
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Lorie's digital drawings (open)
[center][img][/img][/center] [center]Be sure to also visit my [b]Pixels shop:[/b][/center] [center]Hello! My name is Lorie. Drawing is my passion and I hope to make it a full time job someday. What better way to reach that goal than to aim to improve through commissions. Welcome to my digital art shop! [center][img][/img][/center] [size=4][b]Some things about my shop:[/b][/size][/center] [LIST] [*] Currently I accept gems and USD. [*] [color=#00a6e3]Wait times: anywhere between a week to a month. Please don't be afraid to message me about the status of your order. I often have to prioritize other irl things and art is my hobby that I do in my free time so delays may happen. Sorry about the inconvenience![/color] [*] My favorite things to draw are dragons, anthros, animal/furry characters, Pokémon/fakemon; but, I can handle humans and humanoids too. [*] Reviews on my shop and critique on my artwork are welcome! [*] [color=#ff237f]You can find my terms in [url=][b]this post[/b][/url]. Please [b]always[/b] give them a read before ordering, as everything important you need to know is listed there, and it also may change from time to time![/color] [/LIST] [center][img][/img][/center] [center] [size=4][b]Examples (click to see full res):[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] For more examples, I post finished commissions [url=]here[/url] (warning: image heavy) My DeviantArt gallery for more random examples: [url=]Link[/url] [center][img][/img][/center] [size=5][b]Prices:[/b][/size] [/center] [quote][size=5][b]Flat colors (lined or lineless):[/b][/size] [indent]Halfbody: $30 / 3500g Full body: $50 / 5600g[/indent] [size=5][b]Digital watercolor:[/b][/size] [indent]Halfbody: $40 / 4600g Full body: $60 / 7000g[/indent] [size=5][b]Regular shaded (lined or lineless):[/b][/size] [indent]Halfbody: $40 / 4600g Full body: $60 / 7000g[/indent] [size=5][b]Small chibi (200x200):[/b][/size] [indent]Flat color: $20 / 2500g Shaded: $30 / 3500g[/indent] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [size=5][b]Medium chibi (400x400):[/b][/size] [indent]Flat color: $30 / 3500g Shaded: $40 / 4600g[/indent] [img][/img] [size=5][b]Backgrounds:[/b][/size] [indent]Additional $1 - $60 / 100g - 7000g depending on complexity (available for chibis, too!) [b]Backgrounds include:[/b] scenery, prop elements (some apparel may fall in this category), abstract/patterns[/indent] [center][img][/img][/center] [/quote] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]Thank you for visiting! <3[/center]
Be sure to also visit my Pixels shop:

Hello! My name is Lorie. Drawing is my passion and I hope to make it a full time job someday. What better way to reach that goal than to aim to improve through commissions. Welcome to my digital art shop!

Some things about my shop:
  • Currently I accept gems and USD.
  • Wait times: anywhere between a week to a month. Please don't be afraid to message me about the status of your order. I often have to prioritize other irl things and art is my hobby that I do in my free time so delays may happen. Sorry about the inconvenience!
  • My favorite things to draw are dragons, anthros, animal/furry characters, Pokémon/fakemon; but, I can handle humans and humanoids too.
  • Reviews on my shop and critique on my artwork are welcome!
  • You can find my terms in this post. Please always give them a read before ordering, as everything important you need to know is listed there, and it also may change from time to time!
Examples (click to see full res):


For more examples, I post finished commissions here (warning: image heavy)

My DeviantArt gallery for more random examples: Link


Flat colors (lined or lineless):

Halfbody: $30 / 3500g
Full body: $50 / 5600g

Digital watercolor:

Halfbody: $40 / 4600g
Full body: $60 / 7000g

Regular shaded (lined or lineless):

Halfbody: $40 / 4600g
Full body: $60 / 7000g

Small chibi (200x200):

Flat color: $20 / 2500g
Shaded: $30 / 3500g


Medium chibi (400x400):

Flat color: $30 / 3500g
Shaded: $40 / 4600g



Additional $1 - $60 / 100g - 7000g depending on complexity (available for chibis, too!)

Backgrounds include: scenery, prop elements (some apparel may fall in this category), abstract/patterns

Thank you for visiting! <3
Lorie / gemini



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Slots (open):

I update this as often as I remember to. Be sure to check here every now and then if you're waiting for a commission in case I have noted down my progress.

They are not in any particular order.


1. Lyra531
2. Scarecrows
3. Glacecakes
4. maranimh
5. Moxitoxis
6. rinrar
7. melancholies

Slots (open):

I update this as often as I remember to. Be sure to check here every now and then if you're waiting for a commission in case I have noted down my progress.

They are not in any particular order.


1. Lyra531
2. Scarecrows
3. Glacecakes
4. maranimh
5. Moxitoxis
6. rinrar
7. melancholies

Lorie / gemini



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You can find all the finished commissions I have done here:

To prevent the first page from becoming too image-heavy, I moved them to the second page. If you'd like to see more examples, be sure to check that post out!

Fair warning: it really is quite image heavy.

If you'd like to upload your commission to toyhouse, you can credit me as Lorienii!

You can find all the finished commissions I have done here:

To prevent the first page from becoming too image-heavy, I moved them to the second page. If you'd like to see more examples, be sure to check that post out!

Fair warning: it really is quite image heavy.

If you'd like to upload your commission to toyhouse, you can credit me as Lorienii!

Lorie / gemini



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[center][size=5][u][b]Terms[/b][/u][/size] [i]Subject to change / updates at any point in time[/i][/center] [quote][center][u][b]Payment terms[/b][/u][/center][LIST] [*] I take payment up front only. [*] You can also send a [b]minimum[/b] of one half of the payment up front. I will not give you the full resolution of the finished drawing until the second half of payment has been sent. [*] And, since I seem to have a chronic case of 'Lorie Forgets to Thank People Who Tip Her': [b]THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE WHO SENDS A TIP.[/b] [emoji=spiral love size=1][emoji=spiral love size=1][emoji=spiral love size=1][b]NOT ONLY DO I APPRECIATE IT IMMENSELY[/b] (and it helps with the paypal fee for USD commissions)[b], IT ALSO MOTIVATES ME TO PUT EVEN MORE TIME AND EFFORT INTO MY WORK, KNOWING IT'S APPRECIATED ENOUGH TO WARRANT A TIP. SERIOUSLY, THANK YOU!! ICEWARDEN BLESS YOU ♥♥♥[/b] [/LIST][/quote] [quote][center][u][b]Payments for USD[/b][/u] [b]I take USD payment through Paypal.[/b] To receive the invoice, give me your paypal email through PM and I will send you an invoice. Once the invoice is paid is when I will place your order in my schedule! Thank you![/center] [/quote] [quote][center][u][b]What can you get from this shop?[/b][/u][/center] [LIST] [*] Anything that is not against the ToS. If you want to commission something that is unsuitable for Flight Rising you may contact me on deviantart @ Icevia. [*] [b]I am best at drawing:[/b] furry / animal / dragon characters. Both feral and anthro. [*] [b]I can mostly handle:[/b] humans, robots, nature scenery [*] [b]My skills may lack at:[/b] furniture, buildings, very detailed things, dynamic poses, unusual perspectives. [*] I'm not very creative in terms of poses. If the pose is left up to me, it might end up looking plain/generic. Suggestions are always appreciated as they help me visualize a more unique pose for your character. [/LIST] [b]As always, if you can provide a reference of what you have in mind, it would be very helpful! The more refs, the better![/b] [/quote] [center][u][b]QnA[/b][/u][/center] [quote][u][b]Can I get progress shots?[/b][/u] Yes, but I will only send them either when you [i]explicitly ask for them when ordering[/i], or when I'm uncertain about something and need to ask. The reason I don't default to sending progress shots is because keeping track of it all / scheduling around unpredictable client response times would be too overwhelming. So please don't forget to let me know! [u][b]What is your policy on edits?[/b][/u] I will do small edits for free, but expect an additional fee on bigger changes. I will also fix my own mistakes for free, no matter how big; I try my best to follow every instruction, but I'm only human, so please be patient if I do make a mistake with your commission! [u][b]Can I edit a finished piece by myself?[/b][/u] Yes you can! I can give you you the file, in both SAI2 and PSD formats. All I ask is that you please do not share the file publicly, or use it for any sort of monetary purpose. [LIST] [*][b]Note:[/b] I occasionally clear out my art files, including commissions, so if you want the file, you should ask for it sooner rather than later. [/LIST] [u][b]May I draw guidelines on a WIP or finished piece to show you a change I want made to the art?[/b][/u] Yes, you may! A visual representation helps me understand a lot better, so feel free to just go for it, no need to ask permission! [u][b]Can I get a refund?[/b][/u] I will refund full price only if I have not started yet. Depending on how far I am, I will refund up to three quarters of the price. I will not refund a finished drawing, so please make sure to not forget any important details when describing what you want! [u][b]Do I need to credit you?[/b][/u] If you use/display/repost the artwork you received from me somewhere, I would appreciate a small reference to me or my shop! My toyhouse is Lorienii. [u][b]My order is taking too long![/b][/u] I apologize for long wait times; I have ADHD as well as a job I need to prioritize to my best abilities so commissions often get delayed. I promise you, honest to the Icewarden, that I [i]will[/i] get around to each and every order I take. That said, reminders and inquiries about your order are always welcome and I will do my best to respond ASAP. Your patience is appreciated! I log in multiple times every day so [b]if it has been over 48 hours and I have not replied to your message[/b], assume that I forgot (let's be honest, I probably imagined that I replied, but didn't actually), and please resend! [u][b]Do you take constructive criticism?[/b][/u] Yes, I am always open to critique on my artwork and pointers on how to run my shop better, as long as it's civil! Thank you [emoji=spiral happy] [/quote]
Subject to change / updates at any point in time

Payment terms
  • I take payment up front only.
  • You can also send a minimum of one half of the payment up front. I will not give you the full resolution of the finished drawing until the second half of payment has been sent.

Payments for USD

I take USD payment through Paypal. To receive the invoice, give me your paypal email through PM and I will send you an invoice. Once the invoice is paid is when I will place your order in my schedule!

Thank you!

What can you get from this shop?

  • Anything that is not against the ToS. If you want to commission something that is unsuitable for Flight Rising you may contact me on deviantart @ Icevia.
  • I am best at drawing: furry / animal / dragon characters. Both feral and anthro.
  • I can mostly handle: humans, robots, nature scenery
  • My skills may lack at: furniture, buildings, very detailed things, dynamic poses, unusual perspectives.
  • I'm not very creative in terms of poses. If the pose is left up to me, it might end up looking plain/generic. Suggestions are always appreciated as they help me visualize a more unique pose for your character.

As always, if you can provide a reference of what you have in mind, it would be very helpful! The more refs, the better!


Can I get progress shots?
Yes, but I will only send them either when you explicitly ask for them when ordering, or when I'm uncertain about something and need to ask. The reason I don't default to sending progress shots is because keeping track of it all / scheduling around unpredictable client response times would be too overwhelming. So please don't forget to let me know!

What is your policy on edits?
I will do small edits for free, but expect an additional fee on bigger changes. I will also fix my own mistakes for free, no matter how big; I try my best to follow every instruction, but I'm only human, so please be patient if I do make a mistake with your commission!

Can I edit a finished piece by myself?
Yes you can! I can give you you the file, in both SAI2 and PSD formats. All I ask is that you please do not share the file publicly, or use it for any sort of monetary purpose.
  • Note: I occasionally clear out my art files, including commissions, so if you want the file, you should ask for it sooner rather than later.

May I draw guidelines on a WIP or finished piece to show you a change I want made to the art?
Yes, you may! A visual representation helps me understand a lot better, so feel free to just go for it, no need to ask permission!

Can I get a refund?
I will refund full price only if I have not started yet. Depending on how far I am, I will refund up to three quarters of the price. I will not refund a finished drawing, so please make sure to not forget any important details when describing what you want!

Do I need to credit you?
If you use/display/repost the artwork you received from me somewhere, I would appreciate a small reference to me or my shop! My toyhouse is Lorienii.

My order is taking too long!
I apologize for long wait times; I have ADHD as well as a job I need to prioritize to my best abilities so commissions often get delayed. I promise you, honest to the Icewarden, that I will get around to each and every order I take. That said, reminders and inquiries about your order are always welcome and I will do my best to respond ASAP. Your patience is appreciated!

I log in multiple times every day so if it has been over 48 hours and I have not replied to your message, assume that I forgot (let's be honest, I probably imagined that I replied, but didn't actually), and please resend!

Do you take constructive criticism? Yes, I am always open to critique on my artwork and pointers on how to run my shop better, as long as it's civil! Thank you
Lorie / gemini



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Some trivial info about my drawings:

Program: Paint Tool SAI2
Tablet: Wacom Cintiq Pro 13, A Huion
Years of experience: about 13 years in digital art

Art trade? - I do trades sometimes, feel free to ask. Not guaranteed, really dependent on my schedule.

Requests? - incredibly rare. I tend to not have the time, unfortunately :(

Art school? - never been to art school! I am completely self-taught and intend to keep it that way!

Other crafts? - I enjoy needle felting and recently took up polyclay sculpting! I would also like to make plushies and cosplay someday. Big dreams.
Some trivial info about my drawings:

Program: Paint Tool SAI2
Tablet: Wacom Cintiq Pro 13, A Huion
Years of experience: about 13 years in digital art

Art trade? - I do trades sometimes, feel free to ask. Not guaranteed, really dependent on my schedule.

Requests? - incredibly rare. I tend to not have the time, unfortunately :(

Art school? - never been to art school! I am completely self-taught and intend to keep it that way!

Other crafts? - I enjoy needle felting and recently took up polyclay sculpting! I would also like to make plushies and cosplay someday. Big dreams.
Lorie / gemini



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Lorie / gemini



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Lorie / gemini



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up ~!
up ~!
Lorie / gemini



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Lorie / gemini



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Friendly bump cause your art is so beautiful but I'm so poor. ;-;
Friendly bump cause your art is so beautiful but I'm so poor. ;-;
HS Student
Meme Dealer
In Eternal Fanderg Hell
Wishlist | Free Cauldron | For Sale(G1s and more!)