
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Sugar Scales: for bright sweet babies!
anyway i'm going to bed! i just need to hear back from @Dexpri and @baras before Astor and Riva's clutch goes public. i'll be checking fr tomorrow morning before work, and then i won't be home until late again because work followed by socializing.
anyway i'm going to bed! i just need to hear back from @Dexpri and @baras before Astor and Riva's clutch goes public. i'll be checking fr tomorrow morning before work, and then i won't be home until late again because work followed by socializing.
@HouseLannister you've also reminded me i should make an affiliates graphic so i can add you in return! i should have thought of that earlier, really.
@HouseLannister you've also reminded me i should make an affiliates graphic so i can add you in return! i should have thought of that earlier, really.
@Occisor, oops >_< just trying to keep you on your toes. lol.
@Occisor, oops >_< just trying to keep you on your toes. lol.
@Occisor i'll have to pass for now as i just bought some dragons to use for breeding projects so i'm a bit broke, but i'd love to stay on the ping list!
@Occisor i'll have to pass for now as i just bought some dragons to use for breeding projects so i'm a bit broke, but i'd love to stay on the ping list!
hatchery ~ looking to buy ~ selling
@baras sure! are you sure there weren't any you wanted to put on hold? cuccumella already put one on hold, haha.
@baras sure! are you sure there weren't any you wanted to put on hold? cuccumella already put one on hold, haha.
@Occisor i'll just pass for now but thank you for offering!!
@Occisor i'll just pass for now but thank you for offering!!
hatchery ~ looking to buy ~ selling
@Dexpri seems to be awol, so i'm gonna go ahead and list astor and riva's remaining offspring. my nests are so empty! :(
@Dexpri seems to be awol, so i'm gonna go ahead and list astor and riva's remaining offspring. my nests are so empty! :(
@Croissant @baras @HulluMel I thought it would be fair to give a heads up that Iseult and Valentin nested yesterday, with a whopping 4 eggs! [img][/img] @Nowi, @chaosmagic as did Eloy and Celestine with 3 eggs! [img][/img] @Vile @jackaldope and Yves and Sucre nested today with a respectable 3 eggs! [img][/img] @TheAnneh @colorfulcotton @moyaofthemist @cuccumella aaand other dragons nested, but i try to only ping those who are specifically interested in said nests about that. HOWEVER i've got these girls for you general pinglisters: [img][/img] purple/ice/violet and navy/pink/storm, irishimcrack on both, of course. i, uh, also hatched this guy today, but i think it's time to switch up mommy's dance partner, because this is disappointing to me: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] charcoal/splash/navy m, irishimcircuit (obviously). i will literally let this little guy go for 100k today and then he's getting exalted tomorrow if i don't end up buying a scatterscroll and having that adventure first.
@Croissant @baras @HulluMel
I thought it would be fair to give a heads up that Iseult and Valentin nested yesterday, with a whopping 4 eggs!


@Nowi, @chaosmagic
as did Eloy and Celestine with 3 eggs!


@Vile @jackaldope
and Yves and Sucre nested today with a respectable 3 eggs!


@TheAnneh @colorfulcotton @moyaofthemist @cuccumella
aaand other dragons nested, but i try to only ping those who are specifically interested in said nests about that. HOWEVER i've got these girls for you general pinglisters:

purple/ice/violet and navy/pink/storm, irishimcrack on both, of course.

i, uh, also hatched this guy today, but i think it's time to switch up mommy's dance partner, because this is disappointing to me:


charcoal/splash/navy m, irishimcircuit (obviously). i will literally let this little guy go for 100k today and then he's getting exalted tomorrow if i don't end up buying a scatterscroll and having that adventure first.
Awesome, looking forward to seeing everything when they hatch :]
Awesome, looking forward to seeing everything when they hatch :]
As a heads up: I work the graveyard shift and am not around during the days.
@Croissant @baras @HulluMel Iseult and Valentin's clutch hatched today! [img][/img] all girls! all the wcs are, of course, irishimbelly, and the coatl is irishimcrackle. two xyx doubles and one xyy! ice/rose/ice, ice/white/maize, white/rose/white, and ice/maize/maize. from pinglisters i'm looking for 100k for the wcs, 250k for the coatl, and 50k tacked on to both of those prices respectively for non-pinglisters. @Nowi, @chaosmagic Eloy and Celestine's clutch also hatched today! [img][/img] a very respectable clutch! boy, girl, boy. royal/magenta/white, royal/pink/white, violet/pink/white. not a lot of wiggle room in their range, haha. i'm VERRRRRY tempted to keep the first boy for ouida, but, probably not. looking for, hmm... 325k from pinglisters, 375k from non-pinglisters. @TheAnneh @colorfulcotton @moyaofthemist @cuccumella you guys count as pinglisters too! i also hatched a snapper and a ridgeback yesterday, but the snapper was, uh, snapped up before i could even list him. so here's his brother, anyway: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] pink/storm/stonewash, and all i'm looking for here is 60k.
@Croissant @baras @HulluMel Iseult and Valentin's clutch hatched today!


all girls! all the wcs are, of course, irishimbelly, and the coatl is irishimcrackle. two xyx doubles and one xyy! ice/rose/ice, ice/white/maize, white/rose/white, and ice/maize/maize. from pinglisters i'm looking for 100k for the wcs, 250k for the coatl, and 50k tacked on to both of those prices respectively for non-pinglisters.

@Nowi, @chaosmagic Eloy and Celestine's clutch also hatched today!


a very respectable clutch! boy, girl, boy. royal/magenta/white, royal/pink/white, violet/pink/white. not a lot of wiggle room in their range, haha. i'm VERRRRRY tempted to keep the first boy for ouida, but, probably not. looking for, hmm... 325k from pinglisters, 375k from non-pinglisters.

@TheAnneh @colorfulcotton @moyaofthemist @cuccumella you guys count as pinglisters too! i also hatched a snapper and a ridgeback yesterday, but the snapper was, uh, snapped up before i could even list him. so here's his brother, anyway:


pink/storm/stonewash, and all i'm looking for here is 60k.