
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | Writing! Bios/Lore/Stories/ (CLOSED)
@Vilte Type: Bio Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs. Description: Same deal as usual. Abel's a servant. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Type: Bio
Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs.
Description: Same deal as usual. Abel's a servant.

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@Vilte Type: Bio Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs. Description: Same deal as usual. Bertrand is a Thief-Catcher, a dragon that goes and tracks down criminals/bandits/thieves, either for money or other reasons. They're essentially skilled trackers and know their way around in the underworld of scum. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Type: Bio
Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs.
Description: Same deal as usual. Bertrand is a Thief-Catcher, a dragon that goes and tracks down criminals/bandits/thieves, either for money or other reasons. They're essentially skilled trackers and know their way around in the underworld of scum.

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Open and waiting for commissions!
Open and waiting for commissions!
@Vilte Hello! Quick question, do you do artistic freedom bios? ((For example: I have a dragon that I really adore but no ideas/no role for. Is it possible that you create a story for him and create a personality to go along with him? I'm willing to pay more than the Long/Complex price if needed. ^^
Also! Do you take multiple bios at a time (2 dragon wise)?
@Vilte Hello! Quick question, do you do artistic freedom bios? ((For example: I have a dragon that I really adore but no ideas/no role for. Is it possible that you create a story for him and create a personality to go along with him? I'm willing to pay more than the Long/Complex price if needed. ^^
Also! Do you take multiple bios at a time (2 dragon wise)?

The answer is yes to both!

The answer is yes to both!
[font=Century Gothic]@Vilte YAY! -throws confetti- [b]1st dragon[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Type[/b]: Bio [b]Approximate Length[/b]: Since it is Artistic Freedom I don't have a set length. Although, try to keep it at least under a Long/Complex please! [b]Description[/b]: Artistic Freedom to the max here~ All I have to say is he is a tripled gene gen1, no kids, ice element, and may be changed to a pearlcatcher in the future! ------ [b]2nd dragons[/b]: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [font=Century Gothic][b]Type[/b]: Bio + Short Story [b]Approximate Length[/b]: Medium (5-8 paragraphs) [b]Description[/b]: She is a scout/messenger. Very bubbly and happy! She loves to run around and can barely keep still. In constant motion. She is a gen1 and never knew her parents. Looked down as a misfit due to her personality (seems annoying) and her size (nocs are normally seen rather small while she towers even some Wildclaws in the lair). She never dwells on herself for long. Loves to make new friends and talk. Raised by [url=]RegenWolken[/url] and [url=]Tulpa[/url] who love her like she was their own daughter. Always followed and protected by her familiar (brother) Polarfreeze Defender[/font]
@Vilte YAY! -throws confetti-
1st dragon:

Type: Bio
Approximate Length: Since it is Artistic Freedom I don't have a set length. Although, try to keep it at least under a Long/Complex please!
Description: Artistic Freedom to the max here~ All I have to say is he is a tripled gene gen1, no kids, ice element, and may be changed to a pearlcatcher in the future!

2nd dragons:


Type: Bio + Short Story
Approximate Length: Medium (5-8 paragraphs)
Description: She is a scout/messenger. Very bubbly and happy! She loves to run around and can barely keep still. In constant motion. She is a gen1 and never knew her parents. Looked down as a misfit due to her personality (seems annoying) and her size (nocs are normally seen rather small while she towers even some Wildclaws in the lair). She never dwells on herself for long. Loves to make new friends and talk. Raised by RegenWolken and Tulpa who love her like she was their own daughter. Always followed and protected by her familiar (brother) Polarfreeze Defender

Great, I'll get started right away. Before I do:

1. I know you said Artistic freedom for Sin, but is there any general information I should know? About your lore, lair, how your clan works? Basically is there any background info to provide a setting for his personality and life?

2. What is the plot of the short story for Zireael? or is that artistic freedom too?

Great, I'll get started right away. Before I do:

1. I know you said Artistic freedom for Sin, but is there any general information I should know? About your lore, lair, how your clan works? Basically is there any background info to provide a setting for his personality and life?

2. What is the plot of the short story for Zireael? or is that artistic freedom too?
@Vilte My clan really doesn't have a set lore... I mean, every member has their role/job. Clan life is relaxed for the most part, although to stay you must have a job and work. It is extremely protective of borders. The lair is accepting of everyone (including runaways, travelers, ect.) It's a huge meltingpot of different personalities. Acts as a community, not everyone gets along but in the end, they will work together if needed. I hope this help a little bit!
And the short story is artistic freedom as well! ^^
@Vilte My clan really doesn't have a set lore... I mean, every member has their role/job. Clan life is relaxed for the most part, although to stay you must have a job and work. It is extremely protective of borders. The lair is accepting of everyone (including runaways, travelers, ect.) It's a huge meltingpot of different personalities. Acts as a community, not everyone gets along but in the end, they will work together if needed. I hope this help a little bit!
And the short story is artistic freedom as well! ^^
@Vilte Type: Bio Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs. Description: Same deal as usual. He is a Vicomte, like Basile. [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Type: Bio
Approximate Length: 3-4 paragraphs.
Description: Same deal as usual. He is a Vicomte, like Basile.

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