
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | OPEN Bribe me for art!! | Feral/Anthro
[center]- [b]OPEN[/b] | CLOSED- [img][/img] [i]Heeey, thanks for passing by <3[/i] I'm still new to this site and getting used to everything around here! I'm used to draw humanoids, but I've been seeing so much feral arts that my hands are itching to draw some! But I have zero experience (aside from my few attempts when I used to play neopets when I was a toddler) in this field, so everything's gonna be very experimental! Come take a risk you want! :^) [s]I'm still drawing humanoids, though! So feel free to hmu with your characters as well![/s] [/center] -------------- [right][i][b]A few rules first[/i][/b] [emoji=wind rune size=1] these are not first come, first serve. [emoji=wind rune size=1] my acceptance will depend a lot on character and offer. [emoji=wind rune size=1] I reserve the right to refuse an offer if it doesn't appeal to me. [emoji=wind rune size=1] I'll most likely only do over complicated stuff if the offer is generous. [emoji=wind rune size=1] I'll tell you beforehand what I can do for you according to your character and offer (: [emoji=wind rune size=1] [b]Credit me on my TOYHOUSE (kanari) if posting outside FR, please![/b] *[emoji=wind rune size=1] feral arts will be [i]experimental[/i], meaning that I can't guarantee quality. You have to agree to accept the risk if you ask for feral/dragon art. [/right] -------------- [center][b]***[/b]I took off the "PWYW" part because it seems to be confunding people. This is a "Bribe Shop", so you just have to throw at me what you've got! Just offer whatever you think that I might like!! If I refuse your offer, you can always offer other stuff[b]***[/b] [/center] [center][b]Please give me your ferals/dragons!! I want to draw theeem[/b][/center] -------------- [b]I will draw[/b] [LIST] [*]Humanoids (USD bribes only) [*]Groups [*]Couples [*][s]Reference Sheets[/s] [*]Anthros* [*]Ferals* [*]Dragons* [/LIST] [b]I accept[/b] [LIST] [*]USD (min. of $5/[url=]one coffee) (min of $8 for humans) [*]Gems (min. of 500g) [*]Treasures (min. of 500kt) [*]Eggs (min. of 2 eggs, 1:250g) [*]Items/Apparel/Skins/Accents/Familiar (anything's good! But my [url=]wishlist[/url] is on my dragon's bio to give an idea) [/LIST] [img][/img] [center][b]Examples[/b][/center] [img][/img] [img][/img] (Character belongs to AppleJuicee) [img][/img] (Character belongs to Prezial) [img][/img]

Heeey, thanks for passing by <3

I'm still new to this site and getting used to everything around here!
I'm used to draw humanoids, but I've been seeing so much feral arts that my hands are itching to draw some!
But I have zero experience (aside from my few attempts when I used to play neopets when I was a toddler) in this field, so everything's gonna be very experimental! Come take a risk you want! :^)
I'm still drawing humanoids, though! So feel free to hmu with your characters as well!

A few rules first

these are not first come, first serve.
my acceptance will depend a lot on character and offer.
I reserve the right to refuse an offer if it doesn't appeal to me.
I'll most likely only do over complicated stuff if the offer is generous.
I'll tell you beforehand what I can do for you according to your character and offer (:
Credit me on my TOYHOUSE (kanari) if posting outside FR, please!
* feral arts will be experimental, meaning that I can't guarantee quality. You have to agree to accept the risk if you ask for feral/dragon art.

***I took off the "PWYW" part because it seems to be confunding people.
This is a "Bribe Shop", so you just have to throw at me what you've got!
Just offer whatever you think that I might like!!
If I refuse your offer, you can always offer other stuff***
Please give me your ferals/dragons!! I want to draw theeem

I will draw
  • Humanoids (USD bribes only)
  • Groups
  • Couples
  • Reference Sheets
  • Anthros*
  • Ferals*
  • Dragons*

I accept
  • USD (min. of $5/one coffee) (min of $8 for humans)
  • Gems (min. of 500g)
  • Treasures (min. of 500kt)
  • Eggs (min. of 2 eggs, 1:250g)
  • Items/Apparel/Skins/Accents/Familiar (anything's good! But my wishlist is on my dragon's bio to give an idea)




(Character belongs to AppleJuicee)

(Character belongs to Prezial)

Ping List

For humans

**Reserved Shaded Fullbody for WolfHeartMedia
Ping List

For humans

**Reserved Shaded Fullbody for WolfHeartMedia
[center][b]-----[b] Finished Art[/b] -----[/b][/center] For SilverRipple [img][/img] For Vovina [img][/img] For galaxychilde [img][/img]

Finished Art

For SilverRipple

For Vovina

For galaxychilde
In love with your art, a friendly bump from me!
In love with your art, a friendly bump from me!
aaaw thank you!! <3
aaaw thank you!! <3
So I'm looking for art of [url=]my man Dak here[/url], mostly full bodies, but do any of these UMAs pique your interest? [quote=] [item=Accent: Candy Skull Imperial M][item=Accent: Lanterns][item=Accent: Chickenclaw][item=Skin: Toxic Waste][item=Accent: God of the Sky][item=Skin: Chillwind Frigate][item=Skin: Shellclaw][item=Accent: DSG-S^peek 1N h/ENDS][item=Accent: double helix][item=Accent: The Thickets][item=Skin: Cutaneous][item=Accent: Arch Retribution][item=Accent: Arc's Pride Retribution][item=Accent: the dawn is new][item=Accent: The Gods Are Made][item=Accent: Bejeweled Obsidian][item=Skin: inglorious][item=Accent: Starwave][item=Accent: DSG-Fr0m 1N:s|IYE|d][item=Accent: Morning Mosaic][item=Accent: Error 404][item=Accent: ...but a dream...][item=Accent: Stella Absinthium][item=Skin: Old Gods][item=Skin: Sun flight][item=Accent: Is this a gijinka][item=Accent: KK- Tsunami Kawaii] Customs [item=Accent: Gilded Entrapment] - 2 printed [/quote] I also have some that I'm more tentative on trading away, but I have a lot of the apparel and other stuff you want as well!
So I'm looking for art of my man Dak here, mostly full bodies, but do any of these UMAs pique your interest?
Accent: Candy Skull Imperial M Accent: Lanterns Accent: Chickenclaw Skin: Toxic Waste Accent: God of the Sky Skin: Chillwind Frigate Skin: Shellclaw Accent: DSG-S^peek 1N h/ENDS Accent: double helix Accent: The Thickets Skin: Cutaneous Accent: Arch Retribution Accent: Arc's Pride Retribution Accent: the dawn is new Accent: The Gods Are Made Accent: Bejeweled Obsidian Skin: inglorious Accent: Starwave Accent: DSG-Fr0m 1N:s|IYE|d Accent: Morning Mosaic Accent: Error 404 Accent: ...but a dream... Accent: Stella Absinthium Skin: Old Gods Skin: Sun flight Accent: Is this a gijinka Accent: KK- Tsunami Kawaii

Accent: Gilded Entrapment - 2 printed
I also have some that I'm more tentative on trading away, but I have a lot of the apparel and other stuff you want as well!
uJgX9G9.png 4ogWlJU.png
Interesting! None of them catches my eye, sadly...
Can you show me more of what you've got? (:
And please tell me what you'd like!
Interesting! None of them catches my eye, sadly...
Can you show me more of what you've got? (:
And please tell me what you'd like!
hmm can't tell you for sure, since I'm accepting pretty much everything!
Feel free to hmu with whatever offers you have!
No worries, you can offer as many times as you want! <3
hmm can't tell you for sure, since I'm accepting pretty much everything!
Feel free to hmu with whatever offers you have!
No worries, you can offer as many times as you want! <3
Hello there! I was wondering if you would be interested in drawing one of my OCs here? (You'd be free to stylize/simplify the outfit however you'd like, of course! And it would be your pick of who in case one of them stands out over the others). I'd be hoping for a flat color fullbody or flat color halfbody if possible, but no worries if you wouldn't want to draw any of them for any reason. -- a) [url=]Hildebrand[/url] (main refs: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) -- b) [url=]Beelzebub[/url] (main refs: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) -- c) [url=]Astaroth[/url] (main refs: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) -- d) [url=]Silver[/url] (main refs: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], and for alt form: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) -- e) [url=]Midnight[/url] (main refs: [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) Can be drawn with or without ([url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) the smoke arms. And has a simpler outfit ([url=]x[/url], [url=]x[/url]) they can be drawn in instead. I have the following items from your WL that I could offer: [skin=33497] 700g LAH [item=chillspike collar] 400g [item=icicle chains] 375g [item=gladegift garlands] 200g [item=greenskeeper treeshroud] 85g [item=glitterfreeze ice-trolabe] 150g Plus [item=haunting amber ghastcrown] [item=enamored swan] [item=sweetheart swan] I'd be happy to discuss further of course if you think you'd be interested! ^__^ Thank you in either case for your time!
Hello there! I was wondering if you would be interested in drawing one of my OCs here? (You'd be free to stylize/simplify the outfit however you'd like, of course! And it would be your pick of who in case one of them stands out over the others). I'd be hoping for a flat color fullbody or flat color halfbody if possible, but no worries if you wouldn't want to draw any of them for any reason.

-- a) Hildebrand (main refs: x, x, x)
-- b) Beelzebub (main refs: x, x, x, x)
-- c) Astaroth (main refs: x, x, x, x, x)
-- d) Silver (main refs: x, x, x, x, and for alt form: x, x)
-- e) Midnight (main refs: x, x, x, x) Can be drawn with or without (x, x) the smoke arms. And has a simpler outfit (x, x) they can be drawn in instead.

I have the following items from your WL that I could offer:

700g LAH
Chillspike Collar 400g
Icicle Chains 375g
Gladegift Garlands 200g
Greenskeeper Treeshroud 85g
Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe 150g
Plus Haunting Amber Ghastcrown Enamored Swan Sweetheart Swan

I'd be happy to discuss further of course if you think you'd be interested! ^__^ Thank you in either case for your time!
I'd love to try and offer I have 900g and 300kt and some stuff from your wishlist [item=Ethereal Flame Candles] [item=Fin Jewels] [item=Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe] [item=Greenskeeper Treeshroud] [item=Haunting Amber Ghastcrown] [item=Woeful Presence] [item=Icicle Chains] [item=Chillspike Collar] [item=Skeletal Chimes] [item=Summer Swelter] [item=Spirit of Light] [item=Spirit of Fire] [item=Slight Eyewing] [item=Cloudkeeper Herald] Also, I know you don't have it anywhere, but I have 3 [item=unhatched nocturne egg] and 2 [item=breed change: nocturne] So I can do any combo of things you'd like~ I'd be lookin for a flat colored full body of[url=] this fella[/url]
I'd love to try and offer I have 900g and 300kt
and some stuff from your wishlist
Ethereal Flame Candles Fin Jewels Glitterfreeze Ice-trolabe Greenskeeper Treeshroud Haunting Amber Ghastcrown Woeful Presence Icicle Chains Chillspike Collar Skeletal Chimes Summer Swelter

Spirit of Light Spirit of Fire Slight Eyewing Cloudkeeper Herald

Also, I know you don't have it anywhere, but I have 3 Unhatched Nocturne Egg and 2 Breed Change: Nocturne

So I can do any combo of things you'd like~

I'd be lookin for a flat colored full body of this fella
tumblr_inline_ojq6kzsCn91r2ao8y_540.png Connor ~ He|Him ~ 25 tumblr_inline_ojq6kydAev1r2ao8y_540.png