
Dragons For Sale

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TOPIC | Looking for Female
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[center]Really wanna breed this guy when his time comes in 11 days [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [center] Primary: Green Basic Secondary: Jade Basic Tertiary: Sky Basic I know he's obviously still a little one, but I'd really just love to have a match lined up for him when he can finally breed. Provider of female will get first pick of the clutch.[/center]
Really wanna breed this guy when his time comes in 11 days

Primary: Green Basic
Secondary: Jade Basic
Tertiary: Sky Basic

I know he's obviously still a little one, but I'd really just love to have a match lined up for him when he can finally breed.
Provider of female will get first pick of the clutch.
i have this little cute one that will be able to breed in 15 days. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
i have this little cute one that will be able to breed in 15 days.

@F0uska She's an adorable little one :)
I do like the possible genes they could have so I'll keep you in mind if that's alright with you :)
@F0uska She's an adorable little one :)
I do like the possible genes they could have so I'll keep you in mind if that's alright with you :)
@izzylike Okay :)
@izzylike Okay :)
What are you looking for colour-wise? I've a Tundra and possibly two Mirrors to offer...
What are you looking for colour-wise? I've a Tundra and possibly two Mirrors to offer...
@Lyel As of yet I'm hoping to breed him with something that would keep a small gene range, other than that, there's really nothing specific I'm looking for.
@Lyel As of yet I'm hoping to breed him with something that would keep a small gene range, other than that, there's really nothing specific I'm looking for.
@izzylike This girl is ready to breed in 4 days if you're interested. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Oraxia is her name.
@izzylike This girl is ready to breed in 4 days if you're interested.


Oraxia is her name.
I can offer: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and while I can't promise you any one of them, as I've offered to keep one Mirror out of the three I got this breeding for another player as possible payment (gave pick of the litter as payment for a dragon, said litter consists of one egg) I have: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] and [url=] [img][/img] [/url] @izzylike
I can offer:


and while I can't promise you any one of them, as I've offered to keep one Mirror out of the three I got this breeding for another player as possible payment (gave pick of the litter as payment for a dragon, said litter consists of one egg) I have:




[url=] [img][/img] [/url] I have her though she isn't ready to breed for 15 days.


I have her though she isn't ready to breed for 15 days.
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