I would Like buy this guy please. I was also wondering if you can hold him until finish leveling my fodder and selling it..
I would Like buy this guy please. I was also wondering if you can hold him until finish leveling my fodder and selling it..

@PurpleTartan aha! In that case, here's mine:
@nana64 Of course! Just send me a CR whenever you wanna take him. I also have another dragon I'm holding for you for breeding, but I didn't write down the dragon he was gonna breed with. Here's the dragon I have if you still want him: [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=45210425]
PurpleTartan aha! In that case, here's mine:
nana64 Of course! Just send me a CR whenever you wanna take him. I also have another dragon I'm holding for you for breeding, but I didn't write down the dragon he was gonna breed with. Here's the dragon I have if you still want him:

TooElfy awesome, adding you now. :3
TooElfy awesome, adding you now. :3
yep I will get cleared up and get them I the one for breeding has 4 days still before it will be ready
yep I will get cleared up and get them I the one for breeding has 4 days still before it will be ready
I am ready for the tree now How much do I owe you?
I am ready for the tree now How much do I owe you?
nana64 You can have him for free, it'll be my Christmas present to you ^-^
nana64 You can have him for free, it'll be my Christmas present to you ^-^
Oh I'm such a newbie--I messaged you on your homepage but didn't think to ask you here! I;m a new user and was wondering how to go about the two free bbs for new members? Are there certain ones available? Thank you!
Oh I'm such a newbie--I messaged you on your homepage but didn't think to ask you here! I;m a new user and was wondering how to go about the two free bbs for new members? Are there certain ones available? Thank you!
frizzled You can message me however you like! You can pick any two of the dragons I have listed for sale. Right now I only have three listed (more on the 25th!), but I also have three fae hatchlings that I haven't gotten around to listing, if you wanna check them out they're on the fourth page of my lair ^-^ You can post on here or send me a PM with their ID numbers, or you can generate a BBCode by clicking "Generate Code" under the dragon's energy level and copy/pasting it
frizzled You can message me however you like! You can pick any two of the dragons I have listed for sale. Right now I only have three listed (more on the 25th!), but I also have three fae hatchlings that I haven't gotten around to listing, if you wanna check them out they're on the fourth page of my lair ^-^ You can post on here or send me a PM with their ID numbers, or you can generate a BBCode by clicking "Generate Code" under the dragon's energy level and copy/pasting it
Great! ...I'm struggling to flip thru the pages on this thread to find which two you have listed? (Sorry, very newb). I see Ripple, a free draggo, is there another my eyes are missing?
Great! ...I'm struggling to flip thru the pages on this thread to find which two you have listed? (Sorry, very newb). I see Ripple, a free draggo, is there another my eyes are missing?
frizzled The post right above that! I forgot about the Halloween hatchling, so there should be four dragons listed in the post before the one with Ripple
frizzled The post right above that! I forgot about the Halloween hatchling, so there should be four dragons listed in the post before the one with Ripple