
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Galopa's Old Oaks - Old Dragons Rescue
Cleaning out my lair a bit because some of my older dragons just don't appeal to me anymore. Let me know if you'd like to buy with gems instead of treasure! If they don't sell by the time their auctions expire I'll probably end up exalting them, unless a foster home wants to take them in. [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Sadira [b]ID:[/b] 44403819 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Aug 18, 2018 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Lightning [b]Primary:[/b] Pinstripe Robin [b]Secondary:[/b] Trail Robin [b]Tertiary:[/b] Capsule Azure [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Maat [b]ID:[/b] 52390629 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jun 05, 2019 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Primary:[/b] Phantom Silver [b]Secondary:[/b] Streak Grey [b]Tertiary:[/b] Gnarlhorns Grey [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Dust [b]ID:[/b] 51882261 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 17, 2019 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Ice [b]Primary:[/b] Phantom Dust [b]Secondary:[/b] Spirit Grey [b]Tertiary:[/b] Gnarlhorns Grey [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Reign [b]ID:[/b] 52670622 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jun 14, 2019 (oh snap happy birthday!) [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Arcane [b]Primary:[/b] Falcon Obsidian [b]Secondary:[/b] Basic Mulberry [b]Tertiary:[/b] Basic Charcoal [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Pluto [b]ID:[/b] 22805467 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Apr 13, 2016 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Shadow [b]Primary:[/b] Iridescent White [b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer White [b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer Seafoam [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]30 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 30[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Circuit [b]ID:[/b] 8053243 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Nov 23, 2014 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Wind [b]Primary:[/b] Iridescent Obsidian [b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer Obsidian [b]Tertiary:[/b] Circuit Swamp [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]100 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 100[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] Unlisted to avoid scalpers since she's a 7-digit[/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Sithiche [b]ID:[/b] 41930645 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 24, 2018 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Ice [b]Primary:[/b] Iridescent Obsidian [b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer Obsidian [b]Tertiary:[/b] Firefly Chartreuse [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Panora [b]ID:[/b] 39327399 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Feb 07, 2018 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Iridescent White [b]Secondary:[/b] Shimmer White [b]Tertiary:[/b] Opal Seafoam [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes [s]------[/s][s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [s] [b]Name:[/b] Athena [b]ID:[/b] 51386188 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Apr 28, 2019 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Water [b]Primary:[/b] Petals Overcast [b]Secondary:[/b] Butterfly Overcast [b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer Moon [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol][s] [b]Name:[/b] Khonsu [b]ID:[/b] 51965904 [b]Hatchday:[/b] May 20, 2019 [s]------[/s][s] [b]Element:[/b] Ice [b]Primary:[/b] Petals Overcast [b]Secondary:[/b] Butterfly Overcast [b]Tertiary:[/b] Glimmer White [b]Bred:[/b] Yes [b]Unnamed:[/b] Yes [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]20 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 20[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns] - pinglist was here -
Cleaning out my lair a bit because some of my older dragons just don't appeal to me anymore. Let me know if you'd like to buy with gems instead of treasure! If they don't sell by the time their auctions expire I'll probably end up exalting them, unless a foster home wants to take them in.

Name: Sadira
ID: 44403819

Hatchday: Aug 18, 2018

Element: Lightning
Primary: Pinstripe Robin
Secondary: Trail Robin
Tertiary: Capsule Azure

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: Yes

Price: 20 000 or 20

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Maat
ID: 52390629

Hatchday: Jun 05, 2019

Element: Light
Primary: Phantom Silver
Secondary: Streak Grey
Tertiary: Gnarlhorns Grey

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 20 000 or 20

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Dust
ID: 51882261

Hatchday: May 17, 2019

Element: Ice
Primary: Phantom Dust
Secondary: Spirit Grey
Tertiary: Gnarlhorns Grey

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 20 000 or 20

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Reign
ID: 52670622

Hatchday: Jun 14, 2019 (oh snap happy birthday!)

Element: Arcane
Primary: Falcon Obsidian
Secondary: Basic Mulberry
Tertiary: Basic Charcoal

Bred: No
Unnamed: No

Price: 20 000 or 20
the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Pluto
ID: 22805467

Hatchday: Apr 13, 2016

Element: Shadow
Primary: Iridescent White
Secondary: Shimmer White
Tertiary: Glimmer Seafoam

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: Yes

Price: 30 000 or 30

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Circuit
ID: 8053243

Hatchday: Nov 23, 2014

Element: Wind
Primary: Iridescent Obsidian
Secondary: Shimmer Obsidian
Tertiary: Circuit Swamp

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 100 000 or 100

Unlisted to avoid scalpers since she's a 7-digit

Name: Sithiche
ID: 41930645

Hatchday: May 24, 2018

Element: Ice
Primary: Iridescent Obsidian
Secondary: Shimmer Obsidian
Tertiary: Firefly Chartreuse

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: No

Price: 20 000 or 20
the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Panora
ID: 39327399

Hatchday: Feb 07, 2018

Element: Water
Primary: Iridescent White
Secondary: Shimmer White
Tertiary: Opal Seafoam

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: Yes

Price: 20 000 or 20

the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Athena
ID: 51386188

Hatchday: Apr 28, 2019

Element: Water
Primary: Petals Overcast
Secondary: Butterfly Overcast
Tertiary: Glimmer Moon

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: Yes

Price: 20 000 or 20
the flight rising purchase button.

Name: Khonsu
ID: 51965904

Hatchday: May 20, 2019

Element: Ice
Primary: Petals Overcast
Secondary: Butterfly Overcast
Tertiary: Glimmer White

Bred: Yes
Unnamed: Yes

Price: 20 000 or 20
the flight rising purchase button.

- pinglist was here -
I have a couple dragons that I managed to snipe off the AH at fodder pricing. These lovelies are up for sale at PWYC pricing! [url=][img][/img][/url] 5 years old XXX Radioactive | Bred with none unnamed [url=][img][/img][/url] 9 years old XXY White with Platinum Tert | Only bred ONCE no unnamed.
I have a couple dragons that I managed to snipe off the AH at fodder pricing.
These lovelies are up for sale at PWYC pricing!

5 years old XXX Radioactive | Bred with none unnamed

9 years old XXY White with Platinum Tert | Only bred ONCE no unnamed.
gWy7Gj5.png w8o0xW1.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6kzhNSz1r2ao8y_540.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6kw7euk1r2ao8y_540.png

That coatl is lovely--are you offering to sell? I can't tell if you're showing old dragons you grabbed or looking to sell them haha and I figured I'd ask, as I'd be interested in the coatl!

That coatl is lovely--are you offering to sell? I can't tell if you're showing old dragons you grabbed or looking to sell them haha and I figured I'd ask, as I'd be interested in the coatl!
june | any/all | fr 3+
They are for sale! PWYC or Pay what you can.
They are for sale! PWYC or Pay what you can.
gWy7Gj5.png w8o0xW1.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6kzhNSz1r2ao8y_540.pngtumblr_inline_ojq6kw7euk1r2ao8y_540.png
@winterkitten1996 great! I'll set up a cr :)
@winterkitten1996 great! I'll set up a cr :)
june | any/all | fr 3+
@Confusion i'd love to buy this baby! [url=][img][/img][/url]
i'd love to buy this baby!
[url=][img][/img][/url] 5 year old, unbred, XYY in the AH for 40g! Can do treasure if asked!

5 year old, unbred, XYY in the AH for 40g! Can do treasure if asked!
Orca | they/he
Please check dragon profiles for pronouns before mentioning them!
[columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Rassevius [b]ID:[/b] #56398747 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Oct 30, 2019 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Primary:[/b] Dust Basic [b]Secondary:[/b] Smoke Basic [b]Tertiary:[/b] Smoke Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]50 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 50[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center] [b]NOTE:[/b] listed on the AH for 75g. Contact me via CR or PM to pick him up at this price. [/columns] ----- [columns][center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol] [b]Name:[/b] Mirionath [b]ID:[/b] #48457133 [b]Hatchday:[/b] Jan 11, 2019 [s]------[/s] [b]Element:[/b] Light [b]Primary:[/b] Jungle Basic [b]Secondary:[/b] Jungle Basic [b]Tertiary:[/b] Cyan Basic [b]Bred:[/b] No [b]Unnamed:[/b] No [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]70 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 70[emoji=gem size=1][/size] [center] [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center] [b]NOTE:[/b] She is listed for 150g; Contact me to pick her up for the above price. I'm not convinced I wanna sell her haha; she's the only remaining offspring of my Progen female from before I scattered her so I really want her to go to a 'forever' home (or at least, someone who intends to keep her forever. things change <3). That's why her price is a little above the 10kt per year </3.[/columns]

Name: Rassevius
ID: #56398747

Hatchday: Oct 30, 2019

Element: Light
Primary: Dust Basic
Secondary: Smoke Basic
Tertiary: Smoke Basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: No

Price: 50 000 or 50

the flight rising purchase button.
NOTE: listed on the AH for 75g. Contact me via CR or PM to pick him up at this price.


Name: Mirionath
ID: #48457133

Hatchday: Jan 11, 2019

Element: Light
Primary: Jungle Basic
Secondary: Jungle Basic
Tertiary: Cyan Basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: No

Price: 70 000 or 70

the flight rising purchase button.

NOTE: She is listed for 150g; Contact me to pick her up for the above price. I'm not convinced I wanna sell her haha; she's the only remaining offspring of my Progen female from before I scattered her so I really want her to go to a 'forever' home (or at least, someone who intends to keep her forever. things change <3). That's why her price is a little above the 10kt per year </3.
Aussie | she/her

Activity | Projects | UMAs
Farming Notes
Pretty Fodder

Got a new oldie looking for a home! [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Name: Mountain[/b] [b]ID: 70120608[/b] [b]Hatchday: 16 June 2021[/b] (reason as to why I'm listing him as a 3-year old instead of a 2-year old, he'll be 3 years old tomorrow!) [s]------[/s] [b]Element: Ice[/b] [b]Primary: Umber basic[/b] [b]Secondary: Navy basic[/b] [b]Tertiary: Lavender basic[/b] [b]Bred: No[/b] [b]Unnamed: not applicable [/b] [b]Extra note: He's lvl 25 (+ 200g), and a G1 Obelisk (+ 20g) [/b] [s]------[/s] [b]Price:[/b] [size=4]250 000[emoji=treasure size=1] or 250[emoji=gem size=1][/size] - listed for g [center] Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here: [url=][img alt="the flight rising purchase button."][/img][/url][/center][/columns]
Got a new oldie looking for a home!
Name: Mountain
ID: 70120608

Hatchday: 16 June 2021 (reason as to why I'm listing him as a 3-year old instead of a 2-year old, he'll be 3 years old tomorrow!)

Element: Ice
Primary: Umber basic
Secondary: Navy basic
Tertiary: Lavender basic

Bred: No
Unnamed: not applicable
Extra note: He's lvl 25 (+ 200g), and a G1 Obelisk (+ 20g)

Price: 250 000 or 250 - listed for g
Once posted on the AH, add the link to it here:
the flight rising purchase button.
I have a few oldies to purge if anyone wants them. Old Oaks price or if you want to foster them I'll take fodder for them. Whisper-5yo 50kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url] Abyss- 6yo 60kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url] Featherwind-5yo 50kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have a few oldies to purge if anyone wants them. Old Oaks price or if you want to foster them I'll take fodder for them.

Whisper-5yo 50kt/g

Abyss- 6yo 60kt/g

Featherwind-5yo 50kt/g