
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Bewitched Hatchery: UPDATE 21/02 BANANAS
[u][/u][center] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center] [center][size=4][b][color=yellowgreen]Welcome to the Bewitched Hatchery![/color] Here you may acquire dragons of most shapes and colors, bred with joy under [color=greenyellow]Windsinger[/color]'s protection.[/b][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center][b][size=4][u]Rules[/u][/size][/b][/center] [LIST] [*]1. Payment uses 1g:1 000t ratio. Mixed payments and haggling is alright. Only two-way CRs, please! [*]2. If you exalt dragons you bought here, please be considerate and name them. [*]3. Some dragons will be named, some won't. [*]4. This will be first come first serve. [b]Dragons are on AH[/b], if you want to pay in different currency than what they're listed on AH with, just leave a message! :) [*]5. [b]50% discount[/b] for newbies, Wind flight members and/or if the dragon has the same birthday as you! You must bring up that you qualify for a discount when making a purchase to get it. [/LIST] [center][img][/img][center]

Welcome to the Bewitched Hatchery! Here you may acquire dragons of most shapes and colors, bred with joy under Windsinger's protection.
  • 1. Payment uses 1g:1 000t ratio. Mixed payments and haggling is alright. Only two-way CRs, please!
  • 2. If you exalt dragons you bought here, please be considerate and name them.
  • 3. Some dragons will be named, some won't.
  • 4. This will be first come first serve. Dragons are on AH, if you want to pay in different currency than what they're listed on AH with, just leave a message! :)
  • 5. 50% discount for newbies, Wind flight members and/or if the dragon has the same birthday as you! You must bring up that you qualify for a discount when making a purchase to get it.

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Dragons for Sale

Miscellaneous Hatchlings

Dragons for Sale

Miscellaneous Hatchlings

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[center][b][u][color=yellowgreen][size=5]Pairs[/size][/color][/u][/b][/center] [b]Price might go up a little bit in case of rare eyes or a gene that has very little odds. Ask to be added to a ping list if you're interested! You can also ask me to remove you from the ping list whenever you want! =)[/b] General ping list: [b]Bananacondas of Eden 30kt/g[/b] [b]This pair will nest in a light/earth nest.[/b] [img][/img] [center][b]Possibilities[/b][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] Ping list: @daisiology male/light/stained @OnyxPrime @zine male stained

Price might go up a little bit in case of rare eyes or a gene that has very little odds. Ask to be added to a ping list if you're interested! You can also ask me to remove you from the ping list whenever you want! =)

General ping list:

Bananacondas of Eden

This pair will nest in a light/earth nest.

Ping list: @daisiology male/light/stained
@zine male stained
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I just noticed I don't have lair space!
When I'm able to free some up i'll check back here but if someone else asks for her you can give them
I just noticed I don't have lair space!
When I'm able to free some up i'll check back here but if someone else asks for her you can give them
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click a jar to donate to causes for free!


@GrimdarkRoxy Oh alrighty! I'll remember you :D
@GrimdarkRoxy Oh alrighty! I'll remember you :D
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[center][font=cambria]@bosmerboy Can I buy Juno from you please? So pretty~ [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
Can I buy Juno from you please? So pretty~


@Rinstail yes, you may! I'll send you a CR
@Rinstail yes, you may! I'll send you a CR
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@bosmerboy I would love to purchase “Rain” for 10kt
@bosmerboy I would love to purchase “Rain” for 10kt
@Piktsy Alright! I'll set up a CR
@Piktsy Alright! I'll set up a CR
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happy bump just for fun
happy bump just for fun