
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | • OnM Graphics Shop • [Hiatus]
[B]Fri., 2 • 17 • 17:[/b] Taking a break. Please don't ask for me to ping you when i reopen, I really need to focus on FR projects, and I'm extremely forgetful. Thanks for your understanding. [Center][img][/img][br][/center][center] [size=5][font=Chinese Takeaway]| [url=]Intro[/url] | [url=]Hatchery Graphics[/url] | [url=]General Graphics[/url] | | [url=]Other Services[/url] | [url=]Ordering & Slots[/url] | | [url=]Credit & Disclaimers[/url] | | [url=]FAQ & Affiliates[/url] |[/center][/font][center] [Img][/img][br] [i]Ohayou,[/i] and welcome to OnM Graphics! I enjoy making various kinds of graphics, from banners, signatures, to even hatchery graphics! I even do forum coding occasionally, and other services like photo editing and cropping~ I will always be happy to work on an order, so please take a look around if you are interested! <3 Thank you so very much for stopping by! [img][/img] [img][/img][Font=Chinese Takeaway][size=6]Rules & Terms[img][/img][br][/center][center] Always send payment after ordering![br] If you want details on to order something, look a few posts below![br] Don't ever claim the graphics as your own. No need to credit me, of course, but don't say that you made it! [Br] Please be kind! A well-mannered user may have better service from me.[br] If a graphic or something else doesn't turn out how you wanted, let me know if you want it changed![br] If I ask you a question, I expect you to reply fairly quickly.[br] If you want to start a conversation, please don't use the forums for that! I'd rather this thread not get locked~ [img][/img] [img][/img][Font=Chinese Takeaway][size=6]Discounts[img][/img][/font][/size][br] [I](Yes, they do stack, but they are not effective on bundles!)[/I] Members of the Ice Flight get [b]10% off any order![/b] Newbies from the latest registration window get [b]30% off any order![/b] Fellow Affiliates get [b]15% off any order![/b] [img][/img] [img][/img][Font=Chinese Takeaway][size=6]News & Updates[img][/img][/font][/size] [b]11/19/20[/b] - After a long while of being closed for the holidays, shop is now open! <3 [img][/img] [img][/img][Font=Chinese Takeaway][size=6]Graphic + Order Bundles[img][/img][/font][/size] Hatchery Theme Bundle - Normal: 20kt / 23g | Animated: 30kt / 33g Includes a Header, Button, Text Banners, and an optional 'Bump!' sign. Great for Hatcheries just starting out! Breeding Card Bundle - Unavailable, sorry, check back later! :3 Dragon Bio Bundle - 30kt Includes custom graphics, a Dragon Avatar, forum coding, and an optional aesthetic board. Perfect for pretty bios! [img][/img]
Fri., 2 • 17 • 17: Taking a break. Please don't ask for me to ping you when i reopen, I really need to focus on FR projects, and I'm extremely forgetful. Thanks for your understanding.


Ohayou, and welcome to OnM Graphics! I enjoy making various kinds of graphics, from banners, signatures, to even hatchery graphics! I even do forum coding occasionally, and other services like photo editing and cropping~

I will always be happy to work on an order, so please take a look around if you are interested! <3 Thank you so very much for stopping by!


JqUS6Sh.pngRules & TermsJqUS6Sh.png

Always send payment after ordering!

If you want details on to order something, look a few posts below!

Don't ever claim the graphics as your own. No need to credit me, of course, but don't say that you made it!

Please be kind! A well-mannered user may have better service from me.

If a graphic or something else doesn't turn out how you wanted, let me know if you want it changed!

If I ask you a question, I expect you to reply fairly quickly.

If you want to start a conversation, please don't use the forums for that! I'd rather this thread not get locked~



(Yes, they do stack, but they are not effective on bundles!)

Members of the Ice Flight get 10% off any order!

Newbies from the latest registration window get 30% off any order!

Fellow Affiliates get 15% off any order!


JqUS6Sh.pngNews & UpdatesJqUS6Sh.png

11/19/20 - After a long while of being closed for the holidays, shop is now open! <3


JqUS6Sh.pngGraphic + Order BundlesJqUS6Sh.png

Hatchery Theme Bundle - Normal: 20kt / 23g | Animated: 30kt / 33g

Includes a Header, Button, Text Banners, and an optional 'Bump!' sign. Great for Hatcheries just starting out!

Breeding Card Bundle - Unavailable, sorry, check back later! :3

Dragon Bio Bundle - 30kt

Includes custom graphics, a Dragon Avatar, forum coding, and an optional aesthetic board. Perfect for pretty bios!

[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Hatchery Headers[/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 6,000t -OR- 8 Gems! With Gif: 8,500t -OR- 10 Gems![/b] [img][/img][br] [Img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]Hatchery Banners[/b][/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems! With Gif: 7,000t -OR- 9 Gems![/b] [img][/img][br] [img][/img][br] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]Hatchery Buttons[/b][/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems! With Gif: 6,500t -OR- 8 Gems![/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img] [/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]Hatchery Text Banners[/b][/size][/font] *[b]General Pricing: 8,000t -OR- 10 Gems! *With Gif: 11,000t -OR- 13 Gems![/b] [size=2]*This is the total cost for all the text banners you order - you can order two and still have the same price - same as ordering seven! **[/size] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][br] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]'Bump' Signs[/b][/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems! With Gif: 6,500t -OR- 8 Gems![/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]Breeding pair cards[/font][/size][/b] --- Work in progress! As of now, they are not available, please excuse the text. I apologize for this, thank you for your patience! --- [img][/img] [img][/img]

Hatchery Headers
General Pricing: 6,000t -OR- 8 Gems!
With Gif: 8,500t -OR- 10 Gems!




Hatchery Banners

General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems!
With Gif: 7,000t -OR- 9 Gems!




Hatchery Buttons

General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems!
With Gif: 6,500t -OR- 8 Gems!



Hatchery Text Banners

*General Pricing: 8,000t -OR- 10 Gems!
*With Gif: 11,000t -OR- 13 Gems!

*This is the total cost for all the text banners you order - you can order two and still have the same price - same as ordering seven! **



'Bump' Signs

General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems!
With Gif: 6,500t -OR- 8 Gems!



Breeding pair cards
--- Work in progress! As of now, they are not available, please excuse the text. I apologize for this, thank you for your patience! ---


[center][img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Headers[/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 6,000t -OR- 8 Gems! With Gif: 8,500t -OR- 10 Gems![/b] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Banners[/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems! With Gif: 7,500t -OR- 8 Gems![/b] [img][/img][br] [img][/img][br] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Buttons[/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 4,000t -OR- 6 Gems! With Gif: 5,500 -OR- 7 Gems![/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Signatures[/size][/font] [b]General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems! With Gif: 7,000t -OR- 9 Gems![/b] [img][/img] [img][/img][br] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Mult-Link Signatures[/size][/font] [b]Horizontal: 5,000t or 9g Vertical: 9,000t or 13g[br][b] Horizontal + GIF: 8,000 or 12g Vertical + GIF: 11,000t or 15g Horizontal: [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img][img][/img] Vertical: (no preview for a vertical signature yet!) Vertical animated [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Forum Graphics[/size][/font] [b]*General Pricing: 8,000t -OR- 10 Gems! *With Gif: 9,000t -OR- 11 Gems![/b] *This is the total cost for all them - you can order two and still have the same price - same as ordering seven! ** [size=2](These are used in any sort of hub, shop (that is not a hatchery), etc.)[/size] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Custom Graphics[/size][/font] [size=2]Need a custom type of graphic for a game? Hatchery? RP? Dragon's bio? Look no further![/size] Price may vary from 5kt - 10kt -OR- 7 Gems - 12 Gems! [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img]


General Pricing: 6,000t -OR- 8 Gems!
With Gif: 8,500t -OR- 10 Gems!




General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems!
With Gif: 7,500t -OR- 8 Gems!




General Pricing: 4,000t -OR- 6 Gems!
With Gif: 5,500 -OR- 7 Gems!




General Pricing: 5,000t -OR- 7 Gems!
With Gif: 7,000t -OR- 9 Gems!




Mult-Link Signatures

Horizontal: 5,000t or 9g
Vertical: 9,000t or 13g

Horizontal + GIF: 8,000 or 12g
Vertical + GIF: 11,000t or 15g





(no preview for a vertical signature yet!)

Vertical animated


Forum Graphics

*General Pricing: 8,000t -OR- 10 Gems!
*With Gif: 9,000t -OR- 11 Gems!

*This is the total cost for all them - you can order two and still have the same price - same as ordering seven! **
(These are used in any sort of hub, shop (that is not a hatchery), etc.)




Custom Graphics
Need a custom type of graphic for a game? Hatchery? RP? Dragon's bio? Look no further!
Price may vary from 5kt - 10kt -OR- 7 Gems - 12 Gems!



[center][img][/img] [b][size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Forum Coding[/size][/font][/b] [b]2kt - 4kt, -OR- 4 Gems - Gems 6![/b][br] [columns][size=2][left][b]What is this?[/b] This is a service used to code and design your threads! I can edit your text, fonts, add and edit images, and put banners in the correct places. I will test the coding before I send you it, of course, and ask if anything needs to be edited if necessary. :3[nextcol][left][img][/img][nextcol] [b]Why pay for this?[/b] Since I have to search for pictures, sprites, swirls, etc. to use, and forum coding does take a decent amount of time, I feel like a small amount of currency would be worth all of my time. I am in no way forcing you to get it, it is completely optional of course. ^^ I thought it may help out mobile users and people who are a bit lazy to do it themselves, and I do enjoy forum coding![nextcol][img][/img][/columns][br] [b]When ordering, you have to tell me what theme you want, give me the text you will use for it (or just tell me you'll add it once I'm done), and what goes where~[/b] Examples can be found [url=]here[/url], [url=]here, and [url=]here![/url] [img][/img] [b][size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Photo Editing[/size][/font] 2kt -OR- 4 Gems![/b] I can edit a photo to fit a theme![/center] [img][/img][center] I can take any image and crop it into any size! (I can crop gifs, too!) [img][/img] [img][/img] [b][size=6][font=Chinese Takeaway]Dragon 'Avatars'[/size][/font][/b] [b]Full-size - 10kt -OR- 12 Gems! Medium-size - 6kt -OR- 8 Gems! Small-size - 4kt -OR- 6 Gems![/b] [b]What are these?[/b] Icons with your Dragons! They can have customized backgrounds, text, and come in all sizes, and custom ones on request! They are perfect for bios. :3 [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] [img][/img] ---

Forum Coding

2kt - 4kt, -OR- 4 Gems - Gems 6!

What is this?

This is a service used to code and design your threads! I can edit your text, fonts, add and edit images, and put banners in the correct places. I will test the coding before I send you it, of course, and ask if anything needs to be edited if necessary. :3
Why pay for this?

Since I have to search for pictures, sprites, swirls, etc. to use, and forum coding does take a decent amount of time, I feel like a small amount of currency would be worth all of my time. I am in no way forcing you to get it, it is completely optional of course. ^^ I thought it may help out mobile users and people who are a bit lazy to do it themselves, and I do enjoy forum coding!

When ordering, you have to tell me what theme you want, give me the text you will use for it (or just tell me you'll add it once I'm done), and what goes where~

Examples can be found here, here, and here!


Photo Editing

2kt -OR- 4 Gems!

I can edit a photo to fit a theme!


I can take any image and crop it into any size! (I can crop gifs, too!)



Dragon 'Avatars'

Full-size - 10kt -OR- 12 Gems!
Medium-size - 6kt -OR- 8 Gems!
Small-size - 4kt -OR- 6 Gems!

What are these? Icons with your Dragons! They can have customized backgrounds, text, and come in all sizes, and custom ones on request! They are perfect for bios. :3





[center][img][/img][br] Slots are used to determine what players I have orders from. I normally do them in order, but sometimes I may get shorter ones done first! [size=5][font=Chinese Takeaway][b]Slots[/b][/size] [b](1)[/b] [b](2)[/b] [b](3)[/b] [b](4)[/b] [b](5)[/b] [img][/img] [b]Waitlist~[/b] @ Airaly @ @ @ DivineLush when breeding cards are available [img][/img] [size=4][b]To place an order, please fill out this necessary sheet, or include the information in your text:[/b] [quote][center]Graphic/Bundle/Other: Size: Preferred Payment: Details of the Requested Graphic: Questions, Comments, or Concerns?: [/quote] [b]Here is an example of a filled out sheet:[/b] [quote=Example Customer][center]Graphic Type: Hatchery Banner Size: The size of your second banner, or around that. Preferred Payment: Gems! Details of the Requested Graphic: I would like it to include my two Dragons, (pictures of Dragons) and have a dark/cold kind of vibe, with some kind of moon background. And text saying, "Marble Town Hatchery", in any font (though I'd really like something close to New Times Roman!). Questions, Comments, or Concerns?: I was wondering if you could take more than one order? That's it, though! Thanks![/quote] [b]Please understand that I will not be doing orders that have the following:[/b] Contain religious views, political views, personal views of gender and the like (won't be doing pride banners, or signatures/forum coding that includes that, sorry), profanity, heavy amounts of gore, inappropriate or suggestive content, and/or anything that breaks FR's Code of Conduct or rules in general. If you need one of those things listed, then please look for someone else. I refuse to do them for personal matters and my beliefs. Thank you. [br] [img][/img]

Slots are used to determine what players I have orders from. I normally do them in order, but sometimes I may get shorter ones done first!









@ Airaly @ @

@ DivineLush when breeding cards are available


To place an order, please fill out this necessary sheet, or include the information in your text:

Preferred Payment:
Details of the Requested Graphic:
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?:

Here is an example of a filled out sheet:
Example Customer wrote:
Graphic Type: Hatchery Banner
Size: The size of your second banner, or around that.
Preferred Payment: Gems!
Details of the Requested Graphic:

I would like it to include my two Dragons,

(pictures of Dragons)

and have a dark/cold kind of vibe, with some kind of moon background. And text saying, "Marble Town Hatchery", in any font (though I'd really like something close to New Times Roman!).
Questions, Comments, or Concerns?: I was wondering if you could take more than one order? That's it, though! Thanks!

Please understand that I will not be doing orders that have the following:

Contain religious views, political views, personal views of gender and the like (won't be doing pride banners, or signatures/forum coding that includes that, sorry), profanity, heavy amounts of gore, inappropriate or suggestive content, and/or anything that breaks FR's Code of Conduct or rules in general.

If you need one of those things listed, then please look for someone else. I refuse to do them for personal matters and my beliefs. Thank you.

[center][img][/img] Hey there! :3 This is just a little disclaimer for this shop~ You don't really have to read it, but it's here to let you know the ownership and use of the graphics, as well as my own. For the programs I use: GIMP 2.8 Inkscape 0.98 Krita Sumo Paint (Online, free version) Free Online GIF Editor Pixlr (Online) Imgur Cool Text (Online)[br] ----------- Disclaimer for use: [Size=2]I do NOT claim or own absolutely [u]any[/u] backgrounds, swirls, FR images, text, and many other things [u]unless otherwise stated.[/u] I use only for FR currency and personal use, and I will [b]not[/b] use these for real world currency, trading, or personal real life gain in any way. I only put the images together, add something I made, and do other things to enhance the image. I resize things, recolor images, and the like, but I do not wish to harm or hurt anyone in doing so. I expect you to do the same, as a buyer. I made the images by putting them together, so I have the right to show them off on threads and other websites. You are free to do that with your purchased graphics as well, but please understand that I have the absolute right to do as I stated, and that you do not have any right to claim these are as your own. Thank you for reading this.[br] [img][/img]

Hey there! :3 This is just a little disclaimer for this shop~ You don't really have to read it, but it's here to let you know the ownership and use of the graphics, as well as my own.

For the programs I use:

GIMP 2.8
Inkscape 0.98
Sumo Paint (Online, free version)
Free Online GIF Editor
Pixlr (Online)
Cool Text (Online)

Disclaimer for use:

I do NOT claim or own absolutely any backgrounds, swirls, FR images, text, and many other things unless otherwise stated.

I use only for FR currency and personal use, and I will not use these for real world currency, trading, or personal real life gain in any way. I only put the images together, add something I made, and do other things to enhance the image. I resize things, recolor images, and the like, but I do not wish to harm or hurt anyone in doing so.

I expect you to do the same, as a buyer. I made the images by putting them together, so I have the right to show them off on threads and other websites. You are free to do that with your purchased graphics as well, but please understand that I have the absolute right to do as I stated, and that you do not have any right to claim these are as your own. Thank you for reading this.


[center][img][/img][br] [Size=2][b]Wait a second - I recognize you! Didn't you make graphics/try them out before or something?[/b] I did! I was making free graphics for everyone in Creative Corner. :3 I did it to gain some practice, and it helped a bit!^^ I know most of the players liked it because I didn't charge, but I've had some that really enjoyed my banners. I decided to open a shop so that I could make a little treasure here and there, since I don't always have time to go farm in the Coli or go into the Fairgrounds.^^ Plus it's fun! [B]What does 'Okami no Momo' mean, exactly? [/b] It means 'wolf peach' in Japanese! It's not a real thing, of course, but I love wolves and also peaches, so I thought why not? [b]I'm learning how to make graphics, and I was wondering what programs you use...?[/b] Look at the post before! It's got all my programs listed. :D [b]Hey, I noticed that my graphic has a floating pixel/design that seems wrong! Can I get a refund?[/b] Sorry - I only do refunds for custom graphics! If you have a design that's wrong, or something actually wrong with it, I will fix it for you - for free! Just please do it less than a month than you ordered it, as I most likely deleted the original files.[br] --------------------[br] [center][img][/img][br] My button for crediting me: [url=][img][/img][/url] [code][center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/code][br] [color=transparent]Some awesome shops to check out! <3[/color] ...nothing yet~ [img][/img] Now open! <3 Feel free to post!

Wait a second - I recognize you! Didn't you make graphics/try them out before or something?

I did! I was making free graphics for everyone in Creative Corner. :3 I did it to gain some practice, and it helped a bit!^^ I know most of the players liked it because I didn't charge, but I've had some that really enjoyed my banners. I decided to open a shop so that I could make a little treasure here and there, since I don't always have time to go farm in the Coli or go into the Fairgrounds.^^ Plus it's fun!

What does 'Okami no Momo' mean, exactly?

It means 'wolf peach' in Japanese! It's not a real thing, of course, but I love wolves and also peaches, so I thought why not?

I'm learning how to make graphics, and I was wondering what programs you use...?

Look at the post before! It's got all my programs listed. :D

Hey, I noticed that my graphic has a floating pixel/design that seems wrong! Can I get a refund?

Sorry - I only do refunds for custom graphics! If you have a design that's wrong, or something actually wrong with it, I will fix it for you - for free! Just please do it less than a month than you ordered it, as I most likely deleted the original files.


My button for crediting me:

[center] [url=][img][/img][/url]

Some awesome shops to check out! <3

...nothing yet~

Now open! <3 Feel free to post!
@SakuraOkami7 Do you do signatures and all the other stuff for hatcheries like the "affiliate" "dragons for sale" little banner things? I would love to get it done by you! Also, I love Inuyasha!
@SakuraOkami7 Do you do signatures and all the other stuff for hatcheries like the "affiliate" "dragons for sale" little banner things? I would love to get it done by you! Also, I love Inuyasha!
Leaving FR for right now! Just so you know!

I don't have them listed, but yes, I do! Just fill in the details in the order sheet above, and I'll get started on them.^^ Since you're my first customer and still quite new to FR, how about... 5kt for everything? This includes the graphics, and the banner/heading if you would like that also. :3

(And that's awesome about InuYasha - it's my favorite Anime actually!)

I don't have them listed, but yes, I do! Just fill in the details in the order sheet above, and I'll get started on them.^^ Since you're my first customer and still quite new to FR, how about... 5kt for everything? This includes the graphics, and the banner/heading if you would like that also. :3

(And that's awesome about InuYasha - it's my favorite Anime actually!)
@SakuraOkami7 Ahh I'm super sorry to say I got someone to do my graphics for me already :O Although, thank you so much for the offer :D I'll defiantly come to you if I need anything though ^-^

(Also hahah it was one of the first anime I watched)
@SakuraOkami7 Ahh I'm super sorry to say I got someone to do my graphics for me already :O Although, thank you so much for the offer :D I'll defiantly come to you if I need anything though ^-^

(Also hahah it was one of the first anime I watched)
Leaving FR for right now! Just so you know!