
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | The hatchery of the Salad
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Could I get that Facet baby please? ^-^ He's precious!
Could I get that Facet baby please? ^-^ He's precious!
scuz me, what u
My mama's better than yours!
treasure_badge_100.png nosy, aren't ya?
@Oreosalad Since I am not a HUGE fan of the butterfly gene, I suppose I have to wait for the next batch for one with facet wings! Would be nice :)
@Oreosalad Since I am not a HUGE fan of the butterfly gene, I suppose I have to wait for the next batch for one with facet wings! Would be nice :)
@Gravebloom alright! care to pick a name for the little one, and ill send him your way :) Do you want to stay on their pinglist?

@Sssasha alright! I'll keep you on the pinglist :) I'm so sorry you have to wait! I'll knock off another 5k, making it just 10k/10g upon purchase!
@Gravebloom alright! care to pick a name for the little one, and ill send him your way :) Do you want to stay on their pinglist?

@Sssasha alright! I'll keep you on the pinglist :) I'm so sorry you have to wait! I'll knock off another 5k, making it just 10k/10g upon purchase!
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@oreosalad, Sorry for the late reply, I was on my anniversary vacation :"D
I would love to take one of the Hollow's Magic babies IF either of them are Wildclaw - genes/gender/colors don't matter to me. If there aren't any Wildclaws on Halloween, I'd love to get one when you breed them after CD. Is that request alright?
@oreosalad, Sorry for the late reply, I was on my anniversary vacation :"D
I would love to take one of the Hollow's Magic babies IF either of them are Wildclaw - genes/gender/colors don't matter to me. If there aren't any Wildclaws on Halloween, I'd love to get one when you breed them after CD. Is that request alright?
@Douglas absolutely! You get first dibs on a WC.
@Douglas absolutely! You get first dibs on a WC.
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@oreosalad Coud I get a ping for the Egypt pair hatchlings on Nov 4th? I didn't know that was King Tut Day, and it's coincidentally my birthday! :-D
@oreosalad Coud I get a ping for the Egypt pair hatchlings on Nov 4th? I didn't know that was King Tut Day, and it's coincidentally my birthday! :-D
@Oreosalad Oh not to worry, I don't mind waiting for pretty dragons :D Mind putting me down for facet wings though (so I don't forget or something silly!)
@Oreosalad Oh not to worry, I don't mind waiting for pretty dragons :D Mind putting me down for facet wings though (so I don't forget or something silly!)
@Oreosalad could you name him Sebastian please? ^^
@Oreosalad could you name him Sebastian please? ^^
scuz me, what u
My mama's better than yours!
treasure_badge_100.png nosy, aren't ya?
@Tannos absolutely! :D since its your birthday as well I'll send you a special gift with it! :)

@Sssasha absolutely! ill make a note of that too! :)

@Gravebloom absolutely! sending the CR now :D

sorry it took me so long to respond! :) I have been busy the majority of the day.
@Tannos absolutely! :D since its your birthday as well I'll send you a special gift with it! :)

@Sssasha absolutely! ill make a note of that too! :)

@Gravebloom absolutely! sending the CR now :D

sorry it took me so long to respond! :) I have been busy the majority of the day.
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