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TOPIC | Cartooned Dragons! (Closed!)
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[center][quote][b]Hey, Hey, hey. Yeah, you! Have you ever wanted your FR / OC dragon cartooned? Like this: [/b] [img][/img] You've come to the right place! (I've never actually done a shop, so I am really new to this! I will add more examples up as well!) At the moment[b] I am only doing busts![/b][/quote] [quote]The base price is, [b]15kt[/b] [img][/img] For every gene is, [b]5kt[/b] [img][/img] each! Every apparel is [b]3kt[/b] [img][/img] [/quote] [quote][b]And this time I will only be doing [b]5 slots![/b][/b] 1. @Extormus 2. @satanbacons 3. @RainbowVeins 4. @nyamjoon 5. @SoullessWendigo If you want to be on my ping list comment below and I'll you on it C:[/quote] [quote]Recently finished! [img][/img] [/quote] [/center]
Hey, Hey, hey. Yeah, you! Have you ever wanted your FR / OC dragon cartooned? Like this:


You've come to the right place! (I've never actually done a shop, so I am really new to this! I will add more examples up as well!)

At the moment I am only doing busts!

The base price is,

15kt icon_treasure.png

For every gene is, 5kt icon_treasure.png each!

Every apparel is 3kt icon_treasure.png

And this time I will only be doing 5 slots!

1. @Extormus
2. @satanbacons
3. @RainbowVeins
4. @nyamjoon
5. @SoullessWendigo

If you want to be on my ping list comment below and I'll you on it C:

Recently finished!


[quote][center]Ping list~ 1. @Santana 2. @mcfreakingone 3... 4... 5...[/center][/quote]
Ping list~

1. @Santana

2. @mcfreakingone




could i get three of these, in gems? if gems aren’t accepted i can pay in kt as well ^^
could i get three of these, in gems? if gems aren’t accepted i can pay in kt as well ^^
BzkZRHK.png ______ ____
______ >>sav
>>fr + 0
>> z0ruas (with a zero)
______ ____
Could I order one of this boy?
Could I order one of this boy?
@satanbacons sure I can take it in gems as well! <:
@satanbacons sure I can take it in gems as well! <:

Oh a fishboyo! I can totally do <: is there any specific expression you'd want with them <3? ;w;

Oh a fishboyo! I can totally do <: is there any specific expression you'd want with them <3? ;w;
awesome! could i get one of these for ximrel, invey, and vincent please? lmk if you can’t do any of them, and i can choose another. tysm!! i’ll send payment right away if everything looks good. :)
awesome! could i get one of these for ximrel, invey, and vincent please? lmk if you can’t do any of them, and i can choose another. tysm!! i’ll send payment right away if everything looks good. :)
BzkZRHK.png ______ ____
______ >>sav
>>fr + 0
>> z0ruas (with a zero)
______ ____

I can do them! <: for sure! Just send the payment whenever you can and I'll write you down in a slot!

I can do them! <: for sure! Just send the payment whenever you can and I'll write you down in a slot!
Something cheerful maybe? I figure he's a friendly sort of guy~
Something cheerful maybe? I figure he's a friendly sort of guy~
These are so cute! Could I get one of each of these guys? ^_^
These are so cute! Could I get one of each of these guys? ^_^
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