Who Runs This Place?
OverlordFreya and @
serebronaga are the current admin team for this hub. If you have any questions or comments, please send us a PM or ping us here!
How Do I Become a Member?
Add yourself to our member list! Please stop over to the
main hub to see what qualifies as a Tree Dragon. Membership is always open and helps potential buyers find your hatchery. You do not have to be a member to be on a pinglist and so the member list should be reserved for those who are breeders (hatchery not required if you offer private sales, for example). If for any reason you cannot add yourself to the pinglist, feel free to ping either of us and we'll add you!
How Do I Sign Up to See All the Pretty Trees?
Add yourself to a pinglist!
+ You can add yourself to the general pinglist if you possibly want to see every sales post (it's up to the seller whether or not they use either of the pinglists) and announcement. You can also just be on the announcements pinglist.
+ You can add yourself to the Specifics pinglist if you only want to see certain tree types, dragons or traits.
How Do I Use the Pinglists / Memberlist?
If you need a little help, you can look at the example, which is at the top or beginning of every sheet or list. If the sheet or list runs out of room, you can add another row or column. If you're typing in a box and it's bigger than the space provided, the sheet will make room itself. Extra love to Droiline for updating and overhauling our pinglists!
+ If you have any questions, concerns or comments about the memberlist or pinglists, feel free to send them to either of the Hub's admins: @
Overlordfreya or @
.:: | Memberlist and Pinglists | ::.
Hub Post Format
When posting a dragon for sale, please use this simple format for your dragons. Feel free to add any other info you want, but please keep these basics:
[Dragon IMG code]
"Name" or ID Number
Gender, Genes, Eye Type & Colors
[b][Price][/b] [/columns]