
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | WIGHTSPARK ♦ A Special Halloween Hatch!
All of these updates are amazing!
All of these updates are amazing!
Clan Ignatius Tumblr:Click banner above for lore, art, and more
Just to check, but would it be possible to still purchase a dragon using the general pinglist discount if you're a newcomer that just started following the hatchery?

That is to say, I'm very interested in Hellion, but I only found your hatchery and put myself on the pinglist last night, so I don't know if the discount would apply to me or not.

Since I only added myself to Hellion's parent pair only last night for the same reason, I would definitely assume that it would be too soon for that discount to apply, but it's not a big deal if that's the case.
Just to check, but would it be possible to still purchase a dragon using the general pinglist discount if you're a newcomer that just started following the hatchery?

That is to say, I'm very interested in Hellion, but I only found your hatchery and put myself on the pinglist last night, so I don't know if the discount would apply to me or not.

Since I only added myself to Hellion's parent pair only last night for the same reason, I would definitely assume that it would be too soon for that discount to apply, but it's not a big deal if that's the case.
art by noodlestuff

Oh yes, you are absolutely welcome to the general pinglist discount! That's intended to be like a subscriber's reward, so you can have that immediately! Would you like me to send him via CR?

Oh yes, you are absolutely welcome to the general pinglist discount! That's intended to be like a subscriber's reward, so you can have that immediately! Would you like me to send him via CR?
Yes, I would love for him to be sent to me via CR! Thank you for letting me know about how the pinglist discount works!
Yes, I would love for him to be sent to me via CR! Thank you for letting me know about how the pinglist discount works!
art by noodlestuff
giphy.gif tumblr_inline_n85opuFWYS1rv24xe.gif
everett | they/them
+3 FR time

Hello friends! This is just a quick ping to let you know that for the next 12 hours, all of my adult dragons are highly discounted! Please see this post for the new pricing.

If you are interested in one of these dragons, please send me a CR for the asking price. No discounts on this round because the sale is already pretty steep. After twelve hours, the left over kids will be leveled an exalted to the Stormcatcher!

Sorry, but he's the boss!

@girlgirlDragon @MisterMylez @Ignatius @Seance @Etherium @SerpentStrike @Ryuuna @jr413 @bogbody @Wytche @amberwing @MangoLlama @yall @Shadowdawn199 @symbi0te @Parkakid

Hello friends! This is just a quick ping to let you know that for the next 12 hours, all of my adult dragons are highly discounted! Please see this post for the new pricing.

If you are interested in one of these dragons, please send me a CR for the asking price. No discounts on this round because the sale is already pretty steep. After twelve hours, the left over kids will be leveled an exalted to the Stormcatcher!

Sorry, but he's the boss!

@girlgirlDragon @MisterMylez @Ignatius @Seance @Etherium @SerpentStrike @Ryuuna @jr413 @bogbody @Wytche @amberwing @MangoLlama @yall @Shadowdawn199 @symbi0te @Parkakid
Just to let you know, I already bought Hellion off you via Crossroads a few days ago but you still have him up!
Just to let you know, I already bought Hellion off you via Crossroads a few days ago but you still have him up!
art by noodlestuff
Ah, thank you so much! That was an oversight on my part XD
Ah, thank you so much! That was an oversight on my part XD