
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Silent Stars-A Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
[size=2]Welcome to...[/size] [center][size=5] [font=spencer]North's Lore & Gijinka Hatchery[/font][/size] [img][/img] [size=2]Hello everyone! ♥ North here to say in my boredom the day before Valentine's I decided to do a silly thing...I wrote some sparing lore for a few Anti-Valentines...and found myself bitten by the lore bug. So! What does this mean? Well, I'm going to continue this lore theme, adding [b]Gijinkas I made using a dollmaker website[/b] as well as some graphics / elements from users on FR (with proper credit!) and some brain dumps from my own mind. Let's see how this goes![/size][/center]
Welcome to...
North's Lore & Gijinka Hatchery

Hello everyone! ♥ North here to say in my boredom the day before Valentine's I decided to do a silly thing...I wrote some sparing lore for a few Anti-Valentines...and found myself bitten by the lore bug.

So! What does this mean? Well, I'm going to continue this lore theme, adding Gijinkas I made using a dollmaker website as well as some graphics / elements from users on FR (with proper credit!) and some brain dumps from my own mind.

Let's see how this goes!
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Pinglist & Some Rules & FAQs oh my

1. Be respectful
2. Please do not claim my work or the work of others as your own!
3. Once the dragon is yours, you can edit / remove what you like from the dragon! But if you do keep any eliminates of mine please don't remove the credit ;~; Simply on principle!
4. Please no drama llamas. We're not a petting zoo full of fluffy nonsense or anything like that. o3o; (By 'we' I meant the rule we, harharhar).
5. Respect FR rules please!

Ohh North I love the bio bits you use. Where did that come from?
- I typically use assets made by Poisonedpaper. Check them out!

North, what do you use to make the dolls?
- This website! I find a dollmaker that works with what's in my head and I go with it.

And the lore and code? That comes from...?
- Me. I do both. Nothing too fancy but I try!
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Pinglist & Some Rules & FAQs oh my

1. Be respectful
2. Please do not claim my work or the work of others as your own!
3. Once the dragon is yours, you can edit / remove what you like from the dragon! But if you do keep any eliminates of mine please don't remove the credit ;~; Simply on principle!
4. Please no drama llamas. We're not a petting zoo full of fluffy nonsense or anything like that. o3o; (By 'we' I meant the rule we, harharhar).
5. Respect FR rules please!

Ohh North I love the bio bits you use. Where did that come from?
- I typically use assets made by Poisonedpaper. Check them out!

North, what do you use to make the dolls?
- This website! I find a dollmaker that works with what's in my head and I go with it.

And the lore and code? That comes from...?
- Me. I do both. Nothing too fancy but I try!
[size=2]Silent Stars...a [i]Lore[/i] & Gijinka Hatchery[/size] [center][center][size=5] [font=spencer]What's for sale[/font][/size][/center] [quote=Soren] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center] [font=spencer][size=6][color=#731e3b]Soren[/color][/size][/font] [img][/img] [color=#41143d][i][size=3]the[/size] [size=5]K[/size][size=3]ing of Men[/size][/i][/color] [img][/img][/center] --------------- --------------- [size=3][b][/b][i][color=#731e3b][size=2][center][b][i][color=#731e3b][size=2]The First born is always the strongest. The First born is always to rule[/b][/size][/color][/i][b][/b][/size][/center][/size][/color][/i] [size=3][b]"[/b][i][color=#731e3b][size=2]Facts by which the world turns. Soren was the first born. He shouldered the responsibilities his younger brothers did not have to endure. As the first, the family namesakes were for him. He needed to be the strongest. The most agile. The [b]King[/b] of men. And as he grew, he explored the regions, born from the Starfall Isles and spending much of his formative years in the Southern Icefields. Like the lands he now called home, his heart hardened. In a years time, when the day of his birth comes again he wonders with the farsightedness instilled in him from his father if, [b]if[/b] he would be the true King. Would he rule over his people? If so, which? Would he have a mate by his side or would respect and responsibility be his companion? As he waits for this day, Soren studies. He trains diligently and he grows. He reads and hardeneds the mind. He looks at the world less so with wonder but with obstacles and tests he must pass. To be King is to have all the answers and any sign of weakness is a vulnerability he can not afford.[/size][/color][/i][b]"[/b][/size] [center][img][/img] [/center] [right][size=2]Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534 Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189 Gijinka: Dolldivine website[/size][/right][/columns] [/quote] [quote=Aadya] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center] [font=spencer][size=6][color=#252c31]Aadya[/color][/size][/font] [img][/img] [color=#000c39][i][size=3]the[/size] [size=5]T[/size][size=3]racker[/size][/i][/color] [img][/img] [/center] --------------- --------------- [size=3][b]"[/b][i][color=#000c39][size=2]Aadya is a woman who at a young age master the 5 scenes. She is well equip for her role in the clan - the Tracker, the [b]Hunter[/b]. With her skills she is able to bring food and drink to the table, a woman built to roam through the Coliseums regardless of which region it lays in. A Tracker that comes from the Icefield's, Aadya is an adaptive and skilled individual able to be given a task and execute without issue. Loyal and diligent, she often times finds yourself in the clan leads inner circle, preferring to keep it professional about still looking for something permanent. Unlike her sisters, Aadya does not rely in magic to defend herself though it is a common trait for the Imperial Breed. She prefers hand to hand combat and is most skilled when put against an opponent when she focuses on the use of short / med-range weapons such as the sword or spear. Of all long-range options, Aadya is skilled in the bow and arrow though does not prefer it. She spends her rations and won prizes on new and shiny tools of the trade to continue to make her an effective tracker and valuable asset to any clan. [/size][/color][/i][b]"[/b][/size] [center][img][/img] [/center] [right][size=2]Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534 Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189 Gijinka: Dolldivine website[/size][/right][/columns] [/quote] [quote=Kristine] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][center] [font=spencer][size=6][color=#631e99]Kristine[/color][/size][/font] [img][/img] [color=#a377dc][i][size=3]the[/size] [size=5]E[/size][size=3]ntertainer[/size][/i][/color] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] [/center] --------------- --------------- [size=3][b]"[/b][i][color=#631e99][size=2]Kristine is the life of the party! From the day she was born it was like the world sang for her arrival! Singing, dancing, laughing! She's got it all. A loving woman whose goal is to bring cheer to the clan she calls home...which is a silly thing to hear. Why limit herself? Every clan is home! Everyday's an adventure! With a terrible sense of direction and a reoccuring need to experience new things, Kristine is often times found wandering off, following the music all around her and making her way to her nest new place! She hums sweet tones, often complimented on her angelic sound and infectious dancing rhythm. Kristine is great with children. She takes care of the clan's hatchlings like they were her own (but don't forget that terrible sense of direction! She might get herself and the little ones lost if you leave the alone together!). She can't wait to be a mother of her own to share this wonderful world with them! So they might dance and laugh and sing together and make friends with all of her own and explore and experience all the things she's see and more! To a bright and brilliant future. ♥[/size][/color][/i][b]"[/b][/size] [center][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [/center] [right][size=2]Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534 Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189 Gijinka: Dolldivine website[/size][/right][/columns] [/quote] [/center]
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
What's for sale
Soren wrote:

the King of Men


The First born is always the strongest.
The First born is always to rule

"Facts by which the world turns. Soren was the first born. He shouldered the responsibilities his younger brothers did not have to endure. As the first, the family namesakes were for him.

He needed to be the strongest. The most agile. The King of men. And as he grew, he explored the regions, born from the Starfall Isles and spending much of his formative years in the Southern Icefields. Like the lands he now called home, his heart hardened.

In a years time, when the day of his birth comes again he wonders with the farsightedness instilled in him from his father if, if he would be the true King. Would he rule over his people? If so, which? Would he have a mate by his side or would respect and responsibility be his companion?

As he waits for this day, Soren studies. He trains diligently and he grows. He reads and hardeneds the mind. He looks at the world less so with wonder but with obstacles and tests he must pass. To be King is to have all the answers and any sign of weakness is a vulnerability he can not afford.

Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534
Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189
Gijinka: Dolldivine website
Aadya wrote:

Grotesque-L.png the Tracker Grotesque-R.png

"Aadya is a woman who at a young age master the 5 scenes. She is well equip for her role in the clan - the Tracker, the Hunter. With her skills she is able to bring food and drink to the table, a woman built to roam through the Coliseums regardless of which region it lays in.

A Tracker that comes from the Icefield's, Aadya is an adaptive and skilled individual able to be given a task and execute without issue. Loyal and diligent, she often times finds yourself in the clan leads inner circle, preferring to keep it professional about still looking for something permanent.

Unlike her sisters, Aadya does not rely in magic to defend herself though it is a common trait for the Imperial Breed. She prefers hand to hand combat and is most skilled when put against an opponent when she focuses on the use of short / med-range weapons such as the sword or spear. Of all long-range options, Aadya is skilled in the bow and arrow though does not prefer it.

She spends her rations and won prizes on new and shiny tools of the trade to continue to make her an effective tracker and valuable asset to any clan.


Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534
Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189
Gijinka: Dolldivine website
Kristine wrote:

extra1.png the Entertainer extra1.png

"Kristine is the life of the party! From the day she was born it was like the world sang for her arrival! Singing, dancing, laughing! She's got it all. A loving woman whose goal is to bring cheer to the clan she calls home...which is a silly thing to hear. Why limit herself? Every clan is home!

Everyday's an adventure! With a terrible sense of direction and a reoccuring need to experience new things, Kristine is often times found wandering off, following the music all around her and making her way to her nest new place! She hums sweet tones, often complimented on her angelic sound and infectious dancing rhythm.

Kristine is great with children. She takes care of the clan's hatchlings like they were her own (but don't forget that terrible sense of direction! She might get herself and the little ones lost if you leave the alone together!). She can't wait to be a mother of her own to share this wonderful world with them!

So they might dance and laugh and sing together and make friends with all of her own and explore and experience all the things she's see and more! To a bright and brilliant future. ♥


Lore & Code: NorthernLiights || 359534
Images: Poisonedpaper || 47189
Gijinka: Dolldivine website
[size=2]Silent Stars...a [i]Lore[/i] & Gijinka Hatchery[/size] [center][size=5] [font=spencer]Past Sales[/font][/size] [columns] [url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/columns] [columns][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol][url=] [img][/img] [/url][nextcol]x[nextcol]x[nextcol]x[nextcol]x[nextcol]x [/columns] [/center]
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Past Sales









x x x x x
[size=2]Silent Stars...a [i]Lore[/i] & Gijinka Hatchery[/size] [center][size=5] [font=spencer]Affiliates[/font][/size] ♥I make graphics! Click banner for details♥ [url=][img][/img][/url] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [/center]
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery

♥I make graphics! Click banner for details♥
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
And open!
Silent Stars...a Lore & Gijinka Hatchery
And open!