
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Taking Creative Writing Commissions
So... I don't know if there's a market for writing commissions on this site at all, but let's have at it. Have you ever wanted a little short story about your dragon? A creative biography of their life? A wanted poster?

Then you've come to the right board! I'm not sure what kind of price I should be starting at, so I'm open to suggestions if anyone thinks they're too high (or low).

Biography 0-500 words: 5k treasure
Subsequent 100 words: 100 treasure

Short Story 0-500 words: 10k treasure
Subsequent 100 words: 500 treasure

Other projects (longer or shorter), I'm open to haggling about.
So... I don't know if there's a market for writing commissions on this site at all, but let's have at it. Have you ever wanted a little short story about your dragon? A creative biography of their life? A wanted poster?

Then you've come to the right board! I'm not sure what kind of price I should be starting at, so I'm open to suggestions if anyone thinks they're too high (or low).

Biography 0-500 words: 5k treasure
Subsequent 100 words: 100 treasure

Short Story 0-500 words: 10k treasure
Subsequent 100 words: 500 treasure

Other projects (longer or shorter), I'm open to haggling about.
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum

[b]Examples:[/b] [quote]"You may not like the way I run things.” Richard paused for breath, gesturing angrily, ignoring the whispering hubbub of spectators as always. He could feel his heart racing, and craved a deep swig of the drink behind him, all of a sudden. “But this is a court of order, to bring stability to this encampment, and this is how you act?” When he reached the end of the line his brow furrowed further, a glint of light off the nearest man’s chest managing to aggravate him further. “Men, “ he lashed out, his foot colliding with the nearest militant’s shoulder to kick him to the ground, “of my army – some of you in maille! You should all be ashamed."[/quote] [quote]Cain had pulled out a deck of well-used but well-kept Tarot cards seemingly out of thin air, with a cheerful proclamation of “Lady’s choice of game seems fair.” Again, his optimism was nothing if not contagious, and even Debelius started to cheer up when he got through his slightly groggy bout of sulking. Cain dealt out his weathered cards with an encouraging smile, and we got on with the games. I realised by the end of the second game, with no small degree of guilt, that I hadn’t had so much fun since the Tau encampment, but justified it with the decision that I’d probably be more use to the party rested up and laughing than exhausted and angsty. And that went for all of us.[/quote] [quote]The Independent News On Sunday September 15, 2007 MUTANTS EXIST! You heard it from us first, folks. That's right; forget X-Men, forget Supernatural, it's all true. Mutant human beings, if you can call them that, live and work amongst us. Health tests from the recently passed Universal Registration Act in the United Kingdom show thousands of cases of abnormal abilities or physical appearances, and that's just those who have registered! Although the Government are with-holding comment for now, we can tell you exclusively that these mutations are due to a particular chromosome mutation dubbed the Mutant Gene, and that mutants are not new to our world. In fact, our research suggests that they may even have predated our own species, perhaps fueling the many tribal Gods we see in cave paintings. But question looms, as negotiations continue with appointed British heads on both 'sides'; Who are these freaks, and what are we going to do with them?[/quote]
"You may not like the way I run things.” Richard paused for breath, gesturing angrily, ignoring the whispering hubbub of spectators as always. He could feel his heart racing, and craved a deep swig of the drink behind him, all of a sudden. “But this is a court of order, to bring stability to this encampment, and this is how you act?” When he reached the end of the line his brow furrowed further, a glint of light off the nearest man’s chest managing to aggravate him further. “Men, “ he lashed out, his foot colliding with the nearest militant’s shoulder to kick him to the ground, “of my army – some of you in maille! You should all be ashamed."

Cain had pulled out a deck of well-used but well-kept Tarot cards seemingly out of thin air, with a cheerful proclamation of “Lady’s choice of game seems fair.”

Again, his optimism was nothing if not contagious, and even Debelius started to cheer up when he got through his slightly groggy bout of sulking. Cain dealt out his weathered cards with an encouraging smile, and we got on with the games. I realised by the end of the second game, with no small degree of guilt, that I hadn’t had so much fun since the Tau encampment, but justified it with the decision that I’d probably be more use to the party rested up and laughing than exhausted and angsty. And that went for all of us.

The Independent News On Sunday

September 15, 2007
You heard it from us first, folks. That's right; forget X-Men, forget Supernatural, it's all true. Mutant human beings, if you can call them that, live and work amongst us. Health tests from the recently passed Universal Registration Act in the United Kingdom show thousands of cases of abnormal abilities or physical appearances, and that's just those who have registered! Although the Government are with-holding comment for now, we can tell you exclusively that these mutations are due to a particular chromosome mutation dubbed the Mutant Gene, and that mutants are not new to our world. In fact, our research suggests that they may even have predated our own species, perhaps fueling the many tribal Gods we see in cave paintings. But question looms, as negotiations continue with appointed British heads on both 'sides'; Who are these freaks, and what are we going to do with them?
+4 Flight Rising Time (Canada) | Lamia | She/Her/Herself | Demisexual Polyamorous | Coliseum
