaneki @DuskAndDagger @starshiny @invaliduser232 @Yukidoerr @Drachenhort @Tahoma @tthheeoo @skeletoncatz @FireMoniter @kometto @Vrtra @hylics2 @XCVN @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @PurpleAmbience @Cinny @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Beliel @Vershton @NightGaze @Silverbolt1159 @Aarune @Nightfurypizza @pantastic @kryptonCryptic @PrimalGoddess @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @sylvain69 @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @PeanutButter57 @almondandapple @Psychosynchrony @Ianthe69 @encryptidd @ShadowLessHC98 @Narfadoodle @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @J0taro @agusto @chemicon @Stormcatcher @SkellieTheRedd @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @CosmicPeach @appleseabloom @kitcafe @GayPancake @Jedaai @SidMaggotSK @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @LuluBlue @ankylosaur @EveningEcho @Shrimpai21 @Silverbolt1159 @PeanutButter57 @DismasYves @VisionsInAsh @scarecrowwizard @TheClassCalico @Glory
I've had this guy for a bit and could just never figure out what to do with him. Willing to go lower on the price or trade for fodder! I hope I've done this right, apologies if anyone's getting more than one ping.
[b]Name:[/b] Roland
[b]ID:[/b] 20388066
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 22, 2016
[b]Element:[/b] Arcane
[b]Primary:[/b] Lavender
[b]Secondary:[/b] Caribbean
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Black
[b]Bred:[/b] Never
[b]Unnamed:[/b] N/A
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]80 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 80[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/20388066][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
[size=2]@Blushunt @Azurenight @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @50507 @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @Immapie @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos @wardentabris @thylababe @vincastrum @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @foggypines @torrenoia @WebstickKitten @PeanutButter57 @byvaj @Fehn @Stellati @Psychosynchrony @NicolasBourbaki @Jazzyleia @Fishtank @castti @Ianthe69 @LavenderHoney @gnosiphobia @ShadowLessHC98 @Saraceaser @SindoreiPony @Toxxitone @PhoenixDahana @ErraticPulse @urfavzozo15 @TempleSystem @notzinnia @VisionsInAsh @Buio @peacelovewolves @CrazyBat @GeckoGuy @TheClassCalico @Mogaar @Sammy0223 @Yara @CosmicPeach @Evaria @kamay @evilboy @TacticalVictory @rRevenantinBlue @ViolaRose92 @Ristrel @jodyody @Evaria @DamionKaneki @starshiny @styygian @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @sense @PrimalGoddess @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @Asterodea @evilboy @appleseabloom @GayPancake @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21 @Reythaak @dearagony @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @GrinningWolf24 @Silverbolt1159 @Lirillith @PeanutButter57 @Toxxitone @Papenpret
I've had this guy for a bit and could just never figure out what to do with him. Willing to go lower on the price or trade for fodder! I hope I've done this right, apologies if anyone's getting more than one ping.
@Blushunt @Azurenight @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @50507 @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @Immapie @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos @wardentabris @thylababe @vincastrum @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @foggypines @torrenoia @WebstickKitten @PeanutButter57 @byvaj @Fehn @Stellati @Psychosynchrony @NicolasBourbaki @Jazzyleia @Fishtank @castti @Ianthe69 @LavenderHoney @gnosiphobia @ShadowLessHC98 @Saraceaser @SindoreiPony @Toxxitone @PhoenixDahana @ErraticPulse @urfavzozo15 @TempleSystem @notzinnia @VisionsInAsh @Buio @peacelovewolves @CrazyBat @GeckoGuy @TheClassCalico @Mogaar @Sammy0223 @Yara @CosmicPeach @Evaria @kamay @evilboy @TacticalVictory @rRevenantinBlue @ViolaRose92 @Ristrel @jodyody @Evaria @DamionKaneki @starshiny @styygian @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @sense @PrimalGoddess @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @Asterodea @evilboy @appleseabloom @GayPancake @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21 @Reythaak @dearagony @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @GrinningWolf24 @Silverbolt1159 @Lirillith @PeanutButter57 @Toxxitone @Papenpret
![]() |
Name: Roland ID: 20388066 Hatchday: Jan 22, 2016 Element: Arcane Primary: Lavender Secondary: Caribbean Tertiary: Black Bred: Never Unnamed: N/A Price: 80 000 ![]() ![]() |
@Blushunt @Azurenight @DuskAndDagger @caddyshack @50507 @Frisco37 @Wytche @Goerbars @Tahoma @megamind @Immapie @LordRaikage @FireMoniter @Vrtra @SabrinaB @Woohoorandom @sepiasenpai @elduwen @mimirr @Vershton @Silverbolt1159 @kryptonCryptic @Welcometochiliss @PrimalGoddess @cowboycalledmal @CelestialBlue @Xievos @wardentabris @thylababe @vincastrum @Meiyaru @AngryMuffin @foggypines @torrenoia @WebstickKitten @PeanutButter57 @byvaj @Fehn @Stellati @Psychosynchrony @NicolasBourbaki @Jazzyleia @Fishtank @castti @Ianthe69 @LavenderHoney @gnosiphobia @ShadowLessHC98 @Saraceaser @SindoreiPony @Toxxitone @PhoenixDahana @ErraticPulse @urfavzozo15 @TempleSystem @notzinnia @VisionsInAsh @Buio @peacelovewolves @CrazyBat @GeckoGuy @TheClassCalico @Mogaar @Sammy0223 @Yara @CosmicPeach @Evaria @kamay @evilboy @TacticalVictory @rRevenantinBlue @ViolaRose92 @Ristrel @jodyody @Evaria @DamionKaneki @starshiny @styygian @Yukidoerr @Frisco37 @DravenSparrow @Immapie @tthheeoo @FireMoniter @kometto @SabrinaB @TabuTalisman @sepiasenpai @SIlentWings @Ammut @Silverbolt1159 @sense @PrimalGoddess @CelestialBlue @ToothMuncher @Lirillith @Veylaron @wardentabris @thylababe @CreatorsDilemma @Meiyaru @WHDE @PeanutButter57 @leery @almondandapple @T3CHN01R @Fehn @DismasYves @Potatoad @ShadowLessHC98 @Toxxitone @urfavzozo15 @caerulius @kilorechoy @Desagon @clowning @VisionsInAsh @caffeinefaerie @Buio @J0taro @Stormcatcher @Sammy0223 @beargirl1393 @Asterodea @evilboy @appleseabloom @GayPancake @Cleoleopardgecko @jodyody @ankylosaur @Shrimpai21 @Reythaak @dearagony @invaliduser232 @Frisco37 @RabbleRouser @GrinningWolf24 @Silverbolt1159 @Lirillith @PeanutButter57 @Toxxitone @Papenpret
I have this guy who's been with me since 2015 when I first joined the site, but it's time I let him go. He's level 18, and I used him in the coliseum for a while. Hoping to find him a new home as I really don't want him to end up fodder!
[b]Name:[/b] Tulip
[b]ID:[/b] 16570931
[b]Hatchday:[/b] Sept 05, 2015 (9 years)
[b]Element:[/b] Nature
[b]Primary:[/b] Shadow
[b]Secondary:[/b] Royal
[b]Tertiary:[/b] Lemon
[b]Bred:[/b] Yes
[b]Unnamed:[/b] 19
[b]Price:[/b] [size=4]120,000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 120[emoji=gem size=1][/size]
[url=http://www1.flightrising.com/auction-house/buy-dragon/16570931][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."]http://flightrising.com/images/layout/button_buyauction.png[/img][/url][/center][/columns]
I have this guy who's been with me since 2015 when I first joined the site, but it's time I let him go. He's level 18, and I used him in the coliseum for a while. Hoping to find him a new home as I really don't want him to end up fodder!
![]() |
Name: Tulip ID: 16570931 Hatchday: Sept 05, 2015 (9 years) Element: Nature Primary: Shadow Secondary: Royal Tertiary: Lemon Bred: Yes Unnamed: 19 Price: 120,000 ![]() ![]() |

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