
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | DWF Dragon Sales (Closed)
[url=][img][/img][/url] Hello, and welcome to the Dragonwish Foundation's dragon sales thread. This thread is currently closed, as Ebonixi has taken over the DWF sales thread. You can find the new thread here: [url=]DWF Dragon Sales[/url]!
Hello, and welcome to the Dragonwish Foundation's dragon sales thread. This thread is currently closed, as Ebonixi has taken over the DWF sales thread. You can find the new thread here: DWF Dragon Sales!

The Dragons
To see the dragons we have for sale, visit the new thread here.

The Dragons
To see the dragons we have for sale, visit the new thread here.


Due to the nature of this thread and due to the ever-changing projects, there aren't any established permanent pairs here, nor is there any guarantee that a dragon like the ones above will ever appear again. That being said, if you wish to be pinged for certain things, from being pinged whenever new dragons are added, to just being pinged for specific breeds, themes, etc, you can certainly ask, and I'll add you to our pinglist.

For New Additions:
@/Aikka @/AlphaSnowdust @/Alternatewarning @/Blushunt @/Dest @/DragonSister @/DrakoTheDragon @/Emmyhowrse @/Farside @/Foxil @/lalafell @/LouckyKoneko @/Meyoline @/moonstrucksmorns @/SeaCrest @/sense @/telepathetical @/Ultrasuede @/vasilyssa

For Coatls:
@/Okinawa @/PuffinSweater


Due to the nature of this thread and due to the ever-changing projects, there aren't any established permanent pairs here, nor is there any guarantee that a dragon like the ones above will ever appear again. That being said, if you wish to be pinged for certain things, from being pinged whenever new dragons are added, to just being pinged for specific breeds, themes, etc, you can certainly ask, and I'll add you to our pinglist.

For New Additions:
@/Aikka @/AlphaSnowdust @/Alternatewarning @/Blushunt @/Dest @/DragonSister @/DrakoTheDragon @/Emmyhowrse @/Farside @/Foxil @/lalafell @/LouckyKoneko @/Meyoline @/moonstrucksmorns @/SeaCrest @/sense @/telepathetical @/Ultrasuede @/vasilyssa

For Coatls:
@/Okinawa @/PuffinSweater
-----[center][size=5][b]Information for DWF Breeders[/b][/size][/center]----- To submit a dragon, message me, Ganondorf, to show the dragon in question for appraisal. The dragon must be nice enough to reasonably expect to sell at 30kt/30g. Once I've given the go-ahead, fill out the form for the dragon listing and post it to this thread, and list your dragon on the AH for at least 30kt or 30g. [quote="Dragon Listing Form"] [[i][/i]columns] [DRAGON WIDGET HERE] [[i][/i]nextcol] [[i][/i]code] [[i][/i]columns] [DRAGON WIDGET HERE] [[i][/i]nextcol] [[i][/i]b]Dragon's Name[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems [Extra information goes here, for example: Doubles/Triples Special eye types [[i][/i]i]# of offspring[/i] Age, if >1 year old. Gen ones or special IDs] From [[i][/i]url=YOUR PROFILE URL]YOUR NAME[/url]! Listed by [[i][/i]url=LISTER'S PROFILE URL]LISTER'S NAME[/url]! (if different) [[i][/i]/columns] [[i][/i]/code] [[i][/i]/columns] [/quote] The completed form when done correctly will look something like this: [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [code] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Example[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems [i]3 named kids.[/i] From [url=]Ganondorf[/url]! [/columns] [/code] [/columns] Once a week on Sundays, I will round up all the new listings posted for that week, and update the front page of this thread with the new listings, as well as ping our sales pinglist with the new additions. [b]No one else may use the sales pinglist.[/b] [size=4][b]Pricing[/b][/size] All dragons will be sold for a minimum of 30k treasure. In rare cases, such as with primal/multigaze eyes, gen ones, old, or very exceptional dragons, the price may be higher. If you need pricing advice, feel free to ask. As such, the minimum the breeder will receive for listing a dragon is 15k, with the other 15k going to the DWF bank, to be used on things like purchasing gene or breed scrolls. Our current gem:treasure ratio is 1:1000. To keep stock fresh, all dragons have at most 8 weeks to sell, though some breeders may not be able to hold onto them for so long and can remove them sooner, though it is asked that they be listed for at least a week.

Information for DWF Breeders

To submit a dragon, message me, Ganondorf, to show the dragon in question for appraisal. The dragon must be nice enough to reasonably expect to sell at 30kt/30g. Once I've given the go-ahead, fill out the form for the dragon listing and post it to this thread, and list your dragon on the AH for at least 30kt or 30g.
Dragon Listing Form wrote:
[b]Dragon's Name[/b]
30k treasure/30 gems
[Extra information goes here, for example:
Special eye types
[i]# of offspring[/i]
Age, if >1 year old.
Gen ones or special IDs]

Listed by [url=LISTER'S PROFILE URL]LISTER'S NAME[/url]! (if different)
The completed form when done correctly will look something like this:
[columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Example[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems [i]3 named kids.[/i] From [url=]Ganondorf[/url]! [/columns]

Once a week on Sundays, I will round up all the new listings posted for that week, and update the front page of this thread with the new listings, as well as ping our sales pinglist with the new additions. No one else may use the sales pinglist.

All dragons will be sold for a minimum of 30k treasure. In rare cases, such as with primal/multigaze eyes, gen ones, old, or very exceptional dragons, the price may be higher. If you need pricing advice, feel free to ask. As such, the minimum the breeder will receive for listing a dragon is 15k, with the other 15k going to the DWF bank, to be used on things like purchasing gene or breed scrolls. Our current gem:treasure ratio is 1:1000.

To keep stock fresh, all dragons have at most 8 weeks to sell, though some breeders may not be able to hold onto them for so long and can remove them sooner, though it is asked that they be listed for at least a week.

Sold Dragons

You can see the dragons sold on this thread while I was running it below:
Dragons Sold in: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 (First Half)

Sold Dragons

You can see the dragons sold on this thread while I was running it below:
Dragons Sold in: 2019 | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 (First Half)

could you ping me for new dragons please?

could you ping me for new dragons please?
@Kisk, done! We've also got 4 new additions today. [quote] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Mfanwy[/b] XXX Bronze 50k treasure Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Mirage[/b] 30k treasure XYY Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [/quote]
@Kisk, done! We've also got 4 new additions today.
49932748_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure
Held by Ganondorf
48854442_350.png Mfanwy
XXX Bronze
50k treasure
Held by Ganondorf
43797672_350.png Mirage
30k treasure
Held by Ganondorf
49740869_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure
Held by Ganondorf
We have two new additions! @Kisk [quote][columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems XYY Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems XXY Held by Ganondorf [/columns][/quote]
We have two new additions!
50003153_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure/30 gems
Held by Ganondorf
50060558_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure/30 gems
Held by Ganondorf
Zyleni sold, and we have two new additions! @Kisk [quote][columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Unnamed[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems Held by Ganondorf [/columns][/quote]
Zyleni sold, and we have two new additions!
49898487_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure/30 gems
Held by Ganondorf
50121589_350.png Unnamed
30k treasure/30 gems
Held by Ganondorf
We have 4 new additions, all parents from a project, two of them oldies, and Cladent sold! @Kisk [quote][columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]CrystalineLake[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems XXY [i]3 kids, all named.[/i] Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Royal[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems 3 years old! [i]17 kids, all named.[/i] Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Pyrite[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems [i]1 kid, named.[/i] Held by Ganondorf [/columns] [columns] [url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol] [b]Starwind[/b] 30k treasure/30 gems 4 years old! [i]38 kids, 2 unnamed but not exalted.[/i] Held by Ganondorf [/columns][/quote]
We have 4 new additions, all parents from a project, two of them oldies, and Cladent sold!
47939912_350.png CrystalineLake
30k treasure/30 gems
3 kids, all named.
Held by Ganondorf
13378801_350.png Royal
30k treasure/30 gems
3 years old!
17 kids, all named.
Held by Ganondorf
48632589_350.png Pyrite
30k treasure/30 gems
1 kid, named.
Held by Ganondorf
4877576_350.png Starwind
30k treasure/30 gems
4 years old!
38 kids, 2 unnamed but not exalted.
Held by Ganondorf