[quote=Rari from 2024]Keeping this thread for archival purposes, feel free to look around at my old art if you want to I suppose. Come say hello if you commissioned me here before, check out [u][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/art/3367402]my new art shop[/url][/u] with new artworks and my improvements![/quote]
[color=darkred][size=7][b]Welcome to
[size=5]Rari's Art Shop![/b][/size][/color][/size]
[LIST]Human-looking characters with mostly humanoid characteristics! Whether they are actual humans, dragons in human form, or anything similar, I'll be happy to draw them to the best of my ability!
[*][color=Peru][b]PAYMENTS ACCEPTED[/b][/color] - [img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_treasure.png[/img] & [img]http://www1.flightrising.com/static/layout/icon_gems.png[/img]
[*]Please ping!! I am not subscribed, I was getting too many notifications.
[*]I won't do content unapproved by the Flight Rising team! eg. Pornographic, extremely violent, or gory images.
[*]No claiming, tracing or stealing of my art.
[*]Crediting and linking back is appreciated but not necessary! If you do, I'd prefer crediting to my instagram @Rari0516; thank you!!
[*][b]Thank you for your understanding![/b]
Below is what I need you to mention!! Not exactly a form so just do whatever format you want. Send through a post or into my private messages, whichever you prefer.
[b]please draw this thing:[/b]
insert references/links to references here.
if I don't know what pose to give them,
they're gonna stand generically and look at the camera
[b]this is what I'm sending you:[/b]
treasure, gems, items or d) mixed of the above??
[b]permission to upload to social media:[/b]
yes or no (see below for more details)
[size=2][color=grey][s][b]optional:[/b] LET ME INTO YOUR PINGLIST <3[/s][/color][/size]
[size=2]Note that I'll only take a maximum of two characters per slot and will request the payment beforehand. (In full or partial depending on the customer).
Social media just means I'll be sharing it on Instagram, Facebook or tossing it into art channels in the discord servers I'm in. I know some people might want to keep it to themselves, but I also like sharing my work. Let me know if I can tag you in the posts![/size]
Once your piece is finished, you'll be pinged once again to a post in this thread with the finished piece!
[size=2]This was previously done through private messages so you can't see any of the fullsizes of my earlier works before this change was implemented.[/size]
[color=darkred][size=6][b]Slots [Maximum 4][/b][/size]
• Xairathan [paid]
• MythicalViper [paid]
• tidecaller
• Xolrit
• macaroni33
• ElysianJewels
• Xairathan
• PennyLane
• Pleasant
• belphekit
• Disillusionist
[b]Thank you for commissioning me![/b]
Rari from 2024 wrote:
Keeping this thread for archival purposes, feel free to look around at my old art if you want to I suppose. Come say hello if you commissioned me here before, check out
my new art shop with new artworks and my improvements!
Welcome to
Rari's Art Shop!
Below is what I need you to mention!! Not exactly a form so just do whatever format you want. Send through a post or into my private messages, whichever you prefer.
please draw this thing:
insert references/links to references here.
if I don't know what pose to give them,
they're gonna stand generically and look at the camera
this is what I'm sending you:
treasure, gems, items or d) mixed of the above??
permission to upload to social media:
yes or no (see below for more details)
Note that I'll only take a maximum of two characters per slot and will request the payment beforehand. (In full or partial depending on the customer).
Social media just means I'll be sharing it on Instagram, Facebook or tossing it into art channels in the discord servers I'm in. I know some people might want to keep it to themselves, but I also like sharing my work. Let me know if I can tag you in the posts!
Once your piece is finished, you'll be pinged once again to a post in this thread with the finished piece!
This was previously done through private messages so you can't see any of the fullsizes of my earlier works before this change was implemented.
Slots [Maximum 4]
• Xairathan [paid]
• MythicalViper [paid]
• tidecaller
• Xolrit
• macaroni33
• ElysianJewels
• Xairathan
• PennyLane
• Pleasant
• belphekit
• Disillusionist
Thank you for commissioning me!
[color=darkred][size=7][b]Options & Prices[/b][/size][/color]
Gem to treasure conversion: 1g=1000t
[color=darkred][b]Non-visual References/Designing Prices:[/b][/color]
Simple = +100kt/g • Complicated = +250kt/g
i feel shy looking at the art i used for my examples so i'm hiding them for now ;')
Options & Prices
Gem to treasure conversion: 1g=1000t
Non-visual References/Designing Prices:
Simple = +100kt/g • Complicated = +250kt/g
i feel shy looking at the art i used for my examples so i'm hiding them for now ;')
Tell me if you'd like to be added!
You'll be pinged when new options/styles are available, any significant news such as drastic price changes and open slots!
[quote=General Pinglist]
ladylilitu mystiki sunbell FadingMist Cyrsei SoulLugia11 catchingadri Astrologian dantella Xairathan Portalgunblaze Scientific Eulerian Romiress astra52 Eiyora RoyalSorceress KitsumiMahon Rubellite Neveragain X3X Phaerie howlerwolf ElysianJewels MythicalViper Mazurkas Skittyhime Eidos PheonixPonder Gilan Reefknot Disillusionist Alarkota PennyLane
To avoid spamming your alerts - I give at least 3 days between each ping. Tell me if you'd like to be an exception or would like to be removed!
[color=Darkmagenta][size=6][b]News and Updates[/b][/size][/color]
[color=mediumvioletred][b]28/05/18 Shop Opening! (1)[/b][/color]
12/06/18 Price Changes
[b]Black and White[/b]
150KT/150G → 100KT/150G
[b]Coloured Bust[/b]
200KT/250G → 250KT/250G
21/07/18 Shop Hiatus[/size]
11/09/18 Shop Revamp!
[color=mediumvioletred][b]13/09/18 Shop Reopening! (2)[/b][/color][/size]
sketch = 200kt/g
flatcolour = 300kt/g
full = 600kt/g
Multiple Characters = (Total Price) x (Number of Characters)
13/09/18 Added halfbody & fullbody option
[b]Halfbody[/b] = Bust x 1.8
[b]Fullbody[/b] = Bust x 3.4
09/09/18 Existing Gijinka Designs for sale
30/11/18 Removed dragons for sale
11/12/18 Shop Hiatus
[color=mediumvioletred][b]02/09/18 Shop Reopening (3)[/b][/color]
[b]Option 1[/b] Airbrush colouring
800kt/g Bust
1400kt/g Half body
[b]Option 2[/b] Clean colouring
700kt/g Bust
1300kt/g Half body
1700kt/g Full body
[b]Option 3[/b] Chibi
550kt/g Full body Chibi
[b]Option 4[/b] Coloured Sketches
200kt/g Bust
300kt/g halfbody
Tell me if you'd like to be added!
You'll be pinged when new options/styles are available, any significant news such as drastic price changes and open slots!
General Pinglist wrote:
ladylilitu mystiki sunbell FadingMist Cyrsei SoulLugia11 catchingadri Astrologian dantella Xairathan Portalgunblaze Scientific Eulerian Romiress astra52 Eiyora RoyalSorceress KitsumiMahon Rubellite Neveragain X3X Phaerie howlerwolf ElysianJewels MythicalViper Mazurkas Skittyhime Eidos PheonixPonder Gilan Reefknot Disillusionist Alarkota PennyLane
To avoid spamming your alerts - I give at least 3 days between each ping. Tell me if you'd like to be an exception or would like to be removed!
News and Updates
28/05/18 Shop Opening! (1)
12/06/18 Price Changes
Black and White
150KT/150G → 100KT/150G
Coloured Bust
200KT/250G → 250KT/250G
21/07/18 Shop Hiatus[/size]
11/09/18 Shop Revamp!
13/09/18 Shop Reopening! (2)[/size]
sketch = 200kt/g
flatcolour = 300kt/g
full = 600kt/g
Multiple Characters = (Total Price) x (Number of Characters)
13/09/18 Added halfbody & fullbody option
Halfbody = Bust x 1.8
Fullbody = Bust x 3.4
09/09/18 Existing Gijinka Designs for sale
30/11/18 Removed dragons for sale
11/12/18 Shop Hiatus
02/09/18 Shop Reopening (3)
Option 1 Airbrush colouring
800kt/g Bust
1400kt/g Half body
Option 2 Clean colouring
700kt/g Bust
1300kt/g Half body
1700kt/g Full body
Option 3 Chibi
550kt/g Full body Chibi
Option 4 Coloured Sketches
200kt/g Bust
300kt/g halfbody
Still under construction! Thank you for checking me out by the way, I'll be getting everything up and working soon! @
Still under construction! Thank you for checking me out by the way, I'll be getting everything up and working soon! @
awesome! just wanted to make sure, ive made coding errors too. can i get a ping when youre open?
awesome! just wanted to make sure, ive made coding errors too. can i get a ping when youre open?
send a ping my way when you've gotten your shop settled ^w^
send a ping my way when you've gotten your shop settled ^w^