
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [S] Colored Gijinka Busts [Hiatus]
1 2 ... 30 31 32 33 34 ... 46 47
@Florescent You are the first person to do him absolute justice when drawing him! Thank you so much! O wO I LOVE it!

I'm sending payment right away!
@Florescent You are the first person to do him absolute justice when drawing him! Thank you so much! O wO I LOVE it!

I'm sending payment right away!
@ulcerate Your order is ready! Please send payment as soon as you can :O
@ulcerate Your order is ready! Please send payment as soon as you can :O
@Florescent May I be put on your ping list? u///u
@Florescent May I be put on your ping list? u///u
@lumin sure! I'll add you in right now :D
@lumin sure! I'll add you in right now :D
@burningdarkfire @Lucatri @Rhamnus @ulcerate @Syncopatles @Sei @mikareep @Yachi @Drachenschwinge @Rocketshipkuro @Zieu @keraunic @lumin
2 slots open :>>
@burningdarkfire @Lucatri @Rhamnus @ulcerate @Syncopatles @Sei @mikareep @Yachi @Drachenschwinge @Rocketshipkuro @Zieu @keraunic @lumin
2 slots open :>>
@Florescent YASS GIMME. could I get a gem slot please? [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her ref is [url=]here[/url] but I'm not that satisfied with it so you don't have to follow it 100%, and if you could make the hair look more like [url=]this[/url] that'd be great and I'll gladly pay extra!! (I dislike that movie but dang Alice has some great-looking hair choices)

YASS GIMME. could I get a gem slot please?


Her ref is here but I'm not that satisfied with it so you don't have to follow it 100%, and if you could make the hair look more like this that'd be great and I'll gladly pay extra!! (I dislike that movie but dang Alice has some great-looking hair choices)
I've been staring at your signature the past few days and i finally gave in, do you think i could order a bust? :Sc
I've been staring at your signature the past few days and i finally gave in, do you think i could order a bust? :Sc
1186.png1185.pngexport.png export.png export.png1187.png1188.png
@Lucatri k00l I'll put you back on the list >:)

@sharkboy13 yeah of course! PS these commissions are def a different style than the ones on my sig :O
I just drew them so cute and I really wanted to put them somewhere T~T
@Lucatri k00l I'll put you back on the list >:)

@sharkboy13 yeah of course! PS these commissions are def a different style than the ones on my sig :O
I just drew them so cute and I really wanted to put them somewhere T~T

would it cost extra or just 100kt? :p

would it cost extra or just 100kt? :p
@Lucatri No extra charge 100kt is fine !
@Lucatri No extra charge 100kt is fine !
1 2 ... 30 31 32 33 34 ... 46 47