
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Level 25 Pumpkin Auction - ENDING SOON!
Hello everyone! Given that Halloween festivities, I wanted to open up my first level 25 auction. This handsome fellow is Jack: [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url] Starting Bid: 75,000 HB: 250k - SmallPlant AB: TBD Ending: December 07, 2014 @ noon, FR time[/center] He's currently [b]level 25[/b]! Jack is an [b][url=]unstated[/url][/b] and [b][url=]battle stone free[/url][/b] boy. In this auction, the winner will not only receive Jack as a level 25 dragon, but can choose from the following stones for him: [center][b]Ability Stones[/b] - 3 max, 1 of each kind[/center] [item=haste][item=reflect][item=bolster][item=ward][item=rally][item=eliminate][item=Jungle Slash][item=Envenom] [center][b]Augment Stones[/b] - 3 max, can pick 3 of one kind[/center] [item=berserker][item=Glass Hybrid Fragment][item=Shale Hybrid Fragment][item=Natural Might Fragment] [center][b]Accessory Stones[/b] - 2 max, can pick 2 of one kind[/center] [item=ambush][item=field manual] Jack will also include his own [item=Autumn Breeze] in honor of his fall colors! A bit more on Jack's colors? He's Fire/Leaf/Gold. While there are 23 dragons with this colors on this site, there are a total of 10 active. There are a total of 2 dragons, including Jack, with his color and gene combination. [b]Ending Date:[/b] TBD [b]Length of Bidding:[/b] As Jack is still being leveled, I am keeping the ending date open until he gets closer to being ready to go. As he gets closer to 25 and as I see how interested people are in him, I will determine when the date this will end and announce it at that point. [b]How to Bid:[/b] You can ping me with a bid, or you may send me a message. Should you wish to not be announced as the current highest bidder, please notify me of this. I will be keeping track of all bids in a private spreadsheet as to respect those that do not wish to be announced. Should you lose your spot of highest bidder, you will be notified. [b]Minimum Bid Increase:[/b] 1,000 treasure or equivalent [b]Acceptable Bids:[/b] Treasure and gems I think that is all I have to put in here for now but I will edit it as I seem fit. This auction is now open for business![b][/b]
Hello everyone! Given that Halloween festivities, I wanted to open up my first level 25 auction. This handsome fellow is Jack:


Starting Bid: 75,000
HB: 250k - SmallPlant
Ending: December 07, 2014 @ noon, FR time

He's currently level 25! Jack is an unstated and battle stone free boy. In this auction, the winner will not only receive Jack as a level 25 dragon, but can choose from the following stones for him:

Ability Stones - 3 max, 1 of each kind
Haste Reflect Bolster Ward Rally Eliminate Jungle Slash Envenom

Augment Stones - 3 max, can pick 3 of one kind
Berserker Glass Hybrid Fragment Shale Hybrid Fragment Natural Might Fragment

Accessory Stones - 2 max, can pick 2 of one kind
Ambush Field Manual

Jack will also include his own Autumn Breeze in honor of his fall colors!

A bit more on Jack's colors? He's Fire/Leaf/Gold. While there are 23 dragons with this colors on this site, there are a total of 10 active. There are a total of 2 dragons, including Jack, with his color and gene combination.

Ending Date: TBD
Length of Bidding: As Jack is still being leveled, I am keeping the ending date open until he gets closer to being ready to go. As he gets closer to 25 and as I see how interested people are in him, I will determine when the date this will end and announce it at that point.
How to Bid: You can ping me with a bid, or you may send me a message. Should you wish to not be announced as the current highest bidder, please notify me of this. I will be keeping track of all bids in a private spreadsheet as to respect those that do not wish to be announced. Should you lose your spot of highest bidder, you will be notified.
Minimum Bid Increase: 1,000 treasure or equivalent
Acceptable Bids: Treasure and gems

I think that is all I have to put in here for now but I will edit it as I seem fit. This auction is now open for business!
[center][b]Updates[/b][/center] October 26, 2014 [list][*] Made stone selections more clear to note where multiple of a single stone may be chosen [*] Jack is now level 11! [*] Jack is now level 12! [/list] October 28, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 13! [*] Jack is now level 14 and includes apparel item Autumn Breeze! [*] Jack is now level 15! [/list] November 06, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 16![/list] November 08, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 17![/list] November 10, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 18![/list] November 17, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 19![/list] November 22, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 20![/list] November 26, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 21![/list] November 28, 2014 [list] [*] Jack is now level 22![/list] December 04, 2014 [list] [*] Jack has been sent to NamedDame to expedite the last few levels![/list] December 05, 2014 [list] [*] Jack has returned and is level 25! NamedDame totally comes recommended for leveling services![/list]
October 26, 2014
  • Made stone selections more clear to note where multiple of a single stone may be chosen
  • Jack is now level 11!
  • Jack is now level 12!

October 28, 2014
  • Jack is now level 13!
  • Jack is now level 14 and includes apparel item Autumn Breeze!
  • Jack is now level 15!

November 06, 2014
  • Jack is now level 16!

November 08, 2014
  • Jack is now level 17!

November 10, 2014
  • Jack is now level 18!

November 17, 2014
  • Jack is now level 19!

November 22, 2014
  • Jack is now level 20!

November 26, 2014
  • Jack is now level 21!

November 28, 2014
  • Jack is now level 22!

December 04, 2014
  • Jack has been sent to NamedDame to expedite the last few levels!

December 05, 2014
  • Jack has returned and is level 25! NamedDame totally comes recommended for leveling services!
@isosDuke he's so pretty gosh ;w; can I put in a bid at 76,000?
@isosDuke he's so pretty gosh ;w; can I put in a bid at 76,000?
41979.png BONEVINE.
he/him | FR + ?

i c e
"Because you and me apart strikes me as intensely wrong."

Thank you and of course you may!
Thank you and of course you may!

Maybe if you put this In Raffles it would get more noticed/ If it's an Auction, list it as an auction so people don't get confused.

Best of luck~!

Maybe if you put this In Raffles it would get more noticed/ If it's an Auction, list it as an auction so people don't get confused.

Best of luck~!
Thank you for catching that for me! I have switched it around!
Thank you for catching that for me! I have switched it around!

No problem at all ^^~

Sorry if I came off rude, I was just confused lol

No problem at all ^^~

Sorry if I came off rude, I was just confused lol
Oh, you weren't rude at all! I had thought I had done that at one point and guess I forgot to double check so I really appreciate you bringing it to my attention!
Oh, you weren't rude at all! I had thought I had done that at one point and guess I forgot to double check so I really appreciate you bringing it to my attention!
I'll go 100k?
I'll go 100k?