Username and ID: wildgrapevine, 192980
Style(s) and Number of Each: Style B
Dragons Being Written For:
- GingerCream is my birthday dragon from last year, so not really an idea but I'm sure that will give some inspiration. Possibly something to do with baking natural sweets for clan birthdays?
"Must Be Included" Details:
- Soot is the clan's blacksmith.
Total Cost: 75kt
Username and ID: wildgrapevine, 192980
Style(s) and Number of Each: Style B
Dragons Being Written For:

- GingerCream is my birthday dragon from last year, so not really an idea but I'm sure that will give some inspiration. Possibly something to do with baking natural sweets for clan birthdays?
"Must Be Included" Details:
- Soot is the clan's blacksmith.
Total Cost: 75kt
Username and ID: Azlynn, 32779
Style(s) and Number of Each: 2 A
Dragons Being Written For:
Lysander &
Ideas?: Lysander - stage actor, performs plays with his mate, Imogen.
Olivier - doctor/herb witch, adept at healing, blind but can sense energies/smell sickness
"Must Be Included" Details: everything above, anything else is up to you
Total Cost: 30K - 10% discount =
Username and ID: Azlynn, 32779
Style(s) and Number of Each: 2 A
Dragons Being Written For:
Lysander &
Ideas?: Lysander - stage actor, performs plays with his mate, Imogen.
Olivier - doctor/herb witch, adept at healing, blind but can sense energies/smell sickness
"Must Be Included" Details: everything above, anything else is up to you
Total Cost: 30K - 10% discount =
Username and ID: Maike #819
Style(s) and Number of Each: style C with coding
Dragons Being Written For: [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=27513048]
Ideas?: He has a sliver of lore to go off of in his bio.
"Must Be Included" Details: not really. the secret can be what you think will fit him.
Total Cost: 45k?
Username and ID: Maike #819
Style(s) and Number of Each: style C with coding
Dragons Being Written For:

Ideas?: He has a sliver of lore to go off of in his bio.
"Must Be Included" Details: not really. the secret can be what you think will fit him.
Total Cost: 45k?
wildgrapevine @
Azlynn @
Sorry for the delay! Spending time with family has kept me offline, but we're good now. PMing all of you shortly with completion estimates! :)
wildgrapevine @
Azlynn @
Sorry for the delay! Spending time with family has kept me offline, but we're good now. PMing all of you shortly with completion estimates! :)
Antlrs @
SilentPrincess28 @
Rukair @
Azlynn @
Kawaii @
Kiragami @
Tytowolf @
wildgrapevine @
Maike @
mummy @
Fawnna @
Hi again, folks! I'm doing another short round before my spring break ends. Three important things, though!
1. There are only TWO slots.
2. First come, first serve, as usual.
3. If you got a slot during my last open round, I would appreciate it if you waited 24 hours from the time of this post before filling out an order form. If there's still a slot open after that point, then you're welcome to it. This is just so a variety of folks can get bios because I know time zones make it difficult for some people.
Anyways, hope everyone's having a good day! :)
Antlrs @
SilentPrincess28 @
Rukair @
Azlynn @
Kawaii @
Kiragami @
Tytowolf @
wildgrapevine @
Maike @
mummy @
Fawnna @
Hi again, folks! I'm doing another short round before my spring break ends. Three important things, though!
1. There are only TWO slots.
2. First come, first serve, as usual.
3. If you got a slot during my last open round, I would appreciate it if you waited 24 hours from the time of this post before filling out an order form. If there's still a slot open after that point, then you're welcome to it. This is just so a variety of folks can get bios because I know time zones make it difficult for some people.
Anyways, hope everyone's having a good day! :)
[b]Username and ID[/b]: Kiragami#159040
[b]Style(s) and Number of Each[/b]: 1 style b
[b]Dragons Being Written For[/b]:
[b]Ideas?[/b]: ok so: p average upbringing, and got into this guild/group of paladins (paladins in general or gladekeepers/some other gods paladins?), and became one. and she was [i]super[/i] into this divine justice/retribution stuff. anyways, probably got carried away and did stuff not quite up to paladin-lawful-good standards. not suuuuper shady but think lawful neutral/neutral good.
so she gets kicked out disgracefully but! she still wants to be a paladin. decides to become a (unofficial) paladin for hire. divine goods and services + no questions asked. probably just hangs around in the frok for a place to stay, on the condition that she'd provide free services if needed.
b a s i c a l l y (my hc's for paladins in sorneith) besides the whole religion/worship/mage/bein a holy knight stuff, the work aspect of paladins is 'Beating Back The Shade™'. think: shade exorcisms, purifying areas, protective charms, etc.
[b]"Must Be Included" Details[/b]: ((basically the above but i didn't want to seem like it was really strict))
Total Cost: 25kt
Username and ID: Kiragami#159040
Style(s) and Number of Each: 1 style b
Dragons Being Written For:
Ideas?: ok so: p average upbringing, and got into this guild/group of paladins (paladins in general or gladekeepers/some other gods paladins?), and became one. and she was
super into this divine justice/retribution stuff. anyways, probably got carried away and did stuff not quite up to paladin-lawful-good standards. not suuuuper shady but think lawful neutral/neutral good.
so she gets kicked out disgracefully but! she still wants to be a paladin. decides to become a (unofficial) paladin for hire. divine goods and services + no questions asked. probably just hangs around in the frok for a place to stay, on the condition that she'd provide free services if needed.
b a s i c a l l y (my hc's for paladins in sorneith) besides the whole religion/worship/mage/bein a holy knight stuff, the work aspect of paladins is 'Beating Back The Shade™'. think: shade exorcisms, purifying areas, protective charms, etc.
"Must Be Included" Details: ((basically the above but i didn't want to seem like it was really strict))
Total Cost: 25kt
Can i claim this spot quick and write what i'd like?
I'll wait for next time around, as the person below me had theirs ready :)
Can i claim this spot quick and write what i'd like?
I'll wait for next time around, as the person below me had theirs ready :)
[s]I think I got ninja'd. Oh well ^^;
[b]Username and ID:[/b] Tyeth, #24864
[b]Style(s) and Number of Each:[/b] Style B: Average Bio (no coding)
[b]Dragons Being Written For:[/b]
I mean, his bio currently has four words to describe him: Strong - Honorable - Neat - Thoughtful
He's the lead builder of the clan, and mate to [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=lair&tab=dragon&id=24864&did=526219]Misu[/url], whom is the lead warrior/Strategic Advisor of the clan. Apart from that he is pretty much a blank canvas. However, if you'd rather have more ideas, give me a poke.
[b]"Must Be Included" Details: [/b] It's fairly important that he is very strong to his moral beliefs and does not do something he believes to be immoral.
[b]Total Cost:[/b] 25kT
I think I got ninja'd. Oh well ^^;
Username and ID: Tyeth, #24864
Style(s) and Number of Each: Style B: Average Bio (no coding)
Dragons Being Written For:

I mean, his bio currently has four words to describe him: Strong - Honorable - Neat - Thoughtful
He's the lead builder of the clan, and mate to
Misu, whom is the lead warrior/Strategic Advisor of the clan. Apart from that he is pretty much a blank canvas. However, if you'd rather have more ideas, give me a poke.
"Must Be Included" Details: It's fairly important that he is very strong to his moral beliefs and does not do something he believes to be immoral.
Total Cost: 25kT
Kiragami - Messaging you shortly!
Mue - Yep, they're quick. Would you like a ping next time I'm open, though?
Tyeth - Mue noticed you're already set to go, so you're in. c: Messaging you with a completion estimate in a couple minutes here.
Kiragami - Messaging you shortly!
Mue - Yep, they're quick. Would you like a ping next time I'm open, though?
Tyeth - Mue noticed you're already set to go, so you're in. c: Messaging you with a completion estimate in a couple minutes here.