
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | OwO Shiny's Busts and More OwO :FULL:
@Thundercracker either way is cool with me, but with crossroads you can take your money back if something were to happen like, I die or something lol, so maybe that?
@Thundercracker either way is cool with me, but with crossroads you can take your money back if something were to happen like, I die or something lol, so maybe that?
lmao that's fair, i'll keep that in mind then c:
lmao that's fair, i'll keep that in mind then c:
heck yea ill dm the payment!
heck yea ill dm the payment!
fuck_smal_boi_adopt.png fuck_smal_boi_art.png fuck_smal_boi_accent.png Yr0dYV1.png
Just flats/monocolour!
Just flats/monocolour!
tumblr_inline_p81uu8PtSF1tsrqpm_75sq.gif hyde / shroud / party poison | they/it

wishlist | fandragons
@NotQuiteToxic Thanks! What would you like me to draw?
@NotQuiteToxic Thanks! What would you like me to draw?


I've got a Ysoki (ratfolk) Character named Skyrocket I'd like a fully shaded fully colored waist-Up with Not Sketchy lines for.

Her coloration would match up pretty well to this picture: X

I'd like her to be wearing a toolbelt and a flight suit similar to the one in this picture if possible: X

If you need to simplify the Flightsuit, that'd be fine!

A fully shaded fully colored waist-Up with Not Sketchy lines is 200kt
(base + lines + colors + shading + waist-up)

200kt/1g:900t = 222g

Earth flight: 10% off!

10% of 222 = 22

So I believe the total comes out to 200g


I've got a Ysoki (ratfolk) Character named Skyrocket I'd like a fully shaded fully colored waist-Up with Not Sketchy lines for.

Her coloration would match up pretty well to this picture: X

I'd like her to be wearing a toolbelt and a flight suit similar to the one in this picture if possible: X

If you need to simplify the Flightsuit, that'd be fine!

A fully shaded fully colored waist-Up with Not Sketchy lines is 200kt
(base + lines + colors + shading + waist-up)

200kt/1g:900t = 222g

Earth flight: 10% off!

10% of 222 = 22

So I believe the total comes out to 200g
@NotQuiteToxic Got it! If I have any questions about the design I'll ask if that's ok with you =)
@NotQuiteToxic Got it! If I have any questions about the design I'll ask if that's ok with you =)
sounds great, thank you!
sounds great, thank you!