
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Breakcore's Record Shack (G/T)
[center][size=5]OPEN / [b]CLOSED[/b][/size] [i]Want to give a theme song to your dragon? Now you can by visiting Breakcore's Record Shack: A store built for one's musical needs.[/i][/center] [b]Background information[/b] Alongside drawing, I make music as a hobby. I have been making it for 6 years with FL Studio. I mainly make EDM-centric music. Furthermore, I sometimes use a plugin called EmVoice which works similarly to Vocaloid. [b]Pricing[/b] [LIST] [*] Song without lyrics — [b]450g / 450,000t[/b] [*] Song with lyrics — [b]600g / 600,000t[/b] [/LIST] [i]Prices can have their amount raised at some point.[/i] [b]Commission info[/b] [LIST] [*] Use the following form below to commission. [*] One dragon per commission. [*] Provide as much information about the dragon as you can. [*] EDM-centric genres/building blocks only. [*] The songs I create usually range from a minute to two minutes. [*] It can take some time to create the songs — max. is a week. [*] I'll deny lyric subjects that break TOS. [*] I'll deny sample requests that break TOS. [*] For back-and-forth communication, reach me out in Discord. If you can't use Discord, I'll use [url=]Filebin[/url] to send in a demo or two. [*] Said site/Discord will be used that you can download your song. [/LIST] [b][u]ORDER FORM[/u][/b] [LIST] [*] Mixed payment is alright. [*] Dragon provided as a dragon link: For example, [*] Information refers to lore and such. [*] “Building blocks” refers to song elements, let it be bpm, feel, samples, etc. [*] For samples, provide a link to the given sound. [*] “Sharing” refers to the fact that, for default, I'll put the songs on YouTube. [/LIST] [quote]Username: Payment type: Dragon: Information: Genre/building blocks: Title: Sharing:[/quote] [b][u]Slots[/u][/b] [LIST=1] [*] [*] [*] [/LIST] ----- [columns] [pinglist=21864] [nextcol] [color=transparent]Pusher [nextcol] [url=][img] playlist.png[/img][/url] [/columns]

Want to give a theme song to your dragon? Now you can by visiting Breakcore's Record Shack: A store built for one's musical needs.

Background information
Alongside drawing, I make music as a hobby. I have been making it for 6 years with FL Studio. I mainly make EDM-centric music. Furthermore, I sometimes use a plugin called EmVoice which works similarly to Vocaloid.

  • Song without lyrics — 450g / 450,000t
  • Song with lyrics — 600g / 600,000t
Prices can have their amount raised at some point.

Commission info
  • Use the following form below to commission.
  • One dragon per commission.
  • Provide as much information about the dragon as you can.
  • EDM-centric genres/building blocks only.
  • The songs I create usually range from a minute to two minutes.
  • It can take some time to create the songs — max. is a week.
  • I'll deny lyric subjects that break TOS.
  • I'll deny sample requests that break TOS.
  • For back-and-forth communication, reach me out in Discord. If you can't use Discord, I'll use Filebin to send in a demo or two.
  • Said site/Discord will be used that you can download your song.

  • Mixed payment is alright.
  • Dragon provided as a dragon link: For example,
  • Information refers to lore and such.
  • “Building blocks” refers to song elements, let it be bpm, feel, samples, etc.
  • For samples, provide a link to the given sound.
  • “Sharing” refers to the fact that, for default, I'll put the songs on YouTube.

Payment type:
Genre/building blocks:


[pinglist=21864] Pusher
fff&text=YT playlist.png
A bottle of Dasani (water)
Please drink water.

Step away if things get heated.
Bump - @pinglist-21864
Bump - @pinglist-21864
A bottle of Dasani (water)
Please drink water.

Step away if things get heated.