
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
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Since I'm not quite sure about how I would price my art in gems I thought I'd just list some items that I'm in search of and allow you to pick one or a few that you would be willing to trade if you happen to have any of these things sitting around! :D

Some things I'm looking for are:

  • Banescale breed change
  • Banescale genes: Poison (primary), Toxin (secondary), Wraith (tertiary)
  • Aether breed change
  • Aether genes: Metallic (primary), Butterfly (secondary), Constellation (secondary), Space (tertiary)
  • Gaoler genes: Pinstripe (primary), Blend (secondary), Blossom (tertiary)
  • Glowing eye gene
  • Underbelly gene

  • Obelisks with glimmer or facet genes (even better if the color is heather or some other purpley color)
  • Literally just purple dragons
  • Dragons with a very visible vein gene, take this dragon for example: Djinn
  • A male mirror that looks like a zebra lol


    • Cool skins, feel free to dump a bunch of em + how many you're willing to trade for what kind of drawing
    • Open to random cool looking apparel pieces
    • Tech/robot themed skins, apparel, familiars, ANYTHING TECHY
    • I'll accept OCs too but its less preferred, I like animal themed robots and furries :3
    Art Details!
    I'm best at drawing anthro and feral characters, I'm not that comfortable with drawing humans and I also won't be drawing any crazily appareled dragons (this includes detailed skins)
    • Pieces won't have backgrounds other than just a flat color or something similar
    • They will be in a sort of painterly, refined sketch style and automatically shaded
    • You can ask for a halfbody for smaller offers, and a fullbody for larger offers
    • Feel free to tell me things about your oc like their personality so I can adjust their pose/expression to match!
    Please comment your offers here so I can look at em next to other peoples, if i
    accept then you can send a crossroads to me and I will accept it after the
    piece is finished, I can most definetly send a sketch but make sure to ask!

    I'm gonna leave this post to linger for a few days before replying to any
    offers (other than maybe the occasional bump), so if i don't reply for a few
    days don't worry about it!
    ↓ Examples! ↓

Since I'm not quite sure about how I would price my art in gems I thought I'd just list some items that I'm in search of and allow you to pick one or a few that you would be willing to trade if you happen to have any of these things sitting around! :D

Some things I'm looking for are:

  • Banescale breed change
  • Banescale genes: Poison (primary), Toxin (secondary), Wraith (tertiary)
  • Aether breed change
  • Aether genes: Metallic (primary), Butterfly (secondary), Constellation (secondary), Space (tertiary)
  • Gaoler genes: Pinstripe (primary), Blend (secondary), Blossom (tertiary)
  • Glowing eye gene
  • Underbelly gene

  • Obelisks with glimmer or facet genes (even better if the color is heather or some other purpley color)
  • Literally just purple dragons
  • Dragons with a very visible vein gene, take this dragon for example: Djinn
  • A male mirror that looks like a zebra lol


    • Cool skins, feel free to dump a bunch of em + how many you're willing to trade for what kind of drawing
    • Open to random cool looking apparel pieces
    • Tech/robot themed skins, apparel, familiars, ANYTHING TECHY
    • I'll accept OCs too but its less preferred, I like animal themed robots and furries :3
    Art Details!
    I'm best at drawing anthro and feral characters, I'm not that comfortable with drawing humans and I also won't be drawing any crazily appareled dragons (this includes detailed skins)
    • Pieces won't have backgrounds other than just a flat color or something similar
    • They will be in a sort of painterly, refined sketch style and automatically shaded
    • You can ask for a halfbody for smaller offers, and a fullbody for larger offers
    • Feel free to tell me things about your oc like their personality so I can adjust their pose/expression to match!
    Please comment your offers here so I can look at em next to other peoples, if i
    accept then you can send a crossroads to me and I will accept it after the
    piece is finished, I can most definetly send a sketch but make sure to ask!

    I'm gonna leave this post to linger for a few days before replying to any
    offers (other than maybe the occasional bump), so if i don't reply for a few
    days don't worry about it!
    ↓ Examples! ↓

[center][b]EXAMPLES[/b][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]







I can offer you a few items, though no worries if not.

Username: Cheitora #250259
Breed Change: Obelisk
Skin: Arc Construct
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Wraith

Take all the time and artistic freedom you see fit. Thank you for the opportunity!

Much appreciated,
- Chei

I can offer you a few items, though no worries if not.

Username: Cheitora #250259
Breed Change: Obelisk
Skin: Arc Construct
Tertiary Banescale Gene: Wraith

Take all the time and artistic freedom you see fit. Thank you for the opportunity!

Much appreciated,
- Chei
ca78ee60950ce346cd1ae8bffe7b06f866a7b17d.png ♦ Chei
♦ Introvert
Art Shop

i will absolutely accept this! im not even gonna bother waiting for any other offers this is about as good as they can get!
AND WHAT AN AWESOME CHARACTER??? big fluffy dragons are the BEST
you can go ahead and send the items, i will accept after the piece is finished and sent, or if you would like to see the sketch first then thats totally fine!

i will absolutely accept this! im not even gonna bother waiting for any other offers this is about as good as they can get!
AND WHAT AN AWESOME CHARACTER??? big fluffy dragons are the BEST
you can go ahead and send the items, i will accept after the piece is finished and sent, or if you would like to see the sketch first then thats totally fine!
Thank you so much! I'm excited to see my boy in your style. Payment sent!~
Thank you so much! I'm excited to see my boy in your style. Payment sent!~
ca78ee60950ce346cd1ae8bffe7b06f866a7b17d.png ♦ Chei
♦ Introvert
Art Shop
@strikestar Hi your art is beautiful!! Would you be comfortable drawing this guy? [url=][img][/img][/url] I can offer you these items! [item=breed change: obelisk]x2 [item=vial of disjointed sight][item=secondary gene: rings (undertide)] + 150kt And a purple-y dragon if he interests you? [url=][img][/img][/url]

Hi your art is beautiful!! Would you be comfortable drawing this guy?

I can offer you these items!
Breed Change: Obelisk x2 Vial of Disjointed Sight + 150kt

And a purple-y dragon if he interests you?
**Please ping me Rahkali, not Rakhali!**

xxxxxx xxx xxxxx xxx xxxxxx xxxx x xxxxx xxxx x x xxxxx xxxxxxx xxxxx
@strikestar Hihi! I have these skins: [skin=40657] [skin=18405] [skin=42330] [skin=44218] [skin=46250] [skin=46250] [skin=46248] [skin=46247] [skin=46244] [skin=46246] [skin=46733] [skin=46742] And these dragons: [url=][img][/img][/url] (comes with art) + [url=][img][/img][/url] + [url=][img][/img][/url] + [url=][img][/img][/url] If any of these interests you, can I possibly trade them for art of [url=]Holy[/url] and couple art of [url=]Kahuna[/url] (she's chubby) + [url=]Piero[/url] (the boy on the right)? Holly is just cute jdfbfjksfd o)-( Kahuna is cheerful, while Piero is timid and a bit grumpy. Doesn't like contact, but he really likes Kahuna, so he gets in conflict lol Fullbodies, if possible! Thank you! <3

I have these skins:

And these dragons:
67459590.png (comes with art) +
67500264.png + 67232682.png + 66731057.png

If any of these interests you, can I possibly trade them for art of Holy and couple art of Kahuna (she's chubby) + Piero (the boy on the right)?

Holly is just cute jdfbfjksfd o)-(
Kahuna is cheerful, while Piero is timid and a bit grumpy. Doesn't like contact, but he really likes Kahuna, so he gets in conflict lol
Fullbodies, if possible!

Thank you! <3
I'll take the skins for sure! I don't need the dragons, I've gotta be picky since I have like no den space hahah
And just to make sure, you mean all of the skins right?
I'll take the skins for sure! I don't need the dragons, I've gotta be picky since I have like no den space hahah
And just to make sure, you mean all of the skins right?
I'll totally accept this! The dragon is a bitttt crazy for me from a drawing perspective but I'll be able to manage, those gradients are so pretty!
Also the dragon isn't needed, I'm super low on den space hahah
You can send the items and I'll accept when the drawing is sent, or you can ask me to finish the sketch first and then send em over!
I'll totally accept this! The dragon is a bitttt crazy for me from a drawing perspective but I'll be able to manage, those gradients are so pretty!
Also the dragon isn't needed, I'm super low on den space hahah
You can send the items and I'll accept when the drawing is sent, or you can ask me to finish the sketch first and then send em over!
Awesome! :D
And yes, you can take all of them if you'd like! :)
Awesome! :D
And yes, you can take all of them if you'd like! :)
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