
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Valeidoscope · Pearl Triples & XXY
Still sorry for not saying something earlier...
I got lost looking for where you pinged me and found this "need a mate" girl.

I'd actually still like to be on a list for her when shes got her mate/when you've put her up? *makes a bookmark of the thread*
Still sorry for not saying something earlier...
I got lost looking for where you pinged me and found this "need a mate" girl.

I'd actually still like to be on a list for her when shes got her mate/when you've put her up? *makes a bookmark of the thread*
@Randeh we simply must be friends now, can't be soulmates if we aren't friends that's elementary! Oh god no, we have a big house and all but only about forty, maybe fifty spiders live inside? A lot of them live outside but we've taken the time to name them too, who knows if the spider I saw yesterday is actually the same one I saw this morning. For all I know I bird ate the real Fred CDXXX - we'll never know.

There are plenty of big ones that's for sure! Hunstmenm, trap doors and funnel webs are the worst but hunstmen are mostly harmless they just hurt a lot when they bite you. Most of our spiders are just daddy long legs though - tiny body, long spindly legs and tiny, weak fangs. Most venomous spider we have but too whimpy to actually get through your skin unless you have a gaping wound. When I was a kid I used to put them on my shoulders and announce myself the spider king - I can't remember why???

Ahh I'm so excited! I've heard some good things about this season so i'm pumped for when it eventually gets here. Sunday nights with my cats and a bowl of popcorn will be back on~ Oooh you rooting for someone in particular? Good luck! My favourites are always off the island in about four episodes xD

20,000 divided by 400 is 50 right? Would that suffice for gems? Yeah I don't usually take much notice of dominance but I'm really into this cheaper lair expansions thing xD
@Randeh we simply must be friends now, can't be soulmates if we aren't friends that's elementary! Oh god no, we have a big house and all but only about forty, maybe fifty spiders live inside? A lot of them live outside but we've taken the time to name them too, who knows if the spider I saw yesterday is actually the same one I saw this morning. For all I know I bird ate the real Fred CDXXX - we'll never know.

There are plenty of big ones that's for sure! Hunstmenm, trap doors and funnel webs are the worst but hunstmen are mostly harmless they just hurt a lot when they bite you. Most of our spiders are just daddy long legs though - tiny body, long spindly legs and tiny, weak fangs. Most venomous spider we have but too whimpy to actually get through your skin unless you have a gaping wound. When I was a kid I used to put them on my shoulders and announce myself the spider king - I can't remember why???

Ahh I'm so excited! I've heard some good things about this season so i'm pumped for when it eventually gets here. Sunday nights with my cats and a bowl of popcorn will be back on~ Oooh you rooting for someone in particular? Good luck! My favourites are always off the island in about four episodes xD

20,000 divided by 400 is 50 right? Would that suffice for gems? Yeah I don't usually take much notice of dominance but I'm really into this cheaper lair expansions thing xD

Oh, no, please keep me on the list!

Oh, no, please keep me on the list!
@Fairyneko - Haha it's no problem, I promise! Yes I can definitely add you to her list when I put her up! I'll probably just put her on the front page even while I search for a mate so that I can remember the people that want on her list XD!!

@varified - Yep 50g works fine :)! I forgot about the cheaper lair expansions thing! I must keep that in mind! Thanks for the reminder, I was going to expand soon @o@!

Oh.My.Gosh. You are right! Should I make bracelets?! HAHA! That many spiders live...INSIDE YOUR HOUSE?!?! My mind is BLOWN. I've always wanted to go to Australia (mostly for sharks and the accents) but homygosh. I have one guy happily in the corner in my living room...right next to my venus fly trap (smart little guy xD!) and one in my bathroom...that I know of. You are a courageous beast for having that many xD! But at least they are named, that's a cool point in my book (many cool points). Those darn birds, always stealing our pals.

We have a ton of daddy long legs and like little guys but I never see any big ones...that being said it's cold most of the year where I am in Canada so that doesn't help the spider population xD! Not that I'm complaining. Because you were an awesome kid, no other reason for it!

I LOVE CATS! My babies are my snuggle babies 8D! They make the best of snugglers. I am rooting for someone! Like you my person is normally gone in the first few episodes...but not gone yet! AND the people that have gone home have all been (except for one) people I wanted to go home. So I'm happy this round 8D! THOUGH, some of the players are doing things that if you've watched Survivor before, you'd never do. Mind blowing.

@Scyther - Haha okay! :)

Btw, you spoke of Harry Potter earlier - excited at the potential new movie? I didn't read the books yet so I can't comment on any excitement there lol
@Fairyneko - Haha it's no problem, I promise! Yes I can definitely add you to her list when I put her up! I'll probably just put her on the front page even while I search for a mate so that I can remember the people that want on her list XD!!

@varified - Yep 50g works fine :)! I forgot about the cheaper lair expansions thing! I must keep that in mind! Thanks for the reminder, I was going to expand soon @o@!

Oh.My.Gosh. You are right! Should I make bracelets?! HAHA! That many spiders live...INSIDE YOUR HOUSE?!?! My mind is BLOWN. I've always wanted to go to Australia (mostly for sharks and the accents) but homygosh. I have one guy happily in the corner in my living room...right next to my venus fly trap (smart little guy xD!) and one in my bathroom...that I know of. You are a courageous beast for having that many xD! But at least they are named, that's a cool point in my book (many cool points). Those darn birds, always stealing our pals.

We have a ton of daddy long legs and like little guys but I never see any big ones...that being said it's cold most of the year where I am in Canada so that doesn't help the spider population xD! Not that I'm complaining. Because you were an awesome kid, no other reason for it!

I LOVE CATS! My babies are my snuggle babies 8D! They make the best of snugglers. I am rooting for someone! Like you my person is normally gone in the first few episodes...but not gone yet! AND the people that have gone home have all been (except for one) people I wanted to go home. So I'm happy this round 8D! THOUGH, some of the players are doing things that if you've watched Survivor before, you'd never do. Mind blowing.

@Scyther - Haha okay! :)

Btw, you spoke of Harry Potter earlier - excited at the potential new movie? I didn't read the books yet so I can't comment on any excitement there lol
Hey guys! These beauties are a day old! One male and two females :) Easy peasy 20k. Always willing to haggle, accept gems and do holds. Just let me know :) Also let me know if you want off the ping list, it's not a problem! [b]Ping List for Vales & Voilles[/b] [size=1]@Dimir // @Leopleuradon // @doetails (male) // @RandomLullaby // @Lush (male coatl preferred) // @Fujo[/size] [center][size=1][url=] [img][/img] [/url]Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Male 20k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Female 20k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Female 20k[/size][/center]
Hey guys!

These beauties are a day old! One male and two females :) Easy peasy 20k. Always willing to haggle, accept gems and do holds. Just let me know :) Also let me know if you want off the ping list, it's not a problem!

Ping List for Vales & Voilles
@Dimir // @Leopleuradon // @doetails (male) // @RandomLullaby // @Lush (male coatl preferred) // @Fujo

Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Male

Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Female

Seafoam Iridescent // Seafoam Shimmer // Seafoam Gembond // Female
@Randeh i'd love to snap up one of these females! message me, i might be able to pay in gems, otherwise treasure is a go. :D
@Randeh i'd love to snap up one of these females! message me, i might be able to pay in gems, otherwise treasure is a go. :D
@Randeh thank you so much! -adds him to collection of magenta coatl boys- yep the discounted lair expansions is gonna be a life saver! Don't worry - I got us covered. [img][/img] Mostly they just hang about the ceiling and taunt the cats haha~ omg the sharks are amazing, I've never seen wild ones but I went to the aquarium with a friend for their birthday and THE SHARKS WERE THE COOLEST. There was this cool bit where you walk through this dome and sharks and rays swim over you. That spider in the living room knows where it's at, the venus fly trap lures them in and catches them and the spider profits >:) I don't mind spiders, I'd rather live with a house full of spiders than a garden full of snakes! The birds are militant around here too, they ate a bunch of wasps yesterday just because they could. I've always wanted to go to Canada it looks like such a friendly place? Except for the moose. The moose will kill me five times over -shudders- SAME~ my cats bundle up against me or on my lap and then try and pretend the other cat doesn't exist xD Oooh this sounds like a good cycle! Good luck with your fave! Oh my gosh I love rookie mistakes it's like this show has been running since the dark ages HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW NOT TO DO THAT????
@Randeh thank you so much! -adds him to collection of magenta coatl boys- yep the discounted lair expansions is gonna be a life saver!

Don't worry - I got us covered.


Mostly they just hang about the ceiling and taunt the cats haha~ omg the sharks are amazing, I've never seen wild ones but I went to the aquarium with a friend for their birthday and THE SHARKS WERE THE COOLEST. There was this cool bit where you walk through this dome and sharks and rays swim over you. That spider in the living room knows where it's at, the venus fly trap lures them in and catches them and the spider profits >:) I don't mind spiders, I'd rather live with a house full of spiders than a garden full of snakes! The birds are militant around here too, they ate a bunch of wasps yesterday just because they could. I've always wanted to go to Canada it looks like such a friendly place? Except for the moose. The moose will kill me five times over -shudders-

SAME~ my cats bundle up against me or on my lap and then try and pretend the other cat doesn't exist xD Oooh this sounds like a good cycle! Good luck with your fave! Oh my gosh I love rookie mistakes it's like this show has been running since the dark ages HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW NOT TO DO THAT????
@Randeh Can I get on the pinglist for Vattata & Vaticate? Thanks c:
@Randeh Can I get on the pinglist for Vattata & Vaticate? Thanks c:
@Haphy - I msged you but no reply so I'm going to post them on the AH :) Let me know if you changed your mind.

@varified - Best bestie bracelets ever @o@.

SHARKS ARE THE BEST! Omg. Have you seen a goblin shark before? Google it. SOOOOO cool. My favourite! We have a similar aquarium close to here. Very neat! I want to swim with sharks so bad @o@!!

Exactly! The spider is named Venus for a reason xD! He's had a beefy appetite with all the fruit flies xD! Wasps?! Those birds are ******. I really dislike wasps. And mosquitoes. I always said if I could have one wish I'd wish for no more wasps, hornets and mosquitoes lol. I like honey bees though 8D!

The moose majestic! They are really not that bad. I'm much more afraid of a tarantula or It's a nice country but it's cold most of the year lol. We had our first snowfall yesterday made me sad. I live for the warm weather xD!

Haha my cat does this thing where he sneaks onto your lap as if you aren't noticing his 22lbs. He'll slowly creep his way over, one step at a time, very slowly. Then he'll rest his chin on your arm and stare at you. Priceless.

EXACTLY! I don't get it. I just don't. If I was on Survivor I would have watched every single past episode. Like just the other day on an episode some guy was like "we should vote off this person because they don't have a loved one on the other tribe so they are an easy vote"...ARE YOU RIDICULOUS?! Because they don't have a loved one you keep them as their alliance is to YOU and not their loved one. Dummies.

@murder - Sure thing! :) Thank you!
@Haphy - I msged you but no reply so I'm going to post them on the AH :) Let me know if you changed your mind.

@varified - Best bestie bracelets ever @o@.

SHARKS ARE THE BEST! Omg. Have you seen a goblin shark before? Google it. SOOOOO cool. My favourite! We have a similar aquarium close to here. Very neat! I want to swim with sharks so bad @o@!!

Exactly! The spider is named Venus for a reason xD! He's had a beefy appetite with all the fruit flies xD! Wasps?! Those birds are ******. I really dislike wasps. And mosquitoes. I always said if I could have one wish I'd wish for no more wasps, hornets and mosquitoes lol. I like honey bees though 8D!

The moose majestic! They are really not that bad. I'm much more afraid of a tarantula or It's a nice country but it's cold most of the year lol. We had our first snowfall yesterday made me sad. I live for the warm weather xD!

Haha my cat does this thing where he sneaks onto your lap as if you aren't noticing his 22lbs. He'll slowly creep his way over, one step at a time, very slowly. Then he'll rest his chin on your arm and stare at you. Priceless.

EXACTLY! I don't get it. I just don't. If I was on Survivor I would have watched every single past episode. Like just the other day on an episode some guy was like "we should vote off this person because they don't have a loved one on the other tribe so they are an easy vote"...ARE YOU RIDICULOUS?! Because they don't have a loved one you keep them as their alliance is to YOU and not their loved one. Dummies.

@murder - Sure thing! :) Thank you!
Hey guys! New hatchlings :) [b]General Ping List[/b] [size=1]@Holland // @CurlyWench // @Win // @Elecii // @Aoki // @Anatolia // @hybr1d // @astroprojection // @chanyeol // @Semirhage // @l0te // @LazyLilith // @poccolapasca // @Alastria // @Rhamnus // @Timeweaver[/size] [b]Ping List for Vihira & Vihiro[/b] [size=1]@Scyther // @kanoosh // @trashmink[/size] [center][size=1][url=] [img][/img] [/url]Sky Iridescent // Magenta Shimmer // Ivory Circuit // Female 20k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Storm Iridescent // Magenta Shimmer // Banana Circuit // Male 50k[/size][/center][b]Ping List for Vareiana & Vareiano[/b] [size=1]@psylla // @Fujo // @viciousdisease // @MoodyRebelMage[/size][center][size=1][url=] [img][/img] [/url]Maroon Iridescent // Carmine Shimmer // Banana Circuit // Female 20k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Maroon Iridescent // Crimson Shimmer // Ivory Circuit // Female 20k[/size][/center][b]Random Nest[/b][center][size=1][url=] [img][/img] [/url]Platinum Iridescent // Splash Shimmer // Black Basic // Female 10k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Platinum Iridescent // Blue Shimmer // Grey Basic // Female 10k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Platinum Iridescent // Blue Shimmer // Charcoal Basic // Female 10k [url=] [img][/img] [/url]Platinum Iridescent // Navy Shimmer // Coal Basic // Female 10k[/size][/center]
Hey guys! New hatchlings :)

General Ping List
@Holland // @CurlyWench // @Win // @Elecii // @Aoki // @Anatolia // @hybr1d // @astroprojection // @chanyeol // @Semirhage // @l0te // @LazyLilith // @poccolapasca // @Alastria // @Rhamnus // @Timeweaver

Ping List for Vihira & Vihiro
@Scyther // @kanoosh // @trashmink

Sky Iridescent // Magenta Shimmer // Ivory Circuit // Female

Storm Iridescent // Magenta Shimmer // Banana Circuit // Male
Ping List for Vareiana & Vareiano
@psylla // @Fujo // @viciousdisease // @MoodyRebelMage

Maroon Iridescent // Carmine Shimmer // Banana Circuit // Female

Maroon Iridescent // Crimson Shimmer // Ivory Circuit // Female
Random Nest

Platinum Iridescent // Splash Shimmer // Black Basic // Female

Platinum Iridescent // Blue Shimmer // Grey Basic // Female

Platinum Iridescent // Blue Shimmer // Charcoal Basic // Female

Platinum Iridescent // Navy Shimmer // Coal Basic // Female